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Y. Miura K. Yamamoto K. Miyauchi & M. Hosonuma 《Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society》1998,298(2):471-482
Large-angle fluctuations in the cosmic X-ray background are investigated by a new formalism with a simple model of the X-ray sources. Our method is formulated from the Boltzmann equation and a simple extension of the work by Lahav et al. to be applicable to a hyperbolic (open) universe. The low multipole fluctuations due to the source clustering are analysed in various cosmological models in both numerical and analytic ways. The fluctuations strongly depend on the X-ray source evolution model, as pointed out previously. It turns out that the nearby ( z ≲ 0.1) sources are the dominant contributors to the large-angle fluctuations. If these nearby sources are removed in an observed X-ray map, the dipole (low multipole) moment of the fluctuation drastically decreases. In this case the Compton–Getting effect of an observer's motion can be a dominant contribution to the dipole fluctuation. This feature of fluctuation, relating to the matter power spectrum, is discussed. 相似文献
We have made an observational study of the newly identified cyanomethane radical CH2CN and the possibly related species CH3CN with the goals of (1) elucidating the possible role of reactions of the type CnHm(+) + N in astrochemistry, and (2) providing a possible test of Bates's models of dissociative electron recombination. We find a remarkably different abundance ratio CH2CN/CH3CN in TMC-1 and Sgr B2, which we deduce is a result of the large difference in temperature of these objects. Studies of CH2CN and CH3CN in other sources, including two new detections of CH2CN, support this conclusion and are consistent with a monotonic increase in the CH2CN/CH3CN ratio with decreasing temperature over the range 10-120 K. This behavior may be explained by the destruction of CH2CN by reaction with O. If this reaction does not proceed, then CH2CN and CH3CN are concluded to form via different chemical pathways. Thus, they do not provide a test of Bates's conjectures (they do not both form from CH3CNH+). CH2CN is then likely to form via C2H4(+) + N --> CH2CNH+, thus demonstrating the viability of this important reaction in astrochemistry. The T dependence of the CH2CN/CH3CN ratio would then reflect the increasing rate of the C2H4(+) + N reaction with decreasing temperature. 相似文献
The monitoring of global lightning activity and its spatial and temporal variations is known to be very essential for the
study of global warming, the subject of greatest concern to human beings on planet Earth today. As a method of remote sensing
for the global lightning distribution, we have proposed an inverse problem by using the data of natural electromagnetic noise
in the ELF (extremely low frequency) Schumann resonance (SR) band observed simultaneously at a few stations around the world.
The fundamentals of this inversion problem (or ELF tomography) to the SR data have been presented and the first attempt to
deduce the global lightning distribution by means of the real SR data has been performed, which has indicated a possibility
of snapshots of well-known thunderstorm centers on the globe. This ELF tomography consists of two stages. The first stage
is the inversion of the ELF field power spectra to the distribution of lightning intensity by distance relative to an observation
point. The obtained distance profiles of intensity of sources at a few stations are used as tomographic projections for reconstructing
a spatial distribution of sources in the second stage. Maps of the global lightning distributions constructed by the result
of inversions of ELF background field spectra obtained from three stations around the world show that the most active regions
vary meridionally on the diurnal time scale being connected mainly with continental areas in the tropics. We do hope that
this kind of inversion method to multi-stationed ELF data will be of great importance in the future. 相似文献
Blanco AC Watanabe A Nadaoka K Motooka S Herrera EC Yamamoto T 《Marine pollution bulletin》2011,62(4):770-785
Radon (222Rn) measurements were conducted in Shiraho Reef (Okinawa, Japan) to investigate nearshore submarine groundwater discharge (SGDnearshore) dynamics. Estimated average groundwater flux was 2-3 cm/h (maximum 7-8 cm/h). End-member radon concentration and gas transfer coefficient were identified as major factors influencing flux estimation accuracy. For the 7-km long reef, SGDnearshore was 0.39-0.58 m3/s, less than 30% of Todoroki River’s baseflow discharge. SGDnearshore was spatially and temporally variable, reflecting the strong influence of subsurface geology, tidal pumping, groundwater recharge, and hydraulic gradient. SGDnearshore elevated nearshore nitrate concentrations (0.8-2.2 mg/l) to half of Todoroki River’s baseflow -N (2-4 mg/L). This increased nearshore Chl-a from 0.5-2 μg/l compared to the typically low Chl-a (<0.1-0.4 μg/l) in the moat. Diatoms and cyanobacteria concentrations exhibited an increasing trend. However, the percentage contributions of diatoms and cyanobacteria significantly decreased and increased, respectively. SGD may significantly induce the proliferation of cyanobacteria in nearshore reef areas. 相似文献
