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Volcanic maar structures sometimes contain important groundwater reserves. The volcanic formations of the Beaunit maar have a much higher magnetization than their granite substrata. The structure of the maar and its volcanoclastic infill can therefore be defined by magnetic surveying and resistivity soundings. Resistivities of the geological formations present in the Beaunit maar are comparable to those recorded in other volcanic systems. The geophysical data, confirmed by drilling tests, contain useful information on the hydrogeological regime of the volcanic system under investigation.  相似文献   
将线性反演理论与正则化法相结合,提出一个火山地区二维自然电位(SP)异常反演方法.地下岩浆活动(对流体)是引起自电异常的极化源,反演的目的是计算地下视极化强度分布和极化源中心位置.可以通过用已知的各种资料改变地下极化源区域(简称源区)的方式来进行多次反演,以便获得一个比较合理的地下视极化强度分布模型.最后,分别给出意大利和墨西哥的两个火山地区的自然电位异常分析结果.  相似文献   
The Upper Permian (Zechstein) slope carbonates in the Roker Formation (Zechstein 2nd‐cycle Carbonate) in North‐east England consist of turbidites interbedded with laminated lime‐mudstone. Studies of turbidite bed thickness and relative proportion of turbidites (percentage turbidites in 20 cm of section) reveal well‐developed cyclicities consisting of thinning‐upward and thickening‐upward packages of turbidite beds. These packages are on four scales, from less than a metre, up to 50 m in thickness. Assuming that the laminae of the hemipelagic background sediment are annual allows the durations of the cycles to be estimated. In addition, counting the number and thickness of turbidite beds in 20 cm of laminated lime‐mudstone, which is approximately equivalent to 1000 years (each lamina is 200 μm), gives the frequencies of the turbidite beds, the average thicknesses and the overall sedimentation rates through the succession for 1000 year time‐slots. Figures obtained are comparable with modern rates of deposition on carbonate slopes. The cyclicity present in the Roker Formation can be shown to include: Milankovitch‐band ca 100 kyr short‐eccentricity, ca 20 kyr precession and ca 10 kyr semi‐precession cycles and sub‐Milankovitch millennial‐scale cycles (0·7 to 4·3 kyr). Eccentricity and precession‐scale cycles are related to ‘highstand‐shedding’ and relative sea‐level change caused by Milankovitch‐band orbital forcing controlling carbonate productivity. The millennial‐scale cycles, which are quasi‐periodic, probably are produced by environmental changes controlled by solar forcing, i.e. variations in solar irradiance, or volcanic activity. Most probable here are fluctuations in carbonate productivity related to aridity–humidity and/or temperature changes. Precession and millennial‐scale cycles are defined most strongly in early transgressive and highstand parts of the larger‐scale short‐eccentricity cycles. The duration of the Roker Formation as a whole can be estimated from the thickness of the laminated lithotype as ca 0·3 Myr.  相似文献   
The Upper Triassic in South Wales is composed of up to 100 m of red, dolomitic mudstones of the Mercia Mudstone Group which overlie and are laterally equivalent to basin margin coarse clastic deposits. In the Sully Island and Dinas Powys areas, a series of carbonate deposits was laid down within small basins adjacent to the main Bristol Channel Basin. The rocks consist of dolomites containing replaced evaporites, overlain by perilittoral freshwater limestones. The limestones are fenestral intrasparites and contain abundant pedogenic and stromatolitic horizons, as well as locally developed travertines. Evidence for vadose diagenesis within the limestones is common. The travertines consist of sheets of fibrous calcite (flowstone) associated with pisoids and flöe calcite. Most of the travertines consist of single sheets several millimetres in thickness although ‘mounds’up to 1 m in height and 5 m in diameter are also present. The topmost metre of the limestones, which has been dolomitized, is deformed into tepee and megapolygonal structures. The carbon and oxygen stable isotopic composition of the limestones suggests that they were precipitated in low salinity waters. Successive samples from individual bands of flowstone show a covariance of δ18C and δ13C which is consistent with the mixing of resurgent groundwaters with pools of more evolved waters at the surface. The sedimentological and geochemical evidence suggests that the limestones were deposited in a small, enclosed basin fed by upwelling meteoric groundwaters in an environment distinct from that in which the laterally equivalent gypsiferous red mudstones were formed.  相似文献   
A long Upper Pleistocene pollen record from Les Echets, near Lyon, France   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Analysis of 732 samples through 39 m of sediments from the ancient lake of Les Echets, 15 km northeast of Lyon, France, resulted in a long, continuous pollen diagram covering the interval from the Late Rissian to the Holocene. Above a complete Ecmian sequence, there are two Early Wiirmian temperate cycles (the older one including two climatic optima separated by a brief deterioration) with forest successions characterized by the spread of Carpinus at the end of the early temperate phase. These episodes, whose exact equivalents are found at Grande Pile in the Vosges area, are correlated with the Early Wiirmian trilogy Amersfoort-Brorup-Odderade of northern Europe. The absolute dates proposed for the Grande Pile sequence arc accepted, whereas those for the three northern European stratotypes are rejected. The Early Wiirmian is thus placed between 115,000 and 70,000 years B.P. In the Middle Wiirm, three undated intcrstadials arc characterized by a sparse forest cover. The long Late Wiirmian section is a characteristic feature of the sediment history at Les Echets. Very cold and arid conditions prevailed during this interval, without any unequivocal indications of intcrstadial episodes. A rise in Artemisia around 15,000 B.P. marks the transition from the Pleniglacial to the Oldest Dryas.  相似文献   
