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The stratigraphy and geological position of the eastern compartment of the Bushveld Complex are described. A mechanical model for the initiation and growth of the eastern compartment of the Bushveld intrusion has been developed using thin elastic plate theory, assuming linked conical magma chambers. It is shown that the contribution to the pressure at the base of a cell by the restitutional force exerted by the roof of Rooiberg felsites is 104 times as great as that of the layers of host in the cone. Both are minimal compared to the lithostatic pressure exerted by the magma pile. Roof deformation is therefore seen to be a more important process than sagging of the floor during intrusion—a feature which probably occurred during cooling, solidification and isostatic readjustment of the area.A stratigraphie model is proposed in which the intrusion of basic rocks into the Transvaal sequence is discussed in the light of continuous basin subsidence. Early submarine sedimentation in an irregularly-floored basin some 620 km in diameter situated on the Archaean craton gave rise to a 7.7 km thick sedimentary pile, to which was added some 7 km of subaerial basalts and felsites. Depression of the floor of the basin into the regime of maximum horizontal compression induced favourable conditions for the intrusion of a total of 2.5 km of diabase sills which further assisted the subsidence. The 9 km thick Bushveld Complex was intruded into the basal sections at points along a 010° trend in a regime characterised by shear failure. Early magma influxes gave rise to a laminated marginal zone forming a shallow cone, with associated sill activity, whilst continued later influxes filled the conical cell, transgressed the floor and uparched the roof. Partial melting in the regions beneath the Complex, exacerbated by continued crustal depression, gave rise to the late Bushveld granites.  相似文献   
Osumilitess was synthesized as a single phase product in the model system K2O-MgO-Al2O3-SiO2 at 800° C/ 0.5 Kbar water pressure and at 800° to 840° C/1.0 Kbar total pressure with 0.3 in the gas phase. The experimentally determined solid solubility range of synthetic osumilites can be expressed by the formula KMg2(Al3-xMgx) (Al2–xSi10+x)O30 with 0x0.4. A survey of sixteen chemical analyses of natural osumilites from eleven occurrences shows a solid solubility characterized by 0x0.6. Reversed stability experiments for the synthetic osumilite KMg2(Al2.75Mg0.25)(Al1.75Si10.25)O30 determined at water pressure equal to total pressure demonstrate its restriction to water pressures below 0.8 Kbar (at 0.5 Kbar, the stability range is between 765° and 800° C). At the lower thermal stability limit osumilite+H2O vapor break down to cordierite+K feldspar+phlogopitess+quartz, at the higher one to cordierite+K feldspar+phlogopite+liquid. Reduction of water fugacity will expand the stability field largely by shifting the lower and higher thermal stability limits to lower and higher temperatures, respectively. The dependence of osumilite stability on water fugacity makes osumilite a sensitive indicator mineral for dry conditions in rocks formed at total pressures higher than about 0.8 Kbar.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Bereits vor der Intrusion des Leuchtenberger Granits waren seine Rahmen-gesteine unter den Bedingungen der Amphibolit-Fazies regionalmetamorph eingeformt worden, wobei sich folgende Paragenesen bildeten: Muscovit + Biotit + Granat ± Sillimanit ± Staurolith (+ Quarz + Plagioklas) Muscovit + Biotit ± Kalifeldspat (+ Quarz + Plagioklas).Die Kontaktmetamorphose führt in den äußeren Bereichen der Aureole zur Paragenese Muscovit + Andalusit + Cordierit + Biotit (+ Quarz + Plagioklas), die der Hornblende-Hornfels-Fazies entspricht.In der inneren Kontaktzone werden die p-t-Bedingungen einer höhergradierten Hornfelsfazies erreicht, die sich in der Paragenese ± Kalifeldspat + Sillimanit + Cordierit ± Almandin + Biotit (+ Quarz + Plagioklas) dokumentiert.Die zonale Anordnung der Mineral-Paragenesen im Kontakthof läßt sich durch quantitative Verbreitungskarten anschaulich machen (150 Modalanalysen aus 59 Fundpunkten). Phasenbeziehungen und Mineralreaktionen werden anhand von AKF- und AFM-Diagrammen diskutiert, für deren Aufstellung 19 Mineralanalysen neu ausgeführt wurden.Durch den Vergleich mit derzeit verfügbaren experimentellen Unterlagen lassen sich die p-t-Bedingungen im Steinacher Kontakthof abschätzen. Danach ist ein Druckbereich von 1,5–3 kbar am wahrscheinlichsten. Mit der Bildung der höchst-gradierten Hornfelse waren 550° C sicher überschritten, während nach dem Jaeger-Modell 700° C als alleroberste Temperaturgrenze anzusehen ist. In der innersten Kontaktzone muß man mit geringen O2-Partialdrucken rechnen.
