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Any progress in our understanding of low-temperature mineral assemblages and of quantitative physico-chemical modeling of stability conditions of mineral phases, especially those containing toxic elements like selenium, strongly depends on the knowledge of structural and thermodynamic properties of coexisting mineral phases. Interrelation of crystal chemistry/structure and thermodynamic properties of selenium-containing minerals is not systematically studied so far and thus any essential generalization might be difficult, inaccurate or even impossible and erroneous. Disagreement even exists regarding the crystal chemistry of some natural and synthetic selenium-containing phases. Hence, a systematic study was performed by synthesizing ferric selenite hydrates and subsequent thermal analysis to examine the thermal stability of synthetic analogues of the natural hydrous ferric selenite mandarinoite and its dehydration and dissociation to unravel controversial issues regarding the crystal chemistry. Dehydration of synthesized analogues of mandarinoite starts at 56–87?°C and ends at 226–237?°C. The dehydration happens in two stages and two possible schemes of dehydration exist: (a) mandarinoite loses three molecules of water in the first stage of the dehydration (up to 180?°C) and the remaining two molecules of water will be lost in the second stage (>180?°C) or (b) four molecules of water will be lost in the first stage up to 180?°C and the last molecule of water will be lost at a temperature above 180?°C. Based on XRD measurements and thermal analyses we were able to deduce Fe2(SeO3)3·(6-x)H2O (x?=?0.0–1.0) as formula of the hydrous ferric selenite mandarinoite. The total amount of water apparently affects the crystallinity, and possibly the stability of crystals: the less the x value, the higher crystallinity could be expected.  相似文献   
We investigated the khatyrkite–cupalite holotype sample, 1.2 × 0.5 mm across. It consists of khatyrkite (Cu,Zn)Al2, cupalite (Cu,Zn)Al, and interstitial material with approximate composition (Zn,Cu)Al3. All mineral phases of the holotype sample contain Zn and lack Fe that distinguishes them from khatyrkite and cupalite in the Khatyrka meteorite particles (Bindi et al. 2009 , 2011 , 2012 , 2015 ; MacPherson et al. 2013 ; Hollister et al. 2014 ). Neither highly fractionated natural systems nor geo‐ or cosmochemical processes capable of forming the holotype sample are known so far. The bulk chemistry and thermal history of khatyrkite–cupalite assemblage in the holotype sample hint for its possible industrial origin. Likewise, the aluminides in the Khatyrka meteorite particles may also be derived from industrial materials and mixed with extraterrestrial matter during gold prospecting in the Listvenitovy Stream valley.  相似文献   
We report radar, photometric, and spectroscopic observations of near-Earth Asteroid (136617) 1994 CC. The radar measurements were obtained at Goldstone (8560 MHz, 3.5 cm) and Arecibo (2380 MHz, 12.6 cm) on 9 days following the asteroid’s approach within 0.0168 AU on June 10, 2009. 1994 CC was also observed with the Panchromatic Robotic Optical Monitoring and Polarimetry Telescopes (PROMPT) on May 21 and June 1-3. Visible-wavelength spectroscopy was obtained with the 5-m Hale telescope at Palomar on August 25. Delay-Doppler radar images reveal that 1994 CC is a triple system; along with (153591) 2001 SN263, this is only the second confirmed triple in the near-Earth population. Photometry obtained with PROMPT yields a rotation period for the primary P = 2.38860 ± 0.00009 h and a lightcurve amplitude of ∼0.1 mag suggesting a shape with low elongation. Hale telescope spectroscopy indicates that 1994 CC is an Sq-class object. Delay-Doppler radar images and shape modeling reveal that the primary has an effective diameter of 0.62 ± 0.06 km, low pole-on elongation, few obvious surface features, and a prominent equatorial ridge and sloped hemispheres that closely resemble those seen on the primary of binary near-Earth Asteroid (66391) 1999 KW4. Detailed orbit fitting reported separately by Fang et al. (Fang, J., Margot, J.-L., Brozovic, M., Nolan, M.C., Benner, L.A.M., Taylor, P.A. [2011]. Astron. J. 141, 154-168) gives a mass of the primary of 2.6 × 1011 kg that, coupled with the effective diameter, yields a bulk density of 2.1 ± 0.6 g cm−3. The images constrain the diameters of the inner and outer satellites to be 113 ± 30 m and 80 ± 30 m, respectively. The inner satellite has a semimajor axis of ∼1.7 km (∼5.5 primary radii), an orbital period of ∼30 h, and its Doppler dispersion suggests relatively slow rotation, 26 ± 12 h, consistent with spin-orbit lock. The outer satellite has an orbital period of ∼9 days and a rotation period of 14 ± 7 h, establishing that the rotation is not spin-orbit locked. Among all binary and triple systems observed by radar, at least 25% (7/28) have a satellite that rotates more rapidly than its orbital period. This suggests that asynchronous configurations with Protation < Porbital are relatively common among multiple systems in the near-Earth population. 1994 CC’s outer satellite has an observed maximum separation from the primary of ∼5.7 km (∼18.4 primary radii) that is the largest separation relative to primary radius seen to date among all 36 known binary and triple NEA systems. 1994 CC, (153591) 2001 SN263, and 1998 ST27 are the only triple and binary systems known with satellite separations >10 primary radii, suggesting either a detection bias, or that such widely-separated satellites are relatively uncommon in NEA multiple systems.  相似文献   
