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Résumé L'activité magmatique ophiolitique du géosynclinal alpin (diabases, gabbros, serpentines, etc.) a été suivie par une activité à caractère volcanique moins bien connue. En effet, les appareils correspondant à cette activité ont complètement disparu; nous devons nous contenter pour tous renseignements de l'étude des fragments de roches contenus dans des grauwackes tertiaires appartenant au Flysch (grès de Taveyanne, grès d'AItdorf pro parte, grès du Champsaur).La détermination de la nature originelle des laves est, en outre, rendue difficile par le fait, découvert récemment, que ces grauwackes ont subi un métamorphisme régional les plaçant dans le faciès à zéolites; on peut raisonnablement admettre qu'il s'agissait d'andésites basaltiques.L'áge des épanchements est encore indéterminé, il doit être compris entre le Crétacé supérieur et la fin de l'Eocène. L'hypothèse la plus plausible consiste à admettre que les volcans, aujourd'hui complètement érodés se trouvaient dans la partie la plus interne du domaine pennique. Toutefois au moment du dépôt des grès de Taveyanne, les coulées ne se trouvaient plus dans leur position initiale, elles avaient glissé vers l'avant-pays sous forme d'une nappe.Il est très probable que cette activité volcanique post-ophiolitique n'est pas restreinte au segment franco-suisse des Alpes occidentales mais que des formations analogues aux grès de Taveyanne se retrouvent ailleurs, notamment en Sicile et dans les Apennins.
The magmatic activity which gave birth to the ophiolites (diabases, gabbros, serpentinites) of the alpine geosyncline was followed by subaerial volcanism. This volcanic activity is not well known as the volcanoes were completely destroyed by erosion. Our only source of information is to be found in fragments of volcanic rocks which are part of Tertiary Flysch graywackes (Taveyanne sandstones, part of the Altorf sandstones, Champsaur sandstones).The determination of the initial composition of the lavas is further complicated by metasomatic transformations; it has been recently shown that the Taveyanne graywackes were submitted to a light regional metamorphism corresponding to the zeolitic facies ofCoombs. However, it seems that these lavas were originally basaltic andesites.The age of this volcanism is not precisely known, it cannot be later than Upper Eocene as the time of deposition of the Taveyanne sandstones is Uppermost Eocene-Lower Oligocene; it is probably post-Cenomanian. It is likely that the volcanoes were located in the southern part of the Penninic zone; however at the time of deposition of the graywackes the volcanic flows had already left their initial location, gliding toward the Foreland as part of a Nappe.Very probably, remnants of this post-ophiolitic volcanism are not restricted to the French-Swiss segment of the Western Alps, but will be found elsewhere, particularly in the Apennine Mountains and in Sicily.

Zusammenfassung Die magmatische Tätigkeit, die Ophiolithe (Diabase, Gabbros, Serpentinite) der alpinen Geosynklinale entstehen ließ, wurde von subärischem Vulkanismus abgelöst. Diese Vulkantätigkeit ist wenig bekannt, da die Vulkane durch Erosion völlig zerstört wurden. Unsere einzige Informationsquelle findet sich in vulkanischen Gesteinsfragmenten, die Bestandteile der Tertiär-Flysch-Grauwacken sind.Die Bestimmung der ursprünglichen Zusammensetzung der Laven wird weiter durch metasomatische Umwandlungen erschwert. Kürzlich wurde gezeigt, daß die Taveyanne-Grauwacken einem regionalen Metamorphismus ausgesetzt waren, welcher der zeolithischen Fazies von Coombs entspricht. Es scheint jedoch, daß diese Laven ursprünglich basaltische Andésite waren.Das Alter dieses Vulkanismus ist nicht genau bekannt; es kann aber nicht später sein als das Obere Eozän, da die Ablagerungszeit der Taveyanne-Sandsteine Oberstes Eozän—Unteres Oligozän ist. Wahrscheinlich lagen die Vulkane im südlichen Teil der penninischen Zone; zur Zeit der Ablagerung der Grauwacken waren die Vulkanite bereits in die Überschiebungsmassen mit einbezogen.Sehr wahrscheinlich sind die Überreste dieses nach-ophiolithischen Vulkanismus nicht auf den französisch-schweizerischen Abschnitt der Westalpen beschränkt, sondern werden sich auch andernorts speziell auf dem Apennin und in Sizilien finden lassen.