The gneiss-hornfelses of Steinach, Oberpfalz (Bavaria)
The southern margin of the Leuchtenberg granite massive is surrounded by a thermal aureole in which banded gneisses and mica schists have been transformed into hornfelses containing andalusite, sillimanite, cordierite, and almandine.Before the intrusion of the granite, the country rocks had undergone regional metamorphism to give mineral assemblages typical of the amphibolite facies: Muscovite + biotite ± K-feldspar + quartz + plagioclase in the banded gneisses and muscovite + biotite + garnet ± sillimanite ± staurolite + quartz + plagioclase in the mica schists.In the outer zone of the aureole, contact metamorphism produced the assemblage: Muscovite + andalusite + cordierite + biotite + quartz + plagioclase, corresponding to the hornblende-hornfels facies.In the inner zone of the aureole, increasing temperatures yielded the high grade assemblages: K-feldspar + sillimanite + cordierite ± almandine + biotite + quartz + plagioclase sillimanite + cordierite ± almandine + biotite + quartz + plagioclase.The zonal arrangement of the mineral assemblages within the Steinach aureole is shown in quantitative distribution maps of andalusite, contact-metamorphic sillimanite, cordierite, and contact-metamorphic garnet respectively, based on 150 modal analyses (from 59 points, Fig. 1). Andalusite (Fig. 10) reaches its maximum at about 200–400 m from the granite border and, toward it, is more and more substituted by sillimanite (Fig. 11). On the other hand, contact metamorphic sillimanite goes to the outer zone of the aureole almost as far as andalusite. This means that the sillimanite isograd passed across the andalusite zone during the contact metamorphism. Cordierite (Fig. 12) shows a constant increase from the margin to the innermost zone of the aureole, as does contact metamorphic garnet (Fig. 13). Phase relations and mineral reactions are discussed in terms of AKP- and APM-diagrams (Figs. 14, 15, 17, 18) based on 19 new mineral analyses (Tables 5–9).With respect to the experimental data so far available, possible P-T-conditions within the Steinach aureole have been discussed. The transition from the low to the high grade assemblages took place very near to the cross-over point of the andalusite/sillimanite equilibrium curve and the breakdown curve of muscovite + quartz in the P-T-diagram (Figs. 16, 19).This gives a minimum H2O-pressure of 1 kbar. In the innermost contact zone, temperatures must have exceeded 550° C, which is in good agreement with recent oxygen-isotope data as well as with Jaeger's model. As is shown by the ore mineral assemblages, studied in polished sections (Table 10), the oxygen activity in the high grade hornfelses was low.

