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Geostatistical analysis of selected soil properties were performed in two mangrove sites (B7 and B9) dominated by the mangrove speciesRhizophora mangle along the San Juan River, Venezuela, to evaluate the effect of forest disturbance on nutrient spatial distributions. Plots within area B7 were clear-cut in 1972–1973 and in area B9 in 1982–1983. Four plots within each area were systematically selected and represented natural (2) and regenerated (2) forests. Individual plots were 1.5 ha in B7 and 1.25 ha in B9 and sampled at a resolution of 25 m. Soil samples were obtained at the intersection of an aligned grid with 90 points in B7 and 78 points in B9. Measured soil properties included salinity, total nitrogen, total carbon, total phosphorus, osmolality, and pore water cation concentrations (potassium, calcium, magnesium, and sodium). Sites were sampled in May 1996 and 1997, although spatial analysis was performed only for the data obtained in May 1997. Geostatistical analysis showed that most of the variables tested were spatially auto-correlated within each area and that there were no differences between regenerated and natural plots. Structural variance as a proportion of sample variance ranged from 55–99% for most of the properties. The significant spatial dependence observed for most of the variables in natural and regenerated plots, despite management schedules, indicates that clear-cutting did not have an effect on modifying the distribution of nutrient concentrations. These results suggest that after 15 and 25 yr following forest disturbance nutrient distributions were reestablished either there was not a net effect on patterns of element loss or tidal input was stronger than plant modifications of soils.  相似文献   
Sea level trends and inter-annual variability in the Mediterranean Sea for the period 1960–2000 is explored by comparing observations from tide gauges with sea level hindcasts from a barotropic 2D circulation model, and two full primitive equation 3D ocean circulation models, a regional one and the Mediterranean component of a global one,. In the 2D model, 50% of the sea level variance was found to result from the wind and atmospheric pressure forcing. In the 3D models, 20% of the sea level variance was explained by the steric effects. The sea level residuals at the tide gauges locations, calculated by subtraction of the 2D model output from the sea level observations are significantly correlated (r = 0.4) with the steric signals from the 3D models. After the removal of the atmospheric and the steric contributions the tide-gauge sea level records indicate a period where sea level was stable (1960–1975) and a period where sea level was rising (1975–2000) with rates in the range 1.1–1.8 mm/yr. A part of the residual trend can be explained by the contribution of local land movements (0.3 mm/yr) while its major part indicates a global signal, probably mass addition, appearing after 1975.  相似文献   
The November 13, 1985 eruption of Nevado del Ruiz produced a series of pyroclastic flows and surges that eroded channels on the surface of the summit glacier and generated lahars which descended down most of the rivers that drain the volcano. The stratigraphy of the proximal pyroclastic deposits indicates that there were at least four episodes to the eruption. Episode I, deposited an unusual surge consisting of small pieces of ice mixed with ash and exhibiting planar stratification. Ballistically emplaced fragments are also intercalated with this unit. During Episode II, at least two pyroclastic flows were erupted. Their deposits contain the most evolved pumice of the entire eruption; SiO2 content of matrix glass ranges between 74.5 and 74.9%. Episode III is marked by the emplacement of a welded tuff with an average SiO2 content of about 66% in the matrix glass. The final Episode IV was characterized by the development of a high-altitude eruption column and the emplacement of several nonwelded pyroclastic flows. Banded pumice are common in the pyroclastic flow as well as in the pumice fall deposits. Co-existing dark and light pumice bands differ in SiO2 content by 3.5% and in general are similar to the composition of the welded pumice from Episode III.The compositional zonation of the pyroclastic deposits from Episode I to IV suggests that a nearsurface compositionally-stratified portion of the magma body was tapped during Episode II. During Episodes III and IV the main body of magma was involved although the coexistence of the compositionally distinct pumice clasts at similar stratigraphic levels argues for mixing of magma from different levels in the chamber during the eruptive process.  相似文献   
