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The Upper Miocene (10.7–9.0 Ma) Battye Glacier Formation was deposited 250 km inland from the modern Amery Ice Shelf edge in Prydz Bay, East Antarctica. The composition of clay minerals distinguishes a Lower Member, which reflects regional erosion of Precambrian metamorphic basement, from an Upper Member, which records increased erosion of local Permian–Triassic Amery Group strata. The Upper Member was deposited in an ice-proximal environment akin to the modern fjords of East Greenland, with substantial diamict deposition resulting from melting iceberg discharge. The Lower Member was deposited in an ice-distal environment and included the accumulation of the fossil-bearing McLeod Beds. The McLeod Beds contain much siliceous biogenic sediment (≤ 15% opal), which is rare to absent in the predominantly hemipelagic mud of modern East Greenland fjords. The McLeod Beds also contain largely monospecific in situ Hiatella sp. mollusc assemblages suggestive of environmental stress, potentially caused by low salinity melt-water and a high input of terrigenous sediment, which excluded most other benthic taxa. Geochemical results from primary aragonite in Hiatella shells imply large freshwater input into the marine environment during mollusc growth, causing low δ18O, Na, Mg and high Fe values. The present study indicates that iceberg melt-water influence entering the marine environment was greater during the Late Miocene than today around Antarctica, and documents the paleoenvironment associated with a discrete period of ice margin retreat and marine incursion into the Lambert embayment.  相似文献   
A hydrogeological conceptual model has been developed that describes the hydrothermal system of Suio Terme (central Italy). The studied area is located along the peri-Tyrrhenian zone of the central Apennines, between the Mesozoic and Cenozoic carbonate platform sequences of the Aurunci Mountains and the volcanic sequences of the Roccamonfina. A multi-disciplinary approach was followed, using new hydrogeological surveys, the interpretation of stratigraphic logs of boreholes and water wells, and geophysical data—seismic sections, shear-wave velocity (Vs) crustal model and gravimetric model. The collected information allowed for construction of a conceptual hydrogeological model and characterization of the hydrothermal system. The Suio hydrothermal system is strongly influenced by the Eastern Aurunci hydrostructure. Along the southeastern side, the top of the hydrostructure sinks to ?1,000 m relative to sea level via a series of normal faults which give origin to the Garigliano graben. Geological and hydrogeological data strongly suggest the propagation and mixing of hot fluids, with cold waters coming from the shallow karst circuit. The aquitard distribution, the normal tectonic displacements and the fracturing of the karst hydrostructure strongly influence the hydrothermal basin. Carbon dioxide and other gasses play a key role in the whole circuit, facilitating the development of the hydrothermal system. The current level of knowledge suggests that the origin of the Suio hydrothermalism is the result of interaction between the carbonate reservoir of the Eastern Aurunci Mountains and the hot and deep crust of this peri-Tyrrhenian sector, where the Roccamonfina volcano represents the shallowest expression.  相似文献   
This study demonstrates the application of laser‐induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) and hyperspectral imaging to the investigation of coprolite and fossil samples. Solid samples from the Permian (seven coprolites and one fossil), Cretaceous (one coprolite) and Oligo‐Miocene (two coprolites) periods were directly analysed, and emission spectra from 186 to 1042 nm were obtained in several areas covering coprolite/fossil and rock material. Initial exploratory analyses were performed using principal component analysis with the data set normalised by the norm (Euclidean norm = 1). After identification and selection of emission lines of eleven elements (Al, Ca, Cr, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Na, Ni, P and Si), the signals were normalised again by the relative intensity of the selected element. Phosphorus was identified mainly in the coprolites, while K and Na were primarily found in the rock material. In several cases, there was a positive correlation between Ca and P. A sample from the Oligo‐Miocene series was also analysed using inductively coupled plasma‐optical emission spectrometry (ICP‐OES) (rock and coprolites were analysed separately). Based on the quantitative results from ICP‐OES, it was confirmed that the tendency was the same as that observed with the results obtained from LIBS directly in the solid sample.  相似文献   
We compared the responses of two estuarine phytoplankton communities, one from a temperate (Chubut River estuary (CH), Argentina) and one from a sub-tropical site (Babitonga Bay (BB), Brazil), in a scenario of nutrient enrichment under solar ultraviolet radiation (UVR) exposure. Seawater samples were exposed in microcosms to two nutrients, ambient vs. enriched, and two radiation conditions, with and without UVR, and exposed to solar radiation for 4 days. We evaluated the short- (PSII photochemistry, during 90 min light and 90 min dark cycles, before and after the , whereas in BB, nutrient effects prevailed. Such differences were related to the previous light history of the cells and to the ambient nutrient status. After acclimation, an overall improvement of the photosynthetic performance was observed at both sites, either by reducing the relative inhibition or by increasing the recovery of the effective photochemical quantum yield. Interactive effects of UVR and nutrients on growth at CH were antagonistic, while at BB, no differences were observed between the interactive and the sum of effects. Part of the differences in the mid-term observed responses can be attributed to taxonomic changes, with the CH community dominated by diatoms throughout the experiment, but with a shift from a diatom to a flagellate-dominated community in BB. Temperature differences between both sites might have favored higher growth rates and flagellates dominance in BB under the nutrient enriched conditions.  相似文献   