Prof. S. Matthes (Würzburg) möchte ich für das lebhafte, fördernde Interesse an dieser Arbeit sowie für die Überlassung von Proben und von Geräten der DFG meinen herz-lichen Dank aussprechen. Wesentlichen Anteil am Gelingen dieser Untersuchung hat auch Prof. B. W. Evans, dem ich für die freundschaftliche Aufnahme in Berkeley, für die ständige Bereitschaft zur Diskussion und für wertvolle Anregungen zu großem Dank verpflichtet bin. Weiter danke ich Prof. W. Schreyer (Bochum) und Prof. F. J. Turner (Berkeley) für die kritische Durchsicht des Manuskripts sowie Mr. L. K. Burns (Berkeley), Dr. A. Peters und Dr. P. Richter (Würzburg) für wichtige Hinweise bei der Analytik. Die Untersuchungen an der Mikrosonde in Berkeley wurden durch ein Stipendium der Deutschen Forschungs-gemeinschaft ermöglicht; das Gerät stand durch die Unterstützung der National Science Foundation (grant GA 500) zur Verfügung. Beiden Organisationen sei für ihre Hilfe gedankt.

Textlich gekürzte, aber um neue Untersuchungsergebnisse erweiterte Fassung einer Habilitationsschrift, angenommen im Januar 1968 von der Naturwissenschaftlichen Fakultät der Universität Würzburg.  相似文献   
The main structural-lithological factors responsible for the localization of hydrothermal mineralization on a regional, as well as on a local scale in the metallogenic province of western Cuba are summarized. The supply function of regional fault structures extending towards depth is emphasized and light is thrown on the localization of hydrothermal veins in fissures of the folded San Cayetano Formation. Stress has been laid on the genetic and chronological independence of pyrite bodies and hydrothermal veins. Six mineralization stages have been defined and their general succession in the metallogenic area under consideration has been determined.
Resumen Los factores principales litológico-estructurales, que causan la predisposición de la localización de los yacimientos hidrotermales en las dimensiones regionales y locales en la region de Cuba occidental, están sumarizados. La importancia de las dislocaciones regionales para el aporte de las soluciones hidrotermales está subrayada y las causas de la localización de las vetas hidrotermales en las ac-grietas de la formacion plegada de San Cayetano están aclaradas. La independencia genética y cronológica de los cuerpos de pirita y de las vetas hidrotermales polimetálicas está discutida. Seis estados de la mineralización hidrotermal están identificados y la succesión de la validez general para toda la region metalogenética de Cuba occidental está construida.
Polymetamorphic rocks of Sifnos (Greece) have been investigated by Rb-Sr, K-Ar, and fission track methods. Critical mineral assemblages from the northern and southernmost parts of Sifnos include jadeite+quartz+3T phengite, and omphacite+garnet +3T phengite, whereas the central part is characterized by the assemblage albite+chlorite+epidote+2M 1 phengite.K-Ar and Rb-Sr dates on phengites (predominantly 3T) of the best preserved high P/itTmetamorphic rocks from northern Sifnos gave concordant ages around 42 m.y., indicating a Late Lutetian age for the high P/T metamorphism. Phengites (2M 1+3T) of less preserved high P/T assemblages yielded K-Ar dates between 48 and 41 m.y. but generally lower Rb-Sr dates. The higher K-Ar dates are interpreted as being elevated by excess argon.K-Ar and Rb-Sr ages on 2M 1 phengites from central Sifnos vary between 24 and 21 m.y. These ages date a second, greenschist-facies metamorphism which overprinted the earlier high-pressure metamorphic rocks.  相似文献   
Problems related to the formation of chloritoid in metapelites, associated with lawsonite-glaucophane bearing metabasalts, in the quartzitephyllite series of western Crete (Greece) are discussed. It is supposed that chloritoid was formed, during prograde metamorphism, according to a gliding-equilibrium reaction of the type (Fe,Mg)-carpholite1+chlorite1 (Fe,Mg)-carpholite1 2+(Fe,Mg)-chloritoid1 2 +chlorite1→2+quartz+H2O ? (Fe,Mg)-chloritoid2+chlorite2+quartz+H2O. This view is stipulated by the occurrence of ferrocarpholite-chloritoid schists in the southeastern part of central Crete. The assemblage chloritoid+ lawsonite recently recognized in western Crete provides evidence that the formation of chloritoid started well within the stability field of lawsonite.  相似文献   
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