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The seasonality in cave CO2 levels was studied based on (1) a new data set from the dynamically ventilated Comblain-au-Pont Cave (Dinant Karst Basin, Belgium), (2) archive data from Moravian Karst caves, and (3) published data from caves worldwide. A simplified dynamic model was proposed for testing the effect of all conceivable CO2 fluxes on cave CO2 levels. Considering generally accepted fluxes, i.e., the direct diffusive flux from soils/epikarst, the indirect flux derived from dripwater degassing, and the input/output fluxes linked to cave ventilation, gives the cave CO2 level maxima of 1.9 × 10−2 mol m−3 (i.e., ∼ 440 ppmv), which only slightly exceed external values. This indicates that an additional input CO2 flux is necessary for reaching usual cave CO2 level maxima. The modeling indicates that the additional flux could be a convective advective CO2 flux from soil/epikarst driven by airflow (cave ventilation) and enhanced soil/epikarstic CO2 concentrations. Such flux reaching up to 170 mol s−1 is capable of providing the cave CO2 level maxima up to 3 × 10−2 mol m−3 (70,000 ppmv). This value corresponds to the maxima known from caves worldwide. Based on cave geometry, three types of dynamic caves were distinguished: (1) the caves with the advective CO2 flux from soil/epikarst at downward airflow ventilation mode, (2) the caves with the advective soil/epikarstic flux at upward airflow ventilation mode, and (3) the caves without any soil/epikarstic advective flux. In addition to CO2 seasonality, the model explains both the short-term and seasonal variations in δ13C in cave air CO2.

Geo‐questionnaire involves an integration of sketchable maps with questions, aimed at eliciting public preferences and attitudes about land allocation and services. Respondents can link their answers with corresponding locations on a map by marking points or sketching polygon features. Geo‐questionnaires have been used to learn about perceptions and preferences of city residents for specific types of land use, place‐based services, and development projects. This article reports on results of an empirical study, in which an online geo‐questionnaire was designed and implemented to elicit preferences of residents in guiding an urban development plan. Preferences collected in the form of polygon sketches were processed using GIS operations and mapped for visual interpretation. The article focuses on aggregation and analysis of respondent preferences including the analysis of positional and attribute uncertainty. Results of the study show that geo‐questionnaire is a scalable method for eliciting public preferences with a potential for meaningfully informing land use planning.  相似文献   
The seismic data obtained during SUDETES 2003 experiment are analysed, and detailed crustal structure for profiles S02, S03 and S06 is presented using three different 2-D techniques: (1) “smooth” tomography of refracted waves travel times, (2) ray tracing of reflected and refracted waves, and (3) joint velocity and depth of reflector tomographic inversion. In spite of different interpretation techniques used, the models of the crustal structure show common characteristic features. The low velocity (Vp < 4 km/s) sedimentary layer was documented in the northeastern part of the study area. The topmost basement has in general a velocity of 5.8–6.0 km/s, and velocities at ca. 20 km depth are 6.15–6.25 km/s. The strong reflecting boundaries were found at 20–23 and 25–28 km depth with a velocity contrast about 0.4 km/s, and the highest velocities in the lowermost crust are 6.8–7.2 km/s. In general, the crust of the Bohemian Massif is slightly thicker (33–35 km) than in the northern part of the area. Velocities beneath Moho are relatively low, of 7.95 km/s. On the basis of well recorded reflected waves, mantle reflectors were discovered in the depth interval ca. 40–70 km. Apart of new results for the geology and tectonics of the area, some conclusion could be made about different techniques used. In the 2-D case the “clasical” ray tracing method with using all correlated phases gives the most adequate model of the structure, because of full, manual control of the model creation. The “smooth” first arrival travel times tomography, although very fast, is not satisfactory enough to describe the complex structure. So, the best candidate in 3-D case seems to be travel time tomography for both refracted and reflected waves in multi-layers models.  相似文献   
