The volume variation as a function of pressure along the jadeite–aegirine solid solution was determined at room temperature up to pressures between 6.5 and 9.7 GPa by single-crystal X-ray diffraction. The unit-cell volumes collected at room pressure for the different compositions indicate a slight deviation from linearity along the join. The pressure–volume data have been fitted using a third-order Birch-Murnaghan equation of state (BM3-EoS). The bulk modulus, KT0, varies from 134.0(7) GPa for pure jadeite to 116.1(5) GPa for pure aegirine. Its evolution with composition along the join is not linear and can be described by the following second order polynomial:
The value of the first pressure derivative K′ is close to 4 for all the samples investigated and can be used in a BM3-EoS to determine the volume variations of these pyroxenes up to 7–10 GPa. Along the join the highest compressibility among the crystallographic directions is always observed along a, however, the compression along b is the most affected by compositional changes. The strain ellipsoid analysis indicates that the major compression occurs on the (0 1 0) plane along a direction at about 145° to the c axis (from c to a). The anisotropy of the compression increases with increasing the aegirine component, as confirmed by the analysis of both the axial compressibility and the strain tensor. 相似文献
In this study we used a multidisciplinary approach, coupling morphological, geological, geochemical, and statistical analyses to investigate the provenance of rhyodacitic and dacitic glass knapped at the Pilauco site (40°34′11” S, 73°06′17” W; 13,570 ± 70–12,540 ± 90 14C year BP) in northwestern Chilean Patagonia. A morphotechnological analysis was performed on the entire lithic assemblage, which is composed of cores, retouched and unretouched unifacial flakes, and small pieces of debitage, some of them closely associated with Notiomastodon aff. N. platensis gomphothere bones. Sixty‐two archeological and geological samples were analyzed by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry revealing a wide range of basaltic to rhyodacitic compositions. The archeological knappable dacitic and rhyodacitic glasses were recovered from pebbles deposited mainly on a beach away from the site, as deduced by the presence of minute and dense crescentic percussion marks on the cortexes. Geochemical trace element analysis suggests that the Puyehue–Cordón Caulle Volcanic Complex is the most likely source for the volcanic glass artifacts at Pilauco. The new morphotechnological and provenance record and improved stratigraphic sequences highlight the Pilauco site as an important contribution for the diversity of the South American geoarchaeological context. 相似文献
An integrated stratigraphic analysis has been made of the Tarcău Nappe (Moldavidian Domain, Eastern Romanian Carpathians),
coupled with a geochemical study of organic-rich beds. Two Main Sequence Boundaries (Early Oligocene and near to the Oligocene–Aquitanian
boundary, respectively) divide the sedimentary record into three depositional sequences. The sedimentation occurred in the
central area of a basin supplied by different and opposite sources. The high amount of siliciclastics at the beginning of
the Miocene marks the activation of the “foredeep stage”. The successions studied are younger than previously thought and
they more accurately date the deformation of the different Miocene phases affecting the Moldavidian Basin. The intervals with
black shales identified are related to two main separate anoxic episodes with an age not older than Late Rupelian and not
before Late Chattian. The most important organic-rich beds correspond to the Lower Menilites, Bituminous Marls and Lower Dysodilic
Shales Members (Interval 2). These constitute a good potential source rock for petroleum, with homogeneous Type II oil-prone organic matter, highly lipidic and thermally immature. The deposition of black shales has been interpreted as occurring
within a deep, periodically isolated and tectonically controlled basin. 相似文献
Multiphase flow modelling is a major issue in the assessment of groundwater pollution. Three-phase flows are commonly governed by mathematical models that associate a pressure equation with two saturation equations. These equations involve a number of secondary variables that reflect the fluid behaviour in a porous medium. To improve the computational efficiency of multiphase flow simulators, several simplified reformulations of three-phase flow equations have been proposed. However, they require the construction of new secondary variables adapted to the reformulated flow equations. In this article, two different approaches are compared to quantify these variables. A numerical example is given for a typical fine sand. 相似文献
Slurry walls are non-structural barriers that are constructed underground to impede groundwater flow or manage groundwater
control problems. The study area is in the Piemonte plain (Italy), close to the River Po. Quarrying works carried out below
the piezometric surface created two big quarry lakes. The local groundwater system is characterized by a lower semi-confined
aquifer, which is overlain by a semi-permeable bed of clayey peat (aquitard) and an upper unconfined aquifer. Locally, the
peat fades away and the granulometry of this horizon becomes silty sandy. A planned enlargement of the quarry will increase
the size and depth of the quarry lakes. So the aquitard bed between the two aquifers will be damaged, creating a mixing rate
of groundwater. Such a procedure would not be compatible with the presence of two municipal wells upstream from the quarries.
