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黄金莉  赵大鹏 《地震学报》2003,25(6):563-573
应用南加州地震台网记录的6 347次区域地震的146 422个P波到时数据,并结合其它地震学方法所得到的莫霍面深度资料,在考虑莫霍面起伏变化下,确定了该区0~35 km深度内的精细三维P波速度模型.检测板分辨率实验结果说明了反演结果的可靠性.该模型提供了有关区域结构的重要信息,浅层P波速度结构与地表的地质特征相关,非常准确地反映了山脉盆地、地形地貌的差异;各深度层上的速度结构表现为分块特征,反映了以大型活动断裂为界勾画出的分区,如洛杉矶盆地、文图拉盆地、莫哈韦沙漠、半岛山脉、圣华金山谷、内华达山区及思尔顿凹槽区域整体变化的特征.圣安德列斯断层成为研究区内明显的边界,几个深度层上可以看到两侧的速度存在明显的差异,而横跨该断裂的几个剖面图上则显示了位于断层西南侧的太平洋板块区域速度较高、不均匀性较大,地震活动较深;位于断层东北部的北美板块速度偏低,非均匀性稍弱,地震活动性则较弱.比较平缓莫霍界面和起伏莫霍界面下反演得到的结果可以说明:莫霍界面的起伏对中下地壳层位速度结构的影响是明显的,尤其是在莫霍面深度变化较大的部位,这种影响更为强烈.带莫霍面形状的模型能更精确地计算射线路径和理论到时,从而使反演后的残差更小、结果更精确.   相似文献   
Autumn intensification of the Ryukyu Current during 2003-2007   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Inverse calculations using data from 16 repeat hydrographic transects collected from April 2003 to June 2007 have yielded velocity structures and volume transports(VTs) of the Ryukyu Current in the region east of the northern Ryukyu Islands.The inverse calculation results show that the Ryukyu Current is dominated by a subsurface velocity core with maximum velocities from 15.1 to 80.0 cm/s,whose positions vary between 110 and 600 dbar and 27.2°-28.2°N along the transect.The mean velocity exhibits a subsurface velocity core with a maximum value of 24.6 cm/s at 326 dbar depth,a VT of 14.0 Sv(1 Sv≡106 m3/s),a vertical dimension of 800 m,and a horizontal dimension of 60 km.The seasonal mean velocities show that the Ryukyu Current is stronger in autumn than in other seasons.It is suggested that this seasonal variation is coincident with the intensification of the anticyclonic eddy south of Shikoku,Japan.  相似文献   
Remote sensing is the most practical method available to managers of flood-prone areas for quantifying and mapping flood impacts. This study explored large inundation areas in the Maghna River Basin, around the northeastern Bangladesh, as determined from passive sensor LANDSAT data and the cloud-penetrating capabilities of the active sensors of the remote imaging microwave RADARSAT. This study also used passive sensor LANDSAT wet and dry images for the year 2000. Spatial resolution was 30 m by 30 m for comparisons of the inundation area with RADARSAT images. RADARSAT images with spatial resolution of 50 m by 50 m were used for frequency analysis of floods from 2000 to 2004. Time series images for 2004 were also used. RADARSAT remote sensing data, GIS data, and ground data were used for the purpose of flood monitoring, mapping and assessing. A supervised classification technique was used for this processing. They were processed for creating a maximum water extent map and for estimating inundation areas. The results of this study indicated that the maximum extent of the inundation area as estimated using RADARSAT satellite imaging was about 29, 900.72 km2 in 2004, which corresponded well with the heavy rainfall around northeast region, as seen at the Bhairab Bazar station and with the highest water level of the Ganges–Brahmaputra–Meghna (GBM) Rivers. A composite of 5 years of RADARSAT inundation maps from 2000 to 2004, GIS data, and damage data, was used to create unique flood hazard maps. Using the damage data for 2004 and the GIS data, a set of damage maps was also created. These maps are expected to be useful for future planning and flood disaster management. Thus, it has been demonstrated that RADARSAT imaging data acquired over the Bangladesh have the ability to precisely assess and clarify inundation areas allowing for successful flood monitoring, mapping and disaster management.  相似文献   
In order to study the characteristics of the surface circulation in Sagami Bay, long-term current measurements were carried out at five moored stations during the period from October 1982 to January 1984. The majority of current patterns show the existence of a cyclonic eddy in the bay, while at times the direction of the circulation is reversed. When the Kuroshio current flows over the Izu-Ogasawara Ridge and approaches Sagami Bay, the current that passes through the Oshima-West Channel north of Oshima Island (COWC), has a strong clockwise flow, while the counterclockwise circulation in the bay becomes intensified. When the Kuroshio shifts southward off the shore, the COWC and the flow in the bay are weak or at times reverse their directions.  相似文献   