Evidence shows that massive black holes reside in most local galaxies. Studies have also established a number of relations between the MBH mass and properties of the host galaxy such as bulge mass and velocity dispersion. These results suggest that central MBHs, while much less massive than the host (~0.1%), are linked to the evolution of galactic structure. In hierarchical cosmologies, a single big galaxy today can be traced back to the stage when it was split up in hundreds of smaller components. Did MBH seeds form with the same efficiency in small proto-galaxies, or did their formation had to await the buildup of substantial galaxies with deeper potential wells? I briefly review here some of the physical processes that are conducive to the evolution of the massive black hole population. I will discuss black hole formation processes for ‘seed’ black holes that are likely to place at early cosmic epochs, and possible observational tests of these scenarios.  相似文献   
A semi-detailed gravity survey was carried out over an area of 650 km2 localized in the Eo-Neoproterozoic coastal zone of Paraiba State where 548 new gravity stations were added to the existing database. Gravity measurements were made with a LaCoste and Romberg model G meter with a precision of 0.04 mGal. The altitude was determined by barometric levelling with a fixed base achieving a 1.2 m measure of uncertainty, corresponding to an overall accuracy of 0.24 mGal for the Bouguer anomaly. The residual Bouguer map for a 7th degree regional polynomial showed a circumscribed negative anomaly coincident with a localized aero-magnetic anomaly and with hydro-thermally altered outcrops, near the city of Itapororoca. The 3D gravity modelling, constrained by geologic mapping was interpreted as a low density, fractured and/or altered material with a most probable volume of approximately 23 km3, extending to about 8,500 m depth. This result is in accordance with a volcanic body associated with hydrothermal processes accompanied by surface mineralization evidence, which may be of interest to the mining industry.  相似文献   
The low-grade metavolcanic/volcanosedimentary complex of the Devonian Vrbno Group (Silesicum, NE Bohemian Massif, Czech Republic) occurs in two ~NE–SW trending belts, separated by tectonic slices of Cadomian metagranitic paraautochton. (1) The basic–intermediate lavas of the calc-alkaline Western Volcanic Belt came from a moderately depleted mantle $ \left( {\varepsilon_{\text{Nd}}^{370} \sim + 3} \right) $ . Rare rhyolites (374.0 ± 1.7 Ma: 2σ, LA–ICP–MS U–Pb Zrn) were derived most likely from immature crust or by extensive fractionation of primary basaltic melts. The rock association is interpreted as a vestige of a deeply dissected continental arc. (2) The Eastern Volcanic Belt consists mainly of (nearly) contemporaneous (371.0 ± 1.4 Ma) felsic alkaline lavas with high HFSE contents, as well as high Ga/Al and Fe/Mg ratios, typical of within-plate igneous setting. The petrology and Nd–Sr isotopic data point to a high-T anatexis of a young metagranitic crust, resembling the Cadomian (Brunovistulian) basement, in a back-arc setting. The attenuated Brunovistulian lithosphere could have partially melted by the heat provided by the upwelling asthenosphere and/or underplating basic magma. (3) Finally, the region was penetrated by numerous subalkaline, MORB/EMORB-like dolerite sheets—a hallmark of the considerable crustal thinning.  相似文献   
Strontium and neodymium isotopes, measured on diverse mud and sand fractions of sediment in transit along all major Nile branches, identify detritus sourced from Precambrian basements, Mesozoic strata, and Tertiary volcanic rocks exposed along the shoulders of the East African rift and in Ethiopian highlands. Sr and Nd isotopic ratios reflect the weighted average of detrital components generated in different catchments, allowing us to discriminate provenance, calculate sediment budgets, and investigate grain-size and hydraulic-sorting effects.87Sr/86Sr and 143Nd/144Nd range, respectively, from as high as 0.722 and as low as 0.5108 for sediment derived from Archean gneisses in northern Uganda, to 0.705 and 0.5127 for sediment derived from Neoproterozoic Ethiopian and Eritrean basements. 87Sr/86Sr and 143Nd/144Nd, ranging 0.705-0.709 and 0.5124-0.5130 for Blue Nile tributaries, are 0.704-0.705 and 0.5127-0.5128 for largely volcaniclastic sediments of River Tekeze-Atbara, and 0.705-0.706 and 0.5126-0.5127 for main Nile sediments upstream Lake Nasser.Model mantle derivation ages (tDM), oldest in Uganda where sediment is principally derived from the Congo Craton (3.4-3.0 Ga for Victoria and Albert Nile), progressively decrease northward across the Saharan Metacraton, from 2.6 Ga (Bahr el Jebel in South Sudan), to 2.4-2.2 Ga (Bahr ez Zeraf across the Sudd), and finally 1.6-1.3 Ga (White Nile upstream Khartoum). Instead, tDM ages of Sobat mud increase from 0.9 to 1.5 Ga across the Machar marshes. TDM ages are younger for sediments shed by Ethiopian (1.2-0.7 Ga) and Eritrean basements (1.5-1.2 Ga), and youngest for sediments shed from Ethiopian flood basalts (0.3-0.2 Ga).Integrated geochemical, mineralogical, and settling-equivalence analyses suggest influence on the Nd isotopic signal by volcanic lithic grains and titanite rather than by LREE-rich monazite or allanite. Because contributions by ultradense minerals is subordinate, intrasample variability of Sr and Nd ratios is minor. In Blue Nile, Atbara and main Nile sediments of mixed provenance, however, the Nd ratio tends to be higher and tDM ages lower in largely volcaniclastic mud than in mixed volcaniclastic/metamorphiclastic sand.The complete geochemical database presented here, coupled with high-resolution bulk-petrography and heavy-mineral data, provides a key to reconstructing erosion patterns and detrital fluxes across the whole Nile basin, and to investigate and understand how sources of sediment have changed in the historical and pre-historical past in relation to shifting climatic zones across arid northern Africa.  相似文献   
