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Evidence shows that massive black holes reside in most local galaxies. Studies have also established a number of relations between the MBH mass and properties of the host galaxy such as bulge mass and velocity dispersion. These results suggest that central MBHs, while much less massive than the host (~0.1%), are linked to the evolution of galactic structure. In hierarchical cosmologies, a single big galaxy today can be traced back to the stage when it was split up in hundreds of smaller components. Did MBH seeds form with the same efficiency in small proto-galaxies, or did their formation had to await the buildup of substantial galaxies with deeper potential wells? I briefly review here some of the physical processes that are conducive to the evolution of the massive black hole population. I will discuss black hole formation processes for ‘seed’ black holes that are likely to place at early cosmic epochs, and possible observational tests of these scenarios.  相似文献   
Trends in total column ozone have been analyzed in terms of the equatorial zonal wind. We used zonal monthly mean total ozone from Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer (TOMS) and monthly mean zonal wind in the equatorial stratosphere at 30 hPa to define the phases of the quasi-biennial oscillation (QBO). Total column ozone trends have been assessed during the period 1979–2004, for both Hemispheres, and for each month, under three conditions considering, all the ozone dataset, ozone values during easterly phase and ozone values during westerly phase of the QBO. When the whole dataset is considered, negative trends are observed. From low to midlatitudes a zonal pattern is noticed with increasing negative values toward higher latitudes. When the data is filtered according to the QBO phase, statistically significant positive trends appear in the westerly case during January to May at low latitudes .The trend pattern in the case of the easterly phase presents more negative values.  相似文献   
Sediment toxicity assessments using caged organisms present advantages over using laboratory and native community studies. The use of caged Arenicola marina in sediment toxicity assessments was evaluated. Lugworms were exposed in situ to sediments from coastal and port areas in Spain for seven days, and the activities of the biotransformation enzymes ethoxyresorufin O-deethylase, dibenzylfluorescein dealkylase and glutathione S-transferase, the activities of the antioxidant enzymes glutathione reductase and glutathione peroxidase and lipid peroxidation were then analyzed as biomarkers. Biomarker results and sediment physicochemical data were integrated. Cádiz Bay (SW Spain) sediments presented metal contamination that was not linked to a biochemical response. In LPGC Port (SW Spain), Pb contamination exhibited a moderate toxic potential, while PAHs, and presumably pharmaceuticals, provoked biochemical responses that efficiently prevented lipid peroxidation. In Santander Bay (N Spain), exposure to PAHs and, presumably, pharmaceuticals induced biomarker responses, but lipid peroxidation occurred nevertheless. These results indicated that caged A. marina were effective for the assessment of sediment quality and that the selected biomarkers were sufficiently sensitive to identify chemical exposure and toxicity.  相似文献   
The November 13, 1985 eruption of Nevado del Ruiz produced a series of pyroclastic flows and surges that eroded channels on the surface of the summit glacier and generated lahars which descended down most of the rivers that drain the volcano. The stratigraphy of the proximal pyroclastic deposits indicates that there were at least four episodes to the eruption. Episode I, deposited an unusual surge consisting of small pieces of ice mixed with ash and exhibiting planar stratification. Ballistically emplaced fragments are also intercalated with this unit. During Episode II, at least two pyroclastic flows were erupted. Their deposits contain the most evolved pumice of the entire eruption; SiO2 content of matrix glass ranges between 74.5 and 74.9%. Episode III is marked by the emplacement of a welded tuff with an average SiO2 content of about 66% in the matrix glass. The final Episode IV was characterized by the development of a high-altitude eruption column and the emplacement of several nonwelded pyroclastic flows. Banded pumice are common in the pyroclastic flow as well as in the pumice fall deposits. Co-existing dark and light pumice bands differ in SiO2 content by 3.5% and in general are similar to the composition of the welded pumice from Episode III.The compositional zonation of the pyroclastic deposits from Episode I to IV suggests that a nearsurface compositionally-stratified portion of the magma body was tapped during Episode II. During Episodes III and IV the main body of magma was involved although the coexistence of the compositionally distinct pumice clasts at similar stratigraphic levels argues for mixing of magma from different levels in the chamber during the eruptive process.  相似文献   
A re-evaluation of the demographic risk per number of inhabitants due to volcanic eruptions in the Vesuvius area was made on the basis of the Census data of 2001. We introduced other variables (population density and number of houses) which permit to upgrade the existing models. Using the Geographical Information Systems (GIS) and particularly ArcGIS 9.0 software we have elaborated a land use map, an urbanization map and a series of new risk maps which lead us to obtain a map of what we call “social risk” due to volcanic eruptions, derived from the combination of the data used and the overlay of the maps. We have proposed an integrated model which can be easily updated to follow the evolution of the volcanic risk in the overpopulated Vesuvius area, with the aim of supporting the planning of Civil Protection and Local Authorities, for an evacuation scenarios and the possibility of taking into account the potential infrastructural damages. This methodology can be tested in other volcanic regions.  相似文献   
