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Badland landscapes exhibit high erosion rates and represent the main source of fine sediments in some catchments. Advances in high-resolution topographic methods allow analysis of topographic changes at high temporal and spatial scales. We apply the Mapping Geomorphic Processes in the Environment (MaGPiE) algorithm to infer the main geomorphic process signatures operating in two sub-humid badlands with contrasting morphometric attributes located in the Southern Pyrenees. By interrogating a 5-year dataset of seasonal and annual topographic changes, we examine the variability of geomorphic processes at multiple temporal scales. The magnitude of geomorphic processes is linked to landform attributes and meteorological variables. Morphometric differences between both adjacent badlands allow us to analyse the role of landform attributes in the main geomorphic process reshaping landscapes subjected to the same external forcing (i.e. rainfall and temperature). The dominant geomorphic process signatures observed in both badlands are different, despite their close proximity and the same rainfall and temperature regimes. Process signatures determining surface lowering in the gently sloping south-facing badland, characterized by lower connectivity and more vegetation cover, are driven by surface runoff-based processes, both diffuse (causing sheet washing) and concentrated (determining cutting and filling, rilling and gullying). The steeper, more connected north-facing slopes of the other badland are reshaped by means of gravitational processes, with mass wasting dominating topographic changes. In terms of processes determining surface raising, both mass wasting and cutting and filling are most frequently observed in both badlands. There is a clear near-balanced feedback between both surface-raising and -lowering processes that becomes unbalanced at larger temporal scales due to the thresholds overcome, as the volume associated with surface lowering becomes higher than that associated with raising-based processes. Rainfall variables control surface flow processes, while those variables associated with low temperature have a significant relation with mass movement-based processes and other localized processes such as regolith cohesion loss. Finally, our results point out that morphometry (slope and connectivity) together with vegetation cover are key factors determining geomorphic processes and associated topographic changes. © 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The Porcupine Basin is a Mesozoic failed rift located in the North Atlantic margin, SW of Ireland, in which a postrift phase of extensional faulting and reactivation of synrift faults occurred during the Mid–Late Eocene. Fault zones are known to act as either conduits or barriers for fluid flow and to contribute to overpressure. Yet, little is known about the distribution of fluids and their relation to the tectono‐stratigraphic architecture of the Porcupine Basin. One way to tackle this aspect is by assessing seismic (Vp) and petrophysical (e.g., porosity) properties of the basin stratigraphy. Here, we use for the first time in the Porcupine Basin 10‐km‐long‐streamer data to perform traveltime tomography of first arrivals and retrieve the 2D Vp structure of the postrift sequence along a ~130‐km‐long EW profile across the northern Porcupine Basin. A new Vp–density relationship is derived from the exploration wells tied to the seismic line to estimate density and bulk porosity of the Cenozoic postrift sequence from the tomographic result. The Vp model covers the shallowest 4 km of the basin and reveals a steeper vertical velocity gradient in the centre of the basin than in the flanks. This variation together with a relatively thick Neogene and Quaternary sediment accumulation in the centre of the basin suggests higher overburden pressure and compaction compared to the margins, implying fluid flow towards the edges of the basin driven by differential compaction. The Vp model also reveals two prominent subvertical low‐velocity bodies on the western margin of the basin. The tomographic model in combination with the time‐migrated seismic section shows that whereas the first anomaly spatially coincides with the western basin‐bounding fault, the second body occurs within the hangingwall of the fault, where no major faulting is observed. Porosity estimates suggest that this latter anomaly indicates pore overpressure of sandier Early–Mid Eocene units. Lithological well control together with fault displacement analysis suggests that the western basin‐bounding fault can act as a hydraulic barrier for fluids migrating from the centre of the basin towards its flanks, favouring fluid compartmentalization and overpressure of sandier units of its hangingwall.  相似文献   
A background knowledge of marine dynamics helps harbour managers to control pollution and to manage dredging and traffic operations. This contribution studies the hydrodynamic conditions within Bilbao Harbour, which is enclosed by the Nervión Estuary (in the Basque Country, Spain). The results obtained from hydrographical surveys are compared with numerical simulations obtained using the Regional Ocean Modelling System (ROMS). Hydrodynamic modelling was carried out to determine the inner harbour currents for a specific period in which data were available. Then, numerical experiments were designed in order to quantify the importance of different driving mechanisms in the harbour hydrodynamics. The results show that, in addition to the strong tidal influence on water circulation, the wind forcing and freshwater discharge also have a non-negligible influence on the currents. The computational domain is complex due to the presence of harbour infrastructures (i.e. breakwaters and piers). As a result, topographic eddies are therefore observed in the results. The freshwater influence of the Nervión river can also be observed in residual currents. This paper presents an improvement to the application of numerical modelling to a complex geometry domain, contributing to our understanding of the behaviour of the marine systems in meso-tidal harbours. This can be used to deal with harbour engineering and management problems.  相似文献   