The Pannonian Basin (Central Europe) hosts numerous alkali basaltic volcanic fields in an area similar to 200 000 km2. These volcanic fields were formed in an approximate time span of 8 million years producing smallvolume volcanoes typically considered to be monogenetic. Polycyclic monogenetic volcanic complexes are also common in each field however. The original morphology of volcanic landforms, especially phreatomagmatic volcanoes, is commonly modified. by erosion, commonly aided by tectonic uplift. The phreatomagmatic volcanoes eroded to the level of their sub-surface architecture expose crater to conduit filling as well as diatreme facies of pyroclastic rock assemblages. Uncertainties due to the strong erosion influenced by tectonic uplifts, fast and broad climatic changes, vegetation cover variations, and rapidly changing fluvio-lacustrine events in the past 8 million years in the Pannonian Basin have created a need to reconstruct and visualise the paleoenvironment into which the monogenetic volcanoes erupted. Here phreatomagmatic volcanic fields of the Miocene to Pleistocene western Hungarian alkali basaltic province have been selected and compared with modern phreatomagmatic fields. It has been concluded that the Auckland Volcanic Field (AVF) in New Zealand could be viewed as a prime modern analogue for the western Hungarian phreatomagmatic fields by sharing similarities in their pyroclastic successions textures such as pyroclast morphology, type, juvenile particle ratio to accidental lithics. Beside the AVF two other, morphologically more modified volcanic fields (Pali Aike, Argentina and Jeju, Korea) show similar features to the western Hungarian examples, highlighting issues such as preservation potential of pyroclastic successions of phreatomagmatic volcanoes.  相似文献   

The concept of “catchment-scale storm velocity” quantifies the rate of storm motion up and down the basin accounting for the interaction between the rainfall space–time variability and the structure of the drainage network. It provides an assessment of the impact of storm motion on flood shape. We evaluate the catchment-scale storm velocity for the 29 August 2003 extreme storm that occurred on the 700 km2-wide Fella River basin in the eastern Italian Alps. The storm was characterized by the high rate of motion of convective cells across the basin. Analysis is carried out for a set of basins that range in area from 8 to 623 km2 to: (a) determine velocity magnitudes for different sub-basins; (b) examine the relationship of velocity with basin scale and (c) assess the impact of storm motion on simulated flood response. Two spatially distributed hydrological models of varying degree of complexity in the representation of the runoff generation processes are used to evaluate the effects of the storm velocity on flood modelling and investigate model dependencies of the results. It is shown that catchment-scale storm velocity has a non-linear dependence on basin scale and generally exhibits rather moderate values, in spite of the strong kinematic characteristics of individual storm elements. Consistently with these observations and for both models, hydrological simulations show that storm motion has an almost negligible effect on the flood response modelling.

Editor Z.W. Kundzewicz; Guest editor R.J. Moore

Citation Nikolopoulos, E.I., Borga, M., Zoccatelli, D., and Anagnostou, E.N., 2014. Catchment-scale storm velocity: quantification, scale dependence and effect on flood response. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 59 (7), 1363–1376. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/02626667.2014.923889  相似文献   
In this paper the scaling hypotheses are applied to annual maximum series of rainfall depth for different rainfall duration to derive the depth–duration–frequency (DDF) curve. It is shown that, based on the empirically observed scaling properties of rainfall and some general assumptions about the cumulative distribution function for the annual maximum of the rainfall depth, it is possible to derive a simple DDF relationship. This general framework provides a basis for the generation of maps that can be used to infer DDF curves at any point of a particular area. Data from a dense raingauge network in a mountainous region in north-eastern Italy (the Trentino Province) are used to clarify the methodology for the construction and regionalization of the DDF relationship. The geographical variation of short-duration (i.e., less than 60 xmin) rainfall extremes is also evaluated by using the same framework. It is found that depth–duration ratios, defined as the ratios of the t-min to the 60-min rainfall depths of the same return period, may be considered independent of return period and geographical location for any storm duration less than 60 min.  相似文献   
