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This paper presents closed form expressions linking the ultimate bearing capacity to the ultimate curvature of rectangular RC sections subjected to axial load and bending moment acting in one of the two symmetry planes of the section. With respect to possible simplified formulations the following effects are also considered: confinement of the concrete, hardening of the longitudinal reinforcement, and presence of reinforcing bars distributed orthogonally to the neutral axis. The formulation is proposed in dimensional terms after a preliminary definition of the geometrical and mechanical parameters governing the structural response of the class of sections considered. The analytical expressions derived using the proposed approach also allow one to determine the compression level that makes the ultimate bending moment maximum as well as to evaluate the curvature corresponding to the first yielding of the principal reinforcement in tension. Comparing this value of curvature with the ultimate one, an approximate estimation of the available ductility of curvature of the section can be made. The analytical procedure is validated by comparing the results with those obtained using a typical numerical approach. Some experimental results are also considered.  相似文献   
In this paper, we study the relationship between atmospheric parameters (i.e., temperature and humidity) and radon data. We use the linear Granger causality in order to observe possible connections, on short and mid time scale periods, between radon time series and meteorological parameters that strongly influence radon emissions. The analysis suggests radon emission is not affected by these atmospheric parameters on short periods, while there is an evidence of Granger causality on mid periods.  相似文献   
We collected thermal infrared video of two explosive eruptions at Stromboli in June 2008 and manually traced the trajectories of 95 particles launched during two eruptions. We found that 10–15?% of the analyzed trajectories deviated from predicted curves due to collisions, causing one particle to travel horizontally more than twice as far as expected. Furthermore, we observed an oscillatory cooling behavior for the airborne pyroclasts, with a median period of 0.46?s. Measured cooling was typically much faster than model-predicted cooling with discrepancies of up to 40?% between measured cooling and theoretical modeling. We interpret the measured cooling curves as resulting from the spinning and twisting and tearing of particles during travel: the periodic re-exposing of the hotter core of the pyroclasts to the atmosphere may cause the observed oscillations, and the spinning may accelerate cooling by enhancing convective heat transfer. Current volcanic trajectory and cooling models do not account for projectile collisions, spinning, or tearing and can thus severely underestimate the maximum landing distance and cooling rates of large pyroclasts.  相似文献   
Debris flows are very important and widespread mass movements, and represent a remarkable geomorphological hazard. This research deals with debris flows in an alpine environment, studied using dendrogeomorphological dating techniques, outlining their relation with precipitation, and analysing possible changes in their frequency and intensity over time. The study area is the upper Valle del Gallo (Northern Italy), a typical high mountain environment dominated by mass wasting processes, where many debris-flow fans occupy the valley bottom. Dendrogeomorphological research was conducted on twelve of these fans and two channels located on slopes. Tree growth anomalies (abrasion scars, compression wood and abrupt growth changes) were used as dating methods. Two hundred and thirty nine debris debris-flow events between 1875 and 2003 were dated using 757 trees (Pinus montana Mill.). Analysis between dated events and precipitation suggests that debris flows in the study area could be triggered by 20–30 mm of rain concentrated in a few hours. The debris-flow frequency tends to increase gradually, but the highest value seems to have occurred in the period 1974–1983. This trend agrees with the historical occurrence of flooding events in Northern Italy as inferred by literature, and with similar studies conducted in the Swiss Alps. The results of this research are intended as a contribution for understanding the response of geomorphological processes to climatic changes.  相似文献   
A complex aeromagnetic anomaly in Southern Apennines (Italy) is analysed and interpreted by a multiscale method based on the scaling function. We use multiscale methods allowing analysis of a potential field along ridges, which are lines defined by the position of the extrema of the field at the considered scales. The method developed and applied in this paper is based on the study of the scaling function of the total magnetic field. It allows recovering of source parameters such as depth and structural index. The studied area includes a Pleistocene volcanic structure (Mt. Vulture) whose intense dipolar anomaly is superimposed on a longer wavelength regional anomaly. The interpretation of ridges of the modulus of the analytic signal at different altitude ranges allows recognition of at least three distinct sources between about 5 km and 20 km depth. Their interpretation is discussed in light of borehole data and other geophysical constraints. A reasonable geological model for these sources indicates the presence of intrusions, probably linked to the past activity of Mt. Vulture.  相似文献   
