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A rocket-borne coronagraph utilizing external occulting disks was used to photograph the solar corona from 3 to 9 R s at 1931 UT on 7 March, 1970. Comparison of the rocket and ground-based observations shows a one-to-one correspondence between major streamers from the inner to the outer corona. In particular streamers over the poles are clearly visible against the background corona from 3 to 8 R s. These rocket data had a scattered light level of 1.2 × 10–10 B s. The derived quiet equatorial and polar K + F corona was within 10% of the absolute brightness of standard coronal models and displayed identical radial gradients to those models. The photometric profiles of the NE limb streamer were analyzed assuming a model in which the core density follows a Gaussian distribution in directions perpendicular to the radius vector. This streamer was assumed to be rooted on the visible disk at 55 to 60° from the plane-of-the-sky as based on K-coronameter and XUV data. An uncertainty of as much as a factor of three still remains for the value of the axis density owing to uncertainty in the line-of-sight dimension of the streamer.  相似文献   
Longcope  D. W.  Silva  A. V. R. 《Solar physics》1998,179(2):349-377
Observations of the flare on 7 January 1992 are interpreted using a topological model of the magnetic field. The model, developed here, applies a theory of three-dimensional reconnection to the inferred magnetic field configuration for 7 January. In the model field a new bipole ( 1021 Mx) emerges amidst pre-existing active region flux. This emergence gives rise to two current ribbons along the boundaries (separators) separating the distinct, new and old, flux systems. Sudden reconnection across these boundary curves transfers 3 ×1020 Mx of flux from the bipole into the surrounding flux. The model also predicts the simultaneous (sympathetic) flaring of the two current ribbons. This explains the complex two-loop structure noted in previous observations of this flare. We subject the model predictions to comparisons with observations of the flare. The locations of current ribbons in the model correspond closely with those of observed soft X-ray loops. In addition the footpoints and apexes of the ribbons correspond with observed sources of microwave and hard X-ray emission. The magnitude of energy stored by the current ribbons compares favorably to the inferred energy content of accelerated electrons in the flare.  相似文献   
New Pb-, Sr-, and Nd-isotopic data have been obtained for the rocks of volcanoes overlying a wide range of depths (100–580 km) to the Wadati-Benioff Zone (WBZ) in the New Britain island arc, Papua New Guinea. Well-defined trends consistent with two-component mixing are observed in combined Pb-isotope/trace-element plots. One of the components is believed to represent a slab contribution whose isotopic signature, unlike those noted for several other arcs, appears to be dominated by subducted, altered, oceanic crust rather than by sediment. This conclusion is consistent with the results of a recent Be–B study of New Britain rocks. The influence of the slab component is considered to decrease as depth to the WBZ increases. Higher abundances of high-field-strength elements correlate with increasing depths to the WBZ, and may be indicative of smaller degrees of partial melting of the mantle wedge as WBZ depths increase. Abundances of other incompatible elements appear to reflect a complex interplay between the slab-derived flux and melting process.  相似文献   
Coagulation and transport of sediments in the Gironde Estuary   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The distribution of suspended particle size and concentration were measured along the Gironde Estuary, France, from the river seaward to the ocean. The suspended particle size and volume concentration were measured using in situ holography and onboard optical techniques utilizing special procedures in order to avoid floc breakage. Sediments discharged by the rivers coagulate upon encountering the very low salinities (0.2‰ of the upper estuary (confirmed with laboratory experiments), and are then transported and deposited by currents in the remainder of the estuary. This coagulation, coupled with estuarine circulation, produces a turbidity maximum which is offset between the surface and bottom waters. The floc size maximum is oceanward of the turbidity maximum and is, likewise, offset along the estuary by about 30 km. The estuary can be subdivided into the following zones: (1) coagulation; (2) hydrodynamic, landward of the null point; and (3) hydrodynamic, seaward of the null point. Initial coagulation appears to be completed in coagulation zone (1), and particles are transported and settled (with very little floc breakage and recoagulation) in zones (2) and (3) only. The floc settling velocities, coupled with estuarine circulation, control the concentration and size distributions of flocs in the water column, and eventually control the deposition of sediments.  相似文献   
Research on colluvial depositional systems has recently emphasized periglacial and high‐altitude settings, and the relations between Quaternary slope stratigraphy and climate change. This article examines the role of variable slope morphology, surface hydrology and microclimate in controlling colluvial sedimentation along a coastal tract of the hyperarid Atacama Desert in northern Chile. Direct accessibility of active surfaces is accompanied by uninterrupted stratigraphic exposures along the base of slopes, allowing direct comparisons between surface processes and the resulting sedimentary record. Four slope sectors are identified, based on differences in morphology and processes over active surfaces. Colluvial sedimentation is controlled by complex interactions of slope gradients and profiles, exposure to dominant winds, and potential runoff pathways, which vary considerably between different sectors. Major differences are evident between