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About 24 samples from hand-dug wells and boreholes were used to characterize concentrations of the main inorganic ions in a laterite environment under semi-arid climatic conditions in Tikaré, northern Burkina Faso. It was found that the most represented groundwater anion in groundwater was HCO3 with average levels of 49.1 mg/L in the dry season and 33.5 mg/L in the rainy season. The most represented cation was Ca2+ with mean concentrations of 13.7 and 9.5 mg/L, respectively. The main processes, which influence the concentrations of these ions, are evaporation (dry season), local enrichment of recharge water in some elements, ion exchange and fixation by clay minerals (in case of K+). The best correlations were found between Ca2+ and Mg2+ (r = 0.95), Cl and Na+ (r = 0.95), HCO3 and Mg2+ (r = 0.89), HCO3 and Ca2+ (r = 0.89), and between HCO3 and Na+ (r = 0.80). In general, the quality of the groundwater from the different wells sampled for this study was good enough to serve as drinking water. However, there were situations where the quality of water was polluted because of anthropogenic contaminants (mainly NO3 , K+, Cl) from septic tanks and manure pits located in the vicinity of some sampled wells. In addition, application of fertilizers also represents a potential anthropogenic contamination source with regard to SO4 2−, Ca2+, K+, Na+, and Mg2+. Considering the high concentrations of SO4 2−, Mg2+, Na+ and Ca2+ found in one borehole, the deeper, fractured aquifers were also likely to be enriched in these elements. In contrast, the shallow aquifers are likely to be contaminated with Cl, NO3 and K+. Cl and K+ seem to be locally present in recharge water as shown by their relative higher mean concentrations in the rainy season samples.  相似文献   
Riassunto Premessi alcuni richiami sulle caratteristiche geologiche della Provincia di Messina, si illustrano le possibilità minerarie della regione in base specialmente alle indagini eseguite dal R. Istituto Geofisico e Geodetico di Messina. Dal relativo esame consegue l'importanza delle manifestazioni di minerali metallici con giacimenti che possono assicurare una produzione notevole—sopratutto per il rame, ma anche il piombo, antimonio, zinco, ferro, ecc.—nonostante la distribuzione complessa ed irregolare delle mineralizzazioni. In pari tempo sono segnalate altresi le sicure possibilità di un conveniente sfruttamento degli scisti bituminosi, delle ligniti, nonchè di altri materiali (fluorite, caolino,...) di cui è dotato il sottosuolo della Provincia di Messina.
Zusammenfassung Nach der Untersuchungen des R. Istituto Geofisico e Geodetico zu Messina werden die bergbauwürdigen Lagerstätten der Messina-Provinz beschrieben und erörtet. Das geschieht unter einer allgemeinen Erwähnung der geologischen Bedingugen. Dazu lässt sich zeigen, wie die Messina-Provinz besonders reich an Erz-Lagerstätte ist, vor allem an Kupfer-Erze, weiter auch an Blei-, Antimon-, Zink-, Eisen-Erze, usw, obwohl die Verteilung einigermassen kompliziert und ungleichmässig ist. Auch die bauwürdigen Lagerstätten der anderen Materialen, wie bituminose Schiefer, Braunkohlen, usw werden erwähnt.

Résumé Après un bref rappel des caractères géologiques de la Province de Messina, on documente les possibilités minières de la région surtout à la suite des recherches faites par l'Istituto Geofisico e Geodetico di Messina. De l'examen rélatif dérive l'importance des maniféstations en mineraux métalliques, avec gisements capables de donner une production convenable—particulièrement de cuivre, mais aussi de plomb, d'antimoine, de zinc, de fer, etc,—malgré la distribution complexe et irrégulière des minéralisations. On mentionne aussi les autres possibilités d'exploitation des gîtes de schistes bitumineuses, de lignites et d'autres matériaux.
Riassunto Nelle misure di elettricità atmosferica già altri AA. (L. Koenigsfeld & Ph. Piraux) si sono serviti di valvole ad elettrodi invertiti (placca pilota), accorgimento che eleva a qualche centinaia di volt la tensione di controllo senza ricorrere a resistenze di riduzione. Partendo da tale impiego di una valvola elettronica opportuna, gli AA. hanno costruito un elettrometro per la registrazione del potenziale atmosferico che presenta le principali caratteristiche seguenti: 1) la valvola elettrometrica fa corpo unico con la sonda radioattiva di captazione del campo, il che elimina le difficoltà di isolamento; 2) con una opportuna controtensione, l'apparecchio è atto a registrare sia il campo positivo come quello negativo, con diversi valori scala; 3) lo strumento, completo di captatore elettrometrico, registratore e batterie, è completamente autonomo e facilmente trasportabile.
