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Recent geological observations in the northern mid-latitudes of Mars show evidence for past glacial activity during the late Amazonian, similar to the integrated glacial landsystems in the Dry Valleys of Antarctica. The large accumulation of ice (many hundreds of meters) required to create the observed glacial deposits points to significant atmospheric precipitation, snow and ice accumulation, and glacial flow. In order to understand the climate scenario required for these conditions, we used the LMD (Laboratoire de Météorologie Dynamique) Mars GCM (General Circulation Model), which is able to reproduce the present-day water cycle, and to predict past deposition of ice consistent with geological observations in many cases. Prior to this analysis, however, significant mid-latitude glaciation had not been simulated by the model, run under a range of parameters.In this analysis, we studied the response of the GCM to a wider range of orbital configurations and water ice reservoirs, and show that during periods of moderate obliquity (? = 25-35°) and high dust opacity (τdust = 1.5-2.5), broad-scale glaciation in the northern mid-latitudes occurs if water ice deposited on the flanks of the Tharsis volcanoes at higher obliquity is available for sublimation. We find that high dust contents of the atmosphere increase its water vapor holding capacity, thereby moving the saturation region to the northern mid-latitudes. Precipitation events are then controlled by topographic forcing of stationary planetary waves and transient weather systems, producing surface ice distribution and amounts that are consistent with the geological record. Ice accumulation rates of ∼10 mm yr−1 lead to the formation of a 500-1000 m thick regional ice sheet that will produce glacial flow patterns consistent with the geological observations.  相似文献   
We consider the motion of a dual spin satellite placed in the gravitational field of n material points, assuming that the satellite has no influence on the motion of these points. The main bodies are located at the libration points of the classical n bodies problem. We investigate the set of relative equilibria of the satellite. As in the elementary case of a gyrostat attracted by a single point, we show that this problem is equivalent to find the extremum of a quadratic function. We obtain all possible equilibria of the satellite by solving two algebraic equations. Sufficient conditions of stability of these relative equilibria are given.  相似文献   
Iatroscan TLC-FID combines the separatory capabilities of thin-layer chromatography (TLC) (on silica coated chromarods) with the possibility of quantitation by flame ionization detection (FID). It can be used to separate lipid extracts into classes of compounds ranging from neutral to polar products. The rapidity with which this system provides lipid class profiles from small samples makes it particularly useful in oceanographic studies where routine analyses of large numbers of samples are required. Lipid classes were analysed in 4 marine bacterial strains grown on various substrates and 10 microalgae isolated from the marine environment and grown in batch cultures. Data on lipid composition of these microorganisms were obtained and compared to literature data. Results show that ratios between classes of compounds within the different groups of microorganisms were characteristic enough to constitute a good print of bacterial or phytoplankton sources in organic matter in sea water. In a preliminary study, phospholipid classes from a bacterial strain and a microalga were separated. Results show that the determination of ratios between phospholipid classes in organic matter could represent an improvement in the utilization of lipid classes as biomarkers.  相似文献   
We analyze historical simulations of variability in temperature and rainfall extremes in the twentieth century, as derived from various global models run informing the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC-AR4). On the basis of three indices of climate extremes, we compare observed and modeled trends in time and space, including the direction and significance of the changes at the scale of South America south of 10° S. The climate extremes described warm nights, heavy rainfall amounts and dry spells. The reliability of the GCM simulations is suggested by similarity between observations and simulations in the case of warm nights and extreme rainfall in some regions. For any specific extreme temperature index, minor differences appear in the spatial distribution of the changes across models in some regions, while substantial differences appear in regions in the interior of tropical and subtropical South America. The differences are in the relative magnitude of the trends. Consensus and significance are less strong when regional patterns are considered, with the exception of the La Plata Basin, where observed and simulated trends in warm nights and extreme rainfall are evident.  相似文献   
The assessment and management of marine resources is an increasingly spatial affair dependent upon emerging geo-technologies, such as geographic information systems, and the subsequent production of diverse layers of spatial information. These rapid developments are, however, focused on biophysical processes and data collection initiatives; the social landscape of the marine environment is undocumented and remains a “missing layer” in decision-making. As a result, the resource areas upon which stakeholders and communities are dependent are neither mapped nor integrated into planning processes. We report on a participatory method to map the presence of fishing communities at-sea. The lessons learned concerning the spatial representation of communities informs not only fisheries, but other sectors struggling to incorporate similarly the human dimensions of the marine environment in assessment and planning.  相似文献   
Dislocations in K-feldspars were studied by high resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM) and HRTEM images were further submitted to a filtering in order to improve their interpretation. (010)[101] dislocations appear to be dissociated with (001)[001]/2 planar defect, whereas (001)[110]/2 dislocations are perfect. Structural models of planar defects in (010) and (001) planes were investigated. The energy estimation of these models was performed using the Keating potential. The structural analysis agreed with the experimental result in that dislocations can be dissociated in the (010) plane, whereas they cannot be dissociated in the (001) plane.  相似文献   

