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Ocean Dynamics - With the continued rise in global mean sea level, operational predictions of tidal height and total water levels have become crucial for accurate estimations and understanding of...  相似文献   
We reconstruct the Holocene shore displacement of the Västervik-Gamlebyviken area on the southeast coast of Sweden, characterised by a maritime cultural landscape and archaeological significance since the Mesolithic. Sediment cores were retrieved from four lake basins that have been raised above sea level due to the postglacial land uplift and eustatic sea level changes after the melting of the Fennoscandian Ice Sheet. The cores were radiocarbon dated and analysed for loss on ignition and diatoms. The isolation thresholds of the basins were determined using LiDAR data. The results provide evidence for the initiation of the first Littorina Sea transgression in this area at 8.5 thousand calibrated years before present (cal. ka BP). A relative sea level rise by ∼7 m a.s.l. is recorded between 8.0 and 7.5 cal. ka BP with a highstand at ∼22 m a.s.l. between 7.5 and 6.2 cal. ka BP. These phases coincide with the second and third Littorina Sea transgressions, respectively, in the Blekinge area, southern Sweden and are consistent with the final deglaciation of North America. After 6.2 cal. ka BP, the relative sea level dropped below 22 m a.s.l., and remained at ∼20 m a.s.l. until 4.6 cal. ka BP coinciding with the fourth Littorina Sea transgression in Blekinge. From 4.6 to 4.2 cal. ka BP, the shore displacement shows a regression rate of 10 mm a−1 followed by a slowdown with a mean value of 4.6 mm a−1 until 1.6 cal. ka BP, when the relative sea level dropped below 3.3 m a.s.l. The Middle to Late Holocene highstand and other periods of minor sea level transgressions and/or higher salinity between 6.2 and 1.7 cal. ka BP are attributed to a combination of warmer climate and higher inflow of saline waters in the southern Baltic Sea due to stronger westerlies, caused by variations in the North Atlantic atmospheric patterns.  相似文献   
海洋碎屑沉积物的粒度特征是海底沉积动力环境的直接体现,是用来研究海洋动力环境变化的重要手段,尤其是陆架海底表层沉积物的粒度分布,对于研究沿岸和水柱底边界层现今海洋动力环境可起到重要作用。该项研究通过调查遍布泰国湾至湄公河口海底表层沉积物陆源碎屑的粒度分布特征,以期获得影响现今特定海域沉积作用的海洋动力环境过程。粒度分析的结果显示,泰国湾表层沉积物的陆源碎屑以细砂-细粉砂为主,分选总体较差,频率分布以正偏为主。其中,细砂-极细砂组分主要分布在曼谷湾和柬埔寨沿岸。湄公河岸外沉积物为细砂,且分选比泰国湾区域的沉积物要好。这些表层沉积物的粒度特征具有良好的环境变化指示作用。湄公河岸外分选较好、近于正态分布的中砂沉积物指示了波浪作用下的沉积环境。曼谷湾和柬埔寨沿岸分选较差的中砂-细砂粗粒沉积物反映了潮汐和波浪的共同作用;泰国湾东西沿岸区域分选中等、呈正偏态的极细砂-中粉砂沉积物体现了潮汐的控制作用;而泰国湾中部分选较差的沉积物则指示了表层洋流作用。研究表明,泰国湾和湄公河岸外表层沉积物陆源碎屑的粒度分布特征可用于区分不同海洋动力因素的控制作用,揭示出泰国湾的沉积动力环境主要受潮汐、波浪和洋流的共同影响,湄公河岸外的沉积动力环境主要受波浪的影响。  相似文献   

关于光功率曲线的科学基础和工程知识,光功率曲线通过将太阳辐照度和其他辅助气象要素映射到光伏输出功率, 已在之前的教程综述中进行了总结和归纳。尽管上一篇综述洋洋洒洒,但它并没有详细说明这一非常重要的太阳能气象学工具应如何应用。事实上,在各种太阳能资源评估和预报业务中,光功率曲线是必不可少的。因此,这篇教程综述提供了光功率曲线的使用范例。简而言之,本教程综述承接上文,阐明如何使用地基观测、卫星遥感以及模式输出的地表短波辐射数据,进而通过光功率曲线与电力系统衔接。

The petrology and stable isotope chemistry of cyanobacterial stromatolites of Archaean age (2.7 Ga) from the Cheshire and Manjeri Formations of the Belingwe greenstone belt in Zimbabwe have been examined. Palaeomagnetic data suggest that the stromatolites formed in tropical to subtropical latitudes. The Cheshire Formation shows little evidence of either anion or cation exchange during metamorphism, and the stable carbon and oxygen isotope ratios suggest a formation at temperatures perhaps considerably below 80°C. The Manjeri Formation, only slightly older, but overlain by a thick volcanic sequence, shows a low grade of metamorphism, and isotope ratios that are consistent with a metamorphic temperature of around 200°C.  相似文献   