Bottlenose dolphins are the only cetaceans regularly observed in the northern Adriatic Sea, but they survive at low densities and are exposed to significant threats. This study investigates some of the factors that influence habitat use by the animals in a largely homogeneous environment by combining dolphin data with hydrological and physiographical variables sampled from oceanographic ships. Surveys were conducted year-round between 2003 and 2006, totalling 3,397 km of effort. Habitat modelling based on a binary stepwise logistic regression analysis predicted between 81% and 93% of the cells where animals were present. Seven environmental covariates were important predictors: oxygen saturation, water temperature, density anomaly, gradient of density anomaly, turbidity, distance from the nearest coast and bottom depth. The model selected consistent predictors in spring and summer. However, the relationship (inverse or direct) between each predictor and dolphin presence varied among seasons, and different predictors were selected in fall. This suggests that dolphin distribution changed depending on seasonal forcing. As the study area is relatively uniform in terms of bottom topography, habitat use by the animals seems to depend on complex interactions among hydrological variables, caused primarily by seasonal change and likely to determine shifts in prey distribution.  相似文献   
Abstract— –The CH/CB‐like chondrite Isheyevo consists of metal‐rich (70–90 vol% Fe,Ni‐metal) and metal‐poor (7–20 vol% Fe,Ni‐metal) lithologies which differ in size and relative abundance of Fe,Ni‐metal and chondrules, as well as proportions of porphyritic versus non‐porphyritic chondrules. Here, we describe the mineralogy and petrography of Ca,Al‐rich inclusions (CAIs) and amoeboid olivine aggregates (AOAs) in these lithologies. Based on mineralogy, refractory inclusions can be divided into hibonite‐rich (39%), grossite‐rich (16%), melilite‐rich (19%), spinel‐rich (14%), pyroxene‐anorthite‐rich (8%), fine‐grained spinel‐rich CAIs (1%), and AOAs (4%). There are no systematic differences in the inclusion types or their relative abundances between the lithologies. About 55% of the Isheyevo CAIs are very refractory (hibonite‐rich and grossite‐rich) objects, 20–240 μm in size, which appear to have crystallized from rapidly cooling melts. These inclusions are texturally and mineralogically similar to the majority of CAIs in CH and CB chondrites. They are distinctly different from CAIs in other carbonaceous chondrite groups dominated by the spinel‐pyroxene ± melilite CAIs and AOAs. The remaining 45% of inclusions are less refractory objects (melilite‐, spinel‐ and pyroxene‐rich CAIs and AOAs), 40–300 μm in size, which are texturally and mineralogically similar to those in other chondrite groups. Both types of CAIs are found as relict objects inside porphyritic chondrules indicating recycling during chondrule formation. We infer that there are at least two populations of CAIs in Isheyevo which appear to have experienced different thermal histories. All of the Isheyevo CAIs apparently formed at an early stage, prior to chondrule formation and prior to a hypothesized planetary impact that produced magnesian cryptocrystalline and skeletal chondrules and metal grains in CB, and possibly CH chondrites. However, some of the CAIs appear to have undergone melting during chondrule formation and possibly during a major impact event. We suggest that Isheyevo, as well as CH and CB chondrites, consist of variable proportions of materials produced by different processes in different settings: 1) by evaporation, condensation, and melting of dust in the protoplanetary disk (porphyritic chondrules and refractory inclusions), 2) by melting, evaporation and condensation in an impact generated plume (magnesian cryptocrystalline and skeletal chondrules and metal grains; some igneous CAIs could have been melted during this event), and 3) by aqueous alteration of pre‐existing planetesimals (heavily hydrated lithic clasts). The Isheyevo lithologies formed by size sorting of similar components during accretion in the Isheyevo parent body; they do not represent fragments of CH and CB chondrites.  相似文献   