Summary A recording electrometer for atmospheric potential is described. It makes use of a special triode with inverted electrodes (controlled by the anode, as already made byL. Koenigsfeld & Ph. Piraux). Among the improvements realised, the following chief characteristics are to be noted; 1) The difficulties of electric insulation are overcomed because the electrometric tube is built as a whole with the radioactive eollector; 2) Both the positive and the negative field can be recorded with different sensitivity by a convenient back-voltage; 3) The instrument operates with dry batteries alone and, also in account of its light weight, can be carried about quite easily and quickly installed.

Comunicazione presentata l'll Aprile 1953 alla Prima Assemblea Generale della Società Italiana di Geofisica e Meteorologia (Genova, 10–12 Aprile 1953).  相似文献   
A laboratory study was undertaken to investigate how changes in flow regime and hydrograph shape (number of cycled hydrographs and duration of each hydrograph) together impact bedload transport and resulting bed morphology. Three hydrologic conditions (experiments) representing different levels of urbanization, or analogously different flow regimes, were derived from measured hydrometric field data. Each experiment consisted of a series of hydrographs with equal peak discharge and varying frequency, duration and flashiness. Bedload transport was measured throughout each hydrograph and measurements of bed topography and surface texture were recorded after each hydrograph. The results revealed hysteresis loops in both the total and fractional transport, with more pronounced loops for longer duration hydrographs, corresponding to lower rate of unsteadiness until reaching the peak discharge (pre-urbanization conditions). Shorter duration hydrographs (urban conditions) displayed more time above critical shear stress thresholds leading to higher bedload transport rates and ultimately to more variable hysteresis patterns. Surface textures from photographic methods revealed surface armoring in all experiments, with larger armor ratios for longer duration hydrographs, speculated to be due to vertical sorting and more time for bed rearrangements to occur. The direction of bed surface adjustment was linked to bedload hysteresis, more precisely with clockwise hysteresis (longer hydrographs) typically resulting in bed coarsening. More frequent and shorter duration hydrographs result in greater relative channel adjustments in slope, topographic variability and surface texture. © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Abstract— We performed high‐resolution 40Ar‐39Ar dating of mineral separates and whole‐rock samples from the desert meteorites Dhofar 300, Dhofar 007, and Northwest Africa (NWA) 011. The chronological information of all samples is dominated by plagioclase of varying grain size. The last total reset age of the eucrites Dhofar 300 and Dhofar 007 is 3.9 ± 0.1 Ga, coeval with the intense cratering period on the Moon. Some large plagioclase grains of Dhofar 007 possibly inherited Ar from a 4.5 Ga event characteristic for other cumulate eucrites. Due to disturbances of the age spectrum of NWA 011, only an estimate of 3.2–3.9 Ga can be given for its last total reset age. Secondary events causing partial 40Ar loss ≤3.4 Ga ago are indicated by all age spectra. Furthermore, Ar extractions from distinct low temperature phases define apparent isochrons for all samples. These isochron ages are chronologically irrelevant and most probably caused by desert alterations, in which radiogenic 40Ar and K from the meteorite and occasionally K induced by weathering are mixed, accompanied by incorporation of atmospheric Ar. Additional uptake of atmospheric Ar by the alteration phase(s) was observed during mineral separation (i.e., crushing and cleaning in ultrasonic baths). Consistent cosmic‐ray exposure ages were obtained from plagioclase and pyroxene exposure age spectra of Dhofar 300 (25 ± 1 Ma) and Dhofar 007 (13 ± 1 Ma) using the mineral's specific target element chemistry and corresponding 38Ar production rates.  相似文献   
We report isotope analyses of helium, neon, argon, and xenon using different extraction techniques such as stepwise dynamic and static crushing, and high-resolution stepwise heating of three mantle xenoliths from Réunion Island. He and Ne isotopic compositions were similar to previously reported Réunion data, yielding a more radiogenic composition when compared to the Hawaiian or Icelandic mantle plume sources. We furthermore observed correlated 129Xe/130Xe and 136Xe/130Xe ratios following the mantle trend with maximum values of 6.93 ± 0.14 and 2.36 ± 0.06, respectively. High-resolution argon analyses resulted in maximum 40Ar/36Ar ratios of 9000–11,000, in agreement with maximum values obtained in previous studies. We observed a well-defined hyperbolic mixing curve between an atmospheric and a mantle component in a diagram of 40Ar/36Ar vs. 20Ne/22Ne. Using a mantle 20Ne/22Ne of 12.5 (Ne–B) a consistent 40Ar/36Ar value of 11,053 ± 220 in sample ILR 84-4 was obtained, whereas extrapolations to a higher