Kyunghoi Kim Tadashi Hibino Tamiji Yamamoto Shinjiro Hayakawa Yugo Mito Kenji Nakamoto In-Cheol Lee 《Marine pollution bulletin》2014
Field experiments were carried out to evaluate the effect of Granulated Coal Ash (GCA) on remediation of coastal sediments in terms of removing phosphates and hydrogen sulfide. Phosphate concentrations in the sediment were kept below 0.2 mg/l after the application of GCA, whereas those in the control sites increased up to 1.0 mg/l. The concentration of hydrogen sulfide in the sediment was maintained at almost zero in the experimental sites (GCA application sites) for over one year, whereas it ranged 0.1–2.4 mg S L−1 in control sites. Meanwhile, individual number of benthos increased in the experimental sites by several orders of magnitude compared to the control sites. The major process involved in hydrogen sulfide removal by GCA was thought to be the increase in pH, which suppresses hydrogen sulfide formation. From our findings, we concluded that GCA is an effective material for remediating organically enriched coastal sediment. 相似文献
The correlation of whistler occurrence rate at a low latitude with thunderstorm activity at its conjugate region and with solar activity 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
The correlations of occurrence rate of whistlers in January during one solar cycle (1977–1987) at a low latitude station (Yamaoka, geomag. lat. 25°, L=1.26) with thunderstorm activity near its conjugate region and also with solar activity have been investigated, and it is found that the occurrence rate has no correlation with the lightning flashes near the conjugate point, while it is negatively correlated with solar activity. On the basis of these findings it is suggested that the ionospheric absorption is of major importance in the long-term variation of whistler occurrence rate, with the duct formation being of secondary effect, while the lightning activity is only a necessary condition for whistler occurrence. 相似文献
A damper system that absorbs energy over a wide range of displacement amplitudes during building vibration was proposed. This system uses a serial connection of a metallic yielding component and viscoelastic damper with a displacement limit mechanism. Three types of the system were developed and tested: a diagonal bracing type, inverted V bracing type, and wall type. The test results showed that all these systems have damping ratios higher than 8% at small vibration amplitudes on the order of 0.1 mm. For a large vibration, a displacement limit mechanism with two pins limited the displacement of the viscoelastic damper as designed. Analytical simulations established that the system reduced the acceleration and the story drift to 60–70% and 80%, respectively, during a small earthquake compared with a conventional metallic yielding damper system. Furthermore, it showed an equivalent control performance during a severe earthquake. The damper system requires that a clearance be maintained for the displacement limit mechanism. However, this may be lost through construction error, residual displacement after an earthquake, and temperature effects. The changes in the clearance due to these effects were discussed. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Hiroshi Yamamoto Natsumi Nakamori Masaru Terabayashi Hafiz Ur Rehman Masahiro Ishikawa Yoshiyuki Kaneko Takashi Matsui 《Island Arc》2010,19(3):458-469
Geological observations in the Horoman area, south‐central Hokkaido, show that the Horoman peridotite complex of the Hidaka metamorphic belt is a tectonic slice about 1200 m thick. The peridotite slab is intercalated into a gently east‐dipping structure. The underlying unit is a Cretaceous–Paleogene accretionary complex. Riedel shear planes in the sedimentary layers of the accretionary complex near the structural bottom of the peridotite slab indicate top‐to‐the‐west (thrust) displacement. The overlying unit is composed of felsic–pelitic gneisses and mafic–felsic intrusive rocks (the Hidaka metamorphic rocks). The boundary surface between the peridotite complex and metamorphic rocks forms a domal structure. Microstructures of sheared metamorphic rocks near the structural top of the peridotite slab indicate top‐to‐the‐east (normal) displacement. The results combined with previous studies suggest that the Horoman peridotite complex was emplaced onto the Asian margin (Northeast Japan) during the collision between the Asian margin and the Hidaka crustal block. 相似文献