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2007年淮河流域大洪水的雨情、水情分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
王维国  章建成  李想 《气象》2008,34(7):68-74
利用淮河流域实测降水资料和水文资料,分析了2007年夏季淮河流域大洪水期间的降水时空分布、气候统计特征以及水情特征,并与历史同期进行了比较.结果表明,2007年淮河流域汛期强降水过程集中在6月29日至7月26日,强降水主要分为四个时段,淮河干流四次洪峰对应着4个强降水阶段,累积降水量越大,相应的流量越大,洪峰水位也越高.2007年汛期淮河流域平均降水量少于1954年,和2003年基本持平,但淮河中上游降水集中,降水强度大,持续时间长,从而导致了淮河流域出现1954年以来最大的洪水.  相似文献   
高月  卞建民  宋超  丛璐 《水文》2016,36(2):35-40
大气降水是抚松县矿泉水资源的重要补给来源,探究其变化规律及极值概率对泉流量是否能够得到持续补给具有重要意义。为此,首先利用1960~2013年的降水资料和1981~2008年部分泉流量观测数据,对抚松县降水量的年内分配、年际变化和不同年代降水量均值变化进行降水特征分析;之后,运用皮尔逊Ⅲ型模型分析最大年降水量的概率分布;接着,利用1981年7月~2008年11月期间降水量和部分泉的泉流量监测数据,采用连续小波分析法对二者周期进行分析;最后,运用交叉小波变换法对同一时段内降水量和泉流量多时间尺度变化的相关性进行分析。结果表明:1960~2013年的54间,研究区内年降水量呈现周期性变化,变差系数为1.017×10-17,降水稳定,未发生异常变化。降水量和泉流量均存在约11个月的主震荡周期,二者属于同相位(即泉流量对降水量的变化产生即刻反应),降水量作为本区矿泉水补给的重要影响因素,可为矿泉水资源得到有效补给提供保证。  相似文献   
BDA方案在台风路径预报中的应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
利用PSU/NCAR中尺度非静力有限区域MM5及其伴随模式,以T106分析资料为背景场,设计两种台风Bogus方案对台风的初始场进行优化,并进行了数值模拟试验。对9608号台风个例的数值模拟试验研究表明,经过优化的台风初始场较好地改进了由于海洋上资料缺乏所造成的台风中心位置不准、台风环流偏弱和台风内部结构不完整等问题,提高了台风路径预报的准确率。通过试验对比发现,BDA方案优化的初始场更合理,其台风路径预报效果优于GFDL方案。  相似文献   

This study investigated the late Quaternary climate and environmental characteristics of two tributary valleys (Xingmu and Depu Valleys) in the Parlung Zangbo Valley, southeastern Tibetan Plateau. Optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) samples collected from moraines at the mouth of Xingmu Valley produce a wide age range from 13.9 ka to 76 ka. The ages measured from the lenticular sand are consistent with the relative geomorphic sequence of the landforms. Lenticular sand layers below the moraine were dated to 37.9 ka and 44.7 ka, indicating that fluvial processes were likely dominant in the valley during Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 3. The outer moraine ridges at the valley mouth were formed during 13.9 ka and 26.5 ka, corresponding to MIS2. At Depu Valley, OSL samples from two sets of lateral and terminal moraines close to the modern glacier, provide ages from 1.4 ka to 29.2 ka. The paleosol layer widely developed during 2.6 cal ka BP and 8.7 cal ka BP in the study area, reflecting a relatively warm condition during the mid-Holocene.  相似文献   
随着5G网络、物联网、云计算、大数据分析、地理信息系统等新技术的兴起,探索更具包容性和创新潜力的参与式治理,引导高效的技术研发与运用,实现城市“以地方现实为基础、以社会需求为导向”的智慧化转型,已成为国内外城市地理学的重要与前沿议题。人本主义视角下的智慧城市研究,为地理学者介入这一领域提供了理论工具。不同于技术中心主义将智慧城市视作由数字技术构成的物理空间集合,人本主义强调特定情境下的技术、社会(人文治理)与空间的互动。该视角呼吁对多方行动者参与技术研发、基础设施建设与治理决策的合作互动开展微观研究,以揭示智慧城市的共建过程与地方性驱动机制。论文梳理了国内外人本主义研究的最新进展,认为该视角下的研究仍然沿袭“技术中心”或采用与之对立的“知识中心”立场,而缺少技术—社会互动的视角来理解城市智慧化转型。论文提出未来值得深入探讨的议题,即技术与社会(治理)的共生性、围绕技术研发的社会关系互动复杂性、技术研发与关系互动的语境化分析。探讨以上议题有助于理解智慧城市如何作为一个复杂地域系统,在人与技术的持续互动中发生转型,也可为未来中国相关研究提供理论借鉴。  相似文献   
为了对广西合浦盆地干热岩资源成热条件及其潜力进行评价,利用广西航磁勘查数据,采用Parker-Oldenburg法反演计算了居里面深度。在此基础上进行大地热流密度值和不同埋深地温计算,发现计算结果与现有测温资料吻合,合浦盆地内西场凹陷和常乐凹陷具有干热岩资源成生条件。结合合浦盆地内基础地质调查资料和油气钻孔资料,分析了合浦盆地干热岩资源的储层和盖层条件。初步圈出2个位于西场凹陷和常乐凹陷的干热岩勘查靶区C1和C2,面积分别为167.10和72.90 km2,干热岩资源量分别为182.48×1015、77.59×1015 J。按20%的采收率,合浦盆地干热岩资源量可开采量为52.01×1015 J,折合标准煤177.48×104 t,占2018年广西全区能源生产总量3 756.69×104 t标准煤的4.72%。在资源量评价基础上,可优先考虑位于合浦盆地西场凹陷的C1靶区开展进一步的勘探工作。  相似文献   
