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Self-regulation of groundwater users offers tremendous potential for effective groundwater management. The attributes of higher-level authorities that are more likely to facilitate the beneficial management of groundwater in economic, social and environmental terms are discussed. For this purpose, eight groundwater user associations in Spain have been compared. Factors that support institutional change were analyzed, namely: salience, common understanding, trust and reciprocity, autonomy, prior organizational experience and local leadership. These factors are complemented by features that strengthen actions by higher-level authorities that oversee self-regulation by water users (clear boundaries, legitimate recognition of appropriators, facilitating roles, trust in cross-scale linkages, clear division of responsibilities, institutional culture and co-management model choices). Self-regulation includes the creation of reflexive organizations that are capable of learning, provided first, the administration itself is modernized to meet the challenges of self-regulation, and second, that ‘regulatory capture’ is avoided by external organizations, ensuring that the regulator and the regulated are not so close in their relationship as to be detrimental to effectiveness.
E. Lopez-GunnEmail:
Badland landscapes exhibit high erosion rates and represent the main source of fine sediments in some catchments. Advances in high-resolution topographic methods allow analysis of topographic changes at high temporal and spatial scales. We apply the Mapping Geomorphic Processes in the Environment (MaGPiE) algorithm to infer the main geomorphic process signatures operating in two sub-humid badlands with contrasting morphometric attributes located in the Southern Pyrenees. By interrogating a 5-year dataset of seasonal and annual topographic changes, we examine the variability of geomorphic processes at multiple temporal scales. The magnitude of geomorphic processes is linked to landform attributes and meteorological variables. Morphometric differences between both adjacent badlands allow us to analyse the role of landform attributes in the main geomorphic process reshaping landscapes subjected to the same external forcing (i.e. rainfall and temperature). The dominant geomorphic process signatures observed in both badlands are different, despite their close proximity and the same rainfall and temperature regimes. Process signatures determining surface lowering in the gently sloping south-facing badland, characterized by lower connectivity and more vegetation cover, are driven by surface runoff-based processes, both diffuse (causing sheet washing) and concentrated (determining cutting and filling, rilling and gullying). The steeper, more connected north-facing slopes of the other badland are reshaped by means of gravitational processes, with mass wasting dominating topographic changes. In terms of processes determining surface raising, both mass wasting and cutting and filling are most frequently observed in both badlands. There is a clear near-balanced feedback between both surface-raising and -lowering processes that becomes unbalanced at larger temporal scales due to the thresholds overcome, as the volume associated with surface lowering becomes higher than that associated with raising-based processes. Rainfall variables control surface flow processes, while those variables associated with low temperature have a significant relation with mass movement-based processes and other localized processes such as regolith cohesion loss. Finally, our results point out that morphometry (slope and connectivity) together with vegetation cover are key factors determining geomorphic processes and associated topographic changes. © 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Transgressive dune fields often comprise a multiplicity of landforms where vegetation processes largely affect landform dynamics, which in turn, also affect vegetation processes. These associations have seldom been studied in detail. This paper examines four separate landform types in a complex coastal transgressive dunefield located in the central Gulf of Mexico, in order to assess the relationships between dunefield habitat, local environmental factors, vegetation associations and landform evolution. Topographic surveys using tape and clinometer were conducted in conjunction with vegetation survey transects at four locations across the Doña Juana dunefield. Vegetation surveys allowed the estimation of relative plant cover of each plant species found along the transects. A large variety of landforms were found at the Doña Juana Dunefield: deflation plains, gegenwalle (counter) ridges, transverse dune trailing ridges, blowouts and parabolic dunes, aklé (fish‐scale shaped) dunefields and precipitation ridges, with plant species associations developing on these different landforms equally variable. Flood tolerant species were located in the lower parts (deflation plain and gegenwalle ridges) whereas the older and dryer parts were covered by coastal matorral shrubs. Burial‐tolerant species were dominant in the most mobile areas (blowouts and aklé dunefield and margin). The dune trailing ridge, with relatively milder conditions, showed the highest richness, with no dominant species. A dual interaction was found such that colonizing species both create and affect topography, and in turn, topography determines vegetation association and succession patterns. In coastal dunes, the vegetation and abiotic environment (namely the different landforms and the inherent micronevironmental variability) interact tightly and generate a complex and highly dynamic biogeomorphic system where substrate mobility and colonization processes reinforce one another in positive feedback. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this work, the applicability of 12 solar radiation (RS) estimation models and their impacts on daily reference evapotranspiration (ETo) estimates using the Penman‐Monteith FAO-56 (PMF-56) method were tested under cool arid and semi-arid conditions in Iran. The results indicated that the average increase in accuracy of the ETo estimates by the calibrated RS models, quantified by the decrease in RMSE, was 2.8% and 6.4% for semi-arid and arid climates, respectively. Mean daily deviations in the estimated ETo by the calibrated RS equations in semi-arid climates varied from ?0.283?mm/d-1 for the Glover‐McCulloch model to 0.080?mm/d for the El-Sebaii model, with an average of ?0.109?mm/d-1, and in arid climates, they ranged from ?0.522?mm/d-1 for the Samani model to 0.668?mm/d for the El-Sebaii model, with an average of 0.125?mm/d-1.
