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We present a 2-10 keV ASCA observation of the field around the soft gamma repeater SGR 1627-41. A quiescent X-ray source, whose position is consistent both with that of a recently discovered BeppoSAX X-ray source and with the Interplanetary Network localization for this soft gamma repeater, was detected in this observation. In 2-10 keV X-rays, the spectrum of the X-ray source may be fit equally well by a power-law, blackbody, or bremsstrahlung function, with unabsorbed flux approximately 5x10-12 ergs cm-2 s-1. We do not confirm a continuation of a fading trend in the flux, and we find no evidence for periodicity, both of which were noted in the earlier BeppoSAX observations.  相似文献   
High-resolution, high signal-to-noise ratio, blue-violet spectra of three red giant branch tip stars in M15 have been obtained with the Keck I High-Resolution Echelle Spectrograph. These spectra have been analyzed to determine the abundances of several neutron-capture elements, including the radioactive chronometer element thorium. There are two principal results of this study. First, the abundances of the heavier (Z>/=56) elements for each of the three stars is well matched by a scaled solar system r-process abundance distribution. Second, a weighted mean-observed Th/Eu ratio for the stars implies an age for the neutron-capture material in M15 stars of 14+/-3 Gyr, in reasonable agreement with other recent age estimates for Galactic globular clusters.  相似文献   
We present the discovery and spectroscopic identification of two very high proper-motion ancient white dwarf stars, found in a systematic proper-motion survey. Their kinematics and apparent magnitude clearly indicate that they are halo members, while their optical spectra are almost identical to the recently identified cool halo white dwarf WD 0346+246. Canonical stellar halo models predict a white dwarf volume density that is 2 orders of magnitude less than the rho approximately 7x10-4 M middle dot in circle pc-3 inferred from this survey. With the caveat that the sample size is very small, it appears that a significant fraction, approximately 10%, of the local dark matter halo is in the form of very old, cool, white dwarfs.  相似文献   
The Malaguide-Ghomaride Complex is capped by Upper Oligocene-Aquitanian clastic deposits postdating early Alpine orogenesis but predating the main tectonic-metamorphic evolution, end of nappe emplacement, unroofing, and exhumation of the metamorphic units of the Betic-Rif Orogen. Two conglomerate intervals within these deposits are characterized by clasts of sedimentary, epimetamorphic, and mafic volcanic rocks derived from Malaguide-Ghomaride units and by clasts of acidic magmatic and orthogneissic rocks of unknown provenance, here studied. Magmatic rocks originated from late-Variscan two-mica cordierite-bearing granitoids and, subordinately, from aplitic dikes. Orthogneisses derive from similar plutonic rocks but are affected by an Alpine metamorphic overprint evolving from greenschist (T=510&j0;-530 degrees C and P=5-6 kbar) to low-temperature amphibolite facies (T>550&j0;C and P<3 kbar). Such a plutonic rock suite is unknown in any Betic-Rif unit or in the basement of the Alboran Sea, and the metamorphic evolution in the orthogneisses is different from (and older than) that of Alpujarride-Sebtide rocks to which they were formerly ascribed. Magmatic and metamorphic rocks very similar to those studied characterize the basements of some Kabylia and Calabria-Peloritani units. Therefore, the source area is a currently lost continental-crust realm of Calabria-Peloritani-Kabylia type, located to the ESE of the Malaguide-Ghomaride Domain and affected by a pre-latest Oligocene Alpine metamorphism. Increasingly active tectonics transformed this realm into rising areas from which erosion fed small subsiding synorogenic basins formed on the Malaguide-Ghomaride Complex. This provenance analysis demonstrates that all these domains constituted a single continental-crust block until Aquitanian-Burdigalian times, before its dispersal around nascent western Mediterranean basins.  相似文献   
利用步长模拟对青藏高原涡度方差测量法的质量评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用痕迹模拟方法对青藏高原两处地方涡度方差的测量数据进行了质量分析,揭示了其空间和时间结构。分析表明高达1/3的测量没有达到必要的数据正确假设。尽管这样对潜热、CO2、动量通量的测量基本通过测试,可以适用于基础研究,但是经常发现特定的风矢量违背基本假设条件。感热通量的测量允许使用不间断的连续测量法,然而由于局地地形的影响少量评估指数未能合理解释,但能够指示出组织结构及用于导出边界层中尺度流体模型假说。  相似文献   
H.K.Gupta博士在5月16日早上有点兴奋地打电话给我,他说他已经观测到科依纳地区强烈的地震活动,并且认为一次强度为4级的地震可能会在未来4天内发生,要我予以关注。正如他所预报的那样,一次震级4.2的地震在科依纳地区发生了。很显然,Gupta博士在地震预报这个极为重要的问题上走对了路,我们期待听到来自国家地球物理研究所Gupta博士和他的同事们在这方面工作的进一步成果——印度地质学会主席B.P.Radhakrishna按[编者按]  相似文献   
1 INTRODUCTION Soil erosion in the foothills of the Hindu Kush-Himalayas (HKH) is considered to be a hot topic in land degradation research in the region (Scherr and Yadav, 1996). The land degradation research has mainly addressed the issue of topsoil los…  相似文献   
我们通过监测位于亚平宁地区的一个粘土斜坡内正孔隙水压力来分析降水如何影响沿土体剖面的孔隙压力分布,从而影响斜坡稳定性。监测数据在监测滑坡活动的第一个季节(2001年8月-2002年6月)获得。研究地点位于一个复杂滑坡后缘,该处斜坡即将发生浅层滑坡,斜坡变形特征非常明显。 孔隙水压力数据的初步分析显示,过去11个月其变化呈现稳定的趋势。在寒冷潮湿的季节里,饱和带通常延伸到接近地表(小于1m)。孔隙水压力测量显示,任何条件下,整个斜坡内存存明显的垂直向下水流,但其在很大程度上受顺坡水流控制。与降雨对应,浅层地表(1—3m)存在压力脉冲,与低渗透性土体相比,其滞后过程很短,并且水流有瞬时水流的特征。斜坡在观察期问破坏,孔隙水压力的瞬时反应说明其为孔隙水压力型滑坡。 地下水流存在优势路径,这种现象可以解释在同样深度内一些传感器的异常反应。  相似文献   
6年期间,在使用涕灭威的马铃薯种植区域,总共对4眼浅水监测井进行了19次采样,定期分析了这些样品中的涕灭威亚砜、涕灭威砜、硝酸盐和不常见的离子、pH值、EH、溶解性氧以及碱度。地下水中农药残留物的浓度与农药使用的次数和水位埋深、地下水补给的测量等几方面都有关。该浓度与补给的相关性说明了不饱和带的储藏量。最后一次使用农药后的第4年,由于这种储藏现象:水、土壤的条件;特别低的温度,抑制了活性物质的水解。  相似文献   
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