Abstract— Isheyevo is a metal‐rich carbonaceous chondrite that contains several lithologies with different abundances of Fe,Ni metal (7–90 vol%). The metal‐rich lithologies with 50–60 vol% of Fe,Ni metal are dominant. The metal‐rich and metal‐poor lithologies are most similar to the CBb and CH carbonaceous chondrites, respectively, providing a potential link between these chondrite groups. All lithologies experienced shock metamorphism of shock stage S4. All consist of similar components—Fe,Ni metal, chondrules, refractory inclusions (Ca, Al‐rich inclusions [CAIs] and amoeboid olivine aggregates [AOAs]), and heavily hydrated lithic clasts—but show differences in their modal abundances, chondrule sizes, and proportions of porphyritic versus non‐porphyritic chondrules. Bulk chemical and oxygen isotopic compositions are in the range of CH and CB chondrites. Bulk nitrogen isotopic composition is highly enriched in 15N (δ15N = 1122‰). The magnetic fraction is very similar to the bulk sample in terms of both nitrogen release pattern and isotopic profile; the non‐magnetic fraction contains significantly less heavy N. Carbon released at high temperatures shows a relatively heavy isotope signature. Similarly to CBb chondrites, ~20% of Fe,Ni‐metal grains in Isheyevo are chemically zoned. Similarly to CH chondrites, some metal grains are Ni‐rich (>20 wt% Ni). In contrast to CBb and CH chondrites, most metal grains are thermally decomposed into Ni‐rich and Ni‐poor phases. Similar to CH chondrites, chondrules have porphyritic and non‐porphyritic textures and ferromagnesian (type I and II), silica‐rich, and aluminum‐rich bulk compositions. Some of the layered ferromagnesian chondrules are surrounded by ferrous olivine or phyllosilicate rims. Phyllosilicates in chondrule rims are compositionally distinct from those in the hydrated lithic clasts. Similarly to CH chondrites, CAIs are dominated by the hibonite‐, grossite‐, and melilite‐rich types; AOAs are very rare. We infer that Isheyevo is a complex mixture of materials formed by different processes and under different physico‐chemical conditions. Chondrules and refractory inclusions of two populations, metal grains, and heavily hydrated clasts accreted together into the Isheyevo parent asteroid in a region of the protoplanetary disk depleted in fine‐grained dust. Such a scenario is consistent with the presence of solar wind—implanted noble gases in Isheyevo and with its comparatively old K‐Ar age. We cannot exclude that the K‐Ar system was affected by a later collisional event. The cosmic‐ray exposure (CRE) age of Isheyevo determined by cosmogenic 38Ar is ~34 Ma, similar to that of the Bencubbin (CBa) meteorite.  相似文献   
The historical-genetic method developed at the Institute of Oceanology of the Russian Academy of Sciences for the assessment of the petroleum resource potential is discussed with consideration of its main tasks and the successive procedures in its application. Such studies are crowned by a compilation of separate maps demonstrating scales of oil and gas generation and maps of hydrocarbon genesis zoning of basins with outlining centers of oil and gas generation and defining different-phase hydrocarbon-generation zones. The method was tested in over twenty continental-marginal and intracontinental basins studied to a different extent. The sedimentary basins of the Atlantic continental margin off Africa and the Caspian and Black seas were used as objects for applying the historical-genetic method for assessing their petroleum resource potential.  相似文献   
Abstract— Natural calcium monoaluminate, CaAl2O4, has been found in a grossite‐rich calcium‐aluminum‐rich inclusion (CAI) from the CH chondrite Northwest Africa 470. The calcium monoaluminate occurs as colorless ~10 μm subhedral grains intergrown with grossite, perovskite, and melilite. Nebular condensation is the most likely origin for the precursor materials of this CAI, but calculations suggest that dust/gas ratios substantially enhanced over solar are required to stabilize CaAl2O4.  相似文献   
This paper gathered available flow and transport solutions and used them for two composite liners, consisting of geomembrane (GM) overlying either a compacted clay liner (CCL) or a geosynthetic clay liner (GCL). Its aim is to provide a guiding framework for the possible choices of (a) approaches to bottom liner design, (b) respective analytical solutions to flow and transport equations, as well as (c) parameters required for each type of solution. On the basis of the obtained results, the following recommendations are made. When the goal of analysis is to determine material equivalency, leachate flow rate is an adequate key parameter for GM-CCL composite liners. For GM-GCL composite liners, it is necessary to compute contaminant concentration or mass flux, considering (a) transport through defects for inorganic contaminants and (b) diffusion and the contribution of any available attenuation layer for organic contaminants. When the goal of analysis is to assess impact to groundwater, it is advised to calculate both discharge rate and contaminant mass flux regardless of liner type. The critical parameter for the transport calculations is the retardation factor of the contaminant, for the case of CCLs, while the results for GCLs are much less sensitive to this parameter.  相似文献   
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