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In 2005 August, an unusual series of 47 earthquakes occurred over a 12-hr period in central Switzerland. The earthquakes occurred at the end of 3-d period of intensive rainfall, with over 300 mm of precipitation. The highest seismicity occurred as two distinct clusters in the region of Muotatal and Riemenstalden, Switzerland, a well-known Karst area that received a particularly large amount of rainfall. The large increase in seismicity, compared to the background, and the short time delay between the onset of the intense rainfall and the seismicity strongly suggest that earthquakes were triggered by rainfall. In our preferred model, an increase in fluid pressure at the surface due to a large amount of rain leads to a local increase in pore fluid pressure at depth. The increase in pore fluid pressure will reduce the shear strength of a porous medium by counteracting normal stress and, at the end, provoke failure. The series of triggered earthquakes in central Switzerland occurred in regions that have been seismically active in the past, showing similar hypocentre locations and magnitudes. This suggests that these earthquakes occurred on existing faults that were critically stressed. We modelled the intense rainfall as a step increase in fluid pressure at the surface that migrates to greater depths following the solution of the one-dimensional diffusion equation in a homogeneous half space. This allowed us to estimate the hydraulic diffusivity by plotting triggered seismicity in a time–depth plot. We found values of hydraulic diffusivity in the range from 0.01 to 0.5 m2 s−1 for our study area. These values are in good agreement with previous studies on earthquakes that were triggered by fluids, supporting the idea that the observed earthquake series was triggered by the large amount of rainfall.  相似文献   
Summary. This study covers detailed thermal, chemical and alternating field demagnetization from 50 sites distributed through all units of the Longmyndian sedimentary succession (with the exception of the Stretton Shales), and eight sites in the tuff bands comprising the Batch Volcanics. The resultant effect of treatment is to remove a low blocking temperature steep component and isolate a coherent remanence direction D = 116°, I = 76° the total NRM is composite and not an adequate indicator of the palaeofield. Chemical demagnetization indicates that both hematite and magnetite grains contribute to this component and these two phases are magnetized in the same direction. A negative fold test shows that this remanence was acquired during or after the Longmyndian folding. Formation of the major magnetic constituent, authigenic magnetite, is linked to dewatering during rapid uplift following the folding which is dated by both the Rb–Sr and fission track methods at c . 525 Ma. The study defines a palaeopole of this age remote from the later APW path for Britain and links the Late Precambrian–Lower Cambrian path defmed from basement rocks of England and Wales with the Ordovician and younger results. Palaeomagnetic results from tuff bands within the sediments and Lower Silurian age intrusions cutting the outcrop are also reported.  相似文献   
The distribution of detrital mineral cooling ages in river sediment provides a proxy record for the erosional history of mountain ranges. We have developed a numerical model that predicts detrital mineral age distributions for individual catchments in which particle paths move vertically toward the surface. Despite a restrictive set of assumptions, the model permits theoretical exploration of the effects of thermal structure, erosion rate, and topography on cooling ages. Hypsometry of the source‐area catchment is shown to exert a fundamental control on the frequency distribution of bedrock and detrital ages. We illustrate this approach by generating synthetic 40Ar/39Ar muscovite age distributions for two catchments with contrasting erosion rates in central Nepal and then by comparing actual measured cooling‐age distributions with the synthetic ones. Monte Carlo sampling is used to assess the mismatch between observed and synthetic age distributions and to explore the dependence of that mismatch on the complexity of the synthetic age signal and on the number of grains analysed. Observed detrital cooling ages are well matched by predicted ages for a more slowly eroding Himalayan catchment. A poorer match for a rapidly eroding catchment may result from some combination of large analytical uncertainties in the detrital ages and inhomogeneous erosion rates within the basin. Such mismatches emphasize the need for more accurate thermal and kinematic models and for sampling strategies that are adapted to catchment‐specific geologic and geomorphic conditions.  相似文献   
