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塔里木盆地晚泥盆世-早石炭世东河砂岩沉积相   总被引:16,自引:3,他引:16       下载免费PDF全文
东河砂岩是塔里木盆地主要的勘探目的层和产油层之一。经过多年艰苦勘探和多学科综合研究,现已认识到东河砂岩为晚泥盆世晚期至早石炭世早期海平面上升背景下沉积的一套海侵底砂(砾)岩,在盆地范围内是一个明显的穿时沉积体。东河砂岩以滨浅海相陆源碎屑沉积占优势,局部发育海陆过渡相陆源碎屑沉积。根据盆地内100多口井资料的岩石学特征、沉积特征以及其它指相标志的综合分析,在东河砂岩中识别出滨岸、河口湾、辫状河三角洲以及冲积扇等不同的沉积相类型,其中高能碎屑滨岸相最重要,分布最广。东河砂岩沉积早期和中期,盆地主要为高能碎屑滨岸相和碎屑陆棚相沉积,末期海侵达到最大,盆地内为碳酸盐台地沉积,而轮南及盆地北部一带受物源区的影响,出现混积滨岸和碎屑滨岸沉积。东河砂岩明显具有填平补齐的沉积特征,其砂体厚度在缓坡处减薄、陡坡处增厚、遇孤岛减薄或尖灭,这些沉积特征为形成东河砂岩非构造圈闭奠定了良好的地质基础。满加尔、轮南、塔中、玛扎塔格以及草湖地区都有可能找到该类油气藏(田),展示了东河砂岩非构造圈闭的良好勘探前景。  相似文献   
彭雯  高艳红  王婉昭 《地球科学进展》2012,27(11):1252-1261
众多研究表明黄河源区受气候变化影响,土壤活动层逐渐下降。土壤温、湿度是陆面过程及地球系统中的重要物理量,它们通过影响地表能量和物质交换而影响大气环流和降水等。利用WRF(Weather Research and Forecasting)模式,选取2个典型年分别设计了2个控制试验和2个敏感性试验来探讨土壤初始状况变化对区域水循环的影响,通过再循环降水率定量描述不同气候背景下陆面对黄河源区水循环的影响,并尝试从环流角度进一步分析土壤初始状况改变对源区水循环影响的物理机制。结果表明:陆面对水循环的影响受大尺度环流背景场影响较大,较弱的环流背景下再循环降水率较强环流背景大5%左右。土壤初始状况对水循环要素有一定程度的影响。土壤初始温度升高/降低,水汽通量增多/减少,后期降水增大/减小。不同环流背景下,土壤记忆时间不同,在弱的环流背景下,土壤记忆时间要长,初始状况扰动可持续1~2个月。  相似文献   
The δ13C of organic matter bound within the crystal lattice of foraminiferal calcite tests may provide a potential tracer of the isotopic composition of the surface water primary photosynthate. Using δ13C of the organic matter extracted from the crystal lattice and the calcite test, it is theoretically possible to estimate the paleo-surface water pCO2. We have tailored this technique initially for the subpolar planktonic foraminifera species Globigerina bulloides. Initial surface water pCO2 estimates from deep-sea core BOFS 5K (50°41.3′N, 21°51.9′W, water depth 3547 m) indicate that the northeast Atlantic Ocean may have been a greater sink for CO2 during the last glacial than during the Holocene. Greatly reduced benthic foraminifera abundances, especially phytodetritus feeders, in BOFS 5K during the last glacial indicates low surface productivity. This rules out a productivity-driven CO2 sink. The enhanced glacial CO2 sink must, therefore, have results from a southwards shift of the centre of deep water formation.  相似文献   
Runoff peak and volume in flood studies are estimated relying on temporal rainfall distribution from various storm patterns. Usually, SCS distributions types (I, II, III, IA) are commonly used. Using these distributions in runoff calculations assume that the in situ temporal rainfall pattern typically behaves as the one described by the SCS-type distribution, which is due to cyclonic frontal storms and actually developed in temperate environment. To what extent such assumption is valid in the arid environment? How much the impacts of rainfall temporal patterns are reflected in runoff volumes and peaks? The aim objectives of the current study are to answer the above two questions and clarify the validity of aforementioned assumption and exemplify such effect. Real rainfall data collected from rain gauges of Makkah Al-Mukkramah region over a period of more than 20 years are utilized. Temporal rainfall patterns and their parameters are deduced. Many hydrological simulations are performed and comparisons, in terms of runoff volume and peak flows, are made to show the effects of the common rainfall storm patterns and the developed rainfall storm patterns in the region based on the current study. Results indicate that major bursts of the design rainfall storm pattern are located in the