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The area of crops cultivated in extensive screenhouses is rapidly growing, especially in semi-arid and arid regions. Water vapour, carbon dioxide, and sensible heat released or taken up by crops within such protected environments can substantially alter the immediate micro-environment, which in turn, affects these fluxes. This amplified interaction between plants and their microclimate challenges simple assessments on how partially covering the crop by a screen modifies plant water uptake and photosynthesis. Via a newly proposed higher-order closure model, the effects of a screen on the mean flow field, turbulent stresses, radiative and energy fluxes, as well as scalar sources, sinks, fluxes, and mean scalar concentration within screenhouses are explored. As a starting point, an extensive screenhouse is assumed thereby reducing the sensitivity of the model results to the precise geometric configuration of the screenhouse. The model findings for the screenhouse are presented and referenced against their open field counterpart. The radiation modulation and changes to turbulent transport due to the presence of the screen are investigated. In general, the presence of a screen results in a warmer and more humid environment inside the screenhouse, promoting reductions in both canopy photosynthesis and transpiration. However, the overall effect of the screen is to enhance water-use efficiency thereby resulting in water savings for the same amount of gross primary production.  相似文献   
Riassunto Valorizzando le osservazioni del novantennio 1841–1930, viene precisata la persistenza del tempo a Genova e calcolata la frequenza probabile dei periodi di giorni piovosi od asciutti consecutivi; per la primavera e l'autunno tali caratteristiche sono anche illustrate graficamente. Segue l'esame dei risultati analoghi ottenuti per Chiavari, Savona, Milano ed Alessandria, relativi però a periodi più brevi. Dal punto di vista delle variazioni climatiche recenti, l'analisi compiuta rivela un progressivo aumento della stabilità del tempo asciutto dipendente da un corrispondente incremento della circolazione meridionale nel bacino del Mediterraneo, incremento confermato dalle variazioni del vento medio al suolo a Genova.
Summary In the present paper researches have been carried out about the tendency of persistence of the weather at Genova. The probable frequency of dry and rainy periods have been calculated for the period 1841–1930. The same researches were made for the stations Chiavari, Savona, Milano and Alessandria. It has been found an increasing stability for dry weather which is caused by an increasing meridional circulation in the Mediterranean, as it is demonstrated by the variations of the mean surface-winds at Genova.

Zusammenfassung Anhand 90-jähriger Beobachtungen (1841–1930) von Genova wird die Erhaltungstendenz des Wetters für diesen Ort untersucht und die wahrscheinliche Häufigkeit der Trocken-und Regenperioden berechnet. Eine gleiche Untersuchung für kürzere Perioden wurde auch für die Stationen Chiavari, Savona, Milano und Alessandria durchgeführt. Es zeigt sich eine fortschreitende, zunehmende Stabilität des trockenen Wetters, welche von einer gleichzeitig zunehmenden meridionalen Zirkulation im Mittelmeerbecken abhängt. Diese letzte wird durch den Gang des mittleren Bodenwindes in Genova bestätigt.
