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It is known that most of the craters on the surface of the Moon were created by the collision of minor bodies of the Solar System. Main Belt Asteroids, which can approach the terrestrial planets as a consequence of different types of resonance, are actually the main responsible for this phenomenon. Our aim is to investigate the impact distributions on the lunar surface that low-energy dynamics can provide. As a first approximation, we exploit the hyberbolic invariant manifolds associated with the central invariant manifold around the equilibrium point L 2 of the Earth–Moon system within the framework of the Circular Restricted Three-Body Problem. Taking transit trajectories at several energy levels, we look for orbits intersecting the surface of the Moon and we attempt to define a relationship between longitude and latitude of arrival and lunar craters density. Then, we add the gravitational effect of the Sun by considering the Bicircular Restricted Four-Body Problem. In the former case, as main outcome, we observe a more relevant bombardment at the apex of the lunar surface, and a percentage of impact which is almost constant and whose value depends on the assumed Earth–Moon distance dEM. In the latter, it seems that the Earth–Moon and Earth–Moon–Sun relative distances and the initial phase of the Sun θ 0 play a crucial role on the impact distribution. The leading side focusing becomes more and more evident as dEM decreases and there seems to exist values of θ 0 more favorable to produce impacts with the Moon. Moreover, the presence of the Sun makes some trajectories to collide with the Earth. The corresponding quantity floats between 1 and 5 percent. As further exploration, we assume an uniform density of impact on the lunar surface, looking for the regions in the Earth–Moon neighbourhood these colliding trajectories have to come from. It turns out that low-energy ejecta originated from high-energy impacts are also responsible of the phenomenon we are considering.  相似文献   
Long-term monitoring studies are needed to understand changes in ecosystem status when restoration measures are implemented. A long-term data series (1996–2007) of the Tagus estuary (Portugal) intertidal and subtidal benthic communities was collected in a degraded area where mitigation measures were implemented. Multivariate analysis was used to analyze spatial and temporal patterns in benthic community composition and trends in five benthic community metrics (i.e., taxonomic richness, density, biomass, Shannon–Wiener diversity and the AMBI index) were also examined. The results revealed a clear separation between intertidal and subtidal assemblages, although they had 50% of taxa in common, including the most abundant. Significant positive trends were found for all metrics showing that both intertidal and subtidal communities responded to the restoration measures implemented. Nevertheless, biotic indices need some adaptation before being universally applied to intertidal and subtidal habitats.  相似文献   
The Reykjanes Peninsula rift zone in southwest Iceland is a highly oblique segment of the Mid-Atlantic ridge system which accommodates NW–SE extension during rifting episodes that consist of eruptions and normal faulting, and E–W left-lateral shear strain along strike-slip faults during longer amagmatic periods. Dominant tectonic features on the peninsula are a series of generally NE-striking, sub-parallel eruptive fissures and normal faults, and a cross-cutting zone of N–S striking, right-lateral strike-slip faults. The last series of rifting episodes ended in 1227, and a proposed 1,000 year cyclicity predicts the start of a new series of eruptions within the next 200 years. In order to more accurately characterize the nature of eruptions on the Reykjanes Peninsula, we present a new, spatially accurate map of the ∼2,350 year old Sundhnúkur crater row in the western part of the peninsula, which was examined in detail in order to determine the structural controls on crater row geometry and to understand the interactions that take place between eruptive fissures and pre-existing geological structures. Volcanism is sometimes influenced by small perturbations in the surroundings such as gravitational loading, topography, changes in crustal properties or the presence of fault zones, but there are few field examples showing how fissures are influenced by these pre-existing structures. We identify 27 fissure segments, ranging in strike from 006° to 053°, with varying spacing and overlap between them. Significant local variability in strike and stepping sense of segments occurs in proximity to topographic highs as well as within zones of faulting that pre-date the crater row. Strike also varies at the northern end of the crater row as it approaches a region of older crust at the rift margin. Our data support numerical and laboratory modeling results which show that local topography, pre-existing fractures and crustal properties influence the path taken by magma on its way through the shallow crust.  相似文献   
A growing attention has been addressed to the influence of infills on the seismic behavior of Reinforced Concrete buildings, also supported by the observation of damage to infilled RC buildings after severe earthquakes (e.g. L’Aquila 2009, Lorca 2011). In this paper, a numerical investigation on the influence of infills on the seismic behavior of four different case study buildings is carried out: four- and eight-storey buildings, designed for seismic loads according to the current Italian technical code or for gravity loads only according to an obsolete technical code, are considered. Seismic capacity at two Limit States (Damage Limitation and Near Collapse) is assessed through static push-over analyses, within the N2 spectral assessment framework. Different infill configurations are considered (Bare, Uniformly Infilled, Pilotis), and a sensitivity analysis is carried out, thus evaluating the influence of main material and capacity parameters on seismic response, depending on the number of storeys and the design typology. Fragility curves are obtained, through the application of a Response Surface Method. Seismic performance is also expressed in terms of failure probability, given a reference time period.  相似文献   
Querying geographical information systems has been recognized as a difficult task for non‐expert users. Furthermore, user queries are often characterized by semantic aspects not directly managed by traditional spatial databases or GIS. Examples of such semantic geospatial queries are the use of implicit spatial relations between objects, or the reference of domain concepts not explicitly represented in data. To handle such queries, we envisage a system that translates natural language queries into spatial SQL statements on a database, thus improving standard GIS with new semantic capabilities. Within this general objective, the contribution of this article is to introduce a methodology to handle semantic geospatial queries issued over a spatial database. This approach captures semantics from an ontology built upon the spatial database and enriched by domain concepts and properties specifically defined to represent the localization of objects. Some examples of the use of the methodology in the urban domain are presented.  相似文献   