first time of the storm period in the two quartiles which is mainly due to convective rainfall type in thunderstorms unlike the commonly used by SCS types relying on frontal cyclonic storms. Makkah Al-Mukkramah temporal rainfall pattern does not behave as the “typical pattern” assumed by SCS distributions that are deduced from different environments. The impacts of the temporal pattern reflected as an overestimate in the runoff peak reached to 68 %. The developed hyetographs and tables presented in the current study are recommended to enhance economical and rational design practice in watersheds of Makkah Al-Mukkramah region.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Im ersten, der Festlegung der theoretischen Grundlagen der Trübung gewidmeten Kapitel wird die Sinkgeschwindigkeit kleiner Teilchen auf Grund der Gesetze der ?Schwebetheorie? vonWesenberg-Lund, W. Ostwald sowie der Stokesschen Formel diskutiert. Ein weiteres Kapitel orientiert anhand bisheriger Kenntnisse über die Erscheinungen der Lichtdurchl?ssigkeit (bzw.-absorption) und des Lichtklimas in verschiedenen Tiefen unserer Seen. Die Trübung der in einer Reihe von Flu?systemen und Seen erhobenen W?sser wurde mittels der absoluten Messung im Pulfrich-Stufenphotometer festgestellt. Sodann wurden die analysierten Proben nach steigenden Trübungswerten geordnet und unterteilt in ?Klarseen?, ?mitteltrübe? und ?trübe? Seen. Schliesslich wurde zusammen mitH. Züllig der Grad der Trübung, der Transparenz und die Seefarbe zueinander in Beziehung gebracht, wobei unterschieden wird zwischen Seen, die a) durch vorwiegend anorganische Stoffe, b) durch vorwiegendOscillatoria-armes Plankton, c) durch vorwiegendOscillatoria rubescens getrübt sind. Die in mehreren Tabellen und Abbildungen wiedergegebenen Werte der Wassertrübung spiegeln die unterschiedlichen Verh?ltnisse wider, die sich im Laufe einer ausgedehnteren Flu?strecke oder in einem See ergeben aus der Mischung des verschieden stark mit Schwebestoffen belasteten Wassers von Haupt- und Nebenfluss, sodann aus der fortschreitenden oder von Strecke zu Strecke wechselnden Sedimentation, und natürlich auch von der lokalen oder regionalen Wetterlage (Niederschl?ge und Schneeschmelze). In ausgedehnten und zum Teil über Monate hinweg durchgeführten Sedimentationsversuchen im Laboratorium wurde schliesslich der Kl?rvorgang von W?ssern verschiedener Herkunft in Funktion der Zeit untersucht. Dabei ergaben sich unterschiedliche Kurven, die ein Bild zu vermitteln verm?gen über den mittleren Durchmesser der die Trübung verursachenden sedimentierbaren, anorganischen Partikeln.  相似文献   
东昆仑东段中更新世以来的成山作用及其动力转换   总被引:6,自引:6,他引:6  
对东昆仑造山带东段第四纪构造及与地貌关系的分析表明,现代山盆相间的地貌格局成型于中更新世,且在中更新世以来发生了多次构造变形体制的转换。根据布青山北部查干额热格地区第四系剖面的构造、地层时代及地层与构造关系的分析表明,中更新世时期为伸展构造体制,昆仑山内部开始发生了差异隆升,布青山开始崛起。中更新世末应力体制发生急剧变化,由伸展体制转为收缩事件,又急速转为伸展构造体系,短暂的收缩事件造成了中更新世冲洪积层的褶皱,随后的伸展则导致了影响深刻的向北依次断落的阶地状正断层系统。晚更新世应力体系再度发生重大转换,伸展正断层体系被左旋走滑运动体系所代替,并一直延续至今。中更新世以来多次隆升构造变形体制的转换说明东昆仑地区的成山过程受控于多种动力背景,而非单一的挤压抬升。隆升构造变形体系的确定及其时代约束为深入刻划青藏高原东北缘隆升作用的动力过程提供了重要信息。  相似文献   
