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Summary. UT variation of the internal part of S q currents is examined using the geomagnetic data during 1980 March 1–18, and the effect of the ocean is found. The ratio of the internal currents to the external increases when the external current vortex comes above the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, and the internal current vortex shifts to the oceans when the external vortex approaches the edge of the oceans. The existence of the ocean increases the total induced current by about 30 per cent and this amount is consistent with model calculations for S q by previous workers.  相似文献   
The frequency of occurrence of minerals in 1876 samples of Sanbagawa pelitic schist in central Shikoku is summarized on the basis of microscopic observation accompanied, in part, by use of an electron microprobe. All samples contain quartz, plagioclase, phengite, chlorite and graphite. More than 90% of samples contain clinozoisite, titanite and apatite. Garnet is present in 95% of samples from the garnet zone, and biotite is present in 64% of samples from the albite‐biotite zone. Calcite is found in about 40% of samples of the pelitic schist collected from outcrop, but occurs in 95% of the pelitic schist from drill cores. Calcite was apparently ubiquitous in the pelitic schist during the Sanbagawa metamorphism, but must have been dissolved recently by the action of surface or ground water. The mineral assemblages of the Sanbagawa pelitic schist have to be analyzed in the system with excess calcite, quartz, albite (or oligoclase), clinozoisite, graphite and fluid that is composed mainly of H2O, CO2 and CH4. In the presence of calcite, reactions that produce garnet, rutile, oligoclase, biotite and hornblende, some of which define isograds of the metamorphic belt, should be written as mixed volatile equilibria that tend to take place at lower temperature than the dehydration reactions that have been proposed. The presence of calcite in pelitic schist suggests that fluid composition is a variable as important in determining mineral assemblages as pressure and temperature. Thus Ca‐bearing phases must be taken into account to analyze the phase relations of calcite‐bearing pelitic schist, even if CaO content of Sanbagawa pelitic schist is low. As calcite is a common phase, the mineral assemblages of the biotite zone pelitic schist may contravene the mineralogical phase rule and warrant further study.  相似文献   
To fill temporal gaps in iron-enrichment experimental data and gain further understanding of marine ecosystem responses to iron enrichments, we apply a fifteen-compartment ecosystem model to three iron-enrichment sites, namely SEEDS (the Subarctic Pacific Iron Experiment for Ecosystem Dynamics Study; 48.5°N, 165°E) in the western North Pacific, SOIREE (the Southern Ocean Iron RElease Experiment; 61°S, 140°E) in the Southern Ocean, and IronExII (the second mesoscale iron enrichment experiment; 3.5°S, 104°W) in the Equatorial Pacific. The ecological effects of iron in the model are represented by changing two photosynthetic parameters during the iron-enrichment period. The model results successfully reproduce the observed biogeochemical responses inside and outside the iron patch at each site, such as rapid increases in plankton biomass and biological productivity, and decreases in surface nutrients and pCO2, inside the patch. However, the modeled timing and magnitude of changes differ among the sites because of differences in both physical environments and plankton species. After the iron enrichment, the diatom productivity is strongly controlled by light at SOIREE and by silicate at IronExII and SEEDS. Light limitation due to self-shading by the phytoplankton is significant during the bloom at all sites. Sensitivity analysis of the model results to duration of the iron enrichment reveals that long-term multiple infusions over more than a week would not be effective at SEEDS because of strong silicate limitation on diatom growth. Sensitivity of the model to water temperature shows that export production is higher at lower temperatures, because of slower recycling of particulate organic carbon. Therefore, the e-ratio (the ratio of export production to primary production) is inversely correlated with temperature, and the relationship can be described with a linear function. Through this study, we conclude that ecosystem modeling is a powerful tool to help design future iron-enrichment experiments and observational plans.  相似文献   
A simplified physical model is proposed in this article to describe differences among basins in substance distributions which were not well described by previous simplified models. In the proposed model, the global ocean is divided into the Pacific/Indian Ocean (PI), the Atlantic Ocean (AT), the Southern Ocean and the Greenland/Iceland/Norwegian Sea. The model is consisted of five physical parameters, namely the air-sea gas exchange, the thermohaline circulation, the horizontal and vertical diffusions, and the deep convection in the high-latitude regions. Individual values of these parameters are chosen by optimizing model distribution of natural 14C as a physical tracer. The optimal value for a coefficient of vertical diffusion in the low-latitude region is 7.5 × 10–5 [m2s–1]. Vertical transports by the Antarctic Bottom Water and the North Atlantic Deep Water are estimated at 1.0 Sv and 9.0 Sv. Global-mean air-sea gas exchange time is calculated at 9.0 years. Using these optimal values, vertical profiles of dissolved inorganic carbon without biological production in PI and AT are estimated. Oceanic responses to anthropogenic fluctuations in substance concentrations in the atmosphere induced by the industrialization and nuclear bomb are also discribed, i.e., the effects appear significantly in AT while a signal is extremely weak in PI. A time-delay term is effective to make the PI water older near the bottom boundary.  相似文献   