Concentrations of mercury were determined for the waters, suspended matter and sediments of the Tagus and of major French estuaries.The Tagus estuary is one of the most contaminated by mercury derived from the outfalls of a chloralkali plant and from other industrial sources. In deposited sediments the median level, 1·0 μg Hg g?1, is twenty times higher than the natural background and Hg contents depend on the sediment grain-size, age and the distance from waste-outfalls. Suspended matter is more regularly and highly contaminated (median value: 4·5 μg Hg g?1). In the French estuaries Hg levels in the suspended material decrease with salinity due to dilution and/or remobilization processes. In June 1982, in the Loire estuary, high values of Hg are observed in the middle estuary and attributed to urban and industrial sources.In the Tagus estuary, the general distribution of total dissolved Hg confirms the contamination: it increases seaward from 10 ng 1?1 in the river to 80 ng 1?1 in the estuary outlet. The dissolved Hg is almost totally organic in the river, inorganic in the middle estuary due to inorganic Hg effluents and again organic in the lower estuary. This variation is related to the dissolved organic carbon values. The dissolved Hg levels in the Loire Estuary (5–300 ng 1?1) are much higher than in the Gironde estuary (3–6 ng 1?1) and of the same order as those observed in the Tagus estuary.  相似文献   
The ability to deduce exhumation mechanisms from thermochronological data is hampered by the fact that assumptions on the thermal state of the lithosphere have to be made. Additional argumentation is generally required to discriminate between erosion-controlled and tectonically induced exhumation. This problem can be overcome by studying the spatial distribution of zircon and apatite (U-Th)/He and fission track data. In this work the variation of four different low temperature isotopic systems generating age trends along a sampling line is used to infer mechanisms of Quaternary exhumation in the Central High Himalayan Metamorphic Belt. Observed zircon age trends with southwards increasing cooling ages (from 0.5 to 1.7 Ma) are attributed to tectonically induced exhumation. The uniform apatite cooling ages clustered c. 0.5 Ma are attributed to erosion.  相似文献   
Fluid flow characteristics of cleat systems in coalbed methane reservoirs are crucial in reservoir management and field development plans. This paper aims to evaluate the cleat system properties including cleat porosity, permeability, and aperture as well as the impact of permeability growth on production performance in the Bandanna Coal Formation of the Fairview Field, eastern Queensland. Owing to the presence of bad hole conditions and poor core recovery of the coal intervals, the petrophysical well logs and laboratory measurements cannot be used as a source of information for this purpose. Hence, a new approach is employed that utilises early water production data to measure water in place and absolute permeability of the coal. In addition, micro-computed tomography (CT) scan method is used to investigate the cleat system that is preserved in a core sample and results are compared with the ones obtained by analysis of production data. Cleat system evaluation by analysis of production data and micro-CT scan technique provides a comprehensive approach that brings confidence in measurements and helps to obtain cleat properties at the sufficient scale for reservoir engineering purposes. The necessary information including production data and core samples are collected from a dewatering well and the nearby observation well in the study area. Analysis of early water production data (single-phase flow) indicates that coal permeability is 189 mD and the average cleat porosity is approximately 5%. High cleat porosity describes the large volume of water produced over the life of the study well. The 3D model of the fossilised cleat system constructed by the micro-CT scan method reveals that coal is well-cleated and cleat spacing and mean cleat aperture are 4 and 0.136 mm, respectively. The average cleat porosity that is measured by the micro-CT scan method is 5.7%, which is fairly close to the cleat porosity measured by analysis of production data. Production data analysis indicates that effective permeability to gas starts to grow at the midlife of the well and it strongly controls the shape of the production profile. The results of this study help in future field development and infill drilling programs in the Fairview Field and provide important insights into cleat system of Bandanna Coal Formation.  相似文献   
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