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 The electrical properties of opal-CT are validated at temperatures from 600 to 840 °C and frequencies from 5 Hz to 10 MHz. The opals are hydrothermal, containing less than 11270 ppm total of Al, Fe, Ca, Na, and K, and from 1.17 to 17.63 wt% H2O interstitial and structural. Opal-CT shows fine crystallites, measuring from 19.4 to 22.7 μm, of an ordered tridymite-M stratification with high-cristobalite, embedded in a non-crystalline matrix. When heated to 600 °C, the non-crystalline phase devitrifies to the same stacked high-cristobalite-tridymite-M crystals. Opals containing less than 2070 ppm of cationic impurities are characterized by one single high-frequency complex impedance arc corresponding to the bulk polarization of the crystalline phase, of capacitances between 25 and 30×10−12 F and resistances from 132 to 890 ohm. Opals having over 6300 ppm of cationic impurities show two superimposed high- and low-frequency complex impedance arcs. The high-frequency arc corresponds to the bulk polarization of the crystalline phase, of capacitance between 8 and 15.7×10−12 F and resistance from 14 to 236 ohm, less than the capacitance of 0.25 to 0.53×10−9 F and resistance from 26 to 360 ohm of the non-crystalline minor intergranular material represented by the low-frequency impedance arc. The electric module shows one single vertex, ascribed to the bulk polarization of the crystalline phase. The conductivities are from 10−7 to 10−4 ohm−1cm−1, in the range of poor ionic conductors, essentially constant below 1.8 kHz, rapidly increasing at higher frequencies, due to ionic and electronic charge carriers. The activation energy changes between 0.905 and 1.003 eV for the conduction mechanism in the crystalline phase and from 0.924 to 1.087 eV in the non-crystaline phase. X-ray diffraction and impedance spectroscopy confirm that opal-CT is a crystalline stacked sequence of tridymite-M and cristobalite-high, in a non-crystalline matrix. Received October 20, 1995/Revised, accepted June 15, 1996  相似文献   
This study presented herein compares the bivariate and multivariate landslide susceptibility mapping methods and presents the landslide susceptibility map of the territory of Western Carpathians in small scale. This study also describes pioneer work for the territory of Western Carpathians, overreaching state borders, using verified sophisticated statistical methods. In the susceptibility mapping, digital elevation model was first constructed using a GIS software, and parameter maps affecting the slope stability such as geology, seismicity, precipitation, topographical elevation, slope angle, slope aspect and land cover were considered. In the last stage of the analyses, landslide susceptibility maps were produced using bivariate and multivariate analyses, and they were then compared by means of their validations. The validation of the bivariate analysis data was performed using the results of bivariate analysis for landslide areas of Slovakia containing five classes of susceptibility in scale 1:500,000. The validation area is the area of Western Carpathians within Slovakia. Eighty-two per cent of area does not differ in more than one class. The validation of the multivariate analysis data was performed using the results from the Kysuce region in the northern part of Slovakia in scale 1:10,000. The raster calculator was used to express the difference between each pair of pixels within these two layers. Seventy-seven per cent of the pixels do not differ in more than 25 %, 94 % of the pixels do not differ in more than 50 %. The maximal possible difference is 100 % (one pixel with value 0 and other with value 1, or vice versa). Receiver operating characteristic analysis was also performed, the area under curve value for bivariate model was calculated to be 0.735, while it was 0.823 for multivariate. The results of the validation can be considered as satisfactory.  相似文献   
Bahia de la Ascension (BA) is a shallow, mangrove-fringed coastal bay connected to the Caribbean through two inlets, outlined by the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System. This work represents an initial investigation of the relative contribution of hydrometeorological and hydrodynamic forcing on salinity variation in this lagoon. Our objective is to assess the sensitivity of the salinity in BA to fluctuations in freshwater inflow and coastal oceanography. Two field trips were undertaken during rainy and dry seasons in 2007. Surface salinity was mapped across the system and CTD deployments carried out within BA and in the sea end-member to characterize temperature, conductivity, and water level. Also, cross-sectional CTD profiles were implemented to examine vertical stratification. The water balance indicated that 16 % of rainfall over the drainage basin (DB) becomes groundwater discharge plus surface runoff into BA during dry season, while 68 % of the precipitation input to the DB is supplied through groundwater–surface runoff to the bay during rainfalls. This combined inflow showed larger fluctuations than direct rainfall and, thus, has a greater potential to alter the seasonal salinity variations within BA. The tidal signal is selectively attenuated within BA, as diurnal frequencies are more readily filtered out than semidiurnal frequencies. Mesohaline conditions in the southwest bay are associated with freshwater sources, while saline water masses in the inlet are influenced by prevalent SE winds in the region and tidal phase, establishing a strong horizontal SW-NE estuarine salinity gradient.  相似文献   
