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A non-standard new code to solve multiphase viscous thermo–mechanical problems applied to geophysics is presented. Two numerical methodologies employed in the code are described: A level set technique to track the position of the materials and an enrichment of the solution to allow the strain rate to be discontinuous across the interface. These techniques have low computational cost and can be used in standard desktop PCs. Examples of phase tracking with level set are presented in two and three dimensions to study slab detachment in subduction processes and Rayleigh–Taylor instabilities, respectively. The modelling of slab detachment processes includes realistic rheology with viscosity depending on temperature, pressure and strain rate; shear and adiabatic heating mechanisms; density including mineral phase changes and varying thermal conductivity. Detachment models show a first prolonged period of thermal diffusion until a fast necking of the subducting slab results in the break–off. The influence of several numerical and physical parameters on the detachment process is analyzed: The shear heating exerts a major influence accelerating the detachment process, reducing the onset time to one half and lubricating the sinking of the detached slab. The adiabatic heating term acts as a thermal stabilizer. If the mantle temperature follows an adiabatic gradient, neglecting this heating term must be included, otherwise all temperature contrasts are overestimated. As expected, the phase change at 410 km depth (olivine–spinel transition) facilitates the detachment process due to the increase in negative buoyancy. Finally, simple plume simulations are used to show how the presented numerical methodologies can be extended to three dimensions.  相似文献   
Four plant communities were determined through floristical and non-metric analysis: a Dolichlasium lagascae community in crevices on sunny rock outcrops; a Cercidium praecox ssp. glaucum community on sunny slopes; an Artemisia mendozanaAdesmia trijuga community on shady slopes; and a Eupatorium buniifolium community on dry riverbanks. The discriminant function analysis showed that the first group corresponds to the sunny rock outcrops discriminated by Na content (r=0·53, p<0·05), the second group is for sunny slopes discriminated by electric conductivity and the third for shady slopes–riparian discriminated by the (Ca+Mg) content (r=0·54, p<0·05). A pattern of primary succession on outcrop surfaces is proposed.  相似文献   
Phytoscreening has been proven to rapidly delineate subsurface contaminant plumes for semiquantitative site assessment, with minimal impact to property or ecology through the collection and analysis of tree cores. Here, three phytoscreening methods were applied concurrently to identify multiple chlorinated volatile organic compounds (cVOCs) in a phytoremediation treatment system at a contaminated industrial facility. Tree coring, in planta gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC‐MS), and in planta passive sampling showed general agreement, with the in planta GC‐MS providing the quickest but least quantitative results. The portable GC‐MS sampling and analysis method identified six cVOCs in the xylem of hybrid poplars (Populus sp.) in the phytoremediation plot. These real‐time data can permit onsite identification and delineation of the contaminants, allowing for adaptive sampling during a single mobilization to a site. The in vitro methods provided quantitative data across two sampling campaigns, as relative cVOC concentrations remained similar between the two trips, despite a decrease in absolute cVOC concentrations from August to October. Overall, this research demonstrates the advantages and limitations of three phytoscreening techniques.  相似文献   
About 7 Mt of high volatile bituminous coal are produced annually from the four coal zones of the Upper Paleocene Marcelina Formation at the Paso Diablo open-pit mine of western Venezuela. As part of an ongoing coal quality study, we have characterized twenty-two coal channel samples from the mine using organic petrology techniques. Samples also were analyzed for proximate–ultimate parameters, forms of sulfur, free swelling index, ash fusion temperatures, and calorific value.Six of the samples represent incremental benches across the 12–13 m thick No. 4 bed, the stratigraphically lowest mined coal, which is also mined at the 10 km distant Mina Norte open-pit. Organic content of the No. 4 bed indicates an upward increase of woody vegetation and/or greater preservation of organic material throughout the life of the original mire(s). An upward increase in telovitrinite and corresponding decrease in detrovitrinite and inertinite illustrate this trend. In contrast, stratigraphically higher coal groups generally exhibit a ‘dulling upward’ trend.The generally high inertinite content, and low ash yield and sulfur content, suggest that the Paso Diablo coals were deposited in rain-fed raised mires, protected from clastic input and subjected to frequent oxidation and/or moisture stress. However, the two thinnest coal beds (both 0.7 m thick) are each characterized by lower inertinite and higher telovitrinite content relative to the rest of Paso Diablo coal beds, indicative of less well-established raised mire environments prior to drowning.Foreland basin Paleocene coals of western Venezuela, including the Paso Diablo deposit and time-correlative coal deposits of the Táchira and Mérida Andes, are characterized by high inertinite and consistently lower ash and sulfur relative to Eocene and younger coals of the area. We interpret these age-delimited coal quality characteristics to be due to water availability as a function of the tectonic control of subsidence rate. It is postulated that slower subsidence rates dominated during the Paleocene while greater foreland basin subsidence rates during the Eocene–Miocene resulted from the loading of nappe thrust sheets as part of the main construction phases of the Andean orogen. South-southeastward advance and emplacement of the Lara nappes during the oblique transpressive collision of the Caribbean and South American tectonic plates in the Paleocene was further removed from the sites of peat deposition, resulting in slower subsidence rates. Slower subsidence in the Paleocene may have favored the growth of raised mires, generating higher inertinite concentrations through more frequent moisture stress. Consistently low ash yield and sulfur content would be due to the protection from clastic input in raised mires, in addition to the leaching of mineral matter by rainfall and the development of acidic conditions preventing fixation of sulfur. In contrast, peat mires of Eocene–Miocene age encountered rapid subsidence due to the proximity of nappe emplacement, resulting in lower inertinite content, higher and more variable sulfur content, and higher ash yield.  相似文献   
