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The Norilsk mining district is located at the northwest margin of the Tunguska basin, in the centre of the 3,000×4,000 km Siberian continental flood basalt (CFB) province. This CFB province was formed at the Permo-Triassic boundary from a superplume that ascended into the geometric centre of the Laurasian continent, which was surrounded by subducting slabs of oceanic crust. We suggest that these slabs could have reached the core–mantle boundary, and they may have controlled the geometric focus of the superplume. The resulting voluminous magma intruded and erupted in continental rifts and related extensive flood basalt events over a 2–4 Ma period. Cu–Ni–PGE sulfide mineralization is found in olivine-bearing differentiated mafic intrusions beneath the flood basalts at the northwestern margin of the Siberian craton and also in the Taimyr Peninsula, some 300 km east of a triple junction of continental rifts, now buried beneath the Mesozoic–Cenozoic sedimentary basin of western Siberia. The Norilsk-I and Talnakh-Oktyabrsky deposits occur in the Norilsk–Kharaelakh trough of the Tunguska CFB basin. The Cu–Ni–PGE-bearing mineralized intrusions are 2–3 km-wide and 20 km-long differentiated chonoliths. Previous studies suggested that parts of the magma remained in intermediate-level crustal chambers where sulfide saturation and accumulation took place before emplacement. The 5–7-km-thick Neoproterozoic to Palaeozoic country rocks, containing sedimentary Cu mineralization and evaporites, may have contributed additional metal and sulfur to this magma. Classic tectonomagmatic models for these deposits proposed that subvertical crustal faults, such as the northeast-trending Norilsk–Kharaelakh fault, were major trough-parallel conduits providing access for magmas to the final chambers. However, geological maps of the Norilsk region show that the Norilsk–Kharaelakh fault offsets the mineralization, which was deformed into folds and offset by related reverse faults, indicating compressional deformation after mineralization in the Late Triassic to Early Jurassic. In addition, most of the intrusions are sills, not dykes as should be expected if the vertical faults were major conduits. A revised tectonic model for the Norilsk region takes into account the fold structure and sill morphology of the dominant intrusions, indicating a lateral rather than vertical emplacement direction for the magma into final chambers. Taking into account the fold structure of the country rocks, the present distribution of the differentiated intrusions hosting the Norilsk-I and Talnakh–Oktyabrsky deposits may represent the remnants of a single, >60 km long, deformed and eroded palm-shaped cluster of mineralized intrusions, which are perceived as separate intrusions at the present erosional level. The original direction of sill emplacement may have been controlled by a northeast-trending paleo-rise, which we suggest is present at the southeastern border of the Norilsk–Kharaelakh trough based on analysis of the unconformity at the base of the CFB. The mineralized intrusions extend along this rise, which we interpret as a structure that formed above the extensionally tilted block in the metamorphic basement. Geophysical data indicate the presence of an intermediate magma chamber that could be linked with the Talnakh intrusion. In turn, this T-shaped flat chamber may link with the Yenisei–Khatanga rift along the northwest-trending Pyasina transform fault, which may have served as the principal magma conduit to the intermediate chamber. It then produced the differentiated mineralized intrusions that melted through the evaporites with in situ precipitation of massive, disseminated, and copper sulfide ore. The Norilsk–Kharaelakh crustal fault may not relate to mineralization and possibly formed in response to late Mesozoic spreading in the Arctic Ocean.Editorial handling: P. Lightfoot  相似文献   
{We investigate the conversion of the 0.5–4 and 1–8 Å soft X-ray flux measurements made by detectors on the Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellites (GOES) into temperature and emission measures of coronal plasma using modern spectral models and modern understanding of coronal abundances. In particular, the original analysis by Thomas, Starr and Crannell (1985) is updated to take into account the realization that coronal abundances may be quite different from photospheric abundances. An important result of this analysis is that the derived temperatures and emission measures depend strongly on the assumed abundances even at high temperatures where continuum rather than spectral lines dominates the Sun’s X-ray spectrum. This occurs because the higher coronal abundances mean that most of the continuum is due to free–bound emission processes, not free–free emission, and thus is abundance-dependent. We find significant differences between modern calculations of the temperature response of the flux measurements and the versions currently in use: for a typical flare, emission measures may be up to a factor of 4 smaller than the current software suggests. Derived temperatures are similar for both photospheric and coronal abundances for cool flares (e.g., 15 MK), but for hot flares (e.g., 35 MK) coronal abundances can lead to significantly (~25%) lower temperatures being derived.  相似文献   