This investigation comprises the hydraulic characterisation of a river located in the Mexican State of Tabasco, including the performance of its flood plain under the action of an extreme river discharge. This is done through the combination of a high‐quality validation dataset, remote sensing information, and a standard 2D numerical model. The dataset was collected during an intensive field campaign that took place in August 2009. In particular, in situ measurements of river discharge, bathymetry, water level, and velocities through a whole tidal cycle are employed along with multi‐spectral satellite imagery. The purpose of this study is twofold. Firstly, the integrated approach comprising the combination of a 2D hydrodynamic model, high‐quality in situ measurements and satellite imagery reduce the uncertainty in the model parameterisation and results. Secondly, it is shown that freely available sources of information, such as the Shuttle Radar Topographic Mission (SRTM) data can be processed and utilized in 2D hydraulic models. This is particularly important in countries where high‐resolution elevation data is not yet available. It is demonstrated that the selected approach is useful when the study of possible consequences in a flood plain induced by an extreme flood discharge are sought. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Six newly developed floats, which were set to drift on the 26.7 σθ isopycnal surface and to profile temperature, salinity and pressure above 1000 dbar once a week, were deployed in the Oyashio and Kuroshio Extension (KE) in order to examine the circulation, formation site and time scale of newly formed North Pacific Intermediate Water (NPIW). The floats were deployed in February or May 2001, and the data from their deployments to December 2002 are analyzed here. Four of the six floats were deployed near the KE axis at around the first meander crest, and they moved eastward to 157°E–176°W at latitudes of 30°N–45°N. The other two floats deployed in the Oyashio water with low-potential vorticity near the south coast of Hokkaido moved southward to reach the KE front and then moved eastward to the same region as the first four floats. The temperature and salinity at 26.7 σθ measured by the profiling floats indicate that the source waters of NPIW, Oyashio and Kuroshio waters are drastically mixed and modified in the mixed water region west of 160°E. The floats were separated into the three paths east of 160°E between the Kuroshio Extension front and the north of Water-Mass front (nearly subarctic front). New NPIW is judged to be formed along these three paths since the vertical profiles of temperature and salinity are quite smooth, having a salinity minimum at about 26.7σθ along each path. Kuroshio-Oyashio isopycnal mixing ratios of the new NPIW are 7:3, 6:4 and 5:5 at 26.7σθ along the southern, middle and northern paths, respectively. Potential vorticity converges to about 14–15 × 10−11 m−1s−1 along these paths. The time scale of new NPIW formation is estimated to be 1–1.5 years from the merger of Oyashio and Kuroshio waters to the formation of the new NPIW. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
Regeneration of a warm anticyclonic ring as a result of interaction with cold water masses was observed within the western subarctic gyre of the North Pacific. Satellite, profiling float, and shipboard observations revealed that a warm-core ring originated from the Kuroshio Extension, propagating northeastwards, entrained cold and fresh water masses from the coastal area of Hokkaido, which are typically recognized within the ring as water that is colder than 2.5 °C. The potential temperature and planetary contribution of potential vorticity of the cold water in the coastal area of Hokkaido were <2 °C and 15 × 10?11 m?1s?1, respectively, suggesting that it originated from the Sea of Okhotsk. After the intrusion, the warm core of the ring cooled, freshened, and contracted, while the outer and lower parts became occupied by the cold and fresh water; however, even after the cooling, the positive surface elevation and downward depression of the main pycnocline, typical of an anticyclonic ring, were still evident. The ring continued to propagate northeastwards, with the main part of its structure occupied by the cold water, but changed its direction of travel from northwest to west-southwest 8 months after the cold-water event, and was finally absorbed into another warm-core ring. It is suggested that these anticyclonic rings, which transported and mixed warm and cold water masses, play important roles in the cross-gyre exchange of subtropical and subarctic waters in the North Pacific.  相似文献   