Changes in the limnological features of a typical meromictic lake, Lake Suigetsu, from 1926 to 1967 are summarized. Until 1934, the lake was stratified due to the balance between the flushing of fresh water and the intrusion of salt water through a canal by which the lake was connected to a coastal polyhaline lake. Total chloride content of the lake had been within the range of 100–230×103 tons and the thermal stratification had been well developed. In 1934, another channel was constructed, by which the lake was connected to another polyhaline coastal lake. This resulted in the influx of large quantities of salt water (maximum total chloride content of the lake: 790×103tons), and characteristics of stratification were altered. In the data after 1951, a two-layered system was re-established (total chloride content of the lake: 470–620×103tons), and distinct stratification began to appear.  相似文献   
We investigated the seasonal variability of free alkaline phosphatase activity in seawater and alkaline phosphatase hydrolysable phosphorus (APHP) at 3 stations in Hiroshima Bay using alkaline phosphatase extracted from the dinoflagellates Alexandrium tamarense and Gymnodinium catenatum. The dissolved inorganic phosphorus (DIP) was lower than 1 μM in all samples; the lowest values were in May. The amount of APHP was high at the surface and bottom waters of all stations in May, showing DIP-depleted conditions. In August and November, the amount of APHP was much less than the amount of APHP in May, indicating that the availability of dissolved organic phosphorus (DOP) for these species was low and/or uptake during the dinoflagellate blooming might have occurred in the area. The results obtained from short-term variations of AP activity might suggest that the growth of dinoflagellates in this season may be partly supported by the AP produced by other diatoms.  相似文献   
Physicochemical features of a typically meromictic lake, Lake Suigetsu, are studied. Vertical distributions of temperature and chlorinity show that the lake is well stratified, and no marked mixing occurs between the upper fresh water and lower salt water. In the chemocline, the vertical gradient of density is large, and the vertical eddy diffusion coefficient is as low as 1.5 × 10–2 cm2 sec.–1 Dissolved oxygen is saturated in the surface portion of the upper water, and then rapidly decreases with depth towards the chemocline, where sulfide first appears and increases towards the bottom. In the chemocline oxygen consumption is prominent process reaching 290 mg 02/m2/day. The oxidation of sulfide, supplied from the underlying water layer, is the main factor causing the oxygen consumption in the chemocline.  相似文献   
We used bi-algal culture experiments to investigate and verify the roles of growth interaction between Heterocapsa circularisquama and Prorocentrum dentatum in monospecific bloom formation. Growth of H. circularisquama was slightly inhibited when inoculated at 102 cells mL–1 along with P. dentatum at 104 cells mL–1. In other combinations of inoculation densities, P. dentatum density rapidly decreased to extremely low levels in the presence of H. circularisquama. We used a mathematical model to simulate growth and interactions of H. circularisquama and P. dentatum in bi-algal cultures. The model indicates that one species will always inhibit the growth of the other and that the relative initial cell densities of the species are critical in determining the outcome. When cultured together under conditions without cell contact, growth of H. circularisquama and P. dentatum was not inhibited. As with P. dentatum, the growth of Heterosigma akashiwo and Skeletonema costatum was inhibited in intact cell suspensions with H. circularisquama, but a nontoxic species, Heterocapsa triquetra, did not affect the growth of P. dentatum or the other species. Similarly, cell suspensions of H. circularisquama showed hemolytic activity toward rabbit erythrocytes, but those of H. triquetra did not. In addition, the cell-free supernatant of H. circularisquama cultures showed no significant hemolytic activity. These results suggest that H. circularisquama causes lethality in P. dentatum by direct cell contact in which live-cell-mediated hemolytic activity might be a contributing factor.  相似文献   
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