Material fluxes associated with fluid expulsion at cold seeps and their contribution to oceanographic budgets have not been accurately constrained. Here we present evidence that the barium released at cold seeps along the San Clemente Fault zone may significantly impact the geochemical budget of barium within the basin. Barium fluxes at seep localities on the fault scarp, measured with benthic chambers, reach values as high as 5 mmol m−2 day−1. This is the largest dissolved barium flux measured to date at a cold seep. The discharge of barium-rich fluids results in formation of massive barite deposits along the escarpment wall. The deposits are young (approximately 8 yr) and appear to grow at a minimum rate of 0.2 cm yr−1. This rapid growth rate requires a barium efflux rate that is about two orders of magnitude higher than the measured dissolved flux. We believe that the discrepancy reflects a highly localized seepage system and that chambers positioned as close as possible to the growing chimneys did not sample the foci of fluid discharge. Transport of fine barite particles from the seeps may be responsible for excess rates of barium accumulation throughout the San Clemente Basin, relative to other basins in the California Margin. Based on a preliminary budget, we estimate that cold-seep barite is accumulating at the basin floor in San Clemente at a rate of 2 μmol m−2 day−1, a value that is comparable to the total barium accumulation rates driven by detrital and biogenic components in neighboring basins. Remobilization of cold-seep barite on the basin floor adds to that driven by the biogenic barium flux and results in benthic barium recycling rates (effluxes) within the San Clemente Basin that are as much as seven times higher than the effluxes from surrounding borderland basins. Our estimates imply that processes associated with fluid seepage along the San Clemente Fault significantly contribute to the basin’s barium cycle. The strontium isotopic composition of the seep barite is significantly different from marine ‘biogenic’ barite, which is known to accurately record seawater composition. In addition, the seep deposits are depleted in 226Ra relative to their modern biogenic counterparts, and are likely to be a source of radium-depleted particulate barium to the basin. Thus the impact of barite transport from seeps on the San Clemente escarpment to the basin floor might also have implications for the geochemistry of elements other than barium.  相似文献   
Eutrophication has caused strong shifts from perennial seagrass to opportunistic macroalgae and phytoplankton in many coastal ecosystems worldwide, yet responses of the primary-producer assemblage can vary with regional environmental and nutrient-loading conditions. The wider consequences of this variable primary-producer response on the associated animal community are little known. We used large-scale field surveys across 12 study sites with low or high eutrophication levels in two geographic provinces in Atlantic Canada to examine region-specific responses of macrofauna associated with eelgrass beds. In both regions, abundances of all groups increased with eutrophication, but species richness of mobile fishes and invertebrates decreased. Generally, filter feeders, epibenthic detritivores and some herbivores increased, while more hypoxia sensitive species declined. Small fishes and invertebrate predators increased with eutrophication mirrored by decreases in their prey. Despite similar general trends, our results show distinct shifts in species composition in each geographic region associated with differences in food availability and predation refuge offered by phytoplankton and opportunistic epiphytic or benthic macroalgae as well as tolerance to an increasingly hostile physico-chemical environment. So far, the continued persistence of eelgrass beds at our “highly” eutrophied sites indicates intermediate eutrophication levels with short-term benefits for some species. However, the loss of sensitive species and decrease in species richness highlight that eutrophication has already changed seagrass ecosystems in Atlantic Canada. Our work suggests that mitigating these changes will require regional-scale management.  相似文献   
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