One of the challenging problems in processing high dimensional data, as hyperspectral images, with better spectral and temporal resolution is the computational complexity resulting from processing the huge amount of data volume. Various methods have been developed in the literature for dimensionality reduction, generally divided into two main techniques: data transformation techniques and features selection techniques. The feature selection technique is advantageous compared to transformation techniques in preserving the original data. However, deciding the appropriate number of features to be selected and choosing these features are very challenging since they require exhaustive researches. The progressive feature selection technique is a new concept recently introduced to address these issues based on priority criteria. However, this approach presents limits when these criteria are insufficient or depends on domain applications. In this paper, we present a new approach to improve the Progressive Feature Selection technique by adding new criteria that measure the amount of information present in each band. The endmembers extraction phase of the proposed approach includes both the N-FINDR and the ATGP algorithms. A case based reasoning system is used to choose the optimal criterion for the endmember extraction. The performances of this proposed approach were evaluated using AVIRIS hyperspectral image and the obtained results prove its effectiveness compared to other PBS techniques.  相似文献   
We use thermodynamically self-consistent and hybrid methods to analyze the correlation of important physical parameters (e.g. bulk density, elastic moduli) with bulk Mg# and modal composition in mantle peridotites at upper mantle conditions. Temperature (anharmonic and anelastic), pressure and compositional derivatives for all these parameters are evaluated. The results show that the widely used correlations between Vp/Vs and Mg# in peridotites are strictly valid only for garnet-bearing assemblages at temperatures < 900 °C. The correlation breaks down when: i) spinel is the stable Al-rich phase in the assemblage and ii) when anelastic attenuation of seismic velocities becomes important (T ? 900 °C). This implies that the range of applicability of published Vp/Vs–Mg# correlations for the upper mantle is limited to a depth interval between the spinel–garnet phase transition and the 900 °C isotherm. We use numerical simulations to show that this depth interval is virtually nonexistent in lithospheres thinner than ~ 140 km and can comprise up to ~ 50% of the lithospheric mantle in thick (> 220 km) lithospheric domains. In addition, we show that for most of the upper mantle the expected Δ(Vp/Vs) values associated with compositional variations are smaller than the resolution limit of current seismological methods. All these considerations suggest that the Vp/Vs ratio is not a reliable measure of compositional variations and that for large parts of the upper mantle compositional anomalies cannot be separated from thermal anomalies on the basis of seismological studies only. We further confirm that the only reliable indicator of compositional anomalies in a peridotitic mantle is the ratio of density to shear wave velocities (ρ/Vs). Our results demonstrate that geophysical–petrological models (forward or inverse) that model these two fields (i.e. density and Vs) self-consistently within a robust thermodynamic framework are necessary for characterizing the small-scale thermal and compositional structure of the lithosphere and sublithospheric upper mantle.  相似文献   
We present the first fission‐track (FT) thermochronology results for the NW Zagros Belt (SW Iran) in order to identify denudation episodes that occurred during the protracted Zagros orogeny. Samples were collected from the two main detrital successions of the NW Zagros foreland basin: the Palaeocene–early Eocene Amiran–Kashkan succession and the Miocene Agha Jari and Bakhtyari Formations. In situ bedrock samples were furthermore collected in the Sanandaj‐Sirjan Zone. Only apatite fission‐track (AFT) data have been successfully obtained, including 26 ages and 11 track‐length distributions. Five families of AFT ages have been documented from analyses of in situ bedrock and detrital samples: pre‐middle Jurassic at ~171 and ~225 Ma, early–late Cretaceous at ~91 Ma, Maastrichtian at ~66 Ma, middle–late Eocene at ~38 Ma and Oligocene–early Miocene at ~22 Ma. The most widespread middle–late Eocene cooling phase, around ~38 Ma, is documented by a predominant grain‐age population in Agha Jari sediments and by cooling ages of a granitic boulder sample. AFT ages document at least three cooling/denudation periods linked to major geodynamic events related to the Zagros orogeny, during the late Cretaceous oceanic obduction event, during the middle and late Eocene and during the early Miocene. Both late Cretaceous and early Miocene orogenic processes produced bending of the Arabian plate and concomitant foreland deposition. Between the two major flexural foreland episodes, the middle–late Eocene phase mostly produced a long‐lasting slow‐ or nondepositional episode in the inner part of the foreland basin, whereas deposition and tectonics migrated to the NE along the Sanandaj‐Sirjan domain and its Gaveh Rud fore‐arc basin. As evidenced in this study, the Zagros orogeny was long‐lived and multi‐episodic, implying that the timing of accretion of the different tectonic domains that form the Zagros Mountains requires cautious interpretation.  相似文献   
Thin-plate flexure models have been frequently used to explain the mechanical behaviour of the lithosphere at oceanic trenches, but little attention has been paid to using them as a way to check the relative importance of different plate-driving mechanisms. A 2-D numerical algorithm accounting for the flexural deflection of the lithosphere controlled by multilayered elastic–plastic rheology (brittle–elastic–ductile) has been applied to the seaward side of the Tonga and Kermadec trenches. This approach gives a better fit to the bathymetry on both trenches than assuming classical homogeneous plate models, and allows the interplate coupling forces and the lithospheric strength profile to be constrained. Our results show that, in order to fit the observed deflection of the lithosphere, a regional tensile horizontal force must act in both regions. This tensile force and its flexural effects are discussed in terms of slab pull as a main plate-driving mechanism. The predicted stress and yielding distributions partially match the outer-rise earthquake hypocentres within the subducting plate, and thus do not invalidate the model.  相似文献   
This contribution presents a method for assessing the risk of water degradation in harbour domains. The method describes a normalized Index of Risk, ranging from 0 to 1, which determines the risk of water degradation due to a pollution event. A branch-decision scheme of decision-making theories was implemented in order to obtain this index. This method evaluates the cost of each decision as a function of the vulnerability, proximity and toxicity of the potential contaminant. A novel feature of this method is that the risk is defined by considering the physical behaviour of the harbour (i.e. water circulation patterns). Regions where water residence time is high are considered more vulnerable to pollutant releases. This method could be implemented from an operational perspective, in which case an oceanographic operational system could be used to obtain current forecasts which in turn would be used to forecast risk maps.  相似文献   
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