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High-resolution pollen analysis of Alborán Sea core MD95-2043 provides a 48-ka continuous vegetation record that can be directly correlated with sea surface and deep-water changes. The reliability of this record is supported by comparison with that of Padul (Sierra Nevada, Spain). Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 3 was characterised by fluctuations in Quercus forest cover in response to Dansgaard-Oeschger climate variability. MIS 2 was characterised by the dominance of semi-desert vegetation. Despite overall dry and cold conditions during MIS 2, Heinrich events (HEs) 2 and 1 were distinguished from the last glacial maximum by more intensely arid conditions. Taxon-specific vegetation responses to a tripartite climatic structure within the HEs are observed. In MIS 1, the Bölling-Allerød was marked by rapid afforestation, while a re-expansion of semi-desert environments occurred during the Younger Dryas. The maximum development of mixed Quercus forest occurred between 11.7 and 5.4 cal ka BP, with forest decline since 5.4 cal ka BP. On orbital timescales, a long-term expansion of semi-desert vegetation from MIS 3 into MIS 2 reflects global ice-volume trends, while Holocene arboreal decline reflects summer insolation decrease. The influence of precession on the amplitude of forest development and vegetation composition is also detected.  相似文献   
We obtained longitudinally resolved thermal infrared spectra (8-13 μm and 17-25 μm) of Jupiter’s impact debris at the Gemini South Telescope on July 24, 2009; five days after the July 19th collision. These were used to study the mechanisms responsible for the redistribution of thermal energy and material (ammonia and stratospheric particulates) following the impact. Upwelling of (8.5 ± 4.1) × 1014 g of tropospheric air was sufficient to deposit (6.7 ± 4.1) × 1012 g of NH3 over a 6° longitude range above the impact core. The NH3 was distributed over the 20-80 mbar region with a peak abundance of 1.0 ± 0.6 ppm at 45 mbar. Only a 10th of this abundance was observed over the western ejecta, and it is unlikely that these observations were sensitive to NH3 entrained in the ballistic plume itself. The pattern of excess thermal energy was markedly different from that of Shoemaker-Levy 9 (SL9), with a localized tropospheric perturbation of 2.0 ± 1.0 K at 200-300 mbar and a broader stratospheric warming of up to 3.5 ± 2.0 K at 10-30 mbar. We find no evidence of residual warmth at p < 1 mbar five days after the impact. The excess thermal energy places lower limits on the total energy of the impact (1.8-15.7 × 1026 ergs), which limits the impactor diameter to 70-510 m (depending on the bulk density chosen for the material).The models of the Gemini spectra required three distinct aerosol features, indicative of the mineralogy of the dark particulate debris, centred at 9.1, 10.0 and 18.5 μm. The retrieved opacities for each of these features were distributed over a larger area (9-10° longitude) and at higher altitudes (above the 10-mbar level) than the stratospheric NH3, and they are more spatially inhomogeneous. This implies the particulates were either entrained with the rising hot plume or created upon plume re-entry and are subsequently redistributed by stratospheric winds. The three particulate features were consistent with a mixture of amorphous iron and magnesium-rich silicates and silicas in the debris field. A broad 10-μm signature was coincident with peaks expected from material rich in amorphous olivines (but poor in pyroxenes), and similar to silicate features observed during SL9. A narrow 9.1-μm signature was interpreted as a combination of amorphous and crystalline silica. Finally, a broad 18.5-μm emitter was not adequately reproduced by a mixture of simple olivines and pyroxenes and remains to be identified.  相似文献   
Near-infrared and mid-infrared observations of the site of the 2009 July 19 impact of an unknown object with Jupiter were obtained within days of the event. The observations were used to assess the properties of a particulate debris field, elevated temperatures, and the extent of ammonia gas redistributed from the troposphere into Jupiter’s stratosphere. The impact strongly influenced the atmosphere in a central region, as well as having weaker effects in a separate field to its west, similar to the Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 (SL9) impact sites in 1994. Temperatures were elevated by as much as 6 K at pressures of about 50-70 mbar in Jupiter’s lower stratosphere near the center of the impact site, but no changes above the noise level (1 K) were observed in the upper stratosphere at atmospheric pressures less than ∼1 mbar. The impact transported at least ∼2 × 1015 g of gas from the troposphere to the stratosphere, an amount less than derived for the SL9 C fragment impact. From thermal heating and mass-transport considerations, the diameter of the impactor was roughly in the range of 200-500 m, assuming a mean density of 2.5 g/cm3. Models with temperature perturbations and ammonia redistribution alone are unable to fit the observed thermal emission; non-gray emission from particulate emission is needed. Mid-infrared spectroscopy of material delivered by the impacting body implies that, in addition to a silicate component, it contains a strong signature that is consistent with silica, distinguishing it from SL9, which contained no evidence for silica. Because no comet has a significant abundance of silica, this result is more consistent with a “rocky” or “asteroidal” origin for the impactor than an “icy” or “cometary” one. This is surprising because the only objects generally considered likely to collide with Jupiter and its satellites are Jupiter-Family Comets, whose populations appear to be orders of magnitude larger than the Jupiter-encountering asteroids. Nonetheless, our conclusion that there is good evidence for at least a major asteroidal component of the impactor composition is also consistent both with constraints on the geometry of the impactor and with results of contemporaneous Hubble Space Telescope observations. If the impact was not simply a statistical fluke, then our conclusion that the impactor contained more rocky material than was the case for the desiccated Comet SL9 implies a larger population of Jupiter-crossing asteroidal bodies than previously estimated, an asteroidal component within the Jupiter-Family Comet population, or compositional differentiation within these bodies.  相似文献   