Covered by ultrabasic units for more than a third of its surface,the New Caledonia(South West Pacific)is one of the largest world producers of Ni-ore from lateritic deposits.Almost all outcrops of geological units and open mines contain serpentine and amphibole,also as asbestos varieties.In this geological context,in which weathering processes had a great contribution in the production and dispersion of mineral fibres into the environment,the development of a routinely analytical strategy,able to discriminate an asbestiform fibre from a non-harmful particle,is a pivotal requisite.However,the acquisition of all these parameters is necessary for determining the risk associated to fibres exposition.A multidisciplinary routinely approach,based on the use of complementary simply-to-use but reliable analytical methods is the only possible strategy.In addition,the instrumental apparatus must be easily transportable on the field,directly on the mining site.The employment of specialized tools such as Polarized Light Microscopy associated to Dispersion Staining method(PLM/DS)and portable Raman spectroscopy for identification of environmental asbestos,are proved extremely effective in the improvement of the performance and rapidity of data acquisition and interpretation.Both PLM/DS and handheld Raman devices confirmed to be discriminant in the detection and characterization of asbestos fibres for both serpentine and amphibole.Furthermore,these techniques proved extremely effective even in the presence of strongly fibrous and altered samples.  相似文献   
From March 2002 to until April 2003 we investigated the seasonal nutrient and phytoplankton dynamics in the central Bornholm Basin (Baltic Sea) within the framework of the German GLOBEC Project. We choose a nested approach consisting of vertical fluorescence profiles, phytoplankton counts and nutrient analyses. The Fluoroprobe (MultiProbe, BBE Moldaenke) is capable of distinguishing four algal groups (Cryptophyceae, Cyanophyceae, Chlorophyceae, Bacillariophyceae + Dinophyceae). Winter nutrient concentrations were about 5 μM NO3 and 0.5 μM PO4 in the central Basin. The spring phytoplankton bloom was dominated by the diatom Skeletonema sp. and reached a maximum of about 270 μg C/l before the onset of the seasonal stratification. Protozooplankton was dominated by the Mesodinium rubrum (a phototrophic ciliate = Myrionecta rubra) and reached a maximum biomass of about 200–300 μg C/l about 2 weeks after the demise of the diatom spring bloom. During summer, the water column was stratified and a subsurface maximum developed near the thermocline consisting of Bacillariophyceae, Cryptophycea and other phototrophic flagellates. Phytoplankton and protozooplankton biomass was generally low. Nutrient concentrations point towards a nitrogen limitation during this period. The stratification period ended during September and surface nutrient concentrations increased again. Protozooplankton reached a second maximum during September. With the Fluoroprobe small scale structures in the plankton community could be detected like a subsurface Cryptophyceae maximum near the thermocline that however, could not be confirmed by cell counts. The chlorophyll a estimate of the Fluoroprobe was in good agreement with the phytoplankton biomass estimated from counts. We conclude that only by combining modern sensing technology with microscopy, the small-scale dynamics and taxonomic spectrum of the plankton can be fully captured.  相似文献   
To spatially characterize the palaeolakeshore environment at the archaeological kill site Schöningen 13 II-4 of the Middle Pleistocene Reinsdorf sequence, in-depth palynological, geochemical, aquatic microfossil and archaeological analyses were undertaken on sediment sections with an average thickness of about 15 cm, concordantly overlain by faunal remains, dominated by horse, from the unique ‘Spear Horizon’ layers of the 1995 excavation campaign. The data reveal a distinctive lake level drop, documented by the change from a carbonate-rich lake marl to a carbonate-free organic mud with increased carbon content and decreasing C/N, Si/Al, Si/K and Fe/Al ratios, indicating a higher pedogenic supply of organic matter and drier conditions at the site. Compared with older, similar transitional phases of lake level changes occurring within the Reinsdorf sequence, it is important that these youngest sediments are undisturbed, indicating continuous development. Ostracod and diatom analyses indicate a lowering water level with higher salinities and rich aquatic vegetation. Mesorheophilic ostracod species along with tychoplanktic diatom taxa point to flowing waters and turbulence at the lakeshore, presumably related to spring-fed streams originating from nearby highlands. Palynological results reveal a very diverse zonal vegetation pattern around the palaeolakeshore considering an area of investigation of approximately 50 × 75 m and a tessellated type of regional vegetation during the formation of the archaeological horizons. On topographically lower elevated areas, birch groves and taxa favouring wet, marshy conditions such as Cyperaceae, indicative of terrestrialization, were predominating, while other stands of this transitional phase reveal a very dry, grass-dominated steppe woodland favouring a rich wildlife with a striking number of megaherbivores. Our results suggest that the lithological differences of the ‘Spear Horizon’ layers containing the archaeological finds were due to their respective topographical situation and that the layers were deposited almost simultaneously during the beginning of the lake level drop. Human activities seem to have concentrated in sparsely vegetated areas along the palaeolakeshore, rather than in areas of adjacent denser birch swamp forest stands.  相似文献   