中国台湾地区和大陆西北地区都是破坏性地震活动发生较为频繁的地区.应用数理统计的方法对这两个地区100年来破坏性地震活动的对应关系进行探讨,当台湾地区发生6级以上地震活动后两年内,大陆西北也发生6级以上地震的概率为95.08%;两地7级以上地震活动时间间隔的置信度为90%的区间估计都为2~4年;通过对两地7级以上地震活动时间间隔的相关性分析,可以看出无显著性差异.  相似文献   
Insight regarding the mean and eddy motion in the Skagerrak/northern North Sea area is gained through an analysis of model-simulated currents, hydrography, kinetic energy and relative vorticity for the 2 years 2000 and 2001. In this a -coordinate ocean model is used. Since the tidal currents are generally strong in the area, care is exercised to distinguish the mesoscale (eddy) motion from higher-frequency motion such as tides, before computing the mean and eddy kinetic energy. The model-simulated response is first compared with available knowledge of the circulation in the area, and when available, also with sea-surface temperature obtained from satellite imagery. It is concluded that the model appears to faithfully reproduce most of what is known, in particularly the upper mixed layer circulation. An analysis of the mean and eddy kinetic energy reveals that many of the mesoscale structures found in the area are recurrent. This is particularly true for the structures off the southern tip of Norway. Also in general, areas of strong mean and eddy kinetic energy are co-located. The exception is the area off the southern tip of Norway, where the eddy kinetic energy is much larger than its mean counterpart. An analysis of the relative vorticity reveals that the variability found is due to the occurrence of recurrent anticyclonic eddies. It is hypothesized that these eddies are generated due to an offshore veering of the Norwegian coastal current (NCC) as it reaches the eastern end of the Norwegian Trench plateau. Here it becomes a free jet, which is then vulnerable to either barotropic instability caused by the horizontal shear in the jet-like structure of the NCC at this point, or a baroclinic (frontal) instability. The latter may come into play when the NCC veers offshore and its relatively fresh water meets the inflowing saline water of Atlantic origin, a frontogenesis that may become strong enough for cyclogenesis to take place. Due to the depth-independent nature of the model-generated eddies, the barotropic instability is the most likely candidate. It remains to resolve the reason for the offshore veering of the NCC. The most likely candidate mechanisms are vortex squeezing or simply that the coastline curvature is large enough for the NCC to separate from the coast in a hydraulic sense.Responsible Editor: Phil Dyke  相似文献   
The generation of natural gases is much more complicated in comparison with liquid petro-leum in that natural gases could be generated from both humic and sapropelic organic matter at different stages and that natural gases could be organic and inorganic …  相似文献   
The radio sources within the most recent celestial reference frame (CRF) catalog ICRF2 are represented by a single, time-invariant coordinate pair. The datum sources were chosen mainly according to certain statistical properties of their position time series. Yet, such statistics are not applicable unconditionally, and also ambiguous. However, ignoring systematics in the source positions of the datum sources inevitably leads to a degradation of the quality of the frame and, therefore, also of the derived quantities such as the Earth orientation parameters. One possible approach to overcome these deficiencies is to extend the parametrization of the source positions, similarly to what is done for the station positions. We decided to use the multivariate adaptive regression splines algorithm to parametrize the source coordinates. It allows a great deal of automation, by combining recursive partitioning and spline fitting in an optimal way. The algorithm finds the ideal knot positions for the splines and, thus, the best number of polynomial pieces to fit the data autonomously. With that we can correct the ICRF2 a priori coordinates for our analysis and eliminate the systematics in the position estimates. This allows us to introduce also special handling sources into the datum definition, leading to on average 30 % more sources in the datum. We find that not only the CPO can be improved by more than 10 % due to the improved geometry, but also the station positions, especially in the early years of VLBI, can benefit greatly.  相似文献   
