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The interaction of free convection with thermal radiation of the oscillatory flow past a vertical plate is studied. The Rosseland approximation is used to describe the radiative heat flux in the energy equation.  相似文献   
A new approach is proposed to interpret magnetic anomalies caused by 2D fault structures. This approach is based on the artificial neural network inversion, utilizing particularly modular neural network algorithm. The inversion process is implemented to estimate the parameters of 2D fault structures where it has been verified first on synthetic models. The results of the inversion show that the parameters derived from the inversion agree well with the true ones. The analysis of noise has been studied in order to investigate the stability of the approach where it has been tested for contaminated anomalies with 5 and 10 % of white Gaussian noise. The results of the inversion provide satisfactory results even with contaminated signals.The validity of the approach has been demonstrated through real data taken from New South Wales, Australia. A comparable and satisfactory agreement is shown between the inversion results of the neural network and those from techniques published in literatures.  相似文献   
This study investigates the impact of model complexity and multi-scale prior hydrogeological data on the interpretation of pumping test data in a dual-porosity aquifer (the Chalk aquifer in England, UK). In order to characterize the hydrogeological properties, different approaches ranging from a traditional analytical solution (Theis approach) to more sophisticated numerical models with automatically calibrated input parameters are applied. Comparisons of results from the different approaches show that neither traditional analytical solutions nor a numerical model assuming a homogenous and isotropic aquifer can adequately explain the observed drawdowns. A better reproduction of the observed drawdowns in all seven monitoring locations is instead achieved when medium and local-scale prior information about the vertical hydraulic conductivity (K) distribution is used to constrain the model calibration process. In particular, the integration of medium-scale vertical K variations based on flowmeter measurements lead to an improvement in the goodness-of-fit of the simulated drawdowns of about 30%. Further improvements (up to 70%) were observed when a simple upscaling approach was used to integrate small-scale K data to constrain the automatic calibration process of the numerical model. Although the analysis focuses on a specific case study, these results provide insights about the representativeness of the estimates of hydrogeological properties based on different interpretations of pumping test data, and promote the integration of multi-scale data for the characterization of heterogeneous aquifers in complex hydrogeological settings.  相似文献   
The thermal evolution of sedimentary basins is usually constrained by maturity data, which is interpreted from Rock-Eval pyrolysis and vitrinite reflectance analytical results on field or boreholes samples. However, some thermal evolution models may be inaccurate due to the use of elevated maturities measured in samples collected within an undetected metamorphic contact aureole surrounding a magmatic intrusion. In this context, we investigate the maturity and magnetic mineralogy of 16 claystone samples from Disko-Svartenhuk Basin, part of the SE Baffin Bay volcanic margin. Samples were collected within thermal contact metamorphic aureoles near magma intrusions, as well as equivalent reference samples not affected by intrusions. Rock-Eval pyrolysis (Tmax), and vitrinite reflectance (Ro) analysis were performed to assess the thermal maturity, which lies in the oil window when 435°C ≤ Tmax ≤ 470°C and 0.6%–0.7% ≤ Ro ≤ 1.3%. In addition, we performed low- (<300K) and high-temperature (>300K) investigations of isothermal remanent magnetization to assess the magnetic mineralogy of the selected samples. The maturity results (0.37% ≤ Ro ≤ 2%, 22°C ≤ Tmax ≤ 604°C) show a predominance of immature to early mature Type III organic matter, but do not reliably identify the contact aureole when compared to the reference samples. The magnetic assemblage of the immature samples consists of iron sulphide (greigite), goethite and oxidized or non-stoichiometric magnetite. The magnetic assemblage of the early mature to mature samples consists of stoichiometric magnetite and fine-grained pyrrhotite (<1 μm). These results document the disappearance of the iron sulphide (greigite) and increase in content of magnetite during normal burial. On the other hand, magnetite is interpreted to be the dominant magnetic mineral inside the contact aureole surrounding dyke/sill intrusions where palaeotemperatures indicate mature to over-mature state. Interestingly, the iron sulphide (greigite) is still detected in the contact aureole where palaeotemperatures exceeded 130°C. Therefore, the magnetic mineralogy is a sensitive method that can characterize normal burial history, as well as identify hidden metamorphic contact aureoles where the iron sulphide greigite is present at temperatures beyond its stability field.  相似文献   
Helical piles are structural deep foundation elements, which can be categorized as torque-driven piles without any limitations to implement in marine situations. Different methods are used to predict the axial capacity of helical piles, such as static analysis, but have some limitation for this type of piles on marine conditions. In situ testing methods as supplement of static analysis have been rarely used for helical piles. In geotechnical engineering practice, the most common in situ tests particularly applicable for coastal or offshore site investigation are cone penetration test (CPT) and piezocone penetration test (CPTu). The CPT is simple, repeatable, and prepares the continuous records of soil layers. In this paper, a data bank has been compiled by collecting the results of static pile load tests on thirty-seven helical piles in ten different sites including CPT or CPTu data. Axial capacities of thirty-seven helical piles in different sites were predicted by direct CPT methods and static analysis. Accuracy estimation of ten direct CPT methods to predict the axial capacity of helical piles was investigated in this study. Comparisons have been made among predicted values and measured capacity from the pile load tests. Results indicated that the recently developed methods such as NGI-05 (2005), ICP-05 (2005), and UWA-05 (2005) predicted axial capacity of helical piles more accurately than the other methods such as Meyerhof (1983), Schmertmann (1978), Dutch (1979), LCPC (1982), or Unicone (1997). However, more investigations are required to establish better correlation between CPT data and axial capacity of helical piles.  相似文献   
There is a need to study hazards faced by physically disabled people during earthquakes. A literature review showed the importance of occupant behavior as a factor that contributes to casualty during earthquakes. A survey questionnaire was used to study the behavioral responses of 33 disabled residents, none of whom sustained injury, during the Loma Prieta earthquake of 17 October 1989. An occupant risk analysis methodology was developed to study the sequence of activities of the disabled people. Severe restrictions in the physical capabilities of the respondents did not appear to increase their exposure to hazards. Overall, the physically disabled occupants did not think of themselves as vulnerable, and those who felt vulnerable initiated self-protective action in response to the hazards present in their immediate surroundings.  相似文献   
Around 700 reported precursors of about 350 earthquakes, including the negative observations, have been compiled in 11 categories with 31 subdivisions. The data base is subjected to an initial sorting and screening by imposing three restrictions on the ranges of main shock magnitude (M≥4.0), precursory time (t≤20 years), and the epicentral distance of observation points (X m≤4.100.3M ). Of the 31 subcategories of precursory phenomena, 18 with 9 data points or more are independently studied by regressing their precursory times against magnitude. The preliminary results tend to classify the precursors into three groups:
  1. The precursors which show weak or no correlation between time and the magnitude of the eventual main shock. Examples of this group are foreshocks and precursory tilt.