Editor D. Koutsyiannis; Associate editor Not assigned  相似文献   
A microstructural analysis was carried out on mylonitic rocks of the Azul megashear zone (AMSZ), Tandilia, which were formed in a range of metamorphic conditions from lower greenschist to amphibolite facies. Tailed porphyroclasts are common and mostly symmetric. Scarce asymmetric rotated porphyroclasts show both sinistral and dextral senses of shear. In sections parallel to the mylonitic foliation, porphyroclasts are round. The AMSZ is probably related to the late Transamazonian orogenic cycle and may be due to NNE–SSW-directed convergence. In weakly deformed protolith and protomylonites, quartz deforms by dynamic recrystallization, mainly subgrain rotation in dislocation creep Regime 2. K-feldspar porphyroclasts and plagioclase show scarce fracturation and deform by dynamic recrystallization along grain boundaries. Quartz microstructures in mylonites indicate predominantly Regime 3 grain boundary migration recrystallization. Feldspar structures indicate recrystallization through the nucleation and growth of new grains at grain boundaries. The temperatures of deformation from mineral assemblages in the CNKFMASH system in four bulk compositions are in the range of 400–450 °C, and the pressures are more than 6 kb.  相似文献   
Southwestern Atlantic estuaries (Southern Brazil to Northern Patagonia, Argentina) are characterized by the presence of an intertidal burrowing crab Chasmagnathus granulata. This crab species is an important bioturbator which lives in large assemblages and excavates semi-permanent burrows that affect sediment characteristics. Our observations showed that distribution of the crabs in the Mar Chiquita coastal lagoon, Argentina (37°45′S, 57°26′W) affected habitat use and feeding success of migratory shorebirds. During the migratory season the two-banded plover (Charadrius falklandicus) foraged more frequently inside crab beds, and yellowlegs (Tringa flavipes and T. melanoleuca) fed more freqeuntly outside crab beds. Focal observations on the feeding behavior of the white-rumped sandpiper (Calidris fuscicollis) and the two-banded plover inside and outside crab beds showed that the plover was a visual searcher and captured more prey inside crab beds, and the white-rumped sandpiper was a tactile feeder. Although consumption rates (prey min?1) did not differ between sites, their efficiency (prey probe?1) inside crab beds was less. These differences were probably related to changes in sediment characteristics and prey behavior, which vary with crab activity. Burrowing crabs alter the suitability of intertidal habitats used by shorebirds in southwestern Atlantic estuaries. We believe that the same process could be occurring with other burrowing curstaceans such as thalassinidean shrimps in other estuaries of the world and could have important implications for management of flats for shorebirds. *** DIRECT SUPPORT *** A01BY090 00007  相似文献   
Résumé Une chaîne hercynienne, remaniant des noyaux précambriens, forme le substratum de la chaîne des Andes centrales depuis le Nord du Pérou jusqu'en Argentine moyenne. L'évolution préorogénique de cette chaîne s'amorce, dès la fin du Précambrien, par une fracturation sur la bordure ouest de l'actuelle plaque sud-américaine. Au Paléozoïque inférieur s'individualise un vaste sillon coudé, sur croûte amincie, où s'accumulent 8000 à 15 000 m de sédiments marins essentiellement detritiques. Ce sillon intracratonique est bordé, à l'Est, par le Bouclier brésilien et, à l'Ouest, par une aire continentale: le massif précambrien d'Arequipa que prolongeait, vers l'ouest, le »Paléocontinent sud-est pacifique«. Deux phases tectoniques: la phase majeure éohercynienne (350-330 Ma) puis la phase tardihercynienne (265-260 Ma), sont responsables de la formation de la chaîne hercynienne laquelle résulte du serrage, du sillon paléozoïque entre les deux blocs précambriens rigides.C'est une chaîne intracontinentale apparemment simple, d'allure symétrique, à structures généralement verticales. Le métamorphisme est épizonal sauf dans certaines zones très localisées où la montée de granites syntectoniques s'accompagne d'un métamorphisme méso-à catazonal intermediaire de basse pression.En conclusion et dans une optique de tectonique globale, il est proposé une hypothèse sur l'évolution paléogéodynamique de la chaîne hercynienne sud-américaine des Andes centrales, en mettant l'accent sur les mécanismes particuliers de sa formation; mécanismes où la compression se traduit par du plissement associé à des décrochements.
