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The causes of the pronounced negative excursion in carbon-isotope values that was recorded during the Early Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event (T-OAE) are still under debate, particularly with regard to the local versus global pattern of the excursion, and the extent to which recorded signals are under a diagenetic control. In this study we employ a novel microseparation technique in order to investigate the isotopic and mineralogical characteristics of different size fractions of the carbonate content from a Toarcian section recovered from the Sancerre–Couy borehole, southern Paris Basin. Beyond the recognition of a ? 6‰ δ13C excursion in the bulk carbonate content, our data also demonstrate that biogenic particles (such as coccoliths) and inorganic grains precipitated as early diagenetic phases (including dolomite) both record the excursion with the same magnitude. Although several black shales occur through the Paris Basin Toarcian section, it is only that associated with the onset of the OAE that coincides with a large negative carbon-isotope excursion. Taken together these observations indicate that during this event, the entire water column was characterized by homogeneous carbon-isotope values; such a pattern is incompatible with the idea that the negative excursion was generated simply through the upwelling of bottom waters enriched in re-mineralized organic carbon (cf. “the Küspert model”), since this would have required a strong vertical gradient in the water column. Additionally, the Paris Basin data show that the decrease in carbonate δ13C values during the OAE occurred in several discrete steps (each of some ? 2‰), as has previously been found for organic carbon substrates in other European sections. The stepped nature of the isotopic profile, which is part of a stratigraphic signature previously ascribed to Milankovitch forcing, is compatible with regular pulsed input of light carbon into the whole atmosphere–ocean system from a climatically sensitive source such as gas hydrate, or from thermal methanogenesis of organic-rich sediments in the Karoo–Ferrar large igneous province. Contrasts in the amplitude of the negative carbon-isotope excursion on a regional scale remain an important unexplained aspect of the Toarcian record.  相似文献   
The pluri-annual variations of the earth's magnetic field in France increase their range of influence from East to West. This leads to presume a discontinuity of electric conductivities at the transition from the continental to the oceanic area.  相似文献   
Résumé Les profils sismiques réalisés en Ligurie confirment l'existence d'un accident crustal important dans la région de Savona. La vitesse apparente voisine de 7 km/s observée vers Imperia entre 10 et 12 km de profondeur pourrait être associée à l'extension possible vers le Sud de l'anomalie d'Ivrea.
Summary Seismic profiles in the Ligurian country confirm the existence of an important accident in the crust situated in the Savona region. The apparent velocity of about 7 km/s observed near Imperia and corresponding to a depth of 10–12 km could be associated with a possible southward extension of the Ivrea zone.

Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique. Institute de Physique du Globe, Université de Paris VI, 11 Quai Saint-Bernard, Paris Vo. Contribution I.P.G. N.S. no 28.  相似文献   
Water quality monitoring in Toenepi Stream, New Zealand, started in 1995 in a study of dairy farming influences on lowland stream quality and has continued since then with brief interruptions. Surveys have provided information about changes in farm and soil management practices as they relate to environmental sustainability. Although average water quality in Toenepi Stream has changed little during 1995–2004, there have been some notable improvements. Water clarity measured by black disc has improved from 0.6m to 1.5m, and median ammonia‐N and nitrate‐N concentrations have declined by 70% and 57%, respectively. The frequency and magnitude of extreme concentrations have declined—most notably for nitrogen (N) forms, which also had decreased mean values. Specific yields for suspended solids (SS) and phosphorus (P) forms in 2002–04 were 47–67% of 1995–97 values, mainly because of lower water yields. Reduced specific yields for N forms in 2002–04 (34–37% of 1995–97 yields) were also attributable to lower mean concentrations in stream water. Faecal bacteria concentrations have not abated and are on average 2–3 times recommended guideline values for contact recreation. Fewer dairy farms and an increased proportion irrigating dairyshed effluent to land, rather than discharging it to the stream via two‐pond systems, were likely causes of improvement in water quality. Water quality targets were developed for Toenepi Stream to achieve contact recreation criteria for the Piako River (downstream) and for intrinsic habitat values for Toenepi Stream. A range of mitigation measures has been formulated to meet these targets, but substantial uptake of sustainable farming practices is needed to improve water quality in Toenepi Stream.  相似文献   
作者使用激光拉曼微光谱在柴达木北缘超高压变质带与一大型榴辉岩体有关的泥质片麻岩的锆石单矿物中发现柯石英。柯石英呈包体产出。此外,还发现一些石墨包体。这发现表明曾发生原地超高压变质作用。地体很可能是在低于金刚石稳定区压力条件下结晶的。  相似文献   
The technique of calculating lattice dissociation energies using static, minimum lattice energy, ionic models has been extended to allow for multiple occupancy of the ionic sites. A particular lattice site can have a fraction x of an ionic species A and a fraction y of an ionic species B, where the position of each can be relaxed separately along with the unit cell dimensions until an equilibrium is reached. Various degrees of long and short range order can be modelled. This technique has been applied to the mineral sillimanite, Al2SiO5, to calculate the effect on the lattice energy of (Al, Si) ordering over the tetrahedral sites. It is found using this method that (Al, Si) ordering with space group Pbmn stabilizes the material by 29.25 kcal/mol (Aliv-O-Aliv), with respect to the completely disordered material.  相似文献   
The effects of Cd on the adsorption of an aquatic fulvic acid (FA) to the surface of Bacillus subtilis were investigated from pH 2.5 to 7.0, at fixed ionic strength (0.1 M NaClO4) and at ambient temperature (22 °C). Cd (14 mg/l) had no effect on FA adsorption at pH<5 but increased FA adsorption at pH>6. The effects of Cd (0, 14 mg/l) on FA adsorption to B. subtilis were further examined as a function of initial FA concentration (0–45 mg C/l) at pH 6.5. FA adsorption isotherms also were measured at pH 6.5 as a function of dissolved Cd concentration (0–14 mg/l) at three initial FA concentrations (4, 8, 22 mg C/l). At all FA concentrations studied at pH 6.5, FA adsorption increased with increasing initial total Cd concentration.

Under all studied conditions, preferential adsorption of high- to intermediate-molecular-weight FA components to B. subtilis resulted in a fractionation of the FA pool, with lower-molecular-weight components remaining in solution. At pH>6, Cd further enhanced the adsorption of high- to intermediate-molecular-weight FA components but did not significantly enhance the adsorption of lower-molecular-weight components. Hence, the overall process of adsorptive fractionation was not altered significantly by the presence of Cd.

Overall, the results of this study (1) demonstrate that FA adsorption to bacterial surfaces can be altered by the presence of a metal cation, and (2) provide further evidence that microbe–metal–ligand interactions may significantly affect the mobility and fate of natural organic matter in the subsurface.  相似文献   