The Extreme-ultraviolet Variability Experiment (EVE; see Woods et al., 2009) obtains continuous EUV spectra of the Sun viewed as a star. Its primary objective is the characterization of solar spectral irradiance, but its sensitivity and stability make it extremely interesting for observations of variability on time scales down to the limit imposed by its basic 10 s sample interval. In this paper we characterize the Doppler sensitivity of the EVE data. We find that the 30.4 nm line of He ii has a random Doppler error below 0.001 nm (1 pm, better than 10 km s−1 as a redshift), with ample stability to detect the orbital motion of its satellite, the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO). Solar flares also displace the spectrum, both because of Doppler shifts and because of EVE’s optical layout, which (as with a slitless spectrograph) confuses position and wavelength. As a flare develops, the centroid of the line displays variations that reflect Doppler shifts and therefore flare dynamics. For the impulsive phase of the flare SOL2010-06-12, we find the line centroid to have a redshift of 16.8 ± 5.9 km s−1 relative to that of the flare gradual phase (statistical errors only). We find also that high-temperature lines, such as Fe xxiv 19.2 nm, have well-determined Doppler components for major flares, with decreasing apparent blueshifts as expected from chromospheric evaporation flows.  相似文献   
Hydrocarbons in the upper atmosphere of Saturn are known, from Voyager, ground-based, and early Cassini results, to vary in emission intensity with latitude. Of particular interest is the marked increase in hydrocarbon line intensity near the south pole during southern summer, as the increased line intensity cannot be simply explained by the increased temperatures observed in that region since the variations between C2H2 and C2H6 emission in the south pole region are different. In order to measure the latitudinal variations of hydrocarbons in Saturn's southern hemisphere we have used 3 cm−1 resolution Cassini CIRS data from 2006 and combined this with measurements from the ground in October 2006 at NASA's IRTF using Celeste, an infrared high-resolution cryogenic grating spectrometer. These two data sets have been used to infer the molecular abundances of C2H2 and C2H6 across the southern hemisphere in the 1-10 mbar altitude region. We find that the latitudinal acetylene profile follows the yearly average mean daily insolation except at the southern pole where it peaks in abundance. Near the equator (5° S) the C2H2 abundance at the 1.2 mbar level is (1.6±0.19)×10−7 and it decreases by a factor of 2.7 from the equator toward the pole. However, at the pole (∼87° S) the C2H2 abundance jumps to (1.8±0.3)×10−7, approximately the equatorial value. The C2H6 abundance near the equator at the 2 mbar level is (0.7±0.1)×10−5 and stays approximately constant until mid-latitudes where it increases gradually toward the pole, attaining a value of (1.4±0.4)×10−5 there. The increase in ethane toward the pole with the corresponding decrease in acetylene is consistent with southern hemisphere meridional winds [Greathouse, T.K., Lacy, J.H., Bézard, B., Moses, J.I., Griffith, C.A., Richter, M.J., 2005. Icarus 177, 18-31]. The localized increase in acetylene at the pole provides evidence that there is dynamical transport of hydrocarbons from the equator to the southern pole.  相似文献   
Magnetic pumping in the solar corona is revisited. We derive conditions under which magnetic pumping can be the cause of heating of loops rather than of particle acceleration. Candidate sources for such a process are coronal mass ejections (CMEs). Large loops are susceptible to heating primarily of protons by magnetic compressions with periods between 50 and 5000 s, the observed spectrum of the photospheric driver. Efficient heating by pumping occurs since in these large loops the density is low enough that the proton-proton collision time is comparable to the periods of the external compressions. We suggest that CMEs may be pressure-driven explosions of large-beta loops caused by magnetic pumping, in contrast to current-driven flares in low-beta environments.Dedicated to Cornelis de Jager  相似文献   