We calculate the properties of static strange stars using a quark model with chiral mass scaling.The results are characterized by a large maximum mass (~ 1.6 M) and radius (~10 km).Together with a broad collection of modern neutron star models,we discuss some recent astrophysical observational data that could shed new light on the possible presence of strange quark matter in compact stars.We conclude that none of the present astrophysical observations can prove or confute the existence of strange stars.  相似文献   
强潮流作用下桥墩不对称“双肾型”冲刷地貌特征与机理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文在海图地形资料分析桥轴线附近的海床自然冲刷的基础上,利用多波束测深技术研究大桥主墩附近局部冲刷地形。结果表明,该大桥桥位附近地形冲刷较显著,且大桥主墩位置有持续冲刷的趋势;主墩上、下游群桩最大冲刷深度呈上游最深、中部淤积、下游渐深的不对称形态,最大局部冲刷深度为4 m;桥墩整体冲刷坑形态呈南北“双肾型”;潮流流向与桥墩迎流面存在偏南的入射角,使得各桥墩南侧的最大冲深和冲刷范围均大于北侧。  相似文献   
If point absorbers are employed in the extensive exploitation of the offshore wave energy resource, they should be deployed in arrays, the distance between the elements in the array being possibly tens of meters. In such cases, it may be more convenient that the array is spread moored to the sea bottom through only some of its elements, located in the periphery, while the other array elements are prevented from drifting and colliding with each other by connections to adjacent elements. An array of identical floating point absorbers located at the grid points of an equilateral triangular grid is considered in the paper. A spread set of slack-mooring lines connect the peripheric floaters to the bottom. A weight is located at the centre of each triangle whose function is to pull the three floaters towards each other and keep the inter-body mooring lines under tension. The power take-off system (PTO) is a linear damper activated by the buoy heaving motion. The whole system–buoys, moorings and power take-off systems–is assumed linear, so that a frequency domain analysis may be employed. Hydrodynamic interference between the oscillating buoys in array is accounted for. Equations are presented for a set of three identical point absorbers. This is then extended to more complex equilateral triangular grid arrays. Results from numerical simulations, with regular and irregular waves, are presented for the motions and power absorption of hemispherical converters in arrays of three and seven elements and for different mooring parameters and wave incidence angles. Comparisons are given with the unmoored and independently-moored buoy situations.  相似文献   
锌对虾夷扇贝和刺参幼体的毒性效应   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
以虾夷扇贝和刺参幼体为材料,采用急性毒性试验和亚急性毒性试验的方法,研究了锌对虾夷扇贝稚贝及幼贝和刺参幼虫的毒性效应。结果显示,锌对虾夷扇贝稚贝的24hLC50 6.40mg/L,48hLC50为3.31mg/L,72hLC50为1.39mg/L,96hLC50为0.61mg/L;而对幼贝的24hLC50为3.32mg/L,48hLC50为2.64mg/L。72hLC50为1.76mg/L,96h  相似文献   
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