In the middle Miocene Badenian gypsum basin of the Carpathian Foredeep, west Ukraine, three main zones of gypsum development occur in the peripheral parts of the basin. Zone I consists entirely of stromatolitic gypsum formed in a nearshore zone. Zone II is located more basinward and is characterized by stromatolitic gypsum in the lower part of the section, overlain by a sabre gypsum unit. Zone III occurs in still more basinward areas and is characterized by giant gypsum intergrowths (or secondary nodular gypsum pseudomorphs of these) in the lowermost part, overlain by stromatolitic gypsum, sabre gypsum and then by clastic gypsum units. Correlation between these facies and zones has been achieved using lithological marker beds and surfaces. Of particular importance for correlation is a characteristic marker bed (usually 20–40 cm thick) of cryptocrystalline massive gypsum occurring in zones II and III. The marker was not distinguished in zone I, possibly because this bed is older than the entire gypsum section of that zone. These new results strongly suggest that the deposition of giant gypsum intergrowth facies and stromatolitic gypsum facies was coeval. In some sections of zones I and II, limestone intercalations have been recorded within the upper part of the gypsum sections. Considerable scatter of the δ18O and δ13C values of these limestones indicates variable diagenetic overprints of marine carbonates, but a marine provenance of the limestones is confirmed by microfacies analysis. Some of the limestones are coeval with an intercalation of gypsarenitic, mostly laminated gypsum occurring in the sabre gypsum unit of zones II and III. Badenian gypsum formed in extremely shallow‐water to subaerial environments on broad, very low relief areas of negligible brine depth, which could be affected by rapid transgressions. Stable isotope (δ34S, δ18O) studies of the gypsum demonstrate that the sulphate was of sea‐water origin or was derived from dissolution of Miocene marine evaporites. Investigations of individual inclusions in the gypsum indicate decreased water salinity when compared with modern marine‐derived, calcium sulphate‐saturated water. Groundwater influences are indicated by high calcium sulphate contents of the brines in the evaporite basin. The chemical composition of Badenian waters was thus a mixture of relic sea water (depleted in NaCl), groundwater (enriched in calcium sulphate) and surface run‐off.  相似文献   
Performance studies of a microscope‐camera system (MCS) and a laser ablation/ionisation mass spectrometer (LIMS) instrument (referred to here as a laser mass spectrometer or LMS) are presented. These two instruments were designed independently for in situ analysis of solids on planetary surfaces and will be combined to a single miniature instrument suite for in situ chemical and morphological analysis of surface materials on planetary bodies. LMS can perform sensitive chemical (elemental, isotope and molecular) analyses with spatial resolution close to micrometre‐sized grains. It allows for studies with mass resolution (MM) up to 800 in ablation mode (elemental composition) and up to 1500 in desorption mode (molecular analysis). With an effective dynamic range of at least eight orders of magnitude, sensitive and quantitative measurements can be conducted of almost all elements and isotopes with a concentration larger than a few ppb atoms. Hence, in addition to the major element composition, which is important for the determination of mineralogical constituents of surface materials, trace elements can also be measured to provide information on mineral formation processes. Highly accurate isotope ratio measurements can be used to determine in situ geochronology of sample material and for investigations of various isotope fractionation processes. MCS can conduct optical imagery of mm‐sized objects at several wavelengths with micrometre spatial resolution for the characterisation of morphological surface details and to provide insight into surface mineralogy. Furthermore, MCS can help in the selection of sample surface areas for further mass spectrometric analysis of the chemical composition. Surface auto‐fluorescence measurements and images in polarised light are additional capabilities of the MCS, to identify either fluorescing minerals or organic materials, if present on the analysed surface, for further investigation by LMS. The results obtained by investigations of NIST reference materials, amino acid films and a natural graphite sample embedded in silicate rock are presented to illustrate the performance of the instruments and their potential to deliver chemical information for mineral and organic phases in their geological context.  相似文献   
