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Wave energy is a renewable source, which has so far not been exploited widely. Many of the various schemes in the past consist of large mechanical structures, often located near the sea surface. This article presents a range of systems with point absorbers on the surface and linear generators placed on the seabed, converting the wave motion into electrical power. Electrical power components are combined in different ways to obtain solutions suitable for various conditions. Different topologies for the electrical system transmitting power to the grid are discussed. Qualitative case studies are used to exemplify system options and connection schemes.  相似文献   
Some extraordinary people have dedicated their lives to making art pieces out of long dead organisms. One of them is Esben Horn, founder of model shop 10 Tons Studios on the outskirts of Copenhagen, Denmark. A bona fide ‘master of puppets’, he makes jaw‐dropping replicas for museums around the world, with the utmost respect for science and organismal anatomy. Recently, our joint efforts resulted in the exhibition ‘Heavy Metal and Punk Fossils’—a novel, albeit perhaps unconventional, forum for scientific outreach.  相似文献   
This study examines the dynamics of sulfur and trace elements (As, Co, Mo, Ni, Ti and Zn) when brackish-water sediments, unusually rich in metastable iron sulfide (probably a mixture of mackinawite and greigite), are brought into the oxidation zone by postglacial isostatic land uplift and farmland drainage. When subaqueous sediments approach the sea level, metastable iron sulfide is oxidized in the upmost layers and pyrite preserved and even accumulated concomitantly trapping Co, Ni and Zn but not As and Mo. When the land uplift has brought the sediments above sea level and natural drainage thus is initiated, the pyrite is oxidized and Co, Ni and Zn are released and transported down the profile. If this setting remained undisturbed, the slightly oxidized sediment (unripe soil) would become covered by peat and thus protected from further oxidation and metal translocation. Often these sediments are, however, artificially drained resulting in extensive oxidation and fast soil-profile development. The soil is an acid sulfate (AS) soil, characterized by low pH (<4), extensive leaching of metals and an abundance of disseminated brownish Fe(III) precipitates. We suggest that the fast soil development is due to initial oxidation of metastable iron sulfide, followed by pyrite oxidation. Drain bottom sediment, which in terms of chemistry and S-isotopes resembled that of the surfacing sea bottom strata, acted during the sampling period as a sink for metals. The abundant preservation of metastable iron sulfide below the groundwater table, even long periods after uplift above the sea level, is a puzzling feature. We suggest that it is the net result of sulfur starvation, an abundance of Fe(II) and strongly reducing conditions.  相似文献   
The stratospheric ozone layer has been depleted at high and mid-latitudes as a consequence of man's pollution of the atmosphere, and this results in increasing ultraviolet-B radiation at ground level. We investigate the effects of further radiation increases on plants and ecosystems by irradiating natural sub-Arctic and Arctic vegetation with artificial UV-B radiation in field experiments extending over several years. Our experimental sites are located at Abisko, in northern Sweden (68°N), and Adventdalen, on the island of Spitsbergen (78°N). Additional UV-B induced interspecific differences in plant response in terms of reduced (or, in one case, increased) growth, changed morphology and changed pigment content. In some cases effects seem to be accumulated from one year to another. Plant litter decomposition is retarded. We are also studying how UV-B enhancement may affect the interaction between species. In some experiments we combine UV-B enhancement with changes in other factors: carbon dioxide concentration, water availability, and temperature. In some cases the effect of radiation enhancement is modified, or even reversed, by such changes. Over a four year period we did not find any significant radiation induced change in species composition, but based on the effects on individual plant species, such changes can be expected to take place over a longer time.  相似文献   
CCD photometry of the NEAR mission fly-by target 253 Mathilde is presented. Measurements taken during 52 nights of observations, from February to June 1995, allow a rotation period of 17.406±0.010 days and a lightcurve amplitude of 0.45±0.02 mag to be determined. A B-V color index of 0.67±0.02 and a V-R of 0.35±0.02 are measured, which are compatible with C-type membership. The determination of the phase relation results in H = 10.28±0.03 and G = 0.12±0.06. Indications that the lightcurve is not strictly singly-periodic are found. A power-spectrum analysis detects a secondary frequency f2 = 0.0322±0.0010 d−1, which is interpreted as evidence for a complex rotation state.  相似文献   
