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本文第1部份,描述从SAS-2卫星得到的能量大于100MeV的宇宙Υ射线数据来证认有Υ射线的活动星系核。11个类星体、3个BLLac天体和1个射电星系的Υ射线辐射已得到证认。 本文第2部分描述活动星系核对河外Υ射线背景辐射的影响。SAS-2的Υ辐射数据,已被用来测定类星体和赛弗特星系的Υ辐射绝对光度与光学绝对光度间的函数关系,并由此导出它们对河外Υ射线背景辐射的贡献。我们指出,类星体(B<20)、赛弗特星系(1型和1.5型)对35—100MeV能量范围的弥散Υ射线背景辐射有相当大的贡献(59%)。由此我们得出河外Υ射线背景辐射可能是由类星体和赛弗特星系这类活动星系产生的结论。 本文第3部份我们对3个有Υ辐射的活动星系核综合其Υ波段和其他波段的数据,以探索这些天体辐射的发射机制。这些综合的数据对发射机制给出严格的限制。我们指出,对这3个天体的数据,与同步自康普顿模型(SSC)的预计是一致的。  相似文献   
Resolution of MRS applied to the characterization of hard-rock aquifers   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The performance of the Magnetic Resonance Sounding (MRS) method applied to the investigation of heterogeneous hard-rock aquifers was studied. It was shown using both numerical modeling and field measurements that MRS could be applied to the investigation of the weathered part of hard-rock aquifers when the product of the free water content multiplied by the thickness of the aquifer is >0.2 (for example, 10-m-thick layer with a 2% water content). Using a currently available one-dimensional MRS system, the method allows the characterization of two-dimensional subsurface structures with acceptable accuracy when the size of the subsurface anomaly is equal to or greater than the MRS loop. However, the fractured part of hard-rock aquifers characterized by low effective porosity (<0.5%) cannot be resolved using currently available MRS equipment. It was found that shallow water in the weathered part of the aquifer may screen MRS signals from deeper water-saturated layers, thus further reducing the possibility of investigating deeper fractured aquifers. A field study using the NUMIS(plus) MRS system developed by IRIS Instruments was carried out on an experimental watershed in southern India. A heterogeneous unconfined aquifer in a gneissic formation was successfully localized, and MRS results were confirmed by drilling shortly after the geophysical study. The top of the aquifer revealed by MRS was found to be in a good agreement with observed static water level measurements in boreholes.  相似文献   
用1.2MPa外载固结并冻结的高岭粘土与2mol浓度的氯化钠低温溶液相接触,由于冻土与盐溶液间的水势梯度,引起等温条件下,水分和盐分从溶液向冻土中迁移。冻土中部分区段由于含盐浓度增高,冰点下降、冻土融化并产生吸热效应。融化界面以上的冻土中,由于水分积聚,冰分凝,形成条带状构造并产生放热效应。冻土出现以冻胀为主的变形。水、盐迁移通量及变形量随时间按指数规律衰减并随外载增大和温度降低而减小。  相似文献   
Changes in salinity affect the bioavailability and consequent uptake of trace metals by euryhaline invertebrates. In many cases, salinity-related effects on metal uptake can be explained by changes in chemical speciation but salinity may also influence uptake indirectly through its action on osmoregulatory mechanisms. Specifically, it can be hypothesised that trace metal uptake may be reduced at salinities approaching the isosmotic point of a species because, at this point, there is reduced activity of ionic exchange pumps. The present study tested this hypothesis using the Chinese mitten crab, Eriocheir sinensis, a hyper-hypoosmoregulator with an isosmotic point around 33 per thousand. Crabs were exposed to radio-labelled cadmium and zinc at 23, 33 and 43 per thousand for 4 days. To eradicate speciation effects, crabs were exposed to the same concentration of the radio-labelled free metal ion (estimated using MineQL computer software) at each salinity. Haemolymph samples were taken daily and radio-labelled metal concentrations were estimated from radioactivity counts and used to provide relative measures of metal uptake. Neither cadmium nor zinc uptake was lowest at the isosmotic point. The uptake of cadmium increased significantly with increase in salinity, while the uptake of zinc showed no significant change with increased salinity. Thus changes in trace metal uptake rates in E. sinensis do not appear to be controlled only by changes in free metal ion concentrations. The different effects of salinity change on the uptake of cadmium and zinc (in the absence of free metal ion change) also indicate that physiological responses to osmotic change alone do not control metal uptake rates for this species.  相似文献   