The Finero peridotite massif is a harzburgite that suffered a dramatic metasomatic enrichment resulting in the pervasive presence of amphibole and phlogopite and in the sporadic occurrence of apatite and carbonate (dolomite)-bearing domains. Pyroxenite (websterite) dykes also contain phlogopite and amphibole, but are rare. Peridotite bulk-rock composition retained highly depleted major element characteristics, but was enriched in K, Rb, Ba, Sr, LREE (light rare earth elements) (LaN/YbN = 8–17) and depleted in Nb. It has high radiogenic Sr (87Sr/86Sr(270) = 0.7055–0.7093), low radiogenic Nd (ɛNd(270) = −1 to −3) and EMII-like Pb isotopes. Two pyroxenite – peridotite sections examined in detail show the virtual absence of major and trace element gradients in the mineral phases. In both rock types, pyroxenes and olivines have the most unfertile major element composition observed in Ivrea peridotites, spinels are the richest in Cr, and amphibole is pargasite. Clinopyroxenes exhibit LREE-enriched patterns (LaN/YbN ∼16), negative Ti and Zr and generally positive Sr anomaly. Amphibole has similar characteristics, except a weak negative Sr anomaly, but incompatible element concentration ∼1.9 (Sr) to ∼7.9 (Ti) times higher than that of coexisting clinopyroxene. Marked geochemical gradients occur toward apatite and carbonate-bearing domains which are randomly distributed in both the sections examined. In these regions, pyroxenes and amphibole (edenite) are lower in mg## and higher in Na2O, and spinels and phlogopite are richer in Cr2O3. Both the mineral assemblage and the incompatible trace element characteristics of the mineral phases recall the typical signatures of “carbonatite” metasomatism (HFSE depletion, Sr, LILE and LREE enrichment). Clinopyroxene has higher REE and Sr concentrations than amphibole (amph/cpxDREE,Sr = 0.7–0.9) and lower Ti and Zr concentrations. It is proposed that the petrographic and geochemical features observed at Finero are consistent with a subduction environment. The lack of chemical gradients between pyroxenite and peridotite is explained by a model where melts derived from an eclogite-facies slab infiltrate the overhanging harzburgitic mantle wedge and, because of the special thermal structure of subduction zones, become heated to the temperature of the peridotite. If the resulting temperature is above that of the incipient melting of the hydrous peridotite system, the slab-derived melt equilibrates with the harzburgite and a crystal mush consisting of harzburgite and a silica saturated, hydrous melt is formed. During cooling, the crystal mush crystallizes producing the observed sequence of mineral phases and their observed chemical characteristics. In this context pyroxenites are regions of higher concentration of the melt in equilibrium with the harzburgite and not passage-ways through which exotic melts percolated. Only negligible chemical gradients can appear as an effect of the crystallization process, which also accounts for the high amphibole/clinopyroxene incompatible trace element ratios. The major element refractory composition is explained by an initially high peridotite/melt ratio. The apatite, carbonate-bearing domains are the result of the presence of some CO2 in the slab-derived melt. The CO2/H2O ratio in the peridotite mush increased by crystallization of hydrous phases (amphibole and phlogopite) locally resulting in the unmixing of a late carbonate fluid. The proposed scenario is consistent with subduction of probably Variscan age and with the occurrence of modal metasomatism before peridotite incorporation in the crust. Received: 20 July 1998 / Accepted: 28 October 1998  相似文献   
Agriculture is responsible for approximately 25% of anthropogenic global GHG emissions. This significant share highlights the fundamental importance of the agricultural sector in the global GHG emissions reduction challenge. This article develops and tests a methodology for the integration of agricultural and energy systems modelling. The goal of the research is to extend an energy systems modelling approach to agriculture in order to provide richer insights into the dynamics and interactions between the two (e.g. in competition for land-use). We build Agri-TIMES, an agricultural systems module using the TIMES energy systems modelling framework, to model the effect of livestock emissions and explore emissions reduction options. The research focuses on Ireland, which is an interesting test case for two reasons: first, agriculture currently accounts for about 30% of Ireland's GHG emissions, significantly higher than other industrialized countries yet comparable with global levels (here including emissions associated with other land-use change and forestation); second, Ireland is both a complete and reasonably sized agricultural system to act as a test case for this new approach. This article describes the methodology used, the data requirements, and technical assumptions made to facilitate the modelling. It also presents results to illustrate the approach and provide associated initial insights.