A long-term spin-up and a subsequent interannual simulation are conducted for the ocean–ice component of the climate model intercomparison project (CMIP)-class earth system model of the Japan Meteorological Agency/Meteorological Research Institute. This experiment has three purposes: first is to assess the ability of our model with the Coordinated Ocean–ice Reference Experiments (COREs) forcing in reproducing the present ocean-climate; second is to understand the ocean-climate variability for the past 60 years; third is to present an example of evaluating an ocean–ice interannual variability simulation. The Pacific Ocean is focused on for the last two purposes. After integrating for about 1500 years with repeated use of a detrended CORE interannual forcing, the model reaches a quasi-steady state where the present climate is reproduced satisfactorily. Then, the interannual variability simulation is conducted with the retrieved forcing trend and the result is analyzed. The simulation is successful at reproducing the long-term variability in the Pacific and surrounding oceans. Brief analyses of the tropical and mid-latitude upper layer, deep circulation, and the Arctic sea ice are presented. A caveat in treating other parts of the globe is due to the recent intense convection in the Southern Ocean caused by a remarkably increasing trend of the Southern Hemisphere westerly. Overall, the current simulation with our CMIP-class ocean–ice model is shown to be useful for studying the present ocean-climate variability, specifically in the Pacific sector. It could also be used as a benchmark control experiment that facilitates further research, model development, and intercomparison.  相似文献   
Arctic deltas, such as the Mackenzie Delta, are expected to face major climate change and increased human influence in the near future. Deltas are characterised by highly dynamic fluvial processes, and changing climate will cause considerable evolution of the riverine environment. The changes are difficult to predict with existing knowledge and data. This study quantified channel planform change of the Mackenzie Delta (1983–2013), analysing its temporal and spatial patterns. We addressed the main obstacle of research on large remote areas, the lack of data, by developing a unique work flow that utilised Landsat satellite imagery, hydrological time series, remote sensing‐based change analysis, and automatic vectorisation of channels. Our results indicate that the Mackenzie Delta experienced constant evolution but at a highly varying rate over the 30 years. The study demonstrates that the magnitude and duration of flood peaks and the presence of spring ice breakup floods determine the rate of Arctic delta planform change. Changing winter conditions and spring flood magnitudes may therefore affect the stability of Arctic deltas. However, no clear trends towards decreased recurrence or magnitude of spring floods or increased instability of the delta plain have yet been observed in the Mackenzie Delta. The delta plain was most dynamic at the beginning and at the end of the examined period, corresponding to intense flooding, whereas the rates of change were subtle during the low‐flood period 1994–2007. The largest changes have occurred along the wide Middle Channel and in the outermost delta. Relative to their size, however, smaller meandering channels have been highly dynamic. Hotspots of change in the delta plain are located in anastomosing and braiding channel segments and, at the local scale, in point bars and cut‐banks along meandering channels. Our study describes how Landsat satellite data can be utilised for advancing fluvial geomorphological research in remote areas. However, cloudiness in the delta restricts production of dense time series with simultaneous coverage of the whole area and requires manual preprocessing.  相似文献   
This paper presents a chance-constrained programming model for optimal control of a multipurpose reservoir and its modification to a model for single reservoir design. An algorithm is developed for solving complex stochastic problems of multipurpose reservoir planning and design. The complexity of the problem is resolved by a two-step algorithm: (1) transformation of chance constraints on the state and control variables is performed at the first step; and (2) the choice of optimum control or optimal reservoir storage is carried out in the second step. The method of iterative convolution is chosen for the first step, while linear programming is selected for the second step. The algorithm allows the use of random inflows and random demands together with other deterministic demands. The reservoir design problem is presented as a modified optimal control problem. The procedure is illustrated with an example of a hypothetical reservoir design problem with three different types of downstream releases (hydropower production, municipal water supply, and irrigation).  相似文献   
A general model for time‐dependent saturated–unsaturated waterflow caused by a single well with a given radius is presented. The storage capacity of the well tube is taken into account. The inflow into the well (with drainage) is modeled using the Signorini boundary condition. The nonconforming mixed finite element method on a multilevel adaptive grid is used for the solution of the radial symmetric, time dependent problem. Finally, van Genuchten parameters of an aquifer are determined from field measurements by inverse computations.  相似文献   
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