Consequently, the installation of a vertical diaphragm (slurry wall) is recommended to separate the aquifers and to act as
a filter for the groundwater flowing from the unconfined to the semi-confined aquifer. To predict the consequences caused
by the installation of the vertical diaphragm separating the unconfined aquifer and the semi-confined one, a specifically
adjusted finite-difference model was used. The model showed a maximum rising of the water table equal to 12 cm, just upstream
of the diaphragm and for a distance of about 100 m, and a maximum lowering of 2 cm just downstream of the diaphragm. However,
the slurry wall would not cause any change in the piezometric head in the area where there are municipal wells and, hence,
will not have any negative effect on the functionality of the municipal wells. Moreover, the migration of water from the unconfined
aquifer through the vertical diaphragm will stimulate a series of attenuation and auto-depuration processes of eventual contaminants.
These processes are due to the higher crossing time that the groundwater flow takes to go through the vertical barrier (ta = 96.5 days, whereas for the horizontal semi-permeable layer ta = 9.6 days). So, the vertical diaphragm can be a resolutive element, representing a mediation and separation factor between
the unconfined and the semi-confined aquifers along the border of the quarrying areas, and a protective barrier for the water
quality of the quarry lake and the semi-confined aquifer. 相似文献
The fronts of tunnels excavated under particularly difficult ground conditions by employing conventional tunnelling methods are commonly supported: the stabilization is usually achieved either by improving the mechanical properties of the soil (injections, jet grouting, soil freezing, etc.) or by introducing linear inclusions. This last technique, consisting in the introduction of pipes (usually made of fibreglass reinforced polymers) in the front, is particularly popular since it is very simple to adapt the reinforcement geometry, length and number to the different conditions encountered during the excavation. The design of this reinforcement technique is nowadays based on very simplified approaches: on either empirical formula or the limit equilibrium method. In a previous paper, the authors numerically studied the mechanical response of unreinforced fronts in cohesive soils and defined a non-dimensional front characteristic curve. In this paper, the authors intend to take into consideration the role of reinforcements by following the same approach. A procedure allowing the definition of the reinforced non-dimensional front characteristic curve, once the reinforcement pattern is assigned, is introduced. The practical use of this curve is described.
The western retroarc of the Southern Andes between 38° and 40° S is formed by a NNW-elongated ridge not associated with stacked thrust sheets. On the contrary, during the last 4–3 Ma this ridge was affected by extensional deformation, regional uplift and related folding on a very broad scale. Receiver function analysis shows that the drainage divide area and adjacent retroarc lie over an attenuated crust. Expected crustal thickness at these latitudes is around 38 km, whereas in this part of the retroarc the thickness is less than 32 km. The causes for such attenuation have been linked to a moderate steepening of the subducted Nazca plate beneath the South American plate, which is suggested by a westward shift and narrowing of the magmatic arc during the last 4 to 5 Ma. Gravimetric studies show that the upper plate did not react homogeneously to slab steepening, but ancient sutures and lithospheric discontinuities deeply buried under Mesozoic to Cenozoic sequences in the retroarc were locally reactivated. These processes resulted in an asthenospheric anomaly that correlates at the surface with the area of Pliocene to Quaternary doming, widespread extension and three radial troughs. Two of the troughs have accommodated substantial amounts of extension, but the third was probably aborted at an early stage. Moreover, the presence of an anomalous concentration of calderas and large volcanic centers over the proposed asthenospheric anomaly, and their age distribution, may indicate minor migration of the asthenospheric anomaly between 4 and 2 Ma through the western South American plate. 相似文献
The space/time evolution of the Umbria-Romagna-Marche domains of the northern Apennine Miocene foredeep is proposed. In this period, the turbidite siliciclastic sedimentation is represented mainly by the Miocene Marnoso-Arenacea Formation, which generally ends with mainly marly deposits. From the internal Apennine sectors (Umbria-Romagna domain) to the external Adriatic Margin (Marche domain) the siliciclastic succession overlies hemipelagic marly deposits (Schlier Formation). The whole depositional area can be considered as a single wide basin with depocenter or main sedimentation areas progressively migrating eastwards. This basin is characterized by some morphological highs which did not constitute real dams for the sedimentary flows (turbidity currents). Multiple feeding (arkose, litharenites, calcarenites) from different sources is related to palaeogeographical and palaeotectonic reorganization of the most internal, previously deformed, Apennine areas. The activation of the foredeep stage is marked by the beginning of the siliciclastic sedimentation (Late Burdigalian in the most internal sector). This sedimentation ends in the most external sector in the Early Messinian, pointing to a depositional cycle of about 9?C10?Ma. The diachronism of the base of the siliciclastic deposition proves to be almost 5?Ma. The syn-depositional compressional deformation, which shows a marked diachronism, affected the internal area of the foredeep in the Early-Middle Serravallian, and progressively migrated up to Late Miocene, involving more and more external sectors. The deformed siliciclastic sedimentary wedge constitutes an orogenic pile incorporated in the Apennine Chain, represented by different tectonic elements superimposed by means of NE-vergent thrusts. The main stratigraphic and tectonic events of the Toscana-Romagna-Marche Apennines are presented in a general framework, resulting also in a terminological revision. 相似文献
Acta Geotechnica - The evaluation of impact forces exerted by flowing granular masses on rigid obstacles is of fundamental importance for the assessment of the associated risk and for the design of... 相似文献