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文章以青藏高原东缘龙门山活动构造的地貌标志为切入点,在汶川-茂汶断裂、北川断裂、彭灌断裂和大邑断裂等主干活动断裂的关键部位,对断错山脊、洪积扇、河流阶地、边坡脊、断层陡坎、河道错断、冲沟侧缘壁位错、拉分盆地、断层偏转、砾石定向带、坡中槽、弃沟和断塞塘等活动构造地貌和断裂带开展了详细的野外地质填图和地貌测量,利用精确的地貌测量数据和测年数据,定量计算了龙门山主干断裂的逆冲速率和走滑速率,结果表明在晚新生代时期龙门山构造带仅具有微弱的构造缩短作用,其中逆冲速率的速度值小于1.1mm/a,走滑速率的速度值小于1.46mm/a,表明走滑分量与逆冲分量的比率介于6 ∶ 1~1.3 ∶ 1之间,以右行走滑作用为主。在此基础上,对各主干活动断裂的逆冲速率和走滑速率进行了定量的对比研究,结果表明自北西向南东4条主干断裂的最大逆冲分量滑动速率具有变小的趋势,而走滑分量的滑动速率则具有逐渐变大的趋势,显示了从龙门山的后山带至前山带主干断裂的走滑作用越来越强。由此推测现今的龙门山及其前缘盆地不完全是由于构造缩短作用形成的,而主要是走滑作用和剥蚀卸载作用的产物。另外,根据沉积、构造、盆地充填体的几何形态、地貌、古地磁等标定和对比了龙门山在中生代和新生代的走滑方向,表明龙门山构造带在中生代与新生代之交走滑方向发生了反转,即由中生代时期的左行变为新生代时期的右行。  相似文献   
The Arab region covers an area over 13 million square kilometers in size, with almost 90% of its area classified as arid or extremely arid with very little precipitation, extremely high evaporation and almost no vegetation cover. The region is classified in many international reports as the poorest region in the world in the context of renewable water resources and critical water scarcity which hinders the socio-economic development of many countries in this region. The rapidly increasing population has reduced the per capita share of renewable water to less than the poverty line of 1,000 m 3 /(capita·a) and, in some Arab countries, to less than the extreme poverty line of 500 m 3 /(capita·a). This has led to over-exploitation of non-renewable groundwater and desalination of salty water in many countries with considerable costs and contamination of many renewable sources. Atmospheric processes responsible for aridity in the Arab region are projected to intensify due to climate change, resulting in an alarming decrease in precipitation and increase in evaporation rates. Many concerned entities in the region consider water security as a key element for food security and ultimately political stability. Hence, various efforts have been exerted to identify key problems and suggested solutions. The Arab Water Ministers Council of the Arab League, as well as Reports of the Arab Forum for the Environment and Development (AFED) and the recommendations of the 13th Regional Meeting of the Arab National Committees of the International Hydrological Programme of UNESCO (IHP), have all made similar recommendations on the need to address the issues of water scarcity in the Arab region which will be further discussed in this paper. However, none of these reports focused on "Water Conservation" as an equally important action for coping with water scarcity in the region. There are many definitions for "Water Conservation" in the scientific literature, including huge water savings from irrigation, industrial use, and domestic use as well as methods and approaches for augmenting water supply through non-conventional practices such as water harvesting and waste water reuse. In this paper, a review is provided for definitions, methods and impacts of water conservation and its role in alleviating water scarcity in the Arab region.  相似文献   