The large-scale seismic refraction and wide-angle reflection experiment POLONAISE'97 together with LT-7 and TTZ profiles carried out with the most modern techniques gave a high resolution of crustal structure of the Trans-European Suture Zone (TESZ) in NW and central Poland. The results of seismic investigations show the presence of relatively low velocity rocks (Vp < 6.1 km/s) down to a depth of 20 km beneath the Polish Basin (PB), and a high velocity lower crust (Vp = 6.8–7.3 km/s). The crustal thickness in the TESZ is intermediate between that of the East European Craton (EEC) to the northeast (40–45 km) and that of the Variscan crust (VB) to the southwest ( 30 km). Velocities in the uppermost mantle are relatively high (Vp = 8.25–8.45 km/s). The crust is three-layered with substantial differences in the velocities and thickness of individual layers. The area of the TESZ in NW and central Poland can be divided into at least two crustal blocks (terranes), called here Pomeranian Unit (PU, in the northwest) and Kuiavian Unit (KU, in the southeast). The postulated boundary between KU and PU is rather sharp at particular levels of the crust. Velocity distribution in the middle and lower crystalline crust in the TESZ area resemble values recognized in the EEC area, the fundamental difference being the much smaller thickness of both these layers. Our hypothesis/speculation is that the attenuated lower and middle crust of the TESZ belong to proximal terranes built of the EEC crust detached in the southeast and re-accreted to the EEC due to the process of anti-clockwise rotation of the Baltica paleocontinent during the Ordovician–Early Silurian.  相似文献   
The goal of the research was to demonstrate the impact of thin porous interfacial transition zones (ITZs) between aggregates and cement matrix on fluid flow in unsaturated concrete caused by hydraulic/capillary pressure. To demonstrate this impact, a novel coupled approach to simulate the two-phase (water and moist air) flow of hydraulically and capillary-driven fluid in unsaturated concrete was developed. By merging the discrete element method (DEM) with computational fluid dynamics (CFD) under isothermal settings, the process was numerically studied at the meso-scale in two-dimensional conditions. A flow network was used to describe fluid behaviour in a continuous domain between particles. Small concrete specimens of a simplified particle mesostructure were subjected to fully coupled hydro-mechanical simulation tests. A simple uniaxial compression test was used to calibrate the pure DEM represented by bonded spheres, while a permeability and sorptivity test for an assembly of spheres was used to calibrate the pure CFD. For simplified specimens of the pure cement matrix, cement matrix with aggregate, and cement matrix with aggregate and ITZ of a given thickness, DEM/CFD simulations were performed sequentially. The numerical results of permeability and sorptivity were directly compared to the data found in the literature. A satisfactory agreement was achieved. Porous ITZs in concrete were found to reduce sorption by slowing the capillary-driven fluid flow, and to speed the full saturation of pores when sufficiently high hydraulic water pressures were dominant.  相似文献   
We examined the life history and secondary production of four Ephemeroptera species (Baetis alpinus Pictet, 1843–1845, Baetis rhodani Pictet, 1843–1845, Rhithrogena carpatoalpina Klonowska, Olechowska, Sartoriet & Weichselbaumer, 1987 and Habroleptoides confusa Sartori & Jacob, 1986) in a temperature stable cold spring stream at Prosiek valley (Cho?ské vrchy Mts., West Carpathians, Slovakia). We have found asynchronous bivoltine life cycle for the most abundant species B. alpinus with growth rate positively correlated to photoperiod length. R. carpatoalpina have shown unusual asynchronous univoltine life cycle and B. rhodani have shown uncommonly low abundance in mayfly community. Total secondary production of mayfly community was very low, reaching 1654.8 mg DW m?2 y?1. We suggest that the observed asynchrony in growth could be related to the lack of temperature control.  相似文献   
Several new precise times of minima, based on CCD observations, have been secured for the relatively seldom studied eclipsing binary V865 Cyg (P=0d.365 days). Its OC diagram was analysed and new light elements are given. We showed that there is probably no parabolic period increase in V865 Cyg. Instead, a single abrupt period increase can be distinguished in the OC diagram.  相似文献   
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