The association of iodine with organic matter in sedimentary basins is well documented. High iodine concentration in soils overlying oil and gas fields and areas with hydrocarbon microseepage has been observed and used as a geochemical exploratory tool for hydrocarbons in a few studies. In this study, we measure iodine concentration in soil samples collected from parts of Deccan Syneclise in the west central India to investigate its potential application as a geochemical indicator for hydrocarbons. The Deccan Syneclise consists of rifted depositional sites with Gondwana–Mesozoic sediments up to 3.5 km concealed under the Deccan Traps and is considered prospective for hydrocarbons. The concentration of iodine in soil samples is determined using ICP-MS and the values range between 1.1 and 19.3 ppm. High iodine values are characteristic of the northern part of the sampled region. The total organic carbon (TOC) content of the soil samples range between 0.1 and 1.3%. The TOC correlates poorly with the soil iodine (r 2 < 1), indicating a lack of association of iodine with the surficial organic matter and the possibility of interaction between the seeping hydrocarbons and soil iodine. Further, the distribution pattern of iodine compares well with two surface geochemical indicators: the adsorbed light gaseous hydrocarbons (methane through butane) and the propane-oxidizing bacterial populations in the soil. The integration of geochemical observations show the occurrence of elevated values in the northern part of the study area, which is also coincident with the presence of exposed dyke swarms that probably serve as conduits for hydrocarbon microseepage. The corroboration of iodine with existing geological, geophysical, and geochemical data suggests its efficacy as one of the potential tool in surface geochemical exploration of hydrocarbons. Our study supports Deccan Syneclise to be promising in terms of its hydrocarbon prospects.  相似文献   
Sr- and Ca-rich waylandite, $ {\left( {{\hbox{B}}{{\hbox{i}}_{0.{54}}}{\hbox{S}}{{\hbox{r}}_{0.{31}}}{\hbox{C}}{{\hbox{a}}_{0.{25}}}{{\hbox{K}}_{0.0{1}}}{\hbox{B}}{{\hbox{a}}_{0.0{1}}}} \right)_{\Sigma 1.12}}{{\hbox{H}}_{0.{18}}}{\left( {{\hbox{A}}{{\hbox{l}}_{{2}.{96}}}{\hbox{C}}{{\hbox{u}}_{0.0{2}}}} \right)_{\Sigma 2.98}}{\left[ {{{\left( {{{\hbox{P}}_{0.{97}}}{{\hbox{S}}_{0.0{3}}}{\hbox{S}}{{\hbox{i}}_{0.0{1}}}} \right)}_{\Sigma 1.00}}{{\hbox{O}}_4}} \right]_2}{\left( {\hbox{OH}} \right)_6} $ , from Wheal Remfry, Cornwall, United Kingdom has been investigated by single-crystal X-ray diffraction and electron microprobe analyses. Waylandite crystallises in space group R $ \overline 3 $ ? m, with the cell parameters: a?=?7.0059(7) Å, c?=?16.3431(12) Å and V?=?694.69(11) Å3. The crystal structure has been refined to R 1?=?3.76%. Waylandite has an alunite-type structure comprised of a rhombohedral stacking of (001) composite layers of corner-shared AlO6 octahedra and PO4 tetrahedra, with (Bi,Sr,Ca) atoms occupying icosahedrally coordinated sites between the layers.  相似文献   
Application of the principles of transport theory to studiesof magma-hydrothermal systems permits quantitative predictionsto be made of the consequences of magma intruding into permeablerocks. Transport processes which redistribute energy, mass,and momentum in these environments can be represented by a setof partial differential equations involving the rate of changeof extensive properties in the system. Numerical approximationand computer evaluation of the transport equations effectivelysimulates the crystallization of magma, cooling of the igneousrocks, advection of chemical components, and chemical and isotopicmass transfer between minerals and aqueous solution. Numerical modeling of the deep portions of the Skaergaard magma-hydrothermalsystem has produced detailed maps of the temperature, pressure,fluid velocity, integrated fluid flux, 18O-values in rock andfluid, and extent of nonequilibrium exchange reactions betweenfluid and rock as a function of time for a two-dimensional cross-sectionthrough the pluton. An excellent match was made between calculated18O-values and the measured 18O-values in the three principalrock units, basalt, gabbro, and gneiss, as well as in xenolithsof roof rocks that are now embedded in Layered Series; the latterwere