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In response to legislative directives beginning in 1975, the Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) and the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) jointly established and currently maintain a data collection and analytical study program focused on determining the effects of and needs for freshwater inflows into the state's 10 bay and estuary systems. Study elements include hydrographic surveys, hydrodynamic modeling of circulation and salinity patterns, sediment analyses, nutrient analyses, fisheries analyses, freshwater inflow optimization modeling, and verification of needs. For determining the needs, statistical regression models are developed among freshwater inflows, salinities, and coastal fisheries. Results from the models and analyses are placed into the Texas Estuarine Mathematical Programming (TxEMP) model, along with information on salinity viability limits, nutrient budgets, fishery biomass ratios, and inflow bounds. The numerical relationships are solved within the constraints and limits, and optimized to meet state management objectives for maintenance of biological productivity and overall ecological health. Solution curves from the TxEMP model are verified by TWDB’s hydrodynamic simulation of estuarine circulation and salinity structure, which is evaluated against TPWD’s analysis of species abundance and distribution patterns in each bay and estuary system. An adequate system-wide match initially verifies the inflow solution. Long-term monitoring is recommended in order to verify that implementation of future water management strategies maintain ecological health of the estuaries and to provide an early warning of needs for adaptive management strategies.  相似文献   
To improve flood forecasting, the understanding of the atmospheric conditions associated with severe rainfall is crucial. We analysed the atmospheric conditions at Dhaka, Bangladesh, using upper-air soundings. We then compared these conditions with daily rainfall variations at Cherrapunjee, India, which is a main source of floodwater to Bangladesh, and a representative sample of exceptionally heavy rainfall events. The analysis focussed on June and July 2004. June and July are the heaviest rainfall months of the year at Cherrapunjee. July 2004 had the fourth-heaviest monthly rainfall of the past 31 years, and severe floods occurred in Bangladesh. Active rainfall periods at Cherrapunjee corresponded to “breaks” in the Indian monsoon. The monsoon trough was located over the Himalayan foothills, and strong westerly winds dominated up to 7 km at Dhaka. Near-surface wind below 1 km had southerly components, and the wind profile had an Ekman spiral structure. The results suggest that rainfall at Cherrapunjee strongly depends on the near-surface wind speed and wind direction at Dhaka. Lifting of the near-surface southerly airflow by the Meghalaya Plateau is considered to be the main contributor to severe rainfall at Cherrapunjee. High convective available potential energy (CAPE) also contributes to intense rainfall.  相似文献   
To understand the generation and evolution of mafic magmas from Klyuchevskoy volcano in the Kamchatka arc, which is one of the most active arc volcanoes on Earth, a petrological and geochemical study was carried out on time-series samples from the volcano. The eruptive products show significant variations in their whole-rock compositions (52.0–55.5 wt.% SiO2), and they have been divided into high-Mg basalts and high-Al andesites. In the high-Mg basalts, lower-K and higher-K primitive samples (>9 wt.% MgO) are present, and their petrological features indicate that they may represent primary or near-primary magmas. Slab-derived fluids that induced generation of the lower-K basaltic magmas were less enriched in melt component than those associated with the higher-K basaltic magmas, and the fluids are likely to have been released from the subducting slab at shallower levels for the lower-K basaltic magmas than for higher-K basaltic magmas. Analyses using multicomponent thermodynamics indicates that the lower-K primary magma was generated by ~13% melting of a source mantle with ~0.7 wt.% H2O at 1245–1260?°C and ~1.9 GPa. During most of the evolution of the volcano, the lower-K basaltic magmas were dominant; the higher-K primitive magma first appeared in AD 1932. In AD 1937–1938, both the lower-K and higher-K primitive magmas erupted, which implies that the two types of primary magmas were present simultaneously and independently beneath the volcano. The higher-K basaltic magmas evolved progressively into high-Al andesite magmas in a magma chamber in the middle crust from AD 1932 to ~AD 1960. Since then, relatively primitive magma has been injected continuously into the magma chamber, which has resulted in the systematic increase of the MgO contents of erupted materials with ages from ~AD 1960 to present.  相似文献   
Seasonal changes in mesozooplankton biomass and their community structures were observed at time-series stations K2 (subarctic) and S1 (subtropical) in the western North Pacific Ocean. At K2, the maximum biomass was observed during the spring when primary productivity was still low. The annual mean biomasses in the euphotic and 200- to 1000-m layers were 1.39 (day) and 2.49 (night) g C m?2 and 4.00 (day) and 3.63 (night) g C m?2, respectively. Mesozooplankton vertical distribution was bimodal and mesopelagic peak was observed in a 200- to 300-m layer; it mainly comprised dormant copepods. Copepods predominated in most sampling layers, but euphausiids were dominant at the surface during the night. At S1, the maximum biomass was observed during the spring and the peak timing of biomass followed those of chlorophyll a and primary productivity. The annual mean biomasses in the euphotic and 200- to 1000-m layers were 0.10 (day) and 0.21 (night) g C m?2 and 0.47 (day) and 0.26 (night) g C m?2, respectively. Copepods were dominant in most sampling layers, but their mean proportion was lower than that in K2. Mesozooplankton community characteristics at both sites were compared with those at other time-series stations in the North Pacific and with each other. The annual mean primary productivities and sinking POC fluxes were equivalent at both sites; however, mesozooplankton biomasses were higher at K2 than at S1. The difference of biomasses was probably caused by differences of individual carbon losses, population turnover rates, and trophic structures of communities between the two sites.  相似文献   
