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Geophysical methods have already shown their interest for the continuous characterisation of soils over landscapes, rapidly and, non-intrusively. But in bottomland areas, difficulties are encountered in relating geophysical properties to soil spatial distribution due to large variations in the depth, texture and/or water content of soils. Indeed, respective variations of these parameters can result in ambiguous geophysical responses. For example, a decrease in soil water content, which causes an increase in electrical resistivity, may be offset by an increase in soil clay content, inducing a decrease in resistivity. The objective of this study was to improve the continuous characterisation of soils affected by an excess of water by using a combination of geophysical techniques. Three techniques, the radio-magnetotelluric (RMT), the ground penetrating radar (GPR) and the electrostatic quadrupole (ESQP) were implemented along eight representative transects where soils were extensively described. The soil cover shows a succession from downslope to upslope consisting in fibric Fluvisols, gleyic Fluvisols, and Albefluvisols. None of the geophysical methods allows us to distinguish all soil limits and to estimate the geometry of soil horizons. The ESQP discriminates Fluvisols from Albefluvisols, whereas the RMT above all reveals differences in soil material thickness, which do not permit to discriminate between these soils. In complement, the GPR allows the estimation of the geometry of organic horizons and anthropic structures, such as ditches. Finally, the combination of these three techniques allows us to assess the main features of soil spatial distribution in bottomlands. To cite this article: V. Chaplot et al., C. R. Geoscience 336 (2004).  相似文献   

The study of the exotic blocks of the Hawasina Nappes (Sultanate of Oman) leads to give apposit data that allow us to propose a new paleogeographic evolution of the Oman margin in time and space. A revised classification of exotic blocks into different paleogeographical units is presented. Two newly introduced stratigraphic groups, the Ramaq Group (Ordovician to Triassic) and the Al Buda’ah Group (upper Permian to Jurassic) are interpreted as tilted blocks related to the Oman continental margin. The Kawr Group (middle Triassic to Cretaceous) is redefined and interpreted as an atoll-type seamount. The paleogeography and paleoenvironments of these units are integrated into a new scheme of the Neotethyan rifting history. Brecciae and olistoliths of the Hawasina series are interpreted to have originated from tectonic movements affecting the Oman margin and the Neotethyan ocean floor. The breccias of late Permian age were generated by the extension processes affecting the margin, and by the creation of the Neotethyan oceanic floor. The breccias of mid-late Triassic age coincide in time with the collision of the Cimmerian continents with Eurasia. In constrast, the breccias of late Jurassic and Cretaceous age are interpreted as resulting to the creation of a new oceanic crust (Semail) off the Oman margin.  相似文献   
Biogeochemistry of metals in aquatic sediments is strongly influenced by bioturbation. To determine the effects of biological transport on cadmium distribution in freshwater sediments, a bioturbation model is explored that describes the conveyor-belt feeding of tubificid oligochaetes. A stepwise modelling strategy was adopted to constrain the many parameters of the model: (i) the tubificid transport model was first calibrated on four sets of microspheres (inert solid tracer) profiles to constrain tubificid transport; (ii) the resulting transport coefficients were subsequently applied to simulate the distribution of both particulate and dissolved cadmium. Firstly, these simulations provide quantitative insight into the mechanism of tubificid bioturbation. Values of transport coefficients compare very well with the literature, and based on this, a generic model of tubificid bioturbation is proposed. Secondly, the application of the model to cadmium dataset sheds a light on the behaviour of cadmium under tubificid bioturbation. Cadmium enters the sediment in two ways. In one pathway, cadmium enters the sediment in the dissolved phase, is rapidly absorbed onto solid particles, which are then rapidly transported to depth by the tubificids. In the other pathway, cadmium is adsorbed to particles in suspension in the overlying water, which then settle on the sediment surface, and are transported downwards by bioturbation. In a final step, we assessed the optimal model complexity for the present dataset. To this end, the two-phase conveyor-belt model was compared to two simplified versions. A solid phase-only conveyor-belt model also provides good results: the dissolved phase should not be explicitly incorporated because cadmium adsorption is fast and bioirrigation is weak. Yet, a solid phase-only biodiffusive model does not perform adequately, as it does not mechanistically capture the conveyor-belt transport at short time-scales.  相似文献   
Kinematic analysis of fault slip data for stress determination was carried out on Late Miocene to Quaternary rocks from the fore arc and intra-arc regions of the Chilean Andes, between 33° and 46° south latitudes. Studies of Neogene and Quaternary infilling (the Central Depression), as well as plutonic rocks of the North Patagonian Batholith along the Liquiñe–Ofqui Fault Zone, have revealed various compressional and/or transpressional states of stress. In the Pliocene, the maximum compressional stress (σ1) was generally oriented east–west. During the Quaternary, the deformation was partitioned into two coeval distinctive states of stress. In the fore arc zone, the state of stress was compressional, with σ1 oriented in a N–S to NNE–SSW direction. In the intra-arc zone the state of stress was transpressional with σ1 striking NE–SW. Along the coast, in one site (37°30′S) the Quaternary strain deformation is extensional, with an E–W direction, which can be explained by a co-seismic crustal bending readjustment.  相似文献   
Estimation of the extreme precipitation over a target watershed under a changing climate would be necessary to design safe large hydraulic structures. For this purpose, the maximum precipitation (MP) estimation approach was applied to the American River Watershed (ARW) in Northern California under several future climate conditions over 90 water years (2010–2099). These future climate conditions were obtained using 13 future climate projections from two general circulation models (ECHAM5 and CCSM3) based on four future climate scenarios (Special Report on Emissions Scenarios: A1B, A1FI, A2, and B1). A total of 1,170 future projected severe storm events (90 years × 13 projections) were selected with respect to the 72‐hr basin‐average precipitation over the ARW. The 72‐hr basin‐average precipitation for each of the selected severe storm events was maximized over the ARW by horizontally shifting the atmospheric boundary conditions of a regional atmospheric model in order to optimize the path of the storm system that corresponded to the particular event. After maximization, the MP estimates, which are the largest precipitation depths among the maximized results, were obtained as 836.7 mm for the early half‐century period (2010–2054) and 1,056.5 mm for the late half‐century period (2055–2099).  相似文献   