evidently depleted in 18O early in the system's coolinghistory, prior to falling to the bottom of the magma chamber.The best match was realized for a system in which the bulk rockpermeabilities were 10–13 cm2 for the intrusion, 10–11cm2 for basalt, and 10–16 cm2 for gneiss; reaction domainsizes were 0.2 cm in the intrusion and gneiss and 0.01 cm inthe basalts, and activation energy for the isotope exchangereaction between fluid and plagioclase was 30 kcal/mole. The calculated thermal history of the Skaergaard system wascharacterized by extensive fluid circulation that was largelyrestricted to the permeable basalts and to regions of the plutonstratigraphically above the basalt-gneiss unconformity. Althoughfluids circulated all around the crystallizing magma, fluidflow paths were deflected around the magma sheet during theinitial 130,000 years. At that time, crystallization of thefinal sheet of magma and fracture of the rock shifted the circulationsystem toward the center of the intrusion, thereby minimizingthe extent of isotope exchange between rocks near the marginof the intrusion at this level. For comparison, similar calculationswere also made for pure conductive cooling; it was found thatthe rate of crystallization of the magma body was not changed.The solidified pluton cooled by a factor of about 2 faster inthe presence of a hydrothermal system. Transport rates of thermal energy out of the intrusion and oflow-18O fluids into the intrusion controlled the overall isotopeexchange process. During the initial 150,000 years, temperatureswere high and reaction rates were fast; thus, fluids flowinginto the intrusion quickly equilibrated with plagioclase. However,the temperature decreased between 120,000 and 175,000 yearsand caused a decrease in reaction rates and an increase in theequilibrium fractionation factor between plagioclase and fluid.Consequently, during this time period fluids in the intrusiontended to be out of equilibrium with plagioclase. After 175,000years temperatures had decreased sufficiently that reactionrates became insignificant, but convection rates were largeenough to redistribute fluid and enlarge the regions where fluidand plagioclase were out of equilibrium. By 400,000 years, thepluton had cooled to approximately ambient temperatures, andthe final 18O values were ‘frozen in’. Reactionsbetween hydrothermal fluid and the intrusion occurred over abroad range in temperature, 1000-200 °C, but 75 per centof the fluid circulated through the intrusion while its averagetemperature was >480 °C. This relatively high temperatureis consistent with the observation that only minor amounts ofhydrothermal alteration products were formed in the naturalsystem, even where several per mil shifts in 18O were detected. The relative quantities of fluid to rock integrated over theentire cooling history were 0.52 for the upper part of intrusion,0.88 for the basalt, 0.003 for the gneiss, and 0.41 for theentire domain. Almost all of the fluid flowed into the intrusionfrom the basalt host rocks that occur adjacent to the side contactsof the intrusion. Convection transferred about 20 per cent ofthe total heat contained in the gabbro upward into the overlyingbasalts; the remaining 80 per cent of the heat was transferredby conduction.  相似文献   
The origin of the Serguza lead-zinc deposit of the Northern Thrust Zone has been suggested to be epigenetic, hydrothermal, structurally controlled by a post Tertiary major fault zone. Reinterpretation of previously obtained data and the evaluation of the present results have provided enough evidence to argue for a different mode of formation. Based upon trace element content of the ore minerals, dating of galena, ore and country rock texture, and the results of the detailed geochemical and geophysical prospecting in the area, it seems that the deposit is strata-bound, stratigraphically controlled within the Triassic dolomites. Its simple mineralogy, chemistry, and other features are comparable with other early Alpine strata-bound leadzinc deposits of the Mediterranean Belt.  相似文献   
Simunac  K. D. C.  Galvin  A. B.  Farrugia  C. J.  Kistler  L. M.  Kucharek  H.  Lavraud  B.  Liu  Y. C.-M.  Luhmann  J. G.  Ogilvie  K. W.  Opitz  A.  Popecki  M. A.  Sauvaud  J.-A.  Wang  S. 《Solar physics》2012,281(1):423-447
Solar Physics - In this paper we present in&nbsp;situ observations of the heliospheric plasma sheet (HPS) from STEREO-A, Wind, and STEREO-B over four solar rotations in the declining phase of...  相似文献   
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