A detailed geophysical survey of the Ghoubbet Al Kharab (Djibouti) clarifies the small-scale morphology of the last submerged rift segment of the propagating Aden ridge before it enters the Afar depression. The bathymetry reveals a system of antithetic normal faults striking N130°E, roughly aligned with those active along the Asal rift. The 3.5 kHz sub-bottom profiler shows how the faults cut distinct layers within the recent, up to 60 m thick, sediment cover on the floor of the basin. A large volcanic structure, in the centre of the basin, the 'Ghoubbet' volcano, separates two sedimentary flats. The organization of volcanism and the planform of faulting, with en echelon subrifts along the entire Asal–Ghoubbet rift, appear to confirm the westward propagation of this segment of the plate boundary. Faults throughout the rift have been active continuously for the last 8400 yr, but certain sediment layers show different offsets. The varying offsets of these layers, dated from cores previously retrieved in the southern basin, imply Holocene vertical slip rates of 0.3–1.4 mm yr−1 and indicate a major decrease in sedimentation rate after about 6000 yr BP, and a redistribution of sediments in the deepest troughs during the period that preceded that change.  相似文献   
This paper describes an extension to the Combined Hydrology And Stability Model (CHASM) to fully include the effects of vegetation and slope plan topography on slope stability. The resultant physically based numerical model is designed to be applied to site‐specific slopes in which a detailed assessment of unsaturated and saturated hydrology is required in relation to vegetation, topography and slope stability. Applications are made to the Hawke's Bay region in New Zealand where shallow‐seated instability is strongly associated with spatial and temporal trends in vegetation cover types, and the Mid‐Levels region in Hong Kong, an area subject to a variety of landslide mechanisms, some of which may be subject to strong topographic control. An improved understanding of process mechanism, afforded by the model, is critical for reliable and appropriate design of slope stabilization and remedial measures. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
本文对川滇地区中、强震震源机制解和中小地震平均节面解分析,指出川滇地区现今构造应力场在北西-北西西向压应力作用下,以水平剪切错动为主。同时,采用极值理论、最大信息熵、线性预测和灰色理论等方法综合分析,预测川滇地区未来强震的趋势。  相似文献   
Vertical distribution (0–15 cm) of the macrobenthic community and its relationships to natural sediment characteristics and trace metal contents and bioavailability were studied at five locations in the lower Douro estuary, Portugal. An analysis of vertical metal distribution, for the interpretation of anthropogenic impact on the estuarine sediments, was also investigated. Sediment characterisation included organic matter, grain size, metals (Al, Fe, Cu, Pb, Cr, Ni, Cd, Zn and Mn), acid volatile sulphide (AVS) and simultaneously extracted metals (SEM). The macrobenthic community had low diversity (14 species), was dominated by small size opportunists and seemed to be controlled mainly by natural factors such as grain size distribution, Al and Fe contents and sediment depth. The vertically heterogeneous distribution of macrobenthic community appears to affect redox status of the sediments and consequently metal bioavailability. Despite anthropogenic contamination in terms of Zn, Cu, Pb, Cr and Ni having already been detected in the north bank, the analysis of vertical distribution was essential for the identification of current anthropogenic contamination in terms of Zn, Pb and Cd in the south bank.  相似文献   
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