The vertical distribution of 210Pb and 210Po in the dissolved (<0.4 μm) and the paniculate (>0.4 μm) phases was measured in Crystal Lake, Wisconsin, to examine the spatial and temporal variability during the seasonal cycle of this oligotrophic lake. The concentration of unsupported 210Pb in the water column is maintained principally by atmospheric input. However, most of the 210Po in Crystal Lake is produced in situ from radioactive decay of 210Pb.Mass balance considerations indicated that the removal rates of 210Pb and 210Po from the water column to the sediment varied temporally by nearly an order of magnitude. During transient periods of high biological productivity, a large net flux of these nuclides into the sediment occurred. In addition, 210Pb was rapidly stripped from the water column during fall turnover. It was during these short-lived events that most of the annual net removal of 210Pb and 210Po occurred. The mean removal residence time was estimated to be 0.095 yr for 210Pb and 0.26 yr for 210Po. These residence times suggest that there is a difference between 210Pb and 210Po in the extent of their recycling in the water column. Calculations indicated that there was a cyclic response of the water column 210Po inventory corresponding to successive time periods where there was a net loss or net gain. This cycling is attributed to rapid biological removal and subsequent release from the sediment of freshly deposited 210Po. For 210Pb, replenishment of the water column appeared to occur mainly from atmospheric input.  相似文献   
Experimental phase equilibrium studies are increasingly beingused for the determination of intensive variables (P, T, fH2O,fO2 ) in silicic to intermediate magmas. In contrast, silicicigneous bodies are now perceived as open, periodically recharged,systems involving only limited chemical equilibration. Thus,the use of laboratory-determined crystal–liquid equilibriumdata needs clarification. Here we review the field, petrologicaland geochemical evidence concerning states and scales of chemicalequilibrium in silicic magma bodies. It is concluded that totalchemical equilibrium is generally not the rule. However, a subsystemin local equilibrium (the reactive magma) can be identified.Equilibration scales in silicic magmas are rate-limited eitherby diffusive flux in crystals (DICL regime) or by diffusiveflux in the melt (MD regime). The recognition that equilibriumin magmas is limited to a reactive subsystem requires phaseequilibrium studies to be chemically scaled. Experiments, eitherof total or partial equilibrium type, should aim at a closereproduction of equilibrium states specific to natural systems.The laboratory reconstruction of the natural equilibrium statesguarantees a precise determination of the pre-eruptive parametersand a reliable application of the experimental data to activevolcanic systems. KEY WORDS: silicic magmas; chemical equilibrium; timescales; experimental studies  相似文献   
Nowadays, improving the strength and deformation properties of soft soils by deep soil mixing is a commonly used technique. There is also an increasing interest in the use of this technique for foundation/structural elements and excavation retaining walls applications. The compressive strength and elastic modulus of the soil mix material are key parameters in the design of these structures. However, there is very limited information available on the impact of exposure to air drying (in the case of retaining wall) on the strength and stiffness of cement stabilized soils. The aim of this study is to investigate the effects of different curing conditions (immersion in water, cycles of wetting and drying, continuous air drying) on the mechanical properties of soils treated with cement in the laboratory. Free–free resonance tests and unconfined compression tests were performed on specimens of silt and sand treated with blastfurnace slag cement. Strength increases more rapidly than stiffness between 7 and 30 days. The strength of stabilized soils submitted to cyclic wetting and drying before the cement hydration process is complete continues to increase. As long as the periods of drying do not induce microcracks, the stiffness of the treated soil specimens also increases with time. However, the stiffness is lower than for the specimens cured in water indicating a disruptive effect of the imposed wetting–drying cycles on stiffness. Continuous exposure to air drying inhibits strength development due to insufficient water for hydration. Significant stiffness decreases were observed on specimens of stabilized silt and are attributed to microcracking.  相似文献   
The Tunisian environmental legislation that follows the EC Directives requires monitoring of persistent, toxic and bio-accumulated substances commonly considered as hazardous substances. In order to comply with this requirement, samples of sea water, sediment and biota from the urbanized and industrialized coast line of Sfax city are investigated. This study presents the results of petroleum hydrocarbon content, distribution and probable origin (anthropogenic and/or biogenic) in 16 intertidal sediments of Sfax coastal area. Alkane distribution indices and hydrocarbon distribution patterns are used to identify natural and anthropogenic input. Non-aromatic hydrocarbons present a high concentration with a range varying from 180 to 1,400 μg/g of dry sediment. The total concentrations of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) varied from 0.41 to 5.6 μg/g dry weight. These concentrations are comparable to other marine areas that receive important inputs. n-Alkanes with carbon number ranging from 15 to 35 are identified to be derived from both biogenic and anthropogenic sources in varying proportions. Pristane/phytane ratio shows values lower than 1.4 suggesting the presence of petroleum contamination. This is confirmed by the presence of a large group of unresolved complex mixture and the identification of hopanes with predominant C29 and C30 compounds and steranes with predominance of C27 over C28 and C29 compounds. Ratios of selected PAH concentrations indicate petrogenic and pyrolytic origin of hydrocarbons. Anthropogenic hydrocarbon inputs were more apparent at sites associated with industrial discharges, shipping activities and sewage outfalls.  相似文献   
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