Policy relevance

Most of the policy focus with regard to climate mitigation targets has been on reducing energy-related CO2 emissions, which is understandable as they represent by far the largest source of emissions. Non-energy-related GHG emissions – largely from agriculture, industrial processes, and waste – have received significantly less attention in policy discourse. Going forward, however, if significant cuts are made in energy-related CO2 emissions, the role of non-energy-related GHG emissions will grow in importance. It is therefore crucial that climate mitigation analyses and strategies are not limited to the energy system. This article shows the value of using integrated energy and agriculture techno-economic modelling techniques to draw evidence for new comprehensive climate policy strategies able to discern between the full range of technical solutions available. It enables the production of economy-wide least-cost climate mitigation pathways.  相似文献   

We discuss the importance of modelling riparian vegetation and river flow interactions under differing hydrologic regimes. Modelling tools have notable implications with regard to the understanding of riverine ecosystem functioning and to promote sustainable management of water resources. We present both deterministic and stochastic approaches with different levels of simplification, and discuss their use in relation to river and vegetation dynamics at the related scale of interest. We apply such models to both meandering and braided rivers, in particular focusing on the floodplain dynamics of an alpine braided river affected by water impoundment. For this specific case we show what the expected changes in riparian vegetation may be in a ‘controlled release’ scenario for the postdam river Maggia, Switzerland. Finally, the use of these models is discussed in the context of current research efforts devoted to river restoration practice.  相似文献   
The trophic status classification of coastal waters at the European scale requires the availability of harmonised indicators and procedures. The composite trophic status index (TRIX) provides useful metrics for the assessment of the trophic status of coastal waters. It was originally developed for Italian coastal waters and then applied in many European seas (Adriatic, Tyrrhenian, Baltic, Black and Northern seas). The TRIX index does not fulfil the classification procedure suggested by the WFD for two reasons: (a) it is based on an absolute trophic scale without any normalization to type-specific reference conditions; (b) it makes an ex ante aggregation of biological (Chl-a) and physico-chemical (oxygen, nutrients) quality elements, instead of an ex post integration of separate evaluations of biological and subsequent chemical quality elements. A revisitation of the TRIX index in the light of the European Water Framework Directive (WFD, 2000/60/EC) and new TRIX derived tools are presented in this paper. A number of Italian coastal sites were grouped into different types based on a thorough analysis of their hydro-morphological conditions, and type-specific reference sites were selected. Unscaled TRIX values (UNTRIX) for reference and impacted sites have been calculated and two alternative UNTRIX-based classification procedures are discussed. The proposed procedures, to be validated on a broader scale, provide users with simple tools that give an integrated view of nutrient enrichment and its effects on algal biomass (Chl-a) and on oxygen levels. This trophic evaluation along with phytoplankton indicator species and algal blooms contribute to the comprehensive assessment of phytoplankton, one of the biological quality elements in coastal waters.  相似文献   
Modern Earthquake Risk Assessment (ERA) methods usually require seismo-tectonic information for Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Assessment (PSHA) that may not be readily available in developing countries. To bypass this drawback, this paper presents a practical event-based PSHA method that uses instrumental seismicity, available historical seismicity, as well as limited information on geology and tectonic setting. Historical seismicity is integrated with instrumental seismicity to determine the long-term hazard. The tectonic setting is included by assigning seismic source zones associated with known major faults. Monte Carlo simulations are used to generate earthquake catalogues with randomized key hazard parameters. A case study region in Pakistan is selected to demonstrate the effectiveness of the method. The results indicate that the proposed method produces seismic hazard maps consistent with previous studies, thus being suitable for generating such maps in regions where limited data are available. The PSHA procedure is developed as an integral part of an ERA framework named EQRAM. The framework is also used to determine seismic risk in terms of annual losses for the study region.  相似文献   
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