A Hercynian Foldbelt, reworking elements of Precambrian, constitues the basement of the Central Andes that extend from the northern Peru to the central Argentina. The preorogenic evolution of the belt initiate after the end of the Upper Precambrian with continental fracturation on the western boundary of the actual South American Plate. During the Paleozoïc a great elbowed trough, lying on thinned crust, was filled by 8000 to 15000 m of essentially detritic marine sediments. That intracratonic trough was bounded to the East by the Brasilian Shield and also to the West by an other continental area that acted during the Lower Paleozoïc as an important sediment source area: the Precambrian Massif of Arequipa that extend toward the West with the South-East Pasific Paleocontinent. The Hercynian Foldbelt resulted from the compression of the paleozoïc basin between that rigid precambrian blocs. Two main compression stages are distinguished: an Eochercynian Phase (350-330 My) that is the most important and a Tardi hercynian Phase (265-260 My). That Hercynian intracontinental Foldbelt of the Central Andes is obviously simple with symetrical aspect and subvertical structures. The metamorphism is epizonal except in very limited areas where syntectonic granits are associated with meso-and catazonal metamorphism of low-pressure type.To conclude a paleogeodynamic evolution model of the south american hercynian foldbelt is proposed in terms of global tectonic, with emphasis on the mecanism of its formation, mechanism where folding is associated with strike-slip faulting.

Zusammenfassung Ein variskischer Faltengürtel, der auch einige präkambrische Elemente umfaßt, bildet die Basis der Zentralanden, die sich von Nordperu bis Zentralargentinien erstrecken. Die präorogene Entwicklung dieses Gürtels beginnt am Ende des oberen Präkambriums mit einem Kontinentalbruch an der westlichen Grenze der heutigen südamerikanischen Platte. Während des Paläzoikums wurde eine große Senke, die auf einer dünnen Kruste lag, mit 8000–15 000 m ditritischen, marinen Sedimenten gefüllt. Die intrakratonische Senke war auf der östlichen Seite durch den brasilianischen Schild begrenzt und auf der westlichen Seite durch eine Kontinentalfläche, die während des unteren Paläozoikums als ein wichtiges Liefergebiet für Sedimente diente. Dieser westliche Kontinent setzte sich aus dem präkambrischen Massiv von Arequipa und dem südostpazifischen Kontinent zusammen. Die Entwicklung des variskischen Faltengürtels kann auf die Kompression des paläozoischen Beckens zwischen den regiden präkambrischen Blöcken zurückgeführt werden. Hier unterscheidet man zwei Hauptkompressionsphasen: eine wichtigere frühvarskische Phase (350–330 mJ) und eine spätvariskische Phase (265–260 mJ). Es ist aber deutlich, daß der variskische interkontinentale Faltengürtel der Zentralanden einfach symmetrisch aufgebaut ist und von subvertikalen Strukturen bestimmt wird. Die Metamorphose ist epizonal mit Ausnahme von sehr begrenzten Gebieten, wo die syntektonischen Granite mit einer mezobis catazonalen Druckmetamorphosen verbunden sind.In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird ein geodynamisches Entwicklungsmodell für den südamerikanischen variskischen Faltengürtel vorgeschlagen, das im Sinne einer Globaltektonik die Faltung mit Blocktektonik erklärt.

, . - . , 8000–15000 . , , . , - . . : (350-330 ) (265–260 ). , , , . — , — . - , .