An extensive literature on the shear behavior of continuum–particulate interfaces has been developed during the last four decades. However, relatively limited work regarding the behavior of interfaces under different loading conditions has been published. This paper presents a discrete element modeling study, along with comparisons from experimental data, of interface behavior under axial and torsional drained loading conditions. Detailed studies allow for links between micro‐scale particle behavior and observed global response to be developed and for the latter to be evaluated in light of particle–particle and particle–continuum interactions. The results of this study indicate that axial and torsional interface shear induce inherently different loading conditions, as shown by the different failure envelopes, stress paths, and induced soil volume changes and deformations. Furthermore, the results presented in this paper indicate that particle‐level mechanisms, such as particle rotations and contact slippage, play different roles in axial and torsional shear. Coordination number, polar histograms, particle displacements, particle rotations, and local void ratio measurements provide further insights into the fabric evolution, loading conditions, and failure mechanisms induced by these two shear modes. This study expands the current understanding of interface behavior and discusses potential improvements to geotechnical systems that leverage the characteristics of different imposed loading conditions. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Lead isotopic studies of airborne particulate matter, gasoline and other environmental samples have been carried out to determine possible sources of lead pollution in the Metropolitan Zone of the Valley of Mexico. 206Pb/207Pb ratio in gasoline was 1.1395 ± 0.0165 and 1.071 ± 0.008 for industrially-derived lead as a mean. Natural lead is more radiogenic with values from 1.2082 ± 0.022 to 1.211 ± 0.108. The measured Pb isotopic signature of airborne particulate matter reflects the relative importance of each of these sources. The 206Pb/207Pb ratio was 1.179 ± 0.105 as a mean. The relative importance of gasoline has decreased, and, therefore, other sources (natural and industrial) can be identified by means of isotopic studies. This is a consequence of the introduction of unleaded gasoline as mandaped by strictest environmental regulation.  相似文献   
Evaluating the response of climate to greenhouse gas forcing is a major objective of the climate community, and the use of large ensemble of simulations is considered as a significant step toward that goal. The present paper thus discusses a new methodology based on neural network to mix ensemble of climate model simulations. Our analysis consists of one simulation of seven Atmosphere–Ocean Global Climate Models, which participated in the IPCC Project and provided at least one simulation for the twentieth century (20c3m) and one simulation for each of three SRES scenarios: A2, A1B and B1. Our statistical method based on neural networks and Bayesian statistics computes a transfer function between models and observations. Such a transfer function was then used to project future conditions and to derive what we would call the optimal ensemble combination for twenty-first century climate change projections. Our approach is therefore based on one statement and one hypothesis. The statement is that an optimal ensemble projection should be built by giving larger weights to models, which have more skill in representing present climate conditions. The hypothesis is that our method based on neural network is actually weighting the models that way. While the statement is actually an open question, which answer may vary according to the region or climate signal under study, our results demonstrate that the neural network approach indeed allows to weighting models according to their skills. As such, our method is an improvement of existing Bayesian methods developed to mix ensembles of simulations. However, the general low skill of climate models in simulating precipitation mean climatology implies that the final projection maps (whatever the method used to compute them) may significantly change in the future as models improve. Therefore, the projection results for late twenty-first century conditions are presented as possible projections based on the “state-of-the-art” of present climate modeling. First, various criteria were computed making it possible to evaluate the models’ skills in simulating late twentieth century precipitation over continental areas as well as their divergence in projecting climate change conditions. Despite the relatively poor skill of most of the climate models in simulating present-day large scale precipitation patterns, we identified two types of models: the climate models with moderate-to-normal (i.e., close to observations) precipitation amplitudes over the Amazonian basin; and the climate models with a low precipitation in that region and too high a precipitation on the equatorial Pacific coast. Under SRES A2 greenhouse gas forcing, the neural network simulates an increase in precipitation over the La Plata basin coherent with the mean model ensemble projection. Over the Amazonian basin, a decrease in precipitation is projected. However, the models strongly diverge, and the neural network was found to give more weight to models, which better simulate present-day climate conditions. In the southern tip of the continent, the models poorly simulate present-day climate. However, they display a fairly good convergence when simulating climate change response with a weak increase south of 45°S and a decrease in Chile between 30 and 45°S. Other scenarios (A1B and B1) strongly resemble the SRES A2 trends but with weaker amplitudes.  相似文献   
This study set out to test the hypothesis that hurricanes and tropical storms limit the recruitment and subsequent survival of massive non-branching corals on the barrier reef off the coast of Belize in the Gulf of Honduras. Overall, the surface areas of 523 individual coral specimens were measured, and recruitment dates were then modelled. There was no significant difference in coral cover or coral biodiversity between any of the sites studied (p > 0.1). There were significant differences in non-branching coral recruitment in years when hurricanes impacted the area (p < 0.05) compared with years when no hurricanes impacted the area. There were significantly more non-branching massive corals recruited in non-hurricane years (mean 7.7) than in hurricane years (mean 3.8; p = 0.011). When years with tropical storms are added to the years with hurricanes, there was significantly lower coral recruitment (mean 4.7) relative to non-storm or hurricane years (mean 7.4; p = 0.019). These results show that hurricanes and severe storms limited the recruitment and survival of massive non-branching corals of the Mesoamerican barrier reef and on patch reefs near the Belize coast in the Caribbean, and suggests that marine park managers may need to assist coral recruitment in years where there are hurricanes or severe storms.  相似文献   
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