The deposits of the central sector of the Labrador Trough are magnetite-rich iron ores subjected to enrichment by the process of leaching. In spite of the fact that some ore types are porous and low in density, most of the ore zones have undergone a net increase in density brought about by enrichment. In the course of their formation, the magnetic characteristics of the rocks have changed and a great deal of the magnetite was altered to relatively non-magnetic iron oxides and hydrous iron oxides. Consequently, induced as well as remanent magnetization decreased, but the ratio of the latter with respect to the former increased substantially. All drift-covered areas underlain with iron-formation are potential ore producing areas. From measurements of the first two physical properties and determination of the thickness of overburden by means of a combined gravity-magnetic-seismic or resistivity survey, it is possible to detect and distinguish the iron formations and potential ore zones from the country rocks. In spite of the fact that the iron formations are a complex assemblage of rock types, each having different physical and chemical properties, a qualitative and semi-quantitative correlation between the results of the surveys and the geology as well as the structure of the area could be established. Consequently, in order to increase the chances of success, first a mathematical correlation of the amplitude of the gravity anomalies with the specific gravity, the iron content, the silica content, the porosity factors and the dimensions of the underlying orebodies, and secondly, a quantitative correlation of the ground magnetic intensity relative to the reference lithologie unit with the percentage of Fe3 O4 recovery and the volume magnetic susceptibility were done for many deposits. A few discoveries were made with this method. Finally, a fully quantitative interpretation of the geophysical data using a multimodeling analysis led to the discovery of additional direct-shipping iron ore deposits in the Schefferville mining district of Canada.  相似文献   
The Middle to Upper Triassic redbeds at the base of the Ghomaride and Internal ‘Dorsale Calcaire’ Nappes in the Rifian sector of the Maghrebian Chain have been studied for their sedimentological, petrographic, mineralogical and chemical features. Redbeds lie unconformably on a Variscan low‐grade metamorphic basement in a 300 m thick, upward fining and thinning megasequence. Successions are composed of predominantly fluvial red sandstones, with many intercalations of quartzose conglomerates in the lower part that pass upwards into fine‐grained micaceous siltstones and massive mudstones, with some carbonate and evaporite beds. This suite of sediments suggests that palaeoenvironments evolved from mostly arenaceous alluvial systems (Middle Triassic) to muddy flood and coastal plain deposits. The successions are characterized by local carbonate and evaporite episodes in the Late Triassic. The growth of carbonate platforms is related to the increasing subsidence (Norian‐Rhaetian) during the break‐up of Pangea and the earliest stages of the Western Tethys opening. Carbonate platforms became widespread in the Sinemurian. Sandstones are quartzose to quartzolithic in composition, testifying a recycled orogenic provenance from low‐grade Palaeozoic metasedimentary rocks. Palaeoweathering indices (Chemical Index of Alteration, Chemical Index of Weathering and Plagioclase Index of Alteration) suggest both a K‐enrichment during the burial history and a source area that experienced intense weathering and recycling processes. These processes were favoured by seasonal climatic alternations, characterized by hot, episodically humid conditions with a prolonged dry season. These climatic alternations produced illitization of silicate minerals, iron oxidation and quartz‐rich red sediments in alluvial systems. The estimated burial temperature for the continental redbeds is in the range of 100 to 160 °C with lithostatic/tectonic loading of ca 4 to 6 km. These redbeds can be considered as regional petrofacies that mark the onset of the continental rift valley stage in the Western Pangea (Middle Triassic) before the opening of the western part of Tethys in the Middle Jurassic. The studied redbeds and the coeval redbeds of many Alpine successions (Betic, Tellian and Apenninic orogens) show a quite similar history; they identify a Mesomediterranean continental block originating from the break‐up of Pangea, which then played an important role in the post‐Triassic evolution of the Western Mediterranean region.  相似文献   
A great variety of ooid types occurs within the Siyeh and Snowslip Formations of the mid-Proterozoic Belt Supergroup, Montana. Cortical layers are inferred to have been composed either of calcite in a radial-concentric or radial-with-dark-rays fabric or, aragonite in a radial or concentric fabric. The calcitic cortical layers record their original fabrics but the originally aragonitic cortical layers have been replaced by calcite in a range of textures and by quartz and dolomite. Some formerly aragonitic cortical layers are replaced by calcite spar which contains relics of the original cortical structure. Others consist of calcite spar without inclusions, or columnar calcite which grew radially from the nucleus, commonly a calcitic ooid. Some ooids were wholly composed of calcite, others were of aragonite, but two phase ooids were common, mostly consisting of an inner calcitic part and an outer aragonitic part. Probable microdolomite inclusions suggest a high Mg content of the calcitic cortical layers. The depositional environment of these oolites was probably analogous to Baffin Bay, Texas, where a similar range of ooid types is forming today.  相似文献   
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