Material fluxes associated with fluid expulsion at cold seeps and their contribution to oceanographic budgets have not been accurately constrained. Here we present evidence that the barium released at cold seeps along the San Clemente Fault zone may significantly impact the geochemical budget of barium within the basin. Barium fluxes at seep localities on the fault scarp, measured with benthic chambers, reach values as high as 5 mmol m−2 day−1. This is the largest dissolved barium flux measured to date at a cold seep. The discharge of barium-rich fluids results in formation of massive barite deposits along the escarpment wall. The deposits are young (approximately 8 yr) and appear to grow at a minimum rate of 0.2 cm yr−1. This rapid growth rate requires a barium efflux rate that is about two orders of magnitude higher than the measured dissolved flux. We believe that the discrepancy reflects a highly localized seepage system and that chambers positioned as close as possible to the growing chimneys did not sample the foci of fluid discharge. Transport of fine barite particles from the seeps may be responsible for excess rates of barium accumulation throughout the San Clemente Basin, relative to other basins in the California Margin. Based on a preliminary budget, we estimate that cold-seep barite is accumulating at the basin floor in San Clemente at a rate of 2 μmol m−2 day−1, a value that is comparable to the total barium accumulation rates driven by detrital and biogenic components in neighboring basins. Remobilization of cold-seep barite on the basin floor adds to that driven by the biogenic barium flux and results in benthic barium recycling rates (effluxes) within the San Clemente Basin that are as much as seven times higher than the effluxes from surrounding borderland basins. Our estimates imply that processes associated with fluid seepage along the San Clemente Fault significantly contribute to the basin’s barium cycle. The strontium isotopic composition of the seep barite is significantly different from marine ‘biogenic’ barite, which is known to accurately record seawater composition. In addition, the seep deposits are depleted in 226Ra relative to their modern biogenic counterparts, and are likely to be a source of radium-depleted particulate barium to the basin. Thus the impact of barite transport from seeps on the San Clemente escarpment to the basin floor might also have implications for the geochemistry of elements other than barium.  相似文献   
Tárraga  Marta  Garcia  Alicia  Ortiz  Ramon  Abella  Rafael  Peña  Javier 《Natural Hazards》2001,23(2-3):417-429
A new satellite communication system specificallydesigned for low-rate data applications has beendeveloped and prototyped. A validation project isproposed to install a pilot network to be operated for6 months. One of the target markets related tovolcanoes, has been selected, so that a group of usersis integrated in the project. A specific applicationfor this market will be developed regarding dataacquisition, processing, storage and dissemination todistant users. The feasibility of using the newsatellite system to provide a new Eutelsat service forlow-rate data applications, will be evaluated from theperformance of the pilot network. The system ofautomatic acquisition, field storage and communicationwith the local control center is already functioning,as well as the circulation of information viaInternet. The development of the application andtransmission via satellite to distant users is stillin an evaluation phase for the volcanoes of Timanfaya(Lanzarote, Canary Island), Vesuvius (Naples) and SeteCidades Caldera (Sao Miguel, Azores Islands).  相似文献   
Radon anomalies and volcanic eruptions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A well-documented case of 222Rn anomaly preceding the eruptive activity of Karymsky volcano (Kamchatka) was recently reported in the literature. Stimulated by this example, we have attempted to utilize the available data on radon emanation from rocks, its solubility, and its circulation in waters to discuss how a 222Rn anomaly can be produced by magma approaching the surface. It is shown that the most likely process of radon release is the flushing of gases through pore fluids. Heating of extensive fracture surfaces by high-temperature gases may also be important. In order to survive in detectable amounts after moving distances greater than a few meters, radon must be transported by fast-moving fluids, such as those rising toward the surface through a fracture or in the ascending limbs of fluids convecting in very porous rocks under high temperature gradients. The pattern observed at Karymsky volcano is interpreted on the basis of these relations.  相似文献   
The aim of this work is to study the suitability of the use of fluorescence and UV–visible spectroscopies to evaluate the humification degree of different organic alkaline extracts obtained from diverse materials (humic substances, composted and non-composted materials). Our results indicate that the complementary utilization of the fluorescence index proposed by Milori et al. [Milori, D., Martin-Neto, L., Bayer, C., Mielniczuk, J., Vagnato, V., 2002. Humification degree of soil humic acids determined by fluorescence spectroscopy. Soil Science, 167, 739–749] (the total area of the emission spectra collected over a range of 460–650 nm using an excitation wavelength of 465 nm), the ratio between the electron-transfer band and benzenoid band of benzene UV light absorption, and the molar absorption coefficients at 600 nm and 280 nm proved capable of discriminating between extracts obtained from non-humified, partially humified and very humified materials.Likewise, our results suggest that humification is related to increments in the aromatic character of the molecules, which may be reflected in the presence of more aromatic rings and/or more condensed polyaromatic structures, and the degree of substitution in aromatic rings with polar functional groups, as well as to the possible increase in the conjugation degree in unsaturated aliphatic chains.  相似文献   
GIS technology allowed us to examine species-specific occurrence and abundance patterns of important grassland herbivore species through the use of appropriate statistical methods and the superior spatial representation commonly available in existing GIS packages. The study was conducted on a 254 ha grassland area located 10 km south of Three Forks, Gallatin County, Montana, in the Agropyron spicatum province of the western steppe region of the U.S.A. From an ecological perspective, grasshopper species distribution and abundance patterns observed on a local, non-uniform landscape (2.6 km 2) were consistent with results found in other studies at the valley (≈1,400 km 2) and state-level (≈237,000 km 2) scales. Our observations at the local scale further demonstrate the importance of vegetation type and specific local stand physiognomies in structuring grasshopper populations. The application of results from studies conducted at various scales to the development of decision support tools for resource managers is also discussed.  相似文献   
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