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Dao Kemin ;G. M. Purdy 《海洋湖沼学报(英文)》1986,4(1):41-55
Two seismic lines each approximately 10km in length were shot over an isolated approximately 250m thick sediment pond on the flanks of the mid-Atlantic Ridge. The source was a 1.32 liter watergun and the receiver was the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Digital Ocean Bottom Hydrophone (DOBH). The data were recorded at a sampling rate of 1800 Hz to take full advantage of the high band width source. Analysis was carried out by computing semblance and stack values along T-X trajectories defined in three ways: firstly the conventional hyperbolic stack, secondly the accurate ray traced travel time curve computed assuming isovelocity layering and finally the accurate travel time curve computed assuming a single layer of constant linear gradient. This last option yielded significantly higher values of coherency for the true basement reflection although all our analyses were marred by side reflection interference from the surrounding rough topography. The maximum semblance value obtained for the basement reflection in the linear gradient case was 0.38 for 120 shots, with the peak of both the semblance and the stack occurring at a gradient of 1.9s−1. This work illustrates the capability of a water gun source combined with a high bandwidth receiver and quantitative velocity analysis techniques, to produce high resolution determinations of sediment velocity structure. 相似文献
Current specification of the ocean wave environment for the design of offshore platforms does not adequately describe the directional nature of a real seaway. The strong wave frequency dependent nature of the directional behavior of observed seas is often over-simplified for design. A general formulation encompassing a wide range of directional sea models is presented. Parameter values used in some of the more popular directional sea models are examined. Approximate expressions for the two frequency dependent parameters in a modified Longuet-Higgins cosine wave spreading model are presented. A general procedure which allows an engineer to estimate parameters for alternate wave spreading models is discussed. To illustrate this procedure an empirically based modified cosine spreading model is used as the basis to estimate frequency dependent parameters for circular normal and wrapped Gaussian wave spreading models. A comparison of the contours of the various directional sea models and the prediction of the root-mean-square velocity distribution is presented. 相似文献
Concentrations of total recoverable inorganic tin (TRISn), monomethyltin (MeSn3+), dimethyltin (Me2Sn2+), trimethyltin (Me3Sn+) and (3-dimethylsulphonio)propionate (DMSP) were determined in leaves of Spartina alterniflora from three sites in the Great Bay estuary (NH) from 8 May to 15 September 1989. Total methyltin concentration increased from 8·9 ng g−1 (fresh weight) on 8 May to 472 ng g−1 on 23 May, decreased to 52 ng g−1 on 7 June and 16ng g−1 on 20 June, and remained low until the last sample on 18 September. Statistical calculations showed that methyltin concentrations varied significantly with sampling week, but not with site. DMSP concentrations showed very different behaviour. During the same sampling period DMSP concentrations varied only from 7·5 to 26 μmol g−1 (fresh weight). DMSP concentrations varied significantly for site, but not sampling week. 相似文献
During the EPOS leg 2 cruise (European Polarstern Study, November 1988–January 1989), the production rate of biogenic silica in the euphotic zone was measured by the 30Si method at stations in the Scotia and Weddell Seas.The highest integrated production rates were observed in the Scotia Sea (range: 11.2–20.6 mmol Si m−2 day−1), the marginal ice zone of the Weddell Sea exhibiting somewhat lower values (range: 6.0–20.0 mmol Si m−2day−1).Our results demonstrate that as far as biogenic silica production is concerned the marginal ice zone of the Weddell Sea is considerably less productive than that of the Ross Sea. Our results also indicate that the water of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) could be more productive in late spring and early summer than at the beginning of spring. Possible reasons for the differences among the three subsystems (Ross Sea, Weddell Sea and ACC) are discussed. 相似文献
M. B. Yunker 《Marine environmental research》1990,30(4)
The marine biogeochemistry of pure pentachlorophenol was studied relative to a control treatment at a scale which provided a good model for the pelagic planktonic environment (70 m3 polyethylene bags). Pentachlorophenol that was dispersed at concentrations of 10 and 100 μg/litre showed identical relative rates of decrease over 25 days to concentrations 32·8% and 31·1%, respectively, of the initial concentrations. No bioaccumulation by phytoplankton or zooplankton was observed and pentachlorophenol removal by adsorption (by particulates, zooplankton or the enclosure walls) was insignificant. The log of the pentachlorophenol concentration was significantly correlated to the hours of bright sunshine up to Day 18, after which the photolysis efficiency decreased as the proportion of pentachlorophenol exposed to sunlight decreased. The results imply a long residence time for pentachlorophenol in deeper waters outside the photolysis zone. A persistent reduction in the primary production and production per unit carbon was observed at 100 μg/litre and, when coupled to the reproducible demise of the centric diatom Skeletonema costatum in culture and the spiked enclosures, suggests that pentachlorophenol inhibits phytoplankton growth. 相似文献
Abstract. Fishery yields in the oligotrophic waters of the Southeastern Mediterranean arc low due to habitat and food limitations. A four year study of a complex of artificial structures established in the coastal waters of Israel points to several possible solutions to these problems. One approach is the artificial enrichment of the man-made reef with trash fish. This, together with the configuration of the reef, caused a significant increase in the abundance of fish predators such as groupers of the genus Epinephclus. Omnivores and herbivores were attracted only by the presence of artificial structures. Some species, such as the slipper lobster Scyllurides lulus, only use the man-made reef for shelter during part of the day or season; they forage over a much larger area the rest of the time and are important \"importers\" of food to the artificial habitat. Artificial kelp were effective in recruiting juveniles and small fishes to the site. 相似文献
M. M. F. Yuen 《Ocean Engineering》1987,14(1)
The wave diffraction problem on axisymmetric structures are solved by treating the fluid field as two separate domains. The velocity potential in the inner domain is represented by a 1/r type Green's function whilst that of the outer domain is represented by an eigenfunction expansion. The simple form of the Green's function in the inner domain reduces significantly the computational effort whilst the eigenfunction expansion in the outer domain is able to satisfy the radiation boundary condition completely. The method requires to have elements cover the entire containing boundary. Results for a number of typical structural geometries are presented and discussions are made on the effect of various parameters. 相似文献
M. A. Srokosz 《Ocean Engineering》1988,15(4)
In this note the effect of changes in sea-state, as measured by the significant wave heigh Hs, on the joint distribution of individual wave height and period are considered. Wave data, obtained from a Waverider buoy during the growth phase of a storm, are used in the analysis. It is found that, by correctly scaling the individual heights and periods, the form of the joint distribution does not depend on Hs, but is dependent on the bandwidth of the spectrum. The results obtained also give some indication of the period of individual, high zero-upcrossing waves. 相似文献