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El Hammam is the only fluorite mine in Morocco (production 100,000 t/year). The fluorite mineralization is in an array of fluorite–calcite veins and is characterized by unusually high REE content in carbonate minerals (1,400 ppm in calcite; up to 2,000 ppm in siderite) and in fluorite (about 600 ppm). Since the 1960s, the genesis of the deposit has been attributed to a mesothermal hydrothermal event connected with late-Variscan granitic intrusions. Precise 40Ar/39Ar dating of hydrothermal K-feldspar yields an age of formation of the El Hammam deposit at 205 ± 1 Ma. Its genesis is therefore associated in time and space with the development of the Triassic–Jurassic basins and the associated anorogenic continental flood basalts of the Moroccan Mesetian Middle Atlas. The source of the hydrothermal mineralization (magmatic and/or metamorphic) is discussed.  相似文献   
A standard method for delineating source protection zones, particularly for karst and carbonate springs, has been improved. The method, based on recession curve analysis, defines four vulnerability scenarios with an evaluation of the appropriate dimensions of the protection areas, accommodating situations where field-test data are not available. The new approach makes it easier to separate the components of the spring discharge hydrograph. The objective is to achieve simplification, and an effective, more rigorous, procedure in the determination of the parameters used by Mangin’s model—Mangin A (1975) Contribution a l’étude hydrodynamique des aquifères karstiques-Troisieme partie: Constitution et fonctionnement des aquifères karstiques (Contribution to the hydrodynamic study of karst aquifers, part 3: formation and work of karst aquifers). Ann Speleol 30(1):21–124. The original procedure, plus the lack of sufficient data, was open to subjective interpretation. With the aid of modern technology, a very large quantity of data is now available and it is necessary to process it using denoise type computer-based filters before passing to interpretation. Working with discharge data series, a statistical approach is proposed to give an analytical solution for determining the values of fundamental parameters of the recession curve model. The new procedure is defined and compared with the original methodology. The new approach has been tested and applied to a number of karst springs in Italy. A case history for a spring located in the Piedmont region of the Maritime Alps, is presented. The proposed new procedure can be utilised to mark the limits of the protection zones of tapped groundwater supplied for potable use, as required by European and local legislation.  相似文献   
Periadriatic Alpine magmatism has long been attributed to slab breakoff after Adria–Europe continental collision, but this interpretation is challenged by geophysical data suggesting the existence of a continuous slab. Here, we shed light on this issue based on a comprehensive dataset of zircon U–Pb ages and Hf isotopic compositions from the main western Periadriatic intrusives (from Traversella to Adamello). Our zircon U–Pb data provide the first evidence of Eocene magmatism in the Western Alps (42–41 Ma in Traversella), and demonstrate that magmatism started synchronously in different segments of the Alpine belt, when subduction was still active. Zircon U–Pb ages define younging trends perpendicular to the strike of the European slab, suggesting a progressive Eocene–Oligocene slab steepening. We propose that slab steepening enhanced the corner flow. This process was more effective near the torn edge of the European slab, and triggered Periadriatic magmatism in the absence of slab breakoff.  相似文献   
Most of current general circulation models (GCMs) show a remarkable positive precipitation bias over the southwestern equatorial Indian Ocean (SWEIO), which can be thought of as a westward expansion of the simulated IO convergence zone toward the coast of Africa. The bias is common to both coupled and uncoupled models, suggesting that its origin does not stem from the way boundary conditions are specified. The spatio-temporal evolution of the precipitation and associated three-dimensional atmospheric circulation biases is comprehensively characterized by comparing the GFDL AM3 atmospheric model to observations. It is shown that the oceanic bias, which develops in spring and reduces during the monsoon season, is associated to a consistent precipitation and circulation anomalous pattern over the whole Indian region. In the vertical, the areas are linked by an anomalous Hadley-type meridional circulation, whose northern branch subsides over northeastern India significantly affecting the monsoon evolution (e.g., delaying its onset). This study makes the case that the precipitation bias over the SWEIO is forced by the model excess response to the local meridional sea surface temperature (SST) gradient through enhanced near-surface meridional wind convergence. This is suggested by observational evidence and supported by AM3 sensitivity experiments. The latter show that relaxing the magnitude of the meridional SST gradient in the SWEIO can lead to a significant reduction of both local and large-scale precipitation and circulation biases. The ability of local anomalies over the SWEIO to force a large-scale remote response to the north is further supported by numerical experiments with the GFDL spectral dry dynamical core model. By imposing a realistic anomalous heating source over the SWEIO the model is able to reproduce the main dynamical features of the AM3 bias. These results indicate that improved GCM simulations of the South Asian summer monsoon could be achieved by reducing the springtime model bias over the SWEIO. Deficiencies in the atmospheric model, and in particular in the convective parameterization, are suggested to play a key role. Finally, the important mechanism controlling the simulated precipitation distribution over South Asia found here should be considered in the interpretation and attribution of regional precipitation variation under climate change.  相似文献   