We report the investigation of cutting methods for Hayabusa samples. The purpose of our study is to explore the possibility of applying multiple analyses to a single particle effectively. We investigated the cutting performance of a blade dicing saw, laser, focused ion beam (FIB), and physical breaking by microindenter. Cutting performance was examined by estimating the aspect ratio of the cut slit, i.e., depth over width of the slit. We also investigated the possible contamination and sample damage by cutting. The result of the investigation shows that we can cut the samples from <50 μm to 500 μm using those methods with aspect ratios from 10 to 20, although they would introduce some contamination or damage to the samples. Our investigations also provide an important basis for the analysis of samples obtained by future sample return missions.  相似文献   
Two silicate grains (RB‐QD04‐0049 and RA‐QD02‐0064, whose estimated masses are 0.050 μg and 0.048 μg, respectively) recovered from the asteroid Itokawa by the Hayabusa spacecraft were studied for their mineralogical characteristics by synchrotron X‐ray diffraction and synchrotron X‐ray microtomography and further analyzed for their bulk chemical compositions by instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA). According to X‐ray tomography, RB‐QD004‐0049 is composed of olivine, high‐Ca pyroxene, plagioclase, Ca‐phosphate, and troilite, whereas RA‐QD002‐0064 entirely consists of olivine. INAA data are consistent with these mineral compositions except for rare earth elements (REEs). Although the grain RB‐QD004‐0049 contains measurable REEs, which seems to be consistent with the presence of Ca‐phosphate, their abundances are anomalously high. Very low abundance of Co implies less than 0.1 mass% of metals in these two grains by calculation, which is in contrast to the result for the previously analyzed grain RA‐QD02‐0049 (Ebihara et al., 2011). FeO/Sc ratios of the grains fall within the range of those for ordinary chondrite olivines, implying that these grains are extraterrestrial in origin. FeO/MnO ratios also confirm this conclusion and further suggest that the Hayabusa grains analyzed in this study are similar to material found in LL chondrites rather than CK chondrites although olivines from LL and CK chondrites have similar Fa# (molar% of Fe relative to [Fe+Mg] in olivine) (~30) to those of the Hayabusa grains including the two grains analyzed in this study.  相似文献   
Dmisteinbergite, a hexagonal form of CaAl2Si2O8, was found in a compact type A Ca-Al-rich inclusion (CAI) in the Allende CV3 chondrite. Scanning and transmission electron microscopic observations show that dmisteinbergite was always in contact with grossular and grossular was in contact with melilite. In addition, there is a crystallographic relationship between dmisteinbergite and anorthite. Based on the textural and crystallographic evidence, the following mineralogical alteration processes are proposed to have occurred in the CAI. (1) Melilite was replaced by grossular. High densities of vesicles in the grossular indicate that hydrogrossular might have been the primary alteration phase and dehydrated by later metamorphism. (2) Dmisteinbergite formed from (hydro)grossular through a reaction with Si-rich fluid. (3) Nano-sized minerals are formed within dmisteinbergite. (4) Dmisteinbergite was transformed to anorthite. (5) Both anorthite and dmisteinbergite were altered to nepheline. (6) Hydrogrossular was dehydrated to grossular. (Hydro)grossular, dmisteinbergite, anorthite, and nepheline in the CAI seem to have formed in the course of metasomatism that occurred in the Allende parent body. Except for the hydrogrossular dehydration, these reactions could have occurred at moderate temperature (200–250°C) in high pH fluids (pH 13–14) according to past experimental studies. Episodic changes in fluid composition seem to have occurred before reactions (2), (4), and (5), because these reactions were not completed before the next reaction started. Higher temperature is required for reactions (5) and (6) to occur. Our observation of the CAI suggests that it experienced multiple episodes of metasomatism as temperatures were rising in the Allende parent asteroid.  相似文献   
We discuss the evolution of the magnetic flux density and angular velocity in a molecular cloud core, on the basis of three-dimensional numerical simulations, in which a rotating magnetized cloud fragments and collapses to form a very dense optically thick core of  >5 × 1010 cm−3  . As the density increases towards the formation of the optically thick core, the magnetic flux density and angular velocity converge towards a single relationship between the two quantities. If the core is magnetically dominated its magnetic flux density approaches  1.5( n /5 × 1010 cm−3)1/2 mG  , while if the core is rotationally dominated the angular velocity approaches  2.57 × 10−3 ( n /5 × 1010 cm−3)1/2 yr−1  , where n is the density of the gas. We also find that the ratio of the angular velocity to the magnetic flux density remains nearly constant until the density exceeds  5 × 1010 cm−3  . Fragmentation of the very dense core and emergence of outflows from fragments will be shown in the subsequent paper.  相似文献   
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