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Werner, K., Tarasov, P. E., Andreev, A. A., Müller, S., Kienast, F., Zech, M., Zech, W. & Diekmann, B. 2009: A 12.5‐kyr history of vegetation dynamics and mire development with evidence of Younger Dryas larch presence in the Verkhoyansk Mountains, East Siberia, Russia. Boreas, 10.1111/j.1502‐3885.2009.00116.x. ISSN 0300‐9483. A 415 cm thick permafrost peat section from the Verkhoyansk Mountains was radiocarbon‐dated and studied using palaeobotanical and sedimentological approaches. Accumulation of organic‐rich sediment commenced in a former oxbow lake, detached from a Dyanushka River meander during the Younger Dryas stadial, at ~12.5 kyr BP. Pollen data indicate that larch trees, shrub alder and dwarf birch were abundant in the vegetation at that time. Local presence of larch during the Younger Dryas is documented by well‐preserved and radiocarbon‐dated needles and cones. The early Holocene pollen assemblages reveal high percentages of Artemisia pollen, suggesting the presence of steppe‐like communities around the site, possibly in response to a relatively warm and dry climate ~11.4–11.2 kyr BP. Both pollen and plant macrofossil data demonstrate that larch woods were common in the river valley. Remains of charcoal and pollen of Epilobium indicate fire events and mark a hiatus ~11.0–8.7 kyr BP. Changes in peat properties, C31/C27 alkane ratios and radiocarbon dates suggest that two other hiatuses occurred ~8.2–6.9 and ~6.7–0.6 kyr BP. Prior to 0.6 kyr BP, a major fire destroyed the mire surface. The upper 60 cm of the studied section is composed of aeolian sands modified in the uppermost part by the modern soil formation. For the first time, local growth of larch during the Younger Dryas has been verified in the western foreland of the Verkhoyansk Mountains (~170 km south of the Arctic Circle), thus increasing our understanding of the quick reforestation of northern Eurasia by the early Holocene.  相似文献   
Aerosol properties of mineral particles in the far field of an African desert dust outbreak were investigated that brought Saharan dust over the Mediterranean in different layers to Portugal. The measurements were performed inside the project Desert Aerosols over Portugal (DARPO) which was linked to the Saharan Mineral Dust Experiment (SAMUM). The maximum particle mass concentration was about 150 μg m−3 and the corresponding scattering coefficient was 130 M m−1 which results in a mass scattering efficiency of 0.87 m2 g−1. The aerosol optical depth reached values up to 0.53 and the lidar ratio was between 45 and 50 in the whole dust loaded column. A comparison between particle size distributions and refractive indices derived from different instruments and models showed a general good agreement but some minor differences could also be observed. Measurements as well as calculations with a particle transport model suggest that there is a relatively higher concentration of very large particles in the upper region of the dust layer than on the surface which is likely connected with meteorological conditions at the observational site (Évora, Portugal).  相似文献   
Burrows, C. J., Chinn, T. & Kelly, M. 1976 08 01: Glacial activity in New Zealand near the Pleistocene-Holocene boundary in the light of new radiocarbon dates.