The Cavendish banana is Australia’s most popular fruit and marketed as emblematic of Australian nationalisms. In July 2017, the disease-causing fungus Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense was confirmed present on Australia’s largest Cavendish banana farm, in the worst disease incursion that Northern Queensland Cavendish monocrop plantations have yet faced. Confronted with the potential collapse of the industry, banana growers and Biosecurity Queensland officials have deployed a biosecurity response centred on measures of border control and containment. This paper examines the othering of the disease vector Panama Tropical Race 4, revealing biosecurity attempts as embroiled in cultural preoccupations with invasion. In so doing, this paper establishes that the biosecurity concerns regarding Northern Queensland bananas are not just with the economic and biological productivity of nature, but entangled in post-colonial anxieties over who belongs within the landscape. Following the entangled relations between the disease and Cavendish bananas reveals cultural nuances and multispecies relations. These shape and are shaped by industry and government efforts as experts attempt to maintain governance over entities as they appear to slip from human control. This paper finds that the anxieties and narratives of Australian post-colonial politics are deeply imbricated with the logics of ecological protection, agricultural productivity and the banality of everyday nationalisms.  相似文献   
We used a new experimental device called PASS (PArticle Sinking Simulator) during MedFlux to simulate changes in in situ hydrostatic pressure that particles experience sinking from mesopelagic to bathypelagic depths. Particles, largely fecal pellets, were collected at 200 m using a settling velocity NetTrap (SV NetTrap) in Ligurian Sea in April 2006 and incubated in high-pressure bottles (HPBs) of the PASS system under both atmospheric and continuously increasing pressure conditions, simulating the pressure change experienced at a sinking rate of 200 m d−1. Chemical changes over time were evaluated by measuring particulate organic carbon (POC), carbohydrates, transparent exopolymer particles (TEP), amino acids, lipids, and chloropigments, as well as dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and dissolved carbohydrates. Microbial changes were evaluated microscopically, using diamidinophenylindole (DAPI) stain for total cell counts and catalyzed reporter deposition-fluorescence in situ hybridization (CARD-FISH) for phylogenetic distinctions. Concentrations (normalized to POC) of particulate chloropigments, carbohydrates and TEP decreased under both sets of incubation conditions, although less under the increasing pressure regime than under atmospheric conditions. By contrast, dissolved carbohydrates (normalized to DOC) were higher after incubation and significantly higher under atmospheric conditions, suggesting they were produced at the expense of the particulate fraction. POC-normalized particulate wax/steryl esters increased only under pressure, suggesting biochemical responses of prokaryotes to the increasing pressure regime. The prokaryotic community initially consisted of 43% Bacteria, 12% Crenarchaea and 11% Euryarchaea. After incubation, Bacteria dominated (90%) the prokaryote community in all cases, with γ-Proteobacteria comprising the greatest fraction, followed by the Cytophaga–Flavobacter cluster and α-Proteobacteria group. Using the PASS system, we obtained chemical and microbial evidence that degradation by prokaryotes associated with fecal pellets sinking through mesopelagic waters is limited by the increasing pressure they experience.  相似文献   
The objective of this study was to describe the proton promoted disproportion of synthetic manganite (γ-MnOOH) and to characterise the resulting phase transformations. The solution and remaining solid phase after disproportionation was analysed by techniques including atomic absorbance spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction (XRD), atomic force microscopy (AFM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). In suspensions with pH between 5 and 7, −log[H+] was monitored for 17 months and equilibrium constants were determined at 9, 12 and 17 months of reaction time for the following reaction (25 °C, 0.1 M (Na)NO3):
The formed MnO2 ages with time and the equilibrium constant for a metastable phase (ramsdellite or nsutite) as well as the most stable phase, pyrolusite (β-MnO2), was determined. Furthermore, combined pH and pe (Eh) measurements were performed to study the equilibrium;
Real-time AFM measurements of the dissolution showed shrinkage of the length of the manganite needles with time (2 hours). After 1 week SEM images showed that this decreased length also was followed by a reduced thickness of the manganite needles. From the SEM images the morphology of the formed Mn(IV) oxides was studied. At pH 2.6, pyrolusite (β-MnO2) and MnCl2 were found in the XRD patterns. Throughout the pH range there were indications of ramsdellite (MnO1.97) in the XRD patterns, which coincided with the existence of a fraction of needle shaped crystals with smaller dimensions (compared to manganite) in the SEM images. These observations together with the long term dissolution experiments suggest that the dissolution of manganite initially forms a ramsdellite or nsutite phase that over time rearranges to form pyrolusite.  相似文献   
A number of voluminous, fine-grained, friable deposits have been mapped on Mars. The modes of origin for these deposits are debated. The feasibility for an origin by volcanic airfall for the friable deposits is tested using a global circulation model to simulate the dispersal of pyroclasts from candidate source volcanoes near each deposit. It is concluded that the Medusae Fossae Formation and Electris deposits are easily formed through volcanic processes, and that the Hellas deposits and south polar pitted deposits could have some contribution from volcanic sources in specific atmospheric regimes. The Arabia and Argyre deposits are not well replicated by modeled pyroclast dispersal, suggesting that these deposits were most likely emplaced by other means.  相似文献   
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