Individual and monthly precipitation samples from the polluted atmosphere of Bologna (Emilia-Romagna province) were collected during March 1996 to May 1997 and analyzed for major ions in solution and S isotopes in dissolved SO4.Weighted mean enrichment factors relative to seawater are found to be 1.0 for Na, 15.2 for K, 105 for Ca, 3.3 for Mg, 17.3 for SO4 and 663 for HCO3. Very good positive correlations are observed for the Ca2+–Mg2+–HCO3–SO2−4–NO3 system, indicating that dissolution of Ca (±Mg)-carbonate particles by H2SO4 and HNO3 from combustion of oil and gas is a major process controlling the chemical composition of rain and snow. Na+ and Cl in monthly precipitation derive essentially from sea spray, but the contribution of Na+ from continental sources is appreciable in a number of individual rains. NH+4 appears to be on average more abundant in spring and summer precipitation, its main sources being microbial activity in soils and application of fertilizers. K+ is probably of continental origin from soil dust.The S isotopic composition of SO4 is systematically positive, with mean δ34S values of +3.2±1.6‰ (n=40) in individual precipitation and +2.8±1.4‰ (n=12) in monthly precipitation. These isotopic compositions are interpreted in terms of a dominant contribution of S from anthropogenic emissions and subordinate contributions from biogenic and marine sources. Pollutant SO4 is estimated to have a δ34S value in the range +2.5 to +4.5‰, whereas a distinctive δ34S of −4.5‰ or lower indicates SO4 from oxidation of biogenic gases.The isotopic and chemical compositions of SO4 do not depend on wind direction, thus testifying to a mostly local source for pollutant S in the Bologna atmosphere.  相似文献   
Mineralization and alteration events at ten Miocene porphyry Cu and porphyry-related epithermal mineral deposits in southern, central, and northern Ecuador were dated by means of molybdenite Re-Os, biotite and alunite 40Ar/39Ar, and titanite U-Pb geochronology. Most of these hydrothermal events show a spatio-temporal correlation with porphyry intrusion emplacement as constrained by zircon U-Pb ages. The total age range for these events spans the 23.5–6.1 Ma period, without displaying systematic along- or across-arc age distribution trends. While epithermal deposits tend to be spatially associated with volcanic rocks of a similar age, porphyry Cu deposits in Ecuador are frequently spatially associated with deeper-seated basement units and batholith-scale precursor intrusive systems assembled over ≥5 m.y. time periods. In most cases, formation of the porphyry Cu deposits is related to the youngest magmatic (-hydrothermal) event in a given area, postdating batholith construction at a regional scale. The majority of Miocene deposits occurs in southern Ecuador where areally extensive, post-mineralization (late Miocene to recent) volcanic sequences with the potential to conceal mineralization at depth are lacking. Only few Miocene deposits occur in northern-central Ecuador, where they mainly crop out in the Western Cordillera, west of the productive present-day volcanic arc. The surface distribution of post-mineralization arc volcanism reflects along-arc variations in subducting slab geometry. Porphyry Cu and epithermal deposits in Ecuador define a Miocene metallogenic belt broadly continuous with its coeval counterpart in northern-central Peru. Although both belt segments were formed in an overall similar tectonomagmatic and metallogenic setting, their respective metal endowments differ significantly.  相似文献   
Total Hg concentrations have been measured for five box-core sediments collected seawards of the Augusta industrial area (SE Sicily). In more coastal sediments, upcore increasing Hg concentrations, exceeding the Hg background concentration estimated for the Strait of Sicily, indicate Hg contamination over time due to the industrial area development. Strong correlation between total organic C (TOC) and Hg concentrations was found only for core BX2, that displays organic C to total N (C/N) ratios indicative of autochthonous organic matter. For other sediments, high Hg enrichment factors with respect to TOC indicate, in addition to Hg trapping by TOC, other factors as responsible for Hg accumulation. In the presence of some contribution of detrital organic matter, Hg is mainly adsorbed onto the mineral component of the bottom sediments probably because TOC is saturated by Hg excess. Contaminant impact affected also the open sea environment. Main drivers of Hg flux towards the offshore were dredged materials, which repeatedly discharged sediment, resulting in substantial increases in TOC contents and high C/N ratios. Consistent with the geochemistry of recent turbidites, these anomalous sedimentary inputs induced sediment redox environment modifications, constrained by Mn peaks, which affected Hg distribution.  相似文献   
Surface mass balance (SMB) distribution and its temporal and spatial variability is an essential input parameter in mass balance studies. Different methods were used, compared and integrated (stake farms, ice cores, snow radar, surface morphology, remote sensing) at eight sites along a transect from Terra Nova Bay (TNB) to Dome C (DC) (East Antarctica), to provide detailed information on the SMB. Spatial variability measurements show that the measured maximum snow accumulation (SA) in a 15 km area is well correlated to firn temperature. Wind-driven sublimation processes, controlled by the surface slope in the wind direction, have a huge impact (up to 85% of snow precipitation) on SMB and are significant in terms of past, present and future SMB evaluations. The snow redistribution process is local and has a strong impact on the annual variability of accumulation. The spatial variability of SMB at the kilometre scale is one order of magnitude higher than its temporal variability (20–30%) at the centennial time scale. This high spatial variability is due to wind-driven sublimation. Compared with our SMB calculations, previous compilations generally over-estimate SMB, up to 65% in some areas.  相似文献   
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