Modern aragonite needles are present all along the modern leeward margin of Great Bahama Bank (ODP Leg 166), while Middle Miocene sediments contain needles only in more distal areas (Sites 1006 and 1007). In contrast to the rimmed, flat-topped platform topography during the Plio-Pleistocene, the Miocene Great Bahama Bank morphology is a carbonate ramp profile. This might imply a different location and precipitation type for Miocene aragonite needles. In this study, aragonite needles in Miocene sediments were isolated using a granulometric separation method. Furthermore, the isolation of the various carbonate components enables the identification of primary versus diagenetic components. The Miocene aragonite needles are concentrated in the finest granulometric sediment fractions (<12 μm). The fraction-specific geochemical analyses (δ13C, δ18O and Sr elemental abundance) represent useful tools to assess the possible sources of the aragonite mud. The geochemical variation of the fractions, rich in pristine aragonite needles, and the characteristics of the needle morphology point to whiting phenomena as the main sediment source and algal fragmentation as a minor component. Both components indicate shallow-water environments as the main sediment source area. Ramp-top-related fine-grained particles now present at distal sites were likely exported as suspended material similar to present-day transport mechanisms. The scarcity of needles at proximal sites is probably linked to hydrodynamic processes but dissolution and recrystallization processes cannot be excluded. The granulometric separation approach applied here enables a better characterization of the finest carbonate particles representing an important step towards the discrimination between primary and diagenetic fine-grained components.  相似文献   
Ferromanganese nodules (equivalent to Recent manganese nodules) are described from the Upper Devonian griotte (red pelagic limestone) of the Montagne Noire (S. France) and the Cephalopodenkalk of the Rheinisches Schiefergebirge, West Germany. They occur as encrustations, commonly exhibiting colloform structures, around skeletal material and limestone clasts. The nodules are associated with encrusting foraminifera and a development in the sublittoral environment is envisaged. Chemically, the ferromanganese nodules are depleted in manganese relative to iron, compared with Recent nodules, a loss which is attributed to diagenetic migration of manganese. Electron probe studies show that manganese covaries positively with calcium, but negatively with iron and silicon. Diagenetic enrichment of hematite occurs in the griotte at hardground horizons where two periods of mineralization can be established. The Devonian ferromanganese nodules show that solution of nodules has not occurred on burial.
Zusammenfassung Es werden Eisenmanganknollen (als Äquivalent zu den rezenten Manganknollen) aus dem oberdevonischen Griotte (rote pelagische Kalke) der Montagne Noir und den Cephalopoden-Kalken des Rheinischen Schiefergebirges beschrieben. Sie treten als Umkrustungen von Skeletten und Kalksteinbruchstückchen auf und zeigen gewöhnlich Kolloform-Strukturen. Die Knollen sind vergesellschaftet mit umkrusteten Foraminiferen, und es wird deshalb sublitorales Bildungsmilieu angenommen. Verglichen mit rezenten sind die oberdevonischen Knollen durch Auslaugung von Mangan relativ Eisen-angereichert, was auf diagenetische Mobilisation zurückzuführen ist. Untersuchungen mit der Mikrosonde haben gezeigt, daß Mangan und Calcium gleichläufig, Mangan und Eisen und Kieselsäure gegenläufig sind. Diagenetische Hämatit-Anreicherungen gibt es im Griotte an hardground-Horizonten; es wurden zwei Mineralisationsphasen festgestellt. Die oberdevonischen Eisenmangan-Knollen zeigen, im Gegensatz zur allgemein verbreiteten Meinung, daß sich die Knollen bei Überlagerung nicht unbedingt auflösen.

Résumé Les nodules de ferromanganèse (équivalents des nodules de manganèse de la période holocène) décrits ici proviennent de la griotte du Dévonien Supérieur (calcaire pélagique rouge) de la Montagne Noire (Sud de la France) et du calcaire à Céphalopodes du Massif Schisteux Rhénan, (Allemagne de l'Ouest). Ils se présentent comme des incrustations exhibant communément des structures colloformes autour de débris de squelettes et de matériaux clastiques calcaire. Les nodules sont associés à des foraminifères qui s'y incrustent; leur développement est conçu dans un milieu sous-littoral. Chimiquement les nodules de ferromanganèse, comparés aux nodules du manganèse de l'époque récente, sont de faible teneur en manganèse par rapport au fer, perte que l'on attribute à la migration diagénétique du manganèse. Des expériences faites à la sonde électronique montrent que le manganèse réagit positivement avec le calcium, mais négativement avec le fer et le silicium. L'enrichissement diagénétique de l'hématite se produit dans la griotte dans des zones de «hardgrounds», où deux périodes de minéralisation peuvent être constatées. Les nodules de ferromanganèse dévoniens montrent, contrairement à une opinion généralement répandue, que les nodules ne se dissolvent pas nécessairement par l'accumulation des sédiments.

— — Griotte ( ) Montagne Noir . . ; , . , . , , , . Griotte ; . , , .

Dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) is an ubiquitous, albeit poorly understood, component of the marine sulfur cycle. Conventionally, the accepted formation pathways are the photochemical and microbial oxidation of dimethylsulfide (DMS). The principal loss mechanism is thought to be via microbial transformation, either consumption or reduction to DMS. The interactions between DMSO and DMS are likely to be important in controlling sea surface concentrations of DMS, and thus DMSO could influence the role played by DMS in global climate regulation. This review examines current knowledge of the distribution of DMSO in aquatic environments and the possible link between DMSO, DMS and global climate control. Mechanisms for the formation and loss of DMSO are also considered in addition to some of the factors influencing these processes. The review also considers that DMSO may be biosynthesized by phytoplankton, representing a non‐DMS source for DMSO, and that DMSO can undergo photochemical oxidation, a potential loss mechanism for DMSO in the marine environment.  相似文献   
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