Abstract The Mariana Trough is an active back-arc basin, with the rift propagating northward ahead of spreading. The northern part of the Trough is now rifting, with extension accommodated by combined stretching and igneous intrusion. Deep structural graben are found in a region of low heat flow, and we interpret these to manifest a low-angle normal fault system that defines the extension axis between 19°45' and 21°10'N. A single dredge haul from the deepest (∼5.5 km deep) of these graben recovered a heterogeneous suite of volcanic and plutonic crustal rocks and upper mantle peridotites, providing the first report of the deeper levels of back-arc basin lithosphere. Several lines of evidence indicate that these rocks are similar to typical back-arc basin lithosphere and are not fragments of rifted older arc lithosphere. Hornblende yielded an 40Ar/39Ar age of 1.8 ± 0.6 Ma, which is interpreted to approximate the time of crust formation. Harzburgite spinels have moderate Cr# (<40) and coexisting compositions of clinopyroxene (CPX) and plagioclase (PLAB) fall in the field of mid-ocean ridge basalt (MORB) gabbros. Crustal rocks include felsic rocks (70-80% SiO2) and plutonic rocks that are rich in amphibole. Chemical compositions of crustal rocks show little evidence for a 'subduction component', and radiogenic isotopic compositions correspond to that expected for back-arc basin crust of the Mariana Trough. These data indicate that mechanical extension in this part of the Mariana Trough involves lithosphere that originally formed magmatically. These unique exposures of back-arc basin lithosphere call for careful study using ROVs and manned submersibles, and consideration as an ocean drilling program (ODP) drilling site.  相似文献   
Historically, the arid conditions of La Rioja, Argentina have been the main controlling factor in its development. The shortage of surface water, which is fully used, makes groundwater a potential source for development. The government encouraged investment in early 1979, resulting in a 20-fold increase of groundwater extraction by 1998 (0.076–1.450 m3/s, respectively) to cover related needs of agriculture, industry and population growth. This extraction created unjustified uncertainties derived from negative results obtained in hydrological balances. However, a 0.5 m lowering of the water-table surface was experienced. A knowledge of groundwater functioning was required to establish a reliable frame of reference for development and, at the same time, to find possible scenarios of feasible economic activities in harmony with accessible water resources and aptitude of the environment. The flow regime was found to be composed of three main systems: a regional, an intermediate and several local. The intermediate system provides water for the extraction boreholes, and discharges naturally in Salina La Antigua. From the chemical perspective the intermediate system has three groundwater groups. Group I has an outstanding fluoride concentration (1.98–3.10 mg/l) defined to the north of the City of la Rioja and the highest temperature (26.8–33.0°C), the lowest lithium content (0.029–0.059 mg/l) and moderate arsenic (≤0.038 mg/l). Group II has the moderate arsenic content (≤0.38 mg/l) detected to the south of the City of La Rioja and high lithium (0.024–0.085 mg/l), Group III has the lowest TDS (456–931 mg/l) and arsenic (0.007–0.012 mg/l) and the highest lithium (0.067–0.141 mg/l). to A regional flow is represented by Group IV with one order of magnitude higher strontium (4.870 mg/l), lead (0.021 mg/l) and uranium (0.362 mg/l) content than the other groups. Results provide evidence to eliminate several well-established hydro-myths such as “the boreholes are getting dry” and “boreholes are getting saline water”. The aquifer (granular Tertiary and Quaternary material) thickness (≈750m) was defined with the aid of the geological framework, geothermometers and Modflow modelling. The aquifer extent extends far beyond the limits of the study area. Several economic activities were found to be feasible with available groundwater resources and without bordening the environment (fish farming, bottled-water marketing, SPA activities and farming of endangered species).  相似文献   
Depression storage (DS) is the maximum storage of precipitation and runoff in the soil surface at a given slope. The DS is determined by soil roughness that in agricultural soils is largely affected by tillage. The direct measurement of DS is not straightforward because of the natural permeability of the soil. Therefore, DS has generally been estimated from 2D/3D empirical relationships and numerical algorithms based on roughness indexes and height measurements of the soil surface, respectively. The objective of this work was to evaluate the performance of some 2D models for DS, using direct and reliable measurements of DS in an agricultural soil as reference values. The study was carried out in experimental microplots where DS was measured in six situations resulting from the combination of three types of tillage carried out parallel and perpendicular to the main slope. Those data were used as reference to evaluate four empirical models and a numerical method. Longitudinal altitudinal profiles of the relief were obtained by a laser profilometer. Infiltration measurements were carried out before and after tillage. The DS was largely affected by tillage and its direction. Highest values of DS are found on rougher surfaces mainly when macroforms cut off the dominant slope. The empirical models had a limited performance while the numerical method was the most effective, even so, with an important variability. In addition, a correct hydrological management should take into account that each type of soil tillage affects infiltration rate differently. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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