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Solar maps at 212 and 405 GHz obtained by the Solar Submillimetric Telescope (SST) show regions of enhanced brightness temperature, which coincide with the location of active regions. A statistical study of the radio emission from these active regions was performed for the first time at such high frequencies during 23 days on June and July 2002, when the atmospheric opacity was low. The brightest regions on the maps were chosen for this study, where the brightness excess observed varies from 3 to 20% above quiet Sun levels (i.e., 200–1000 K) at both wavelengths. Sizes of the regions of enhanced emission calculated at half the maximum value were estimated to be between 2′ and 7′. These sizes agree with observed sizes of active regions at other wavelengths such as Hα and ultraviolet. An important result is that the flux density spectra of all sources increase toward submillimeter frequencies, yielding flux density spectral index with an average value of 2.0. The flux density of the active region sources were complemented with that from maps at 17 and 34 GHz from the Nobeyama Radio Heliograph. The resulting spectra at all four frequencies were fit considering the flux density to be due to thermal bremsstrahlung from the active region. In the calculations, the source radius was assumed to be the mean of the measured values at 212 and 405 K. The effective temperatures of the radio emitting source, assumed homogeneous, obtained from this fit were 0.6–2.9 × 104 K, for source diameters of 2′–7′.  相似文献   
This study summarizes the final results of magnetostratigraphic and micropalaeontological investigations of the Tithonian/Berriasian boundary (J/K) limestones at the locality of Brodno near ilina, Western Carpathians, West Slovakia. The aim is to prepare the background for correlation of a Late Tithonian and Early Berriasian biostratigraphic zonation with global magnetoevents (manifested in detailed magnetostratigraphic profiles) between the Tethyan realm and other regions, particularly the Boreal and Pacific realms. Suitable physical properties of the limestones studied, a favourable geological setting and rich microfossil assemblages (calpionellids) at Brodno (magnetozones M21r to M18r) allowed a systematic collection of new data on the original synoptic section, which now has the character of a high-resolution profile across the J/K boundary. Two reverse subzones detected within magnetozones M20n and M19n are named ‘Kysuca Subzone’ and ‘Brodno Subzone’, respectively. Both can be correlated with analogous subzones in the M-sequence of marine anomalies. Their existence can also be confirmed in the Bosso Valley section in Umbria, central Italy. A detailed study of the interval between magnetozones M20n and M17r in the Bosso Valley profile is presently in its final stage. Both magnetostratigraphic profiles, from the Brodno and Bosso Valley localities, were thoroughly investigated in the intervals close to the J/K boundary and are still unique among continent-based profiles in the detection and precise definition of both reverse subzones within M20n and M19n. Samples collected from the boundary strata of the reverse Kysuca Subzone at Brodno indicated a transition from N (R) to R (N) polarity of the Earth's palaeomagnetic field within a time interval of c. ±5 ka. Limestone samples (total number N=368) were subjected to progressive thermal demagnetization in 10–12 thermal fields and to subsequent multi-component analysis of remanence. The C-component, as the carrier of palaeomagnetic directions, was determined in the temperature interval of 300° to 540°, or possibly 580°C. Magnetomineralogical analyses of pilot samples and unblocking temperatures determined for all samples showed that magnetite is the carrier of remanent magnetization. The positions of the individual events of calpionellid stratigraphy relative to the global magnetic polarity timescale are precisely defined. The base of the Calpionella Standard Zone, which is considered a provisional J/K boundary indicator in ammonite-free sections in the Tethyan realm, lies within magnetozone M19n at the level of 35% of its local thickness. None of the boundaries in the calpionellid zonation coincides precisely with any of those in the palaeomagnetic zonation, but the first appearance ofCalpionella grandalpina , indicating the base of the Intermedia Subzone, lies in close proximity to the base of magnetozone M19r.  相似文献   
AMS studies earlier carried out on the flysch sediments from the Outer Western Carpathians focused on the sandstone members deposited from turbidity currents. The main conclusion of these studies was that the dominant features of the AMS fabric developed during sedimentation and the tectonic overprint was weak. In recent years a large number of claystone (deposited also from turbidity currents, but in calm water) localities were sampled from the Krosno beds of the Silesian nappe, primarily for paleomagnetic study. Nevertheless, the AMS of the samples was also measured. The magnetic fabrics of the claystones were dominated by foliation, but lineations were also expressed and attributed to deformation. The question arose how different are the reactions of the claystone and the siltstone beds to deformation.  相似文献   