mantle 20Ne/22Ne ratio of 13.8 (solar wind) would lead to a much higher 40Ar/36Ar ratio of 75,000, far above observed maximum values. This favours a mantle 20Ne/22Ne of about 12.5 considered to be equivalent to Ne–B. Extrapolated and estimated 40Ar/36Ar ratios of the Réunion, Iceland, Loihi, and MORB mantle sources, respectively, tend to be linearly correlated with air corrected 21Ne/22Ne and show the same systematic sequence of increasing relative contributions in radiogenic isotopes (Iceland–Loihi–Réunion–MORB) as observed for 4He/3He. In general, He–Ne–Ar isotope systematics of the oceanic mantle can be explained by following processes: (i) different degree of mixing between pure radiogenic and pure primordial isotopes generating the MORB and primitive plume (Loihi-type) endmembers; (ii) relatively recent fractionation of He relative to Ne and Ar, in one or both endmembers; (iii) after the primary fractionation event, different degrees of mixing between melts or fluids of MORB and primitive plume affinity generate the variety of observed OIB data, also on a local scale; (iv) very late-stage secondary fractionation during magma ascent and magma degassing leads to further strong variation in He/Ne and He/Ar ratios.  相似文献   
The quality of the river Chienti (eastern‐central Apennines, Italy) has been evaluated according to the Water Framework Directive 2000/60/EC, taking into consideration both biotic (animal and vegetable) and chemical parameters. In studying the biotic component, two indices were used: the E.B.I, Extended Biotic Index (version adapted to the Italian rivers), based on macroinvertebrates, and the EPI‐D, the Eutrophication and/or Pollution Index, based on diatoms. For both macroinvertebrates and diatoms, two samplings were conducted, one in June and the other in October 2003. Instead, according to the Italian Law 152/99 the chemical and bacteriological analyses were conducted monthly for the entire year. The results of biomonitoring and chemical‐bacteriological analyses unanimously demonstrated a good ecological situation for the upper section of the Chienti, though the situation tends to worsen as the river continues its descent and undergoes increased anthropogenic pressure. Data obtained were correlated with Spearman's coefficients and principal component analysis. Both statistical calculations showed clear, direct correlation between the two biotic indices and an inverse correlation between these and the chemical and bacteriological parameters. However, a few differences of judgement that emerged among the various indices highlight the importance of using them simultaneously in order to obtain a more accurate diagnosis of the ecological status of the watercourses.  相似文献   
Abstract A detailed carbon isotope study has been carried out on a Santonian (Upper Cretaceous) carbonate platform succession that crops out at Monte Sant'Erasmo (southern Italy). Previous centimetre‐scale studies on this succession have shown that high‐frequency eustatic changes, resulting from the Earth's orbital fluctuations, controlled the hierarchical organization of the depositional and early diagenetic features in elementary cycles, bundles (groups of three to five elementary cycles) and superbundles (groups of three or four bundles). The elementary cycles, which correspond to single beds, suggest a control caused by Earth's precession; the bundles and superbundles record the short (≈ 100 kyr) and long (≈ 400 kyr) eccentricity periodicity respectively. The δ13C signal of the Monte Sant'Erasmo succession is cyclic in nature and may be considered to be a reliable proxy for the sedimentary evolution (and related sea‐level history) of the analysed sequence. The carbon isotope cyclicity is recorded at bundle and superbundle level, but it is not evident at the scale of the elementary cycles, at least with the sampling interval used in this study. Spectral analysis of the δ13C record shows two main peaks corresponding to the short‐ and long‐eccentricity periodicity, whereas the precession signal is not evident in the power spectrum. In addition, lithofacies analysis shows that, in each bundle (and superbundle), higher C isotope values occur in sediments characterized by marine cements, whereas lower values are normally found in more restricted deposits overprinted by early meteoric diagenesis. Early diagenesis, driven by periodic sea‐level fluctuations, developed in either shallow‐subtidal (marine diagenesis) or subaerial‐exposed (meteoric overprint) sedimentary environments and directly influenced the carbon isotope signature. As a consequence, the δ13C record at Monte Sant'Erasmo reflects high‐frequency climatic oscillations controlling both environmental and early diagenetic changes. The long‐term isotopic record is similar to that of contemporaneous pelagic sections in England and elsewhere in Italy. It is concluded that the δ13C signature of shallow‐water carbonates, such as those of Monte Sant'Erasmo, offers great potential for correlation with coeval sections, including those of the pelagic realm.  相似文献   
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