Morphodynamic models are used by river practitioners and scientists to simulate geomorphic change in natural and artificial river channels. It has long been recognized that these models are sensitive to the choice of parameter values, and proper calibration is now common practice. This paper investigates the less recognized impact of the choice of the model itself. All morphodynamic models purport to simulate the same flow and sediment dynamics, often relying on the same governing equations. Yet in solving these equations, the models have different underlying assumptions, for example regarding spatial discretization, turbulence, sediment inflow, lateral friction, and bed load transport. These differences are not always considered by the average model user, who might expect similar predictions from calibrated models. Here, a series of numerical simulations in meandering channels was undertaken to test whether six morphodynamic codes (BASEMENT, CCHE‐2D, NAYS, SSIIM‐1, TELEMAC‐2D and TELEMAC‐3D) would yield significantly different equilibrium bathymetries if subjected to identical, initial flow conditions. We found that, despite producing moderately similar velocity patterns on a fixed‐flat bed (regression coefficient r of 0.77 ± 0.20), the codes disagree substantially with respect to simulated bathymetries (r = 0.49 ± 0.31). We relate these discrepancies to differences in the codes' assumptions. Results were configuration specific, i.e. codes that perform well for a given channel configuration do not necessarily perform well with higher or lower sinuosity configurations. Finally, limited correlation is found between accuracy and code complexity; the inclusion of algorithms that explicitly account for the effects of local bed slope and channel curvature effects on transport magnitude and direction does not guarantee accuracy. The range of solutions obtained from the evaluated codes emphasizes the need for carefully considering the choice of code. We recommend the creation of a central repository providing universal validation cases and documentation of recognized fluvial codes in commonly studied fluvial settings. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The processes and deposits of deep‐water submarine channels are known to be influenced by a wide variety of controlling factors, both allocyclic and autocyclic. However, unlike their fluvial counterparts whose dynamics are well‐studied, the factors that control the long‐term behaviour of submarine channels, particularly on slopes undergoing active deformation, remain poorly understood. We combine seismic techniques with concepts from landscape dynamics to investigate quantitatively how the growth of gravitational‐collapse structures at or near the seabed in the Niger Delta have influenced the morphology of submarine channels along their length from the shelf edge to their deep‐water counterpart. From a three dimensional (3D), time‐migrated seismic‐reflection volume, which extends over 120 km from the shelf edge to the base of slope, we mapped the present‐day geomorphic expression of two submarine channels and active structures at the seabed, and created a Digital Elevation Model (DEM). A second geomorphic surface and DEM raster—interpreted to closer approximate the most recent active channel geometries—were created through removing the thickness of hemipelagic drape across the study area. The DEM rasters were used to extract the longitudinal profiles of channel systems with seabed expression, and we evaluate the evolution of channel widths, depths and slopes at fixed intervals downslope as the channels interact with growing structures. Results show that the channel long profiles have a relatively linear form with localized steepening associated with seabed structures. We demonstrate that channel morphologies and their constituent architectural elements are sensitive to active seafloor deformation, and we use the geomorphic data to infer a likely distribution of bed shear stresses and flow velocities from the shelf edge to deep water. Our results give new insights into the erosional dynamics of submarine channels, allow us to quantify the extent to which submarine channels can keep pace with growing structures, and help us to constrain the delivery and distribution of sediment to deep‐water settings.  相似文献   
Summary A study of the alterations caused by chemical weathering on carbonatic outcrops in the South of France (near Marseille) has revealed the presence of gypsum crusts. An analogy with carbonatic surfaces (marbles and limestones) located in urban areas (monuments and buildings) has therefore been evidenced. An analytical investigation of the morphology, typology and inner structure of the crusts found is presented in this paper.Furthermore, reference is also made to the identification of fly ash particles embedded in the altered layer: this occurrence enables a limitation of the crust-growth period to the present century. Some hypotheses as to the role played by these particles in the formation of the altered layer have also been advanced. In this regard, the study of particles emitted by coal combustion, one of the major sources of energy, as far as their environment impact is concerned, is of unquestionable importance.
Gipskrusten und Flugascheteilchen auf Carbonat-Schichtköpfen
Zusammenfassung Die Untersuchung der durch chemische Verwitterung verursachten Änderungen an Carbonat-Schichtköpfen im Süden von Frankreich (bei Marseille) hat das Vorhandensein von Gipskrusten gezeigt. Eine Analogie zu carbonaten Oberflächen (Marmor und Kalkstein) in Stadtgebieten (Monumente und Gebäude) ist damit erwiesen. Eine analytische Erforschung der Morphologie, Typologie und inneren Struktur der gefundenen Krusten wird in dieser Arbeit vorgelegt.Ferner wird auch Bezug genommen auf die Identifizierung der in die geänderte Schicht eingelagerten Flugascheteilchen. Dieses Vorkommen ermöglichte eine Begrenzung der Periode des Krustenwachstums auf das gegenwärtige Jahrhundert. Einige Hypothesen über die Rolle, die von diesen Teilchen bei der Bildung der geänderten Schicht gespielt wird, werden auch vorgebracht. In dieser Hinsicht ist die Untersuchung der bei der Kohleverbrennung — das ist eine der größten Energiequellen — ermittelten Teilchen, insofern ihr Einfluß auf die Umgebung betrachtet wird, unzweifelhaft von Bedeutung.

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