We employ numerical and analytical methods to investigate the effect of the presence of rigid porphyroblasts such as garnets on layer strengthening and the folding instability. We use a 50% fraction of non‐overlapping, circular‐shaped inclusions with a wide size distribution. These inclusions cause a fourfold effective viscosity increase and can significantly promote the folding instability. This is not only due to the increased viscosity but also due to the layer interface roughness generation driven by relative movement of inclusions. The increase in layer viscosity promotes strengthening of the whole system. However, with progressive fold development, the system undergoes an effective softening that may counteract the strengthening effect of the porphyroblast growth.  相似文献   
We use numerical simulations to investigate the evolution of sheath folds around slip surfaces in simple‐shear‐dominated monoclinic shear zones. A variety of sheath fold shapes develops under general shear, including tubular folds with low aspect ratio eye patterns and tongue‐like structures showing bivergent flanking structures in sections normal to the sheath elongation, which may potentially lead to confusing shear sense interpretations. Not all investigated monoclinic flow end‐members lead to the development of sheath folds sensu stricto (folds with apical angle <90°). The aspect ratio of the eye patterns, Ryz, correlates with the ratio between the principal strain in the Y‐direction and the smaller of the principal strains in the X–Z plane, and thus it could be used in strain analysis.  相似文献   
Uranium mines are the often forgotten source of nuclear power. This article studies impacts and social movements at a uranium mining frontier looking at the interaction between the global social metabolism, industrial dynamics and local ecologies of resistance. Namibia, the world's fourth largest producer of uranium, stands at the vanguard of the global uranium rush with 66 granted prospecting licenses and two operating mines. We focus on three generic attributes that help to explain the emergence and intensity of resistance by local communities to uranium mining: the ecology and geography of the resource; the degree and type of political and economic marginalisation of the community; and crucially, the connection and integration of local concerns with broader social movements and political demands. We show with the use of empirical material how these factors play out differently in five Namibian communities that have been, or stand to be, affected by uranium mining, and explain how local ecologies of resistance shape, or fail to shape, the global uranium rush. Our work offers an example of an integrative approach for the analysis of the global–local dynamics of environmental change in relation to the extraction and flow of the essential materials that fuel industrial economies.  相似文献   
The present study focuses on new palaeobotanical data (pollen, phytoliths and fruits) from three of the oldest Early Palaeolithic sites in Eurasia (Dmanisi in Georgia, Ca’ Belvedere di Monte Poggiolo in Italy and Pont-de-Lavaud in France). The main aim is to examine the ecological factors associated with the first human dispersals out of Africa into Eurasia. The palaeoecological data are discussed with regards to chronology and geographical location of the settlements. The vegetation pattern of each site consists of temperate Eurasian and Mediterranean taxa, subtropical trees being more or less recorded depending on climatic and geographic features. The new palaeobotanical data show that different vegetation structures occurred between the first human dispersal in Caucasus and the later dispersals in western Eurasia. However, in all cases hominins seemed to be adapted to temperate ecosystems. In Caucasus, human occupation took place at 1.7 Ma in a forest-steppe environment, while at ca 1 Ma human populations occupied various settings such as open landscapes or dense forests. These data suggest that during the Early Pleistocene, human populations evolved and dispersed in western Eurasia, gradually increasing their degree of adaptation to diversified environments.  相似文献   
We have performed deep searches for radio pulsations from four southern anomalous X-ray pulsars (AXPs) to investigate their physical nature in comparison with the rotation powered pulsars. The data were acquired using the Parkes radio telescope with the 1.4 GHz multibeam receiver. No pulsed emission with periodicity matching the X-ray ephemeris have been found in the observed targets down to a limit of ∼0.1 mJy. A blind search has also been performed on all the 13 beams of the multibeam receiver (the central beam being pointed on the target AXP), leading to the serendipitous discovery of two new radio pulsars and to the further detection of 18 pulsars. Also a search for single dispersed pulses has been performed in the aim to detect signals similar to those of the recently discovered rotating radio transients.   相似文献   
“Rotating RAdio Transients” (RRATs) are a newly discovered astronomical phenomenon, characterised by occasional brief radio bursts, with average intervals between bursts ranging from minutes to hours. The burst spacings allow identification of periodicities, which fall in the range 0.4 to 7 seconds. The RRATs thus seem to be rotating neutron stars, albeit with properties very different from the rest of the population. We here present the serendipitous detection with the Chandra X-ray Observatory of a bright point-like X-ray source coincident with one of the RRATs. We discuss the temporal and spectral properties of this X-ray emission, consider counterparts in other wavebands, and interpret these results in the context of possible explanations for the RRAT population. B.M.G. acknowledges the support of NASA through LTSA grant NAG5-13023 and of an Alfred P. Sloan Fellowship.  相似文献   
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