Although glaciers in New Zealand were diminishing from the late Pleistocene onwards, there remained an extensive ice cover, greater than at present, well into early Holocene. The Birch Hill advances are dated to just before the Pleistocene-Holocene boundary at 10,000 B.P., and at least two lesser advances are recognised, at 9000 B.P. and 8000 B.P. A general parallel with northern hemisphere glacial activity is drawn.  相似文献   
Tholeiitic lavas of the Servilleta Basalt exhibit only subtletextural and mineralogical evidence for a hybrid origin, butelemental and isotopic analyses of these basalts are best modeledin terms of mixing Servilleta parent magma with a range of contemporaneousandesite and dacite magmas. Cryptic compositional heterogeneitiesin some flows interpreted as hybrids apparently reflect incompletehomogenization following pre-emptive magma mingling. The generalscarcity of mixing-related textural disequilibrium is ascribedin part to mixing of mineralogically similar end-members. Eradicationof some phenocrysts during post-mixing residence and evolutionin a convecting magma body may be an even more important factor. Eruptions of hybrid magmas may frequently be triggered by magmamixing events (i.e. injection or replenishment), and minglingof compositionally diverse magmas may ensue as a consequenceof tapping a compositionally graded or layered magma chamber.These hybrids are instantly recognizable by the preservationof disequilibrium textures and mineral assemblages, and by discontinuouscompositional heterogeneities. Cryptic hybrids, which have notpreserved this record, will be recognizable as mixed magmasprimarily by geochemical evidence for open system evolution.  相似文献   
High-resolution seismic imaging and piston coring in Lake Lucerne, Switzerland, have revealed surprising deformation structures in flat-lying, unconsolidated sediment at the foot of subaqueous slopes. These deformation structures appear beneath wedges of massflow deposits and resemble fold-and-thrust belts with basal décollement surfaces. The deformation is interpreted as the result of gravity spreading induced by loading of the slope-adjacent lake floor during massflow deposition. This study investigated four earthquake-triggered lateral mass-movement deposits in Lake Lucerne affecting four sections of the lake floor with areas ranging from 0·25 to 6·5 km2 in area. Up to 6 m thick sediment packages draping the subaqueous slopes slid along the acoustic basement. The resulting failure scars typically lie in water depths of >30 m on slopes characterized by downward steepening and inclinations of >10°. From the base-of-slope to several hundred metres out onto the flat plains, the wedges of massflow deposits overlie deeply (10–20 m) deformed basin-plain sediment characterized by soft sediment fold-and-thrust belts with arcuate strikes and pronounced frontal thrusts. The intensity of deformation decreases towards the more external parts of the massflow wedges. Beyond the frontal thrust, the overridden lake floor remains mostly undisturbed. Geometrical relationships between massflow deposits and the deformed basin-plain sediment indicate that deformation occurred mainly during massflow deposition. Gravity spreading induced by the successive collapse of the growing slope-adjacent massflow wedge is proposed as the driving mechanism for the deformation. The geometry of fjord-type lakes with sharp lower slope breaks favours the deposition of thick, basin-marginal massflow wedges, that effectively load and deform the underlying sediment. In the centre of the basins, the two largest massflow deposits described are directly overlain by thick contained (mega-)turbidites, interpreted as combined products of the suspension clouds set up by subaqueous mass movements and related tsunami and seiche waves.  相似文献   
Large volumes of carbonate breccia occur in the late syn-rift and early post-rift deposits of the Billefjorden Trough, Central Spitsbergen. Breccias are developed throughout the Moscovian Minkinfjellet Formation and in basal parts of the Kazimovian Wordiekammen Formation. Breccias can be divided into two categories: (i) thick, cross-cutting breccia-bodies up to 200 m thick that are associated with breccia pipes and large V-structures, and (ii) horizontal stratabound breccia beds interbedded with undeformed carbonate and siliciclastic rocks. The thick breccias occur in the central part of the basin, whereas the stratabound breccia beds have a much wider areal extent towards the basin margins. The breccias were formed by gravitational collapse into cavities formed by dissolution of gypsum and anhydrite beds in the Minkinfjellet Formation. Several dissolution fronts have been discovered, demonstrating the genetic relationship between dissolution of gypsum and brecciation. Textures and structures typical of collapse breccias such as inverse grading, a sharp flat base, breccia pipes (collapse dolines) and V-structures (cave roof collapse) are also observed. The breccias are cemented by calcite cements of pre-compaction, shallow burial origin. Primary fluid inclusions in the calcite are dominantly single phase containing fresh water (final melting points are ca 0 °C), suggesting that breccia diagenesis occurred in meteoric waters. Cathodoluminescence (CL) zoning of the cements shows a consistent pattern of three cement stages, but the abundance of each stage varies stratigraphically and laterally. δ18O