Pumice flow from the 1883 Krakatau eruption significantly differs in both mineral and chemical compositions from any other volcanic rocks or ejecta of the Krakatau group, which belong to the tholeiitic series. Lithic fragments of granitic Rock, discovered in the pumice flow, are similar to West Malayan granitic rocks. No other granitic rock occurs throughout the Krakatau group, therefore, we consider that the granitic fragments came from the underlying complex at depths, where they were captured as foreign materials by the magma.It is possible that sialic crustal materials plunged into depths along a peculiar tectonic structure located at the Sunda Strait, which appears to be a sheared portion caused by deformation of the Sunda arc due to differential movement between the Indo-Australian oceanic plate and the Eurasian continental crust. The crustal materials were partially melted and produced a magma of granitic composition. The magma was mixed with or assimilated by an ascending basaltic magma originating probably from the upper mantle. This resulted in a dacitic magma distinctly dominant in silica, alkalis and volatile components, and the 1883 Krakatau eruption, characterized by the pumice flow of dacitic composition, took place.  相似文献   
K-Ar dating and 40Ar-39Ar step heating experiments have been done for successive zones from the surface to the interior in two, altered dredged submarine basalts (16-2-6 and Aries V-23). The K contents show a systematic decrease (surface to the interior), whereas the K-Ar ages show a similar decrease in one sample (16-2-6) and almost no change in the other (Aries V-23).A simple diffusion model suggests that the K content decreases systematically from the surface to the interior, whereas the K-Ar age decreases or remains almost constant, depending on whether the times of solidification and of commencement of K-diffusion are close to each other or differ significantly. Comparison of the observed K content and K-Ar age variations within the rocks with the theoretical model then suggests that the solidification age of the sample Aries V-23 is much older than the commencement of the potassium-diffusion, the latter age perhaps being represented by the Eocene planktonic foraminifera on this sample. The 40Ar-39Ar isochron age obtained for the freshest specimen of Aries V-23 is 86.6 ± 3.7 m.y., supporting the above conclusion.The mathematical simulation indicates that an apparent concordance of the K-Ar age observed in some submarine basalts may be an artifact, only reflecting the significant gap between the solidification age and the time of the commencement of the K-diffusion in the rocks. Microprobe examination reveals that the potassium enrichment in the outer margin, is mainly due to K feldspar, which is an alteration product of plagioclase.  相似文献   
We report trace element and Sr–Nd isotopic compositions of Early Miocene (22–18 Ma) basaltic rocks distributed along the back-arc margin of the NE Japan arc over 500 km. These rocks are divided into higher TiO2 (> 1.5 wt.%; referred to as HT) and lower TiO2 (< 1.5 wt.%; LT) basalts. HT basalt has higher Na2O + K2O, HFSE and LREE, Zr/Y, and La/Yb compared to LT basalt. Both suite rocks show a wide range in Sr and Nd isotopic compositions (initial 87Sr/86Sr (SrI) = 0.70389 to 0.70631, initial 143Nd/144Nd(NdI) = 0.51248 to 0.51285). There is no any systematic variation amongst the studied Early Miocene basaltic rocks in terms of Sr–Nd isotope or Na2O + K2O and K2O abundances, across three volcanic zones from the eastern through transitional to western volcanic zone, but we can identify gradual increases in SrI and decreases in NdI from north to south along the back-arc margin of the NE Japan arc. Based on high field strength element, REE, and Sr–Nd isotope data, Early Miocene basaltic rocks of the NE Japan back-arc margin represent mixing of the asthenospheric mantle-derived basalt magma with two types of basaltic magmas, HT and LT basaltic magmas, derived by different degrees of partial melting of the subcontinental lithospheric mantle composed of garnet-absent lherzolite, with a gradual decrease in the proportion of asthenospheric mantle-derived magma from north to south. These mantle events might have occurred in association with rifting of the Eurasian continental arc during the pre-opening stage of the Japan Sea.  相似文献   
As a new approach to understanding the chondrule formation process, we carried out aerodynamic experiments in which a liquid layer was attached to solid cores, and the breakup of this layer occurred by means of the interaction with a high-velocity gas flow. The size distribution of the dispersed droplets was investigated and compared with the size distributions of chondrules. Both distributions had an exponential form. Using the experimental results, the hydrodynamic pressure to produce the chondrule size distributions was estimated to be ∼ 104 Pa.  相似文献   
Knowing the collisional process among small porous icy bodies in the outer solar system is a key to understanding the formation of EKBOs and the evolution of icy planetesimals. Impact experiments of sintered porous ice spheres with 40%, 50%, 60% and 70% porosity were conducted by using three types of projectiles at the impact velocity from 2.4 to 489 m/s, and we studied the effects of porosity on the collisional processes. Projectile sticking occurred at the impact velocity higher than 44 m/s for 60% porosity targets and higher than 13 m/s for 70% porosity targets. The antipodal velocity of the porous ice target increased with the increase of energy density, Q, and it increased slightly with the increase of porosity, although it was exceptionally high in cases when the projectile penetrated the target. The shattering strength of porous ice targets was found to decrease from 100 to 31 J/kg with the increase of porosity from 40% to 70%. The cumulative fragment mass distribution was found to depend on the energy density and the target porosity, and the slopes of the distribution in the small fragment region were almost flat for more porous targets. We reanalyzed the cumulative fragment mass distribution and first obtained the empirical equation showing the fragment mass distribution of porous ice targets as a function of the energy density and the porosity.  相似文献   
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