This paper summarises results of the EDMAR programme which is investigating oestrogenic and androgenic endocrine disruption in UK coastal waters. Most of the data concern fish. Four species (flounder, viviparous blenny and two sand gobies) are experiencing feminisation in industrialised estuaries. In males this includes vitellogenin (VTG) synthesis, ovotestis induction and/or feminised sexual characteristics. Although reproductive success may be impaired in some cases, implications for fish populations are still unclear. Suspected causative contaminants include natural oestrogenic substances and synthetic oestrogen mimics. The majority of the oestrogenic activity is adsorbed to sediments, and routes of exposure may include benthic food chain transfer. Some natural androgenic substances are also being discharged to estuaries, but their activity appears low.  相似文献   
应用濒海陆基水池中8个围隔生冬系实验袋研究污染物对浮游动物的影响,结果表明:低浓度Cd,Cu,Pb,Zn,Hg的混合物对草食性桡足类的生长发育有一定的抑制作用,当浓度增到高值,抑制作用更为强烈.低浓度沉积物对草食性桡足类的生长发育同样具有一定的抑制作用,当浓度增到高值,抑制作用也更为明显,两类污染物均在不同程度上改变了生态系的结构,肉食性桡足类对污染物的反应并不明显,但幼形类住囊虫(Oikipleura sp.)对低,高浓度混合重金属则较为敏感,而对低、高浓度的沉积物却没有表现出明显的反应迹象.  相似文献   
I. INTRODUCTIONMore than a decade ago, under tile auspices of DELFT HYDRAULICS an overview on the use ofmodels for river problems was given (de Vries & van der Zwaard. 1975). Since then a better understanding of morphological processes in rivers has been obtained, their mathematical formulation hasbeen improved and computer facilities have been expended. Scale models and mathematical models arein use. but their field of application is gradually changing. It seems that the better ma…  相似文献   
日本国立防灾科学技术中心(所长高桥博)为推动关东、东海地区的地震预报研究,于1984年3月建成了关东、东海地区地壳活动观测网,并已开始发挥其威力。由于有了这一观测网,已能立体地掌握地震巢的情况,从而以高的精度确定地震震源,并使人们清楚地了解到触发地震的基础——板块的动态。今后,该中心还将利用这一观测网,建立地震前兆现象的分析系统,并进行试验性的地震预报。关东、东海地区是菲律宾海、太平洋和亚  相似文献   
辽宁阜新排山楼金矿区岩浆岩锆石 SHRIMP定年及其意义   总被引:22,自引:2,他引:22  
采用先进的 SHRIMP定年技术对辽宁阜新排山楼金矿区成矿前变形的闪长玢岩脉、变形花岗斑岩脉、成矿后的闪长玢岩脉和大石头沟黑云母花岗岩的锆石进行了 U Pb年龄测定 , 获成矿前变形闪长玢岩脉的 206Pb/238Pb年龄为 (126± 2)Ma; 变形花岗斑岩脉为 (124± 1)Ma; 成矿后的闪长玢岩脉为 (125± 1)Ma; 大石头沟黑云母花岗岩为 (124± 1)Ma. 这 4类岩浆岩的年龄在误差允许范围内可基本视为同时代的 . 这一结果揭示 , 排山楼韧性剪切带型金矿床是中生代燕山晚期形成的 , 这与前人采用 Ar Ar法测得矿石蚀变黑云母的年龄 [(124.4± 0.391)Ma]是一致的 . 这表明 , 在中国东部 , 许多产在前寒武系岩层中、受韧性剪切带控制的金矿床形成时代是中生代燕山晚期 . 广泛产在胶东、辽西北票 - 蒙东赤峰、河北张家口和内蒙古乌拉山等地区的金矿床都主要是中生代燕山晚期形成的 , 表明燕山晚期是中国东部最重要的金矿化期 .  相似文献   
南海北部陆坡近四万年的高分辨率古海洋学记录   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:13       下载免费PDF全文
南海北部陆坡在东沙群岛东南水深1727m处所采的17940柱状样,提供了迄今所知南海最高沉积速率的次深海沉积,全新统厚达6.5m。全柱13.30m的沉积物记录了近4万年来南海古海洋变迁的历史。通过间距1~2cm的高密度采样进行氧同位素分析及其它分析,结果揭示了全新世夏季风百年等级的变化周期和冰期时千年等级的准周期性气候波动。  相似文献   
碳酸岩广泛出露在华北克拉通的山西省。此文中,针对研究区的碳酸岩墙,我们给出新的地球化学、Sr-Nd同位素和锆石U-Pb年龄。LA-ICP-MS锆石定年结果显示,该岩墙的侵位年龄为132.9Ma,全岩K-Ar年龄为131.3~132.6 Ma。碳酸岩墙具有非常一致的主量元素组成,富集轻稀土元素和大离子亲石元素(Ba、U、Pb、Sr),以及亏损K和高场强元素(Ta、P和Ti)。另外,该岩墙具有相对一致的(87Sr/86Sr)i(0.7079~0.7083)和负的εNd(t)(-16.7~-15.2)。以上地球化学特征表明,该岩墙为大陆地壳和此大陆岩石圈地幔混合时期,受明显地壳混染的下岩石圈地幔的部分熔融作用。  相似文献   
宝鸡古土壤层S7和黄土层L8的天然剩磁锁定深度初探   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
详细的古地磁及岩石磁学研究表明磁铁矿和赤铁矿是宝鸡古土壤层S7和黄土层L8的特征剩磁的主要载磁矿物,在稳定的正反极性期间,这两种磁性矿物携带的剩磁方向完全一致。然而,在地磁漂移事件或者松山-布容(M-B)极性转换的过程中,这两种载磁矿物有时携带的剩磁方向不同。高分辨率的磁性地层结果证实宝鸡古土壤层S7和黄土层L8能记录300500年的短期地球磁场极性倒转事件。经与日本大阪湾高分辨率的海洋沉积物中记录的同期短期极性倒转事件相比,估算宝鸡剖面土壤层S7和黄土层L8的天然剩磁锁定深度小于58cm。  相似文献   
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