values of breccia cements are more negative relative to marine limestones and meteoric cements developed in unbrecciated Minkinfjellet limestones. There is a clear relationship between δ18O values and the abundance of the different cement generations detected by CL. Paragenetically, later cements have lower δ18O values recording increased temperatures during their precipitation. Carbon isotope values of the cements are primarily rock-buffered although a weak trend towards more negative values with increasing burial depth is observed. The timing of gypsum dissolution and brecciation was most likely related to major intervals of exposure of the carbonate platform during Gzhelian and/or Asselian/Sakmarian times. These intervals of exposure occurred shortly after deposition of the brecciated units and before deep burial of the sediments.  相似文献   

This paper describes four autonomous Geographic Information Systems operating at a statewide level in Ohio (USA). All were initiated at various times in the 1970s and 1980s. They are operated by branches of state government, namely the Department of Natural Resources, the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency, the Ohio Department of Transportation, and the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio. A critical review of the operations and institutional contexts of these four systems shows evolution from in-house software development to third party suppliers, from coarse resolution grid cells to high accuracy vector data, from large dedicated GIS staffs to application-specific users augmented by smaller GIS support staffs, and from agency-dependent databases to inter-agency database sharing as technology improves and user needs and databases increase.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. A time-dependent model is used to investigate the interaction between climate, extent and fluctuations of Patagonian ice sheet between 45° and 48°S during the last glacial maximum (LGM) and its subsequent deglaciation. The model is applied at 2 km resolution and enables ice thickness, lithospheric response and ice deformation and sliding to interact freely and is perturbed from present day by relative changes in sea level and equilibrium line altitude (ELA). Experiments implemented to identify an LGM configuration compatible with the available empirical record, indicate that a stepped ELA lowering of 750 to 950 m is required over 15000 years to bracket the Fenix I-V suite of moraines at Lago Buenos Aires. However, 900 m of ELA lowering yields an ice sheet which best matches the Fenix V moraine (c. 23000 a BP) and Caldenius' reconstructed LGM limit for the entire modelled area. This optimum LGM experiment yields a highly dynamic, low aspect ice sheet, with a mean ice thickness of c. 1130 m drained by numerous large ice streams to the western, seaward margin and two large, fast-flowing outlet lobes to the east. Forcing this scenario into deglaciation using a re-scaled Vostok ice core record results in an ice sheet that slowly shrinks by 25% to c. 14500 a bp , after which it experiences a rapid collapse, loosing some 85% of its volume in c. 800 years. Its margins stabilize during the Antarctic Cold Reversal after which it shrinks to near present-day limits by 11 000 a bp .  相似文献   
With more than 10 km of total length, Holocene microbialites in Laguna Bacalar, Mexico, belong to the largest freshwater microbialite occurrences. Microbialites include domes, ledges and oncolites. Domal forms can grow to diameters and heights of 3 m. Microbialites are composed of low magnesium calcite which is, to a large extent, precipitated due to the metabolic activity of the cyanobacteria Homeothrix and Leptolyngbya, and associated diatoms. Photosynthesis removes carbon dioxide and triggers carbonate precipitation. Also, an elevated carbonate concentration in lagoon waters, derived from dissolution of Cenozoic limestone in a karst system, supports carbonate precipitation. Trapping and binding of detrital grains is also observed, but is not as common as precipitation. Bacalar microbialites are largely thrombolitic, however, stromatolitic sections occur as well. The bulk of Bacalar microbialites probably formed in the Late Holocene (ca 1 kyr BP until present). According to 14C dating, microbialites accreted 9 to 8 cal kyr BP; however, these ages may be too old as a result of a strong hard water effect. This effect is seen in 14C ages of living bivalve and gastropod mollusc shells from Bacalar Lagoon, which are 8 to 7 cal kyr BP. The modern associated fauna of microbialites is characterized by low diversity and high abundance of the bivalve mollusc Dreissena sp. and the gastropod Pomacea sp. The abundant grazing gastropods presumably hamper modern microbialite formation. A comparison of Bacalar microbialites with other modern microbialite occurrences worldwide shows only a few patterns: sizes, shapes, microbial taxa, mineralogy, type of accretion and settings including water properties of microbialite occurrences exhibit high variability. A trend may be seen in the grazing metazoa, which are rare to absent in the marine and brackish examples, but apparently present in all the freshwater occurrences of microbialites. Also, freshwater examples are usually characterized by elevated concentrations of carbonate and/or calcium ions in the surrounding waters.  相似文献   
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