On February 22, 2011, an earthquake of magnitude 6.3 occurred very near to the city of Christchurch, New Zealand. The consequence came as a shock to many seismologists and earthquake engineers as New Zealand is known as the homeland of modern earthquake-resistant design techniques. After the earthquake, the focus of discussion has been on the collapse of buildings, while few queried the adequacy of design requirements. Importantly, similar “inadequacy” seems to repeat all around the world more frequently than expected. Hence, the question statement in the title concerns not only Christchurch, but anywhere in the world.  相似文献   
Volcanism throughout the Luzon arc is associated with eastwardsubduction of the South China Sea floor along the Manila Trench.The southern section of the arc, the focus of this study, extendsfrom the Lingayen-Dingalan fault to the small islands just southof Luzon. Two segments appear to exist along this section ofthe arc the northern Bataan and southern Mindoro segments whichare separated by the Macolod Corridor. The volcanic rocks have typical arc phenocryst mineralogies:olivine, clinopyroxene, plagioclase, and titanomagnetite inthe most mafic rocks and clinopyroxene, plagioclase, orthopyroxene,titanomagnetite, ? amphibole in the more felsic samples. Complexzoning, sieve textures, and decoupling of incompatible traceelements suggest that processes such as assimilation have takenplace. The rocks from the study area range from basalts to rhyolitesand show typical calc-alkaline features. The rocks of the MacolodCorridor and Mindoro segment are particularly enriched in largeion lithophile elements (LILE), light rare earth elements (LREE),and radiogenic Sr compared with the Bataan segment. The datafall within the mantle array on Sr-Nd isotopic diagrams andgrade toward higher Sr and lower Nd isotopic values from northto south. A likely source for the volcanics of this study is either amid-ocean ridge basalt (MORB)-type mantle that undergoes higherdegrees of partial melting than regions involved in MORB generationor a previously depleted source. We suggest that the high fieldstrength element (HFSE) anomalies have been derived throughdifferential element partitioning during fluid transport fromthe subducted lithosphere to the mantle wedge. Continental crustal material seems to play a significant roleparticularly in the Macolod Corridor and the Mindoro segment,based on the high LILE, La/Sm ratios, radiogenic Sr isotopes,and 18O values. The Macolod Corridor and the Mindoro segmenthave undergone source contamination by crustal material fromthe North Palawan-Mindoro crustal block either during the collisionof this block with the Manila Trench or by subduction of sedimentsrich in this crustal material. A similar component has alsobeen detected in the Bataan segment but in minor amounts. Thetrace element and isotopic differences between the northernand southern sections of the arc are interpreted in terms ofvariable composition (i. e., variable amounts of a crustal componentintroduced from the Palawan-Mindoro crustal terrain) of themetasomatic fluids released into the source.  相似文献   
The sediment backscatter strength measured by multibeam echosounders is a key feature for seafloor mapping either qualitative (image mosaics) or quantitative (extraction of classifying features). An important phenomenon, often underestimated, is the dependence of the backscatter level on the azimuth angle imposed by the survey line directions: strong level differences at varying azimuth can be observed in case of organized roughness of the seabed, usually caused by tide currents over sandy sediments. This paper presents a number of experimental results obtained from shallow-water cruises using a 300-kHz multibeam echosounder and specially dedicated to the study of this azimuthal effect, with a specific configuration of the survey strategy involving a systematic coverage of reference areas following “compass rose” patterns. The results show for some areas a very strong dependence of the backscatter level, up to about 10-dB differences at intermediate oblique angles, although the presence of these ripples cannot be observed directly—neither from the bathymetry data nor from the sonar image, due to the insufficient resolution capability of the sonar. An elementary modeling of backscattering from rippled interfaces explains and comforts these observations. The consequences of this backscatter dependence upon survey azimuth on the current strategies of backscatter data acquisition and exploitation are discussed.  相似文献   
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