, (, ) , . , . , . . , Taveyane ( Coombs'y), , . .
Thirteen packrat (Neotoma spp.) and two porcupine (Erethizon dorsatum) middens from 1555 to 1690 m elevation from the Sacramento Mountains, New Mexico, provide an 18,000-yr vegetation record in the northern Chiuahuan Desert. The vegetation sequence is a mesic, Wisconsin fullglacial (18,000–16,000 yr B.P.) pinyon-juniper-oak woodland; a xeric, early Holocene (ca. 11,000–8000 yr B.P.) juniper-oak woodland; a middle Holocene (ca. 8000-4000 yr B.P.) desert-grassland; and a late Holocene (ca. 4000 yr B.P. to present) Chihuahuan desertscrub. The frequency of spring freezes and summer droughts in the late Wisconsin probably set the northern limits of Pinus edulis and Juniperus monosperma at about 34°N, or 6° south of today's limit. Rising summer tempratures in the early Holocene eliminated pinyon and other mesic woodland plants from the desert lowlands and allowed the woodland to move upslope. At this time pinyon-juniper woodland and pine forest dominated by Pinus ponderosa probably began their spectacular Holocene expansions to the north. Continued warming in the middle Holocene led to very warm summers with strong monsoons, relatively dry, cold winters, and widespread desert-grasslands. Desertscrub communities in the northern Chihuahuan Desert did not develop until the late Holocene when the biseasonal rainfall shifted slightly back toward the winter, catastrophic winter freezes decreased, and droughts in all seasons increased. The creosote bush desertscrub corridor across the Continental Divide between the Chihuahuan and Sonoran deserts was probably connected for the first time since the last interglaciation.  相似文献   
作为理解华南构造演化的关键地区,在华南板块南缘的云开地体和越北的Song Chay地体发育了早中生代的向北东逆冲推覆的韧性变形.在云开地体,经历角闪岩相和绿片岩相变质的矿物指示了产状平缓的面理上发育明显的北东-南西向矿物拉伸线理.沿着这些矿物拉伸线理,具有上部指向北东的剪切变形.同位素年代学的定年结果指示了变形事件发生...  相似文献   
Subsurface geophysical surveys were carried out using a large range of methods in an unconfined sandstone aquifer in semiarid south-western Niger for improving both the conceptual model of water flow through the unsaturated zone and the parameterization of numerical a groundwater model of the aquifer. Methods included: electromagnetic mapping, electrical resistivity tomography (ERT), resistivity logging, time domain electromagnetic sounding (TDEM), and magnetic resonance sounding (MRS). Analyses of electrical conductivities, complemented by geochemical measurements, allowed us to identify preferential pathways for infiltration and drainage beneath gullies and alluvial fans. The mean water content estimated by MRS (13%) was used for computing the regional groundwater recharge from long-term change in the water table. The ranges in permeability and water content obtained with MRS allowed a reduction of the degree of freedom of aquifer parameters used in groundwater modelling.  相似文献   
The Napo phosphorites were deposited at the edge of a stable marine shelf during the Upper Cretaceous (Coniacian) oceanic anoxic event (OAE 3) at the transition from bioclastic limestone to organic-rich shale facies. Phosphogenesis was triggered in the shelf margin environment by a number of factors including strong upwelling currents, high biological activity, plankton blooms, and large amounts of organic matter production and subsequent accumulation. Dissolved phosphate levels increased in the sediment from a combination of anoxic conditions and microbial activity. Once dissolved phosphate concentrations were high enough, apatite began to form around nucleic sites including mineral grains, shells, wood fragments, and foraminifera tests forming peloidal fluorine rich carbonate fluoroapatite (francolite). As the peloids formed, sedimentation continued and dissolved phosphate concentrations diminished. A period of minor winnowing ensued, and as dissolved phosphate concentrations remained low, shale layers were deposited separating the various phosphate layers.  相似文献   
In Savoy, the Grands-Moulins recent fault scarps, previously interpreted as seismic fault ruptures, are in fact part of a major Sackung (deep seated gravitational spreading) of the French Alps (9 km long). We mapped more than 60 sackung scarps, some of them reaching 1330 m long and 30 m high. These antislope scarps stop the active screes and offset relict Dryassic rock glaciers by 16 m. We present geomorphologic observations attesting for their gravitational origin. This Sackung is primarily due to glacial debuttressing, while seismic shaking could be a triggering mechanism. To cite this article: J.-C. Hippolyte et al., C. R. Geoscience 338 (2006).  相似文献   
