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This paper measures willingness to pay (WTP) for public access to additional beach area and trail improvements to a coastal recreational site in the west of Ireland. The Contingent Behaviour model is used to measure the increased number of trips associated with improved public access using a connecting trail between two beach areas along a stretch of Irish coastline. Results show that improving access through the use of the connecting trail increases consumer surplus by €111.15 per person per annum. It is argued that in designing new regulation such as Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) for the management of Ireland's coastline, an understanding of the values the Irish public place on coastal recreational access will be important to manage the resource in a sustainable manner.  相似文献   
Fractures are both rough and irregular but can be expressed by a simple model concept of two smooth parallel plates and the associated cubic law governing discharge through saturated fractures. However, in natural conditions and in the intermediate vadose zone, these assumptions are likely violated. This paper presents a qualitative experimental study investigating the cubic law under variable saturation in initially dry free-draining discrete fractures. The study comprised flow visualisation experiments conducted on transparent replicas of smooth parallel plates with inlet conditions of constant pressure and differing flow rates over both vertical and horizontal inclination. Flow conditions were altered to investigate the influence of intermittent and continuous influx scenarios. Findings from this research proved, for instance, that saturated laminar flow is not likely achieved, especially in nonhorizontal fractures. In vertical fractures, preferential flow occupies the minority of cross-sectional area despite the water supply. Movement of water through the fractured vadose zone therefore becomes a matter of the continuity principle, whereby water should theoretically be transported downward at significantly higher flow rates given the very low degree of water saturation. Current techniques that aim to quantify discrete fracture flow, notably at partial saturation, are questionable. Inspired by the results of this study, it is therefore hypothetically improbable to achieve saturation in vertical fractures under free-draining wetting conditions. It does become possible under extremely excessive water inflows or when not free-draining; however, the converse is not true, as a wet vertical fracture can be drained.  相似文献   
The lunar Late Heavy Bombardment (LHB) defines a time between ∼3.8 to possibly 4.1 Gy ago when the Nectarian and early-Imbrium basins on the Moon with reasonably well-constrained ages were formed. Some have argued that these basins were produced by a terminal cataclysm that caused a spike in the inner Solar System impactor flux during this interval. Others have suggested the basins were formed by the tail end of a monotonically decreasing impactor population originally produced by planet formation processes in the inner Solar System. Here we investigate whether this so-called declining bombardment scenario of the LHB is consistent with constraints provided by planet formation models as well as the inferred ages of Nectaris, Serenitatis, Imbrium, and Orientale. We did this by modeling the collisional and dynamical evolution of the post-planet formation population (PPP) for a range of starting PPP masses. Using a Monte Carlo code, we computed the probability that the aforementioned basins were created at various times after the Moon-forming event approximately 4.54 Ga. Our results indicate that the likelihood that the declining bombardment scenario produced Nectaris, Serenitatis, Imbrium, and Orientale (or even just Imbrium and Orientale) at any of their predicted ages is extremely low and can be ruled out at the 3σ confidence level, regardless of the PPP's starting mass. The reason is that collisional and dynamical evolution quickly depletes the PPP, leaving behind a paucity of large projectiles capable of producing the Moon's youngest basins between 3.8-4.1 Gy ago. If collisions are excluded from our model, we find that the PPP produces numerous South Pole-Aitken-like basins during the pre-Nectarian period. This is inconsistent with our understanding of lunar topography. Accordingly, our results lead us to conclude that the terminal cataclysm scenario is the only existing LHB paradigm at present that is both viable from a dynamical modeling perspective and consistent with existing constraints.  相似文献   
CM carbonaceous chondrites can be used to constrain the abundance and H isotopic composition of water and OH in C-complex asteroids. Previous measurements of the water/OH content of the CMs are at the higher end of the compositional range of asteroids as determined by remote sensing. One possible explanation is that the indigenous water/OH content of meteorites has been overestimated due to contamination during their time on Earth. Here we have sought to better understand the magnitude and rate of terrestrial contamination through quantifying the concentration and H isotopic composition of telluric and indigenous water in CM falls by stepwise pyrolysis. These measurements have been integrated with published pyrolysis data from CM falls and finds. Once exposed to Earth's atmosphere CM falls are contaminated rapidly, with some acquiring weight percent concentrations of water within days. The amount of water added does not progressively increase with time because CM falls have a similar range of adsorbed water contents to finds. Instead, the petrologic types of CMs strongly influence the amount of terrestrial water that they can acquire. This relationship is probably controlled by mineralogical and/or petrophysical properties of the meteorites that affect their hygroscopicity. Irrespective of the quantity of water that a sample adsorbs or its terrestrial age, there is minimal exchange of H in indigenous phyllosilicates with the terrestrial environment. The falls and finds discussed here contain 1.9–10.5 wt% indigenous water (average 7.0 wt%) that is consistent with recent measurements of C-complex asteroids including Bennu.  相似文献   
