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This study is concerned with the radioactivity and mineralogy of the younger granites and pegmatites in the Wadi Haleifiya area, southeastern Sinai Peninsula, Egypt. The area is occupied by metasediments, migmatites, older and younger granites. Most of these rocks, especially granites, are dissected by mafic and felsic dykes as well as pegmatites. The younger granites are represented by three main varieties: monzogranites, syenogranites and alkali feldspar granites. The monzogranite consists essentially of quartz, plagioclase, potash feldspar and biotite with minor musco-vite. Iron oxide, titanite, zircon and allanite are the main accessory minerals. Syenogranite is massive, medium- to coarse-grained and commonly exhibits equigranular and hypidiomorphic textures. It is made up essentially of potash feldspar, quartz, plagioclase and biotite. Iron oxides, allanite, epidote, titanite, and zircon are accessory minerals. The alkali feldspar granite consists mainly of perthite, quartz, alkali amphibole (arfvedsonite and riebekite), biotite, sub-ordinate plagioclase and aegirine. Iron oxide, zircon and apatite are accessory minerals, whereas chlorite and sas-surite are secondary minerals. The altered monzogranite and pegmatite recorded high radioelement contents. The eU reaches up to 120 (av.=82×10-6) in the altered monzogranite and up to 55 (av.=27×10-6) in the pegmatites. The high radioactivity in the altered monzogranite is due to the presence of thorite, uranothorite and metamict zircon. In the pegmatites, it is re-lated to the presence of uranophane, uranothorite, thorite, zircon, samarskite, monazite, xenotime, magnetite, ilmen-ite, hematite and rutile.  相似文献   
值此国际气象组织——世界气象组织成立100周年之际,自然会引起我们回顾以往100年间所经历的事件。对此,我们怀着满意的心情来回顾这一时期整个国际气象学界所取得的显著进步。庆祝世界气象组织成立100周年,同时也是展望未来的一个极好机会。因此,本文打算就世界气象组织的未来,扼要地提出一些看法。  相似文献   
本文第1部份,描述从SAS-2卫星得到的能量大于100MeV的宇宙Υ射线数据来证认有Υ射线的活动星系核。11个类星体、3个BLLac天体和1个射电星系的Υ射线辐射已得到证认。 本文第2部分描述活动星系核对河外Υ射线背景辐射的影响。SAS-2的Υ辐射数据,已被用来测定类星体和赛弗特星系的Υ辐射绝对光度与光学绝对光度间的函数关系,并由此导出它们对河外Υ射线背景辐射的贡献。我们指出,类星体(B<20)、赛弗特星系(1型和1.5型)对35—100MeV能量范围的弥散Υ射线背景辐射有相当大的贡献(59%)。由此我们得出河外Υ射线背景辐射可能是由类星体和赛弗特星系这类活动星系产生的结论。 本文第3部份我们对3个有Υ辐射的活动星系核综合其Υ波段和其他波段的数据,以探索这些天体辐射的发射机制。这些综合的数据对发射机制给出严格的限制。我们指出,对这3个天体的数据,与同步自康普顿模型(SSC)的预计是一致的。  相似文献   
英国地质科学研究所一个研究队(I.G.S),通过对塞拉利昂北部的野外制图和构造研究,建立了西非克拉通太古宙地层层序,划分出一个较老的利欧尼亚(Leonian)花岗岩—绿岩区,它在利比里亚构造—变质事件结束时形成的,一个花岗岩—绿岩区之前就经受过一次构造—变质事件。在法杜古区,在具有利欧尼亚构造的花岗片麻岩中,得到在统计学上是合理的但不一致的Pb—Pb和Rb—Sr全岩等时年龄分别为2959±50百万年和2753±61百万年(误差2σ)。这些年龄是和塞拉利昂其他地区的利欧尼亚和利比里亚构造放射年龄可对比,可以认为,法杜古区的Rb—Sr全岩等时年龄已受到利比里亚事件的影响。法杜古片麻岩的Pb—Pb全岩等时年龄和一个先前测定的(经重新计算并作部分检查)取自塞拉利昂东南花岗片麻岩中的Rb—Sr全岩等时年龄为2980±80百万年,为利欧尼亚构造—变质事件提供了一个确切的年龄,约2970百万年。利欧尼亚花岗岩类的。~(87)Sr/~(86)Sr初始值和现代单阶段模式U~(238)/Pb~(204)值很难与地幔的值相区分,但并不排除这种可能性,即这些花岗岩类是来自地壳或下部地壳只经历了一个短暂时期的那些母质中。法杜古区花岗片麻岩的2753±61百万年的Rb—Sr全岩等时年龄为塞拉利昂北部的利比里亚事件提供了一个确切的年龄。在野外划分出比利欧尼亚更老的(即老于2970百万年)一套岩石,但还没有测定同位素年龄。  相似文献   
Estuaries have long been regarded as environmentally naturally stressed areas because of the high degree of variability in their physico-chemical characteristics, for example oxygen, temperature and salinity in the water column and bed sediment dynamics. However, their biota is well-adapted to cope with that stress and so the areas may be regarded as resilient because of that inherent variability; their ability to absorb stress without adverse effects is regarded here as Environmental Homeostasis. Hence these areas may only be regarded as stressful for marine or freshwater-adapted organisms and that for estuarine organisms this environmental stress is regarded as a subsidy whereby they successfully capitalise on the stressful conditions. In addition, using examples of the estuarine fauna and flora, this article indicates that the characteristics of natural stress in estuaries are similar to those for anthropogenic stress. An over-reliance on ecosystem structural features, such as diversity, in quality indicators therefore makes the detection of the anthropogenic stress more difficult. This difficulty is termed the Estuarine Quality Paradox. Because of these difficulties, the article argues that functional characteristics either as well as or rather than structural ones should be used in detecting environmental perturbations in estuaries.  相似文献   
Sediment toxicity assessments using caged organisms present advantages over using laboratory and native community studies. The use of caged Arenicola marina in sediment toxicity assessments was evaluated. Lugworms were exposed in situ to sediments from coastal and port areas in Spain for seven days, and the activities of the biotransformation enzymes ethoxyresorufin O-deethylase, dibenzylfluorescein dealkylase and glutathione S-transferase, the activities of the antioxidant enzymes glutathione reductase and glutathione peroxidase and lipid peroxidation were then analyzed as biomarkers. Biomarker results and sediment physicochemical data were integrated. Cádiz Bay (SW Spain) sediments presented metal contamination that was not linked to a biochemical response. In LPGC Port (SW Spain), Pb contamination exhibited a moderate toxic potential, while PAHs, and presumably pharmaceuticals, provoked biochemical responses that efficiently prevented lipid peroxidation. In Santander Bay (N Spain), exposure to PAHs and, presumably, pharmaceuticals induced biomarker responses, but lipid peroxidation occurred nevertheless. These results indicated that caged A. marina were effective for the assessment of sediment quality and that the selected biomarkers were sufficiently sensitive to identify chemical exposure and toxicity.  相似文献   