Honda saline lake is located in an endorheic basin in the south of Spain. The lake is very shallow, with frequent seasonal drought and a high degree of unpredictability. It was sampled monthly during a relatively dry year (1994–1995, 5 months permanence). To establish a relationship between environmental variables (temperature, depth, salinity and conductivity), variables related to biological activity (organic matter, total solids suspension, and pH) and the planktonic community in the sampled months, various uni-and miltivariate statistical methods were carried out.Dunaliella salina, D. viridis, and ciliates sp. 2 is the principal species group used to average out the dissimilarity between the samples. Muttivariate analysis showed that salinity (as TDS), conductivity and pH made major and significant contributions to the explanation of the variance in the sample data.  相似文献   
Although there have been numerous studies of the meanings ascribed to terrestrial places, their applicability or otherwise to coastal and marine places has received limited attention. Through the process of photo-elicitation, the meanings ascribed to a remote coastal camping environment are examined, with the coastline of Ningaloo Marine Park in north-western Australia the focus for this study. Thirty participants were provided with digital cameras and the ascribed place meanings were explored when their photographs were discussed in subsequent in-depth interviews. Key meanings related to the physical environment providing opportunities for escape, participating in multiple marine-based activities, bonding with family and like-minded people, and offering a rewarding experience that makes everybody happy. This emergent meaning of ‘everybody's happy’ progresses the understanding of the affective elements of place, especially those realised by families and groups of friends. The paper traces important implications of this meaning, and provides a paradoxical perspective on isolation evident from the interviews, for managing coast-based recreation.  相似文献   
Changes in the extent of glaciers and rates of glacier termini retreat in the eastern Terskey–Alatoo Range, the Tien Shan Mountains, Central Asia have been evaluated using the remote sensing techniques. Changes in the extent of 335 glaciers between the end of the Little Ice Age (LIA; mid-19th century), 1990 and 2003 have been estimated through the delineation of glacier outlines and the LIA moraine positions on the Landsat TM and ASTER imagery for 1990 and 2003 respectively. By 2003, the glacier surface area had decreased by 19% of the LIA value, which constitutes a 76 km2 reduction in glacier surface area. Mapping of 109 glaciers using the 1965 1:25,000 maps revealed that glacier surface area decreased by 12.6% of the 1965 value between 1965 and 2003. Detailed mapping of 10 glaciers using historical maps and aerial photographs from the 1943–1977 period, has enabled glacier extent variations over the 20th century to be identified with a higher temporal resolution. Glacial retreat was slow in the early 20th century but increased considerably between 1943 and 1956 and then again after 1977. The post-1990 period has been marked by the most rapid glacier retreat since the end of the LIA. The observed changes in the extent of glaciers are in line with the observed climatic warming. The regional weather stations have revealed a strong climatic warming during the ablation season since the 1950s at a rate of 0.02–0.03 °C a− 1. At the higher elevations in the study area represented by the Tien Shan meteorological station, the summer warming was accompanied by negative anomalies in annual precipitation in the 1990s enhancing glacier retreat. However, trends in precipitation in the post-1997 period cannot be evaluated due to the change in observational practices at this station. Neither station in the study area exhibits significant long-term trends in precipitation.  相似文献   
—We determined the response to P- and S-wave incidence of the permanent stations of the seismic network of Baja California (RESNOM) using two independent methods. We selected 65 events with magnitudes between 2.2 and 4.8 and hypocentral distances ranging between 5 and 330 km. The site response of the ten stations analyzed was first estimated using average spectral ratios between the horizontal and the vertical components of motion (H/V ratios). As a second approach we performed a simultaneous inversion for source and site. In order to invert the spectral records to determine the site response, we made an independent estimate of the attenuation for two different source-station path regions. Then we corrected the spectral records for the attenuation effect before we made the inversion. Although the average H/V ratio of many sites is inside the error bars of the site response estimated with the spectral inversion, the spectral inversion tends to give higher values. For the S wave some sites show similar frequency of predominant peak when comparing the responses obtained with both methods. In contrast, for the P waves the H/V ratios disagree with the results of the inversion. In general, the site response of the stations is strongly frequency dependent for both P and S waves. We also found that the natural frequency of resonance of the sites is near 0.5 Hz for P and near 0.8 Hz for the S waves.  相似文献   
Kamil is a 45 m diameter impact crater identified in 2008 in southern Egypt. It was generated by the hypervelocity impact of the Gebel Kamil iron meteorite on a sedimentary target, namely layered sandstones with subhorizontal bedding. We have carried out a petrographic study of samples from the crater wall and ejecta deposits collected during our first geophysical campaign (February 2010) in order to investigate shock effects recorded in these rocks. Ejecta samples reveal a wide range of shock features common in quartz‐rich target rocks. They have been divided into two categories, as a function of their abundance at thin section scale: (1) pervasive shock features (the most abundant), including fracturing, planar deformation features, and impact melt lapilli and bombs, and (2) localized shock features (the least abundant) including high‐pressure phases and localized impact melting in the form of intergranular melt, melt veins, and melt films in shatter cones. In particular, Kamil crater is the smallest impact crater where shatter cones, coesite, stishovite, diamond, and melt veins have been reported. Based on experimental calibrations reported in the literature, pervasive shock features suggest that the maximum shock pressure was between 30 and 60 GPa. Using the planar impact approximation, we calculate a vertical component of the impact velocity of at least 3.5 km s?1. The wide range of shock features and their freshness make Kamil a natural laboratory for studying impact cratering and shock deformation processes in small impact structures.  相似文献   
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