The role of sulfur in two hydrothermal vent systems, the Logatchev hydrothermal field at 14°45′N/44°58′W and several different vent sites along the southern Mid-Atlantic Ridge (SMAR) between 4°48′S and 9°33′S and between 12°22′W and 13°12′W, is examined by utilizing multiple sulfur isotope and sulfur concentration data. Isotope compositions for sulfide minerals and vent H2S from different SMAR sites range from + 1.5 to + 8.9‰ in δ34S and from + 0.001 to + 0.051‰ in Δ33S. These data indicate mixing of mantle sulfur with sulfur from seawater sulfate. Combined δ34S and Δ33S systematics reveal that vent sulfide from SMAR is characterized by a sulfur contribution from seawater sulfate between 25 and 33%. This higher contribution, compared with EPR sulfide, indicates increased seawater sulfate reduction at MAR, because of a deeper seated magma chamber and longer fluid upflow path length, and points to fundamental differences with respect to subsurface structures and fluid evolution at slow and fast spreading mid-ocean ridges.Additionally, isotope data uncover non-equilibrium isotopic exchange between dissolved sulfide and sulfate in an anhydrite bearing zone below the vent systems at fluid temperatures between 335 and 400 °C. δ34S values between + 0.2 to + 8.8‰ for dissolved and precipitated sulfide from Logatchev point to the same mixing process between mantle sulfur and sulfur from seawater sulfate as at SMAR. δ34S values between ? 24.5 and + 6.5‰ and Δ33S values between + 0.001 and + 0.125‰ for sulfide-bearing sediments and mafic/ultramafic host rocks from drill cores taken in the region of Logatchev indicate a clear contribution of biogenic sulfides formed via bacterial sulfate reduction. Basalts and basaltic glass from SMAR sites with Δ33S = ? 0.008‰ reveal lower Δ33S lower values than suggested on the basis of previously published isotopic measurements of terrestrial materials.We conclude that the combined use of both δ34S and Δ33S provides a more detailed picture of the sulfur cycling in hydrothermal systems at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge and uncovers systematic differences to hydrothermal sites at different mid-ocean ridge sites. Multiple sulfur isotope measurements allow identification of incomplete isotope exchange in addition to isotope mixing as a second important factor influencing the isotopic composition of dissolved sulfide during fluid upflow. Furthermore, based on Δ33S we are able to clearly distinguish biogenic from hydrothermal sulfides in sediments even when δ34S were identical.  相似文献   
The Mössbauer fractions f for various ferrous- and/or ferric-containing oxides and oxyhydroxides, silicates and carbonates were evaluated from the experimental temperature dependence of their center shifts, using the Debye approximation for the second-order Doppler shift. It is concluded that ferrous ions exhibit a lower fraction as compared to ferric ions. Using standard mixtures of -Fe2O3 with selected Fe2+ or Fe3+ compounds, it is found that the calculated Fe3+ f values are somewhat overestimated with respect to those of Fe2+. Possible explanations for this shortcoming are discussed and it is suggested that a different temperature dependence of the intrinsic isomer shift is the most likely reason. This suggestion is corroborated by analyses of hematite and hedenbergite data which are available for temperatures up to 900 K and 800 K respectively.  相似文献   
Using minimum exposure techniques, it is feasible to perform high resolution electron microscopy on the α-cristobalite phase of (Si0.9 Ge0.1)O2, which is extremely radiation sensitive. Such images reveal atomic scale information of twins and tridymite-like stacking faults on (1 1 1)β planes, as well as of domain boundaries resulting from the β→α transition. Polytype structures are formed in certain cases. Morphological features suggest that the phase transformation cristobalite → tridymite proceeds by means of a zonal dislocation mediated synchro-shear process on (1 1 1)β planes; the geometry of this process is analyzed. Received: 13 June 1999 / Accepted: 30 October 1999  相似文献   
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