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Craig E. Divine Tracy Roth Michelle Crimi Abrahm C. DiMarco Matt Spurlin Jeff Gillow Gastón Leone 《Ground Water Monitoring & Remediation》2018,38(1):56-65
A new in‐situ remediation concept termed a Horizontal Reactive Media Treatment Well (HRX Well®) is presented that utilizes horizontal wells filled with reactive media to passively treat contaminated groundwater in‐situ. The approach involves the use of large‐diameter directionally drilled horizontal wells filled with granular reactive media generally installed parallel to the direction of groundwater flow. The design leverages natural “flow‐focusing” behavior induced by the high in‐well hydraulic conductivity of the reactive media relative to the aquifer hydraulic conductivity to passively capture and treat proportionally large volumes of groundwater within the well. Clean groundwater then exits the horizontal well along its downgradient sections. Many different types of solid granular reactive media are already available (e.g., zero valent iron, activated carbon, ion exchange resins, zeolite, apatite, chitin); therefore, this concept could be used to address a wide range of contaminants. Three‐dimensional flow and transport simulations were completed to assess the general hydraulic performance, capture zones, residence times, effects of aquifer heterogeneity, and treatment effectiveness of the concept. The results demonstrate that capture and treatment widths of up to tens of feet can be achieved for many aquifer settings, and that reductions in downgradient concentrations and contaminant mass flux are nearly immediate. For a representative example, the predicted treatment zone width for the HRX Well is approximately 27 to 44 feet, and contaminant concentrations immediately downgradient of the HRX Well decreased an order of magnitude within 10 days. A series of laboratory‐scale physical tests (i.e., tank tests) were completed that further demonstrate the concept and confirm model prediction performance. For example, the breakthrough time, peak concentration and total mass recovery of methylene blue (reactive tracer) was about 2, 35, and 20 times (respectively) less than chloride (conservative tracer) at the outlet of the tank‐scale HRX Well. 相似文献
Iestyn D. Barr Jeremy C. Ely Matteo Spagnolo Ian S. Evans Matt D. Tomkins 《地球表面变化过程与地形》2019,44(13):2628-2637
Glacial cirques are widely used palaeoenvironmental indicators, and are key to understanding the role of glaciers in shaping mountain topography. However, notable uncertainty persists regarding the rate and timing of cirque erosion. In order to address this uncertainty, we analyse the dimensions of 2208 cirques in Britain and Ireland and model ice accumulation to investigate the degree of coupling between glacier occupation times and cirque growth. Results indicate that during the last ~120 ka, cirques were glacier-free for an average of 52.0 ± 21.2 ka (43 ± 18%); occupied by small (largely cirque-confined) glaciers for 16.2 ± 9.9 ka (14 ± 8%); and occupied by large glaciers, including ice sheets, for 51.8 ± 18.6 ka (43 ± 16%). Over the entire Quaternary (i.e. 2.6 Ma), we estimate that cirques were glacier-free for 1.1 ± 0.5 Ma; occupied by small glaciers for 0.3 ± 0.2 Ma; and occupied by large glaciers for 1.1 ± 0.4 Ma. Comparing occupation times to cirque depths, and calculating required erosion rates, reveals that continuous cirque growth during glacier occupation is unlikely. Instead, we propose that cirques attained much of their size during the first occupation of a non-glacially sculpted landscape (perhaps during the timeframe of a single glacial cycle). During subsequent glacier occupations, cirque growth may have slowed considerably, with the highest rates of subglacial erosion focused during periods of marginal (small glacier) glaciation. We propose comparatively slow rates of growth following initial cirque development because a ‘least resistance’ shape is formed, and as cirques deepen, sediment becomes trapped subglacially, partly protecting the bedrock from subsequent erosion. In support of the idea of rapid cirque growth, we present evidence from northern British Columbia, where cirques of comparable size to those in Britain and Ireland developed in less than 140 ka. © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Elizabeth?J.?PetrieEmail author Manuel?Hernández-Pajares Paolo?Spalla Philip?Moore Matt?A.?King 《Surveys in Geophysics》2011,32(3):197-253
Higher order ionospheric effects are increasingly relevant as precision requirements on GPS data and products increase. The
refractive index of the ionosphere is affected by its electron content and the magnetic field of the Earth, so the carrier
phase of the GPS L1 and L2 signals is advanced and the modulated code delayed. Due to system design the polarisation is unaffected.