  2. The precursors which show clear scaling with magnitude. These include seismic velocity ratio (V p/Vs), travel time delay, duration of seismic quiescence, and, to some degree, the variation ofb-value, and anomalous seismicity.
  3. The precursors which display clustering of precursory times around a mean value, which differs for different precursors from a few hours to a few years. Examples include the conductivity rate, geoelectric current and potential, strain, water well level, geochemical anomalies, change of focal mechanism, and the enhancement of seismicity reported only for larger earthquakes. Some of the precursors in this category, such as leveling changes and the occurrence of microseismicity, show bimodal patterns of precursory times and may partially be coseismic.
In addition, each category with a sufficient number of reported estimates of distance and signal amplitude is subjected to multiple linear regression. The usefulness of these regressions at this stage appears to be limited to specifying which of the parameters shows a more significant correlation. Standard deviations of residuals of precursory time against magnitude are generally reduced when observation distance enters as a second independent variable. The effect is more pronounced for water well level and conductivity rate changes. While a substantial portion of the data seem to suffer from personal bias, hence should be regarded as noise, the observations of a number of strain sensitive phenomena such as strain, water well level, and conductivity rate changes, appear to be internally more consistent. For instance, their precursory times suggest a scaling relationship with the strain energy surface density associated with the main shock. The scaling is not identical for all three phenomena so that they may constitute the imminent, short- and intermediate-term manifestation of the same process, i.e. strain loading, respectively.  相似文献   
This paper describes the application of a well-known multi-criteria decision-making technique, called preference ranking organization method for enrichment evaluation (PROMETHEE II), in combination with fuzzy analytical hierarchy process (FAHP), as a weighting technique to explore landslide susceptibility mapping (LSM). To this end, eight landslide-related geodata layers of the Minoo Dasht located in the Gorgan province of Iran, involving slope, aspect, distance to river, drainage density, distance to fault, mean annual rainfall, distance to road and lithology have been integrated using the PROMETHEE II enhanced by FAHP technique. Afterward, the receiver operating characteristics (ROC) curves for the proposed LSM were drawn using an inventory of landslides containing 83 recent and historic landslide points, and the area under curve = 0.752 value was calculated accordingly. Additionally, to further verify the practicality of such susceptibility map, it was also evaluated against the landslide inventory using simple overlay. The outcome was that about 11 % of the occurred landslide points fall into the very high susceptibility class of the LSM, but approximately 52 % of them indeed fall into the high and very high susceptibility zones together. Also, it resulted that no recorded landslide occurred in the zone of very low susceptibility. According to the results of the ROC curves analysis and simple overlay evaluation, the produced map has exhibited good performance.  相似文献   
Subsurface structures associated with hard rocks are very important for groundwater. Wadi Fatima runs through the volcanic and metamorphic rocks of the Arabian Shield which are characterized by higher magnetization than the overlaying alluvium sediments. Magnetic and direct current (DC) resistivity methods have been used for groundwater exploration in the northern part of Wadi Fatima. The magnetic survey was used mainly to map the subsurface structures, using analytic signal algorithm, of the study area. The DC resistivity method was applied to describe the lithologic domain as a function of depth, depending on their electrical property contrasts where it provided a good indication for water bearing formations. The magnetic and DC resistivity interpretations were confirmed by drilling which have provided a clear idea about the hydrogeological regime of the study area. The selected drilled well is successfully productive and it produces 30 m3/h.  相似文献   
We study the possible effects of urbanization on the rise of air temperature in Saudi Arabia for the period 1981–2010. The effects of variations in elevation and marine temperature on the air temperature trend are also investigated. Surface air temperature data are analyzed for 24 sites which are mostly located at the airports across the country. The population data for the current (2010) and earlier (2004 and 1992) censuses are used for the nearest cities where the observation sites are located. A national average is calculated using two different approaches (simple averaging and weighted according to area for 1985–2010 when all stations are available) which gives trends of 0.60 and 0.51 °C/decade respectively, both significant at the 99 % level. We find no link between the temperature increase and population increase nor with elevation at the 24 sites which are mostly located in the urban effected area but not at the city centers. This suggests that the rise in air temperature is not likely due to urbanization changes resulting from the population increases.  相似文献   
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