We present two weak lensing reconstructions of the nearby (zcl=0.055) merging cluster Abell 3667, based on observations taken approximately 1 yr apart under different seeing conditions. This is the lowest redshift cluster with a weak lensing mass reconstruction to date. The reproducibility of features in the two mass maps demonstrates that weak lensing studies of low-redshift clusters are feasible. These data constitute the first results from an X-ray luminosity-selected weak lensing survey of 19 low-redshift (z<0.1) southern clusters.  相似文献   
Lysosomal membrane stability, the content of neutral lipids and lipofuscin as cellular biomarkers were measured in the digestive gland of mussels, Mytilus galloprovincialis Lam., during a one year survey at selected sites along the coast of the northern Adriatic. The ability of mussels to survive in air as a general physiological response was tested at the same sites. Annual changes of sea temperature, salinity, O(2) saturation, pH and chlorophyll a concentration were measured and the effects of these environmental factors on the biomarkers selected for this study were determined. Survival of mussels after aerial exposure was significantly (p < 0.05) reduced in mussels collected from the contaminated harbors of Pula and Rijeka compared to clean control sites. Lysosomal membrane stability of mussels from urban and industrial areas was also lower indicating exposure to different environmental contaminants. At the same sites, the content of neutral lipids and lipofuscin in digestive cells was significantly higher compared to the reference sites, suggesting alterations in lipid metabolism and contaminant-induced peroxidation of cell membranes. The greatest influence of natural environmental factors was observed for the aerial survival of mussels and the neutral lipids and lipofuscin content in the digestive gland, indicating that the annual cycles of biomarker responses should be well understood for a correct interpretation of biomonitoring results.  相似文献   
Western Kansas has an historical identification with cattle, with a focus on cattle ranching and more specifically since the 1950s, beef-cattle feedlots. Since the mid-1990s large dairy operations have moved into southwestern Kansas. Today more than twenty large dairies house more than 70,000 milk cows. These operate as confined feeding operations similar to beef-cattle feedlots. Regional advantages for the dairy industry include affordable land with wide-open space, local residents' cattle- and dairy-friendly attitudes, and other factors. Regional promoters have actively recruited dairies, and a dairy-business support system has emerged. The prospects for continued expansion of dairies in southwestern Kansas are unclear; despite the locational advantages and the possibility that the industry may continue to relocate here, as did the cattle-feeding industry several decades ago, further moves into the area may depend on continued resources availability and additional infrastructure development.  相似文献   
The diurnal and semidiurnal tidal wind field variations in the altitudes between 80 and 100 km of the earth’s atmosphere over a mid-latitude station are studied by means of the phases of the zonal and meridional wind measurements made at Atlanta (34oN, 84oW). The rotation of diurnal tidal wind vector is seen to be clockwise at lower heights (80-86 km), swinging between clockwise and unti-clockwise at intermediate heights (88-96 km) and anti-clockwise at higher-heights (96- 100 km). The senses of rotation of diurnal and semidiurnal tidal wind vectors are compared between the stations located in the same and opposite hemispheres. The results are consistent with the tidal theory in the case of Atlanta and Adelaide (35oS, 139oE) whereas in the case of other stations considered in the present study, they showed marked variations.  相似文献   
2004年损失惨重的苏门答腊-安达曼地震是已经记录到的最大地震之一。这种地震的破坏程度取决于断层滑动的范围和大小。在苏门答腊-安达曼地震后几小时得到的最初可靠的矩震级估计(Dziewonski and Woodhouse,1983)值为9.0级,但是,最近的长周期简正模式分析表明,  相似文献   
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