Most of the effect is removed by expanding the refractive index as a series and eliminating the first term with a linear combination
of the two signals. However, the higher order terms remain. Furthermore, transiting gradients in refractive index at a non-perpendicular
angle causes signal bending. In addition to the initial geometric bending term, another term allows for the difference that
the curvature makes in electron content along each signal. Varying approximations have been made for practical implementation,
mainly to avoid the need for a vertical profile of electron density. The magnetic field may be modelled as a tilted co-centric
dipole, or using more realistic models such as the International Geomagnetic Reference Field. The largest effect is from the
second term in the expansion of the refractive index. Up to several cm on L2, it particularly affects z-translation, and satellite orbits and clocks in a global network of GPS stations. The third term is at the level of the errors
in modelling the second order term, while the bending terms appear to be absorbed by tropospheric parameters. Modelling improvements
are possible, and three frequency transmissions will allow new possibilities. 相似文献
Galatius A Dietz R Rigét FF Sonne C Kinze CC Lockyer C Bossi R 《Marine pollution bulletin》2011,62(7):1476-1483
Eighty-five stranded or bycaught harbor porpoises collected from the Danish North Sea between 1980 and 2005 were analyzed for perfluorochemicals in the liver. PFOS was the predominant compound, making up on average 88.9% of the ∑PFC, followed by PFOSA (7.8%). PFUnA (1.9%) and PFDA (1.2%) were detected in most samples. PFHxS, PFNA and PFOA were only found in a minority of the samples. We found substantial differences in PFC concentrations among life history stages, the highest concentrations were found in neonates, suckling juveniles and lactating females. Such differences should be considered when PFC levels in wildlife are evaluated. The high concentrations found in young porpoises are of concern as PFCs have known toxic effects on the development of the central nervous system and reproductive organs. Despite efforts to reduce PFC emissions, a decreasing temporal trend of concentrations was not detected for any compound. PFCA concentrations were found to be increasing. 相似文献
Martin G. Shepley Nick Schmidt Matt J. Senior Stephen R. H. Worthington Ron B. Scheckenberger 《Ground water》2020,58(2):269-277
Storm sewer systems and their associated utility trenches may strongly influence the effects of urbanization on a groundwater system. This study was undertaken to identify the causes of district-wide basement infiltration in an aquitard system. It comprised widespread continuous monitoring of utility trench wells and dye tracing from storm sewer system exfiltration tests. The results indicate that a major effect of urbanization on shallow groundwater is related to storm sewer system exfiltration, which is marked by a characteristic pattern of head variations in the aquitard unrelated to distributed surface infiltration. The aquitard constrains flow from storm sewer system exfiltration to the utility trench, creating an urban flow path for groundwater discharge. Temporary buildup of water levels in the utility trench drives relatively high-velocity flow through the permeable sewer bedding material of the utility trench to a separate foundation drainage collector system, ultimately causing a severe “urban karst” effect that produces system surcharging and widespread basement water infiltration. The main conditions causing the “urban karst” are the large hydraulic conductivity ratio between the utility trench material and the aquitard, and the shallow depth and low gradient of the storm sewer system imposed by a very flat drainage basin. 相似文献
Sea levels are expected to rise as a result of global temperature increases, one implication of which is the potential exacerbation of sea water intrusion into coastal aquifers. Given that approximately 70% of the world's population resides in coastal regions, it is imperative to understand the interaction between fresh groundwater and sea water intrusion in order to best manage available resources. For this study, controlled investigation has been carried out concerning the temporal variation in sea water intrusion as a result of rising sea levels. A series of fixed inland head two‐dimensional sea water intrusion models were developed with SEAWAT in order to assess the impact of rising sea levels on the transient migration of saline intrusion in coastal aquifers under a range of hydrogeological property conditions. A wide range of responses were observed for typical hydrogeological parameter values. Systems with a high ratio of hydraulic conductivity to recharge and high effective porosity lagged behind the equilibrium sea water toe positions during sea‐level rise, often by many hundreds of meters, and frequently taking several centuries to equilibrate following a cease in sea‐level rise. Systems with a low ratio of hydraulic conductivity to recharge and low effective porosity did not develop such a large degree of disequilibrium and generally stabilized within decades following a cease in sea‐level rise. This study provides qualitative initial estimates for the expected rate of intrusion and predicted degree of disequilibrium generated by sea‐level rise for a range of hydrogeological parameter values. 相似文献
Trends in climate time series are often nonlinear and temporally-asymmetric, i.e. the trend is different for different seasons and/or hours of the day. Here a method is developed that allows the nonlinearity and temporal asymmetry of a trend to be investigated simultaneously. First, nonlinear trend components are extracted from a univariate time series, by adapting a nonparametric dimension-reduction method. Then, the nonlinear trend components are substituted into a regression model in which the periodic mean component and the periodic variation in the amplitude of the nonlinear trend are modeled using harmonic functions of the seasonal and diurnal periods. Third, trend patterns in the positive and negative anomalies are investigated, by extending the nonlinear trend model using indicator variables. Fourth, a non-local inferential test is developed to test the statistical significance of the trend patterns. The nonlinear trend model is applied to a simulated time series, as well as to long-term high-resolution temperature records from five Southern Hemisphere sites: Lucas Heights, Sydney Airport, Cape Grim, Macquarie Island and Law Dome. Our method should be generally useful for identifying the effect of both climate-related factors and observation/site-related factors on seasonal and diurnal trends in meteorological data series. 相似文献
Lewis Matt J. Palmer Tamsin Hashemi Resa Robins Peter Saulter Andrew Brown Jenny Lewis Huw Neill Simon 《Ocean Dynamics》2019,69(3):367-384
Ocean Dynamics - The combined hazard of large waves occurring at an extreme high water could increase the risk of coastal flooding. Wave-tide interaction processes are known to modulate the wave... 相似文献