In situ U-Pb dating of monazite and xenotime in sedimentary rocks from the mid-Archean Soanesville Group in the Pilbara Craton, yields ages for provenance, diagenesis and multiple low-grade metamorphic events. Detrital monazite and xenotime grains give dates >3250 Ma, whereas diagenetic xenotime provides a new minimum age of 3190 ± 10 Ma for deposition of the basal Soanesville Group, previously constrained between ∼3235 Ma and ∼2955 Ma. Metamorphic monazite provides evidence for three episodes of growth: at 2.88, 2.16 and 1.65 Ga. Element mapping of monazite for La, Sm, Y and Th reveals distinct cores and rims in some crystals that were used to guide the placement of analytical spots during in situ U-Pb dating by sensitive high-resolution ion microprobe (SHRIMP). Specifically, La and Sm distributions closely correlate with different generations of monazite. The presence of two generations in single monazite crystals highlights the need for characterizing mineral chemistry prior to geochronology. It also shows the importance of using in situ dating techniques rather than methods that rely on the analysis of entire, potentially multi-aged, crystals. The ages recorded by metamorphic monazite span more than one billion years and are interpreted to record cryptic tectonothermal events within the craton. The 2.88 Ga age coincides with a phase of regional deformation, metamorphism and gold mineralization along a major crustal lineament, whereas the most common monazite age population (at 2.16 Ga) corresponds with the migration of a foreland fold-and-thrust belt across the craton. The youngest age (1.65 Ga) coincides with an episode of tectonic reworking in the Capricorn Orogen along the southern Pilbara margin. The prolonged history of monazite growth may, in part, relate to channelized fluid flow during reactivation of long-lived N- to NE-trending crustal structures that transect the craton. Despite repeated episodes of metamorphism, the isotopic system in each generation of monazite remained unperturbed, yielding precise dates. The ability of monazite to record three separate events, and in some instances two events in a single crystal, distinguishes it from most other low-temperature mineral chronometers, which are readily reset during metamorphic overprinting. Low-temperature monazite geochronology can provide a detailed isotopic history of cryptic thermal events and reveal the temporal and spatial patterns of far-field fluid flow related to tectonic processes. The previously unrecognized history of crustal fluid flow in the Pilbara Craton has implications for chemical, mineralogical and isotopic studies seeking to understand conditions on the early Earth.  相似文献   
We present a new surface velocity field for Baja California using GPS data to test the rigidity of this microplate, calculate its motion in a global reference frame, determine its relative motion with respect to the North American and the Pacific plates, and compare those results to our estimate for Pacific–North America motion. Determination of Pacific Plate motion is improved by the inclusion of four sites from the South Pacific Sea Level and Climate Monitoring Project. These analyses reveal that Baja California moves as a quasi-rigid block but at a slower rate in the same direction, as the Pacific Plate relative to North America. This is consistent with seismic activity along the western edge of Baja California (the Baja California shear zone), and may reflect resistance to motion of the eastern edge of the Pacific Plate caused by the 'big bend' of the San Andreas fault and the Transverse Ranges in southern California.  相似文献   
Two major epigenetic gold-forming events are recorded in the world-class gold province of southwest Ghana. A pre-Tarkwaian event was the source of the world-class Tarkwa palaeoplacers whereas post-Birimian and Tarkwaian deformation, which was related to the Eburnean orogeny, gave rise to the world-class (e.g. Prestea) to giant (e.g. Obuasi) orogenic gold deposits which have made the region famous for more than 2,500 years. A maximum age of 2133±4 Ma for Tarkwaian sedimentation is provided by 71 of 111 concordant SHRIMP II U–Pb dates from detrital zircons in Tarkwaian clastic rocks from Damang and Bippo Bin, northeast of Tarkwa. The overall data distribution broadly overlaps the relatively poorly constrained ages of Birimian volcanism and associated Dixcove-type granitoid emplacement, indicating syntectonic development of the Tarkwaian sedimentary basin. These zircon ages argue against derivation of the palaeoplacer gold from an orogenic gold source related to the compressional phase of an orogeny significantly older than the Eburnean orogeny. Instead, they suggest that the gold source was either orogenic gold lodes related to an earlier compressional phase of a diachronous Eburnean orogeny or ca. 2200–2100 Ma intrusion-related gold lode. The CO2-rich fluid inclusions in associated vein-quartz pebbles are permissive of either source. At the Damang deposit, an epigenetic, orogenic lode-gold system clearly overprinted, and sulphidised low-grade palaeoplacer hematite–magnetite gold occurrences in the Banket Series conglomerate within the Tarkwaian sedimentary sequence. Gold mineralisation is demonstrably post-peak metamorphism, as gold-related alteration assemblages overprint metamorphic assemblages in host rocks. In alteration zones surrounding the dominant, subhorizontal auriferous quartz veins, there are rare occurrences of hydrothermal xenotime which give a SHRIMP U–Pb age of 2063±9 Ma for gold mineralisation. The similar structural timing of epigenetic gold mineralisation in Tarkwaian host rocks at Damang to that in mainly Birimian host rocks elsewhere in southwest Ghana, particularly at Obuasi, suggests that 2063±9 Ma is the best available age estimate for widespread orogenic gold mineralisation in the region. Argon–argon ages of 2029±4 and 2034±4 Ma for hydrothermal biotite from auriferous quartz veins appear to represent uplift and cooling of the region below about 300 °C, as estimates of the temperature of gold mineralisation are higher, at around 400 °C. If peak metamorphism, with temperatures of about 550 °C, is assumed to have occurred at about 2100 Ma, the biotite ages, in combination with the xenotime age, suggest a broadly constant uplift rate for the region of about 1 km per 10 million years from about 2100 to 2025 Ma.  相似文献   
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