Discussion of GPS Anti-Jam Technology   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The Global Positioning System (GPS) satellita navigation aiding system, sometimes called NAVSTAR, has become a utility to the military and many civilian areas. GPS, currently consisting of 24 satellites, is used by the military for navigation, precision weapons delivery, and the future digital battlefield. In the civilian sector, GPS is widely used as the primary or secondary aid for land, water, and air navigation; as a surveying aid; as a vehicle location system; and as a precision time standard for cellular and ATM sites. In the aviation community, GPS is becoming an integral part of the WAAS (Wide Area Augmentation System) and the LAAS (Local Area Augmentation System) for en route navigation in North America and Category II and III precision approach, and for surface navigation. The vulnerability of GPS have become the vulnerabilities of WAAS and LAAS, and require consideration of interference mittigation techniques. ? 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
Step–pool morphology characterizes many high‐gradient streams in a variety of natural settings, but formative processes and evolutionary dynamics are still poorly understood. In this paper, natural step–pool geometry is compared with steep alluvial channels where grade‐control structures such as check‐dams and bed sills make the stream profile resemble a natural stepped stream. Along these channels, local scouring due to falling jets forms plunge pools under each structure, analogous to natural steps determining the formation of pools. In order to test the hypothesis that natural pools are analogous to pools formed below grade‐control works with respect to their dimensions, shape and formative dynamics, 37 natural pools and 73 artificial pools were surveyed in 10 mountain streams of the eastern Italian Alps. Pools below grade‐control works featured a transitional zone between the scour hole and the downstream sloping bed, marked by a depositional berm. When geometric parameters such as maximum pool depth, length and step–berm distances are normalized to the jet virtual energy, no statistically significant differences were detected between natural and artificial systems. These results lend support to an upstream‐forced cascade model for step–pool formation, where the energy of falling jets controls the geometry of the pools, and is therefore regarded as the most important scaling‐independent variable. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
A study of seismic anisotropy was performed using data from earthquakes of the Mexicali Valley. The investigated region encompasses the Cerro Prieto Geothermal Field (CPGF), one of the most important fields in the world. The results showed that at most of our stations the average polarization directions of the fast S waves range from N14°W to N17°E. A N-S polarization direction was obtained for the whole area by averaging the polarization directions from all stations used. In terms of the EDA hypothesis, this average trend agrees with the postulated state of stress for southern California, and with fault plane solutions for events of the Mexicali Valley. Notorious deviations from the N-S global trend were found southeast of the CPGF, with polarization trends between N25°E and N67°E, and in the geothermal field, with polarization directions between N7°W and N14°W. The polarization results for these zones indicated stress conditions that are different from the more regional stress pattern. The delay times that were measured between the fast and slow shear waves reached values of up to 0.6 sec, with a mean value of 0.35 sec. Consistent with our polarization results, the larger delay times (0.2–0.6 sec) were found in the CPGF. Smaller or null values were observed at the periphery of the study area. No temporal trends in the delay times were apparent, as shown by data from the two stations that recorded the larger number of events. Overall, we conclude that the splitting effects of this study result from a shallow anisotropy volume. The splitting results are thus interpreted as caused by the preferred orientation of vertical fluid-filled microcracks aligned in a direction that is parallel to the regional stress field. The stronger splitting effects that were observed in the area of the CPGF were found consistent with the geothermal reservoir that is embedded in the sedimentary cover of the zone, at depths of 1 to 4–5 km from the surface. We thus believe that such marked splitting effects have a direct relation with the reservoir of the CPGF.We are grateful to Miguel Navarro, Tito Valdez, and Manuel Luna for their contribution in the operation of RANM and for processing and cataloguing the strong-motion data. Ignacio Méndez and Francisco Farfán helped us with data from the RESNOM system. The study benefited from funding provided by CICESE and from grants awarded by CONACYT to Luis Munguía (Grants F195T and PCCNCNA-031339).  相似文献   
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