Permafrost in peatlands of subarctic Sweden is presently thawing at accelerated rates, which raises questions about the destiny of stored carbon and nutrients and impacts on adjacent freshwater ecosystems. In this study we use peat and lake sediment records from the Stordalen palsa mire in northern Sweden to address the late Holocene (5,000 cal BP-present) development of the mire as well as related changes in carbon and nutrient cycling. Formation, sediment accumulation and biogeochemistry of two studied lakes are suggested to be largely controlled by the development of the mire and its permafrost dynamics. Peat inception took place at ca. 4,700 cal BP as a result of terrestrialisation. Onset of organic sedimentation in the adjacent lakes occurred at ca. 3,400 and 2,650 cal BP in response to mire expansion and permafrost aggradation, respectively. Mire erosion, possibly due to permafrost decay, led to re-deposition of peat into one of the lakes after ca. 2,100 cal BP, and stimulated primary productivity in the other lake at ca. 1,900–1,800 cal BP. Carbonate precipitation appears to have been suppressed when acidic poor fen and bog (palsa) communities dominated the catchment mire, and permafrost-induced changes in hydrology may further have affected the inflow of alkaline water from the catchment. Elevated contents of biogenic silica and diatom pigments in lake sediments during periods of poor fen and bog expansion further indicate that terrestrial vegetation influenced the amount of nutrients entering the lake. Increased productivity in the lake likely caused bottom-water anoxia in the downstream lake and led to recycling of sediment phosphorous, bringing the lake into a state of self-sustained eutrophication during two centuries preceding the onset of twentieth century permafrost thaw. Our results give insight into nutrient and permafrost dynamics in a subarctic wetland and imply that continued permafrost decay and related vegetation changes towards minerotrophy may increase carbon and nutrient storage of mire deposits and reduce nutrient fluxes in runoff. Rapid permafrost degradation may on the other hand lead to widespread mire erosion and to relatively short periods of significantly increased nutrient loading in adjacent lakes.  相似文献   
The thermogravimetric measurements on fayalite reported by Nakamura and Schmalzried (1983) have been reassessed using the compound-energy model and computer calculations which eliminate much mathematical manipulation and subjective choice. The calculated phase field for fayalite differs somewhat from the one obtained by Nakamura and Schmalzried (1983) but there is satisfactory agreement in the experimental range.  相似文献   
In recent decades, significant changes of Arctic sea ice have taken place. These changes are expected to influence the surface energy balance of the ice-covered Arctic Ocean. To quantify this energy ba...  相似文献   
Three multi-metric benthic macrofauna indices were used to assess marine benthic ecological quality status (EcoQS) according to the European Water Framework Directive, in seven pollution gradients mainly, western Scandinavia. The impacts included organic load, hypoxia, metals, urban effluents and physical disturbance. The indices responded in a similar threshold fashion, irrespective of impact factor identity. Usually, the border between Good and Moderate EcoQS (G/M), is determined as some deviation from a reference situation. References, however, are difficult to find. An alternative procedure is described to estimate the G/M border, not requiring reference data. Thresholds, where faunal structure deterioration commences, were identified from non-linear regressions between indices and impact factors. Index values from the less impacted side of the thresholds were assumed to come from environments of Good and High EcoQS, and the 5th percentile of these data, was defined as the G/M border. Estimated G/M borders compared well with previous studies.  相似文献   
The behaviour of trace elements (Al, As, Cd, Co, Cr,Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, V, Zn) was studied in five humus-richstreams (dissolved organic carbon = 14–40 mg/L)impacted by acid sulphate soils developed in marinesulphide-bearing fine-grained sediments. During heavyrainfalls in autumn, on which the study focusses, themetals Al, Cd, Co, Cu, Mn, Ni and Zn are extensivelyleached from these acidic soils (pH = 2.5–4.5), whileAs, Cr, Fe and V are not leached more strongly fromthis soil type than from areas of till and peat. Aspeciation experiment, based on anion and cationexchange of the stream waters in the field, showedthat (1) the metals Al, Cd, Co, Mn, Ni and Zn aretransported in the streams mainly as inorganiccations, (2) Cu exists mainly in cationic form but isalso to a significant extent associated with dissolvedhumic substances, (3) Fe occurs mainly in the anionicfraction explained by organic coating on colloidal Feoxyhydoxides and (4) the hydrochemistry of As, Cr andV is complex as these elements may exist in severalunquantified anionic fractions and to a minor extentin cationic species/forms. Whereas the proportion ofacid sulphate soils in the catchments had a largeimpact on concentrations levels of several elements inthe stream waters, these soils did not have a largeaffect on the speciation of elements in water.  相似文献   
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