正About 300 mafic dykes are intruded Eocene volcanic and pyroclastic rocks,north east of Meshkinshahr city in the NW of Iran.Most of dyke swarms display NNE-SSE trend.Their composition varies from basalt to tephrite and  相似文献   
Passive multilevel samplers (MLS) containing a solid matrix for microbial colonization were used as in situ microcosms in conjunction with a push-pull biostimulation experiment designed to promote biological U(VI) and Tc(VII) reduction. MLS were deployed at 24 elevations in the injection well and two downgradient wells to investigate the spatial variability in microbial community composition and growth prior to and following biostimulation. The microbial community was characterized by real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction (Q-PCR) quantification of bacteria, NO(3)(-)-reducing bacteria (nirS and nirK), delta-proteobacteria, Geobacter sp., and methanogens (mcrA). Pretest cell densities were low overall but varied substantially with significantly greater bacterial populations detected at circumneutral pH (t-test, alpha= 0.05), suggesting carbon substrate and low pH limitations of microbial activity. Although pretest cell densities were low, denitrifying bacteria were dominant members of the microbial community. Biostimulation with an ethanol-amended ground water resulted in concurrent NO(3)(-) and Tc(VII) reduction, followed by U(VI) reduction. Q-PCR analysis of MLS revealed significant (1 to 2 orders of magnitude, Mann-Whitney U-test, alpha= 0.05) increases in cell densities of bacteria, denitrifiers, delta-proteobacteria, Geobacter sp., and methanogens in response to biostimulation. Traditionally, characterization of sediment samples has been used to investigate the microbial community response to biostimulation; however, collection of sediment samples is expensive and not conducive to deep aquifers or temporal studies. The results presented demonstrate that push-pull tests with passive MLS provide an inexpensive approach to determine the effect of biostimulation on contaminant concentrations, geochemical conditions, and the microbial community composition and function.  相似文献   
The distribution of perfluoroalkyl compounds (PFCs) in the environment is well documented with higher concentrations observed in wildlife located in industrial and urban areas. This study examined the distribution of PFCs in relation to land use using blood samples collected from bottlenose dolphins during capture-release health assessment surveys conducted in Charleston, SC. The study area was partitioned into three subareas (ACW, CHS, and SRE) based upon habitat and land use characteristics. The ACW and CHS subareas are characterized by high degrees of industrial and urban land uses, while the SRE subarea is more residential and characterized by a lower degree of developed land use. Long-term monitoring data from photo-identification surveys were used to group bottlenose dolphins based on their proportions of sightings in the different subareas. Dolphins affiliated with both the ACW and CHS subareas were observed to have significantly higher mean plasma concentrations of perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS), perfluorodecanoic acid (PFDA) and perfluoroundecanoic acid (PFUnA) than those affiliated with the SRE subarea. Dolphins affiliated with the ACW subarea were found to have a significantly higher mean plasma concentration of PFUnA than those affiliated with the CHS subarea. Further examination of the distribution of the PFCs revealed positive correlations with developed land uses and negative correlations with wetland/marsh land cover. A positive correlation was also observed between PFUnA and agricultural land use. The variability and scale of the observed contaminant burdens have important implications for the conservation and management of living marine resources and illustrates the importance of long-term monitoring of free-ranging wildlife species.  相似文献   
汶川M_W7.9地震的发生震惊了中国乃至全世界,不仅仅因为该地震震级巨大,还因为其可怕的伤亡。评估汶川M_W7.9地震的复杂性及破坏力需对其地震特征进行研究。本文运用经验格林函数方法(EGF)模拟了地震的强地震动。首先,选取了4个震级为M_W4.9和M_W5.0的余震,对这些余震的运动利用格林函数进行了模拟。通过模拟,可以估算出包括断层规模和应力降在内的余震震源参数。然后,通过试错法正演模拟得出M_W7.9地震凹凸体(强震动生成区)的震源模型。为验证该震源模型的准确性,运用经验格林函数方法模拟合成了9个台站的强地震动。将模拟得出的强地震动与观测记录到的加速度波形、速度波形和拟加速度反应谱相比较。尽管有一些差异,但在大部分台站,合成的强地震动与观测记录结果相吻合。在模拟得出的震源模型中,断层面上3个凹凸体的应力降约为10MPa,而凹凸体面积与破裂面积比为0.24,接近经验关系式得出的结果0.22。  相似文献   
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