The main rings of Saturn were observed with the Planetary Camera of the WFPC2 instrument on the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) from September 1996 to December 2000 as the ring opening angle to Earth and Sun increased from 4° to 24°, with a spread of phase angles between 0.3° and 6° at each opening angle. The rings were routinely observed in the five HST wideband UBVRI filters (F336W, F439W, F555W, F675W, and F814W) and occasionally in the F255W, F785LP, and F1042M filters. The emphasis in this series of papers will be on radial color (implying compositional) variations. In this first paper we describe the analysis technique and calibration procedure, note revisions in a previously published Voyager ring color data analysis, and present new results based on over 100 HST images.In the 300-600 nm spectral range where the rings are red, the 555/336-nm ratio increases by about 14% as the phase angle increases from 0.3° to 6°. This effect, never reported previously for the rings, is significantly larger than the phase reddening which characterizes other icy objects, primarily because of the redness of the rings. However, there is no discernible tendency for color to vary with ring opening angle at a given phase angle, and there is no phase variation of color where the spectrum is flat. We infer from this combination of facts that multiple intraparticle scattering, either in a regolith or between facts of an unusually rough surface, is important in these geometries, but that multiple interparticle scattering in a vertically extended layer is not. Voyager color ratios at a phase angle of 14° are compatible with this trend, but calibration uncertainties prevent their use in quantitative modeling.Overall ring average spectra are compatible with those of earlier work within calibration uncertainties, but ring spectra vary noticeably with region. We refine and subdivide the regions previously defined by others. The variation seen between radial profiles of ratios between different wavelengths suggests the presence of multiple compositional components with different radial distributions. We present new radial profiles of far-UV color ratio (F336W/F255W) showing substantial global variations having a different radial structure than seen between 555 and 336 nm. We constrain radial variation in the strength of a putative 850-nm spectral feature to be at the percent level or less. There seem to be real variations in the shape of regional ring spectra between 800 and 1000 nm.  相似文献   
Long-term fault movement under volcanoes can control the edifice structure and can generate collapse events. To study faulting effects, we explore a wide range of fault geometries and motions, from normal, through vertical to reverse and dip-slip to strike-slip, using simple analogue models. We explore the effect of cumulative sub-volcanic fault motions and find that there is a strong influence on the structural evolution and potential instability of volcanoes. The variety of fault types and geometries are tested with realistically scaled displacements, demonstrating a general tendency to produce regions of instability parallel to fault strike, whatever the fault motion. Where there is oblique-slip faulting, the instability is always on the downthrown side and usually in the volcano flank sector facing the strike-slip sense of motion. Different positions of the fault beneath the volcano change the location, type and magnitude of the instability produced. For example, the further the fault is from the central axis, the larger the destabilised sector. Also, with greater fault offset from the central axis larger unstable volumes are generated. Such failures are normal to fault strike. Using simple geometric dimensionless numbers, such as the fault dip, degree of oblique motion (angle of obliquity), and the fault position, we graphically display the geometry of structures produced. The models are applied to volcanoes with known underlying faults, and we demonstrate the importance of these faults in determining volcanic structures and slope instability. Using the knowledge of fault patterns gained from these experiments, geological mapping on volcanoes can locate fault influence and unstable zones, and hence monitoring of unstable flanks could be carried out to determine the actual response to faulting in specific cases.  相似文献   
The 1980 eruptions of Mount St. Helens provided an excellent opportunity for scientists to investigate the recovery of vegetation communities following a major geologic disturbance. An important and often overlooked aspect in these studies is the human factor in recovery processes, and specifically, the different management approaches taken towards re-establishment of vegetation on lands under the control of various owners. This study examines vegetation changes throughout the 1980 blast zone using a time series of Landsat-derived Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) images and change detection methods to assess the changes over 25 years, from 1980 to 2005, as a function of human management combined with ecological factors. This long-term tracking of change indicates that differences in the speed of vegetation re-establishment and consequent rates of change substantially reflect human involvement and varying management strategies.  相似文献   
River water (Water of Luce, Scotland) is used in laboratory experiments designed to investigate physical and chemical properties of Fe. Mn, Cu, Ni, Co, Cd and humic acids in riverine and estuarine systems. Using NaCl, MgCl2 and CaCl2 as coagulating agents, coagulation of dissolved (0.4 μm filtered) Fe, Cu, Ni, Cd and humic acids increases in a similar matter with increasing salt molarily: Ca2+ is the most dominant coagulating agent. Removal by coagulation with Ca2+ at seawater concentrations ranges from large (Fe-80%. HA-60%, Cu-40%) to small (Ni, Cd-15%) to essentially nothing (Cd, Mn-3%). Destabilization of colloids is the indicated mechanism. Solubility-pH measurements show that between a pH of 3 and 9, Fe, Cu, Ni, Mn, Co and Cd are being held in the dissolved phase by naturally occurring organic substances. Between pH of 2.2 and 1.2 a large proportion of dissolved Fe, Cu. Ni and Cd (72, 35,44 and 36% respectively) is precipitated along with the humic acids; in contrast, Mn and Co show little precipitation (3%). Adsorption-pH experiments, using unfiltered river water spiked with Cu, indicate that adsorption of Cu onto suspended particles is inhibited to a large extent by the formation of dissolved Cu-organic complexes.The experimental results demonstrate that solubilities and adsorption properties of certain trace metals in freshwaters can be opposite to those observed with artificial solutions or predicted with chemical models. Interaction with organic substances is a critical factor.  相似文献   
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