these hyperarid deposits and slope sedimentation in periglacial and temperate settings, including the complete absence of pedogenic activity and clay minerals; the volume of aeolian deposits and their role in controlling processes which redistribute sediment downslope, extending colluvial aprons; and the occurrence of runoff processes only where favoured by particular topographic configurations. Depositional surfaces range from steep talus cones, to debris‐flow‐dominated and aeolian‐dominated colluvial aprons, to an aeolian ramp subject to reworking by mass flows and flash floods. Consequently, facies associations and architectures at outcrop are highly variable and highlight the importance of spatial variations in slope morphology and processes in producing distinct, coeval colluvial stratigraphies within a single environmental context. Discrepancies between active processes and the corresponding stratigraphic signatures are also evident in some sectors; for example, preservation of alluvial and aeolian facies in stratigraphic sections does not always reflect the dominant processes over active slopes. Together with the spatial variability in processes and deposits along these slopes, this suggests that caution is required when extracting palaeoenvironmental information from analyses of colluvial successions.  相似文献   
Studies in the middle Basento river basin supported by reliable chronological data (tephra layers and a number of absolute datings) have allowed the reconstruction of Late Pleistocene–Holocene geomorphological evolution of the middle to low Fossa Bradanica area (Basilicata, southern Italy). The original Upper Pleistocene hillslope has been dissected by deep gullies leaving relict slope pediments. Holocene filling of the Basento river valley and gullies occurred as a succession of downcut and fill episodes. A first phase of accumulation occurred in the Late Neolithic, which was followed by a downcutting between 4500 and 3700 cal. yr BP. A second deposition phase took place in the Greek–Roman period between 2800 and 1620 cal. yr BP, which was interrupted at around 2500 cal. yr BP. Another downcutting phase took place between 1620 and 1500 cal. yr BP, followed by a deposition phase between 1440 and 1000 cal. yr BP. After 1000 cal. yr BP a deep downcutting took place. Evidence collected with this study, coupled with climate data recorded in other Italian and European locations, suggests that filling and downcutting episodes in Fossa Bradanica were predominantly climate-driven. Anthropogenic impact only intensified or weakened these processes.  相似文献   
On the crystallinity,probability of occurrence,and rheology of lava and magma   总被引:26,自引:3,他引:26  
Given a set of comagmatic lavas of similar composition but varying crystallinity, a diagram can be constructed using only the modes of the phenocrysts that quantitively shows the sequence of crystallization. This is done by plotting the amount of each phenocryst against the total crystallinity or percentage of melt of the lava itself. A histogram of the total phenocryst content measures the probability of the magma to be erupted as lava. This eruption probability (P E ) is the product of the probability of finding the magma at any state of crystallinity (thermal probability, P T ) and the rheological probability (P R ) of the magma being physically able to erupt (i.e. P E =P T P R ). It is shown that P E is given by dX/dT, where X is the crystallinity of the magma as a function of temperature (T). Because crystal production is generally nonlinear—in most rocks it is step-like—P E is a bellshaped curve stradling the temperature at which the magma is one half crystallized. Near the liquidus it is most favorable rheologically for the magma to erupt. But the probability is small of sampling a magma near its liquidus, because it cools quickly there. It is maximum when there are high rates of crystal production, because it then cools slowly. As the crystallinity increases, it reaches a critical point of maximum packing (i.e. lowest porosity) around 50–60% crystals where it becomes rheologically impossible to erupt. The magma looses its potential to become a lava and it becomes a pluton. From a histogram of crystallinity and P T ,P R can be found. This technique, as well as the construction of the mode-crystallization (M-C) diagram, is illustrated using a set of Aleutian lavas. These lavas also show that the point of critical crystallinity decreases with increasing silica content of the lava. Because this critical crystallinity is much lower for granitic magmas, they are much more probable than basaltic magmas to become plutons. Beyond this point, granitic magmas can only erupt as ash flows. This correlation of critical crystallinity and silica content is used to show a method by which the viscosity of the magma can be estimated as a function of crystallinity. This variation is found to compare favorably with Roscoe's equation of the dependence of viscosity on the concentration of suspended solids. These results show that differentiation probably can not normally take place beyond this critical crystallinity. The extraction of melt beyond this critical point by filter pressing is unlikely because the assemblage dilates upon stressing. Only if the phenocrysts deform viscously can additional melt be extracted, and this can probably only occur with large (–30km) bodies.  相似文献   
Sea floor rhyolites from the Iberian Pyrite Belt show strong enrichment in potassium and adularia is observed to replace plagioclase. This process is in accord with thermodynamic data for the exchange reaction with ocean water which favours adularia up to about 140° C. Archaean felsic intrusives and extrusives exhibit sodium enrichment, a contrast which we attribute to lower K levels in sea water and, or, higher ocean temperatures. All of these rocks show 18O enrichment of + 6 to + 8, in compliance with low temperature sea water exchange.  相似文献   
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