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中国湖泊现状及面临的重大问题与保护策略   总被引:38,自引:35,他引:38  
我国湖泊数量多、类型全、分布广,湖泊的形成演化不仅受流域自然环境因素及变化的影响,而且还深受人类活动的干扰,呈现出不同的区域演变特征和生态环境问题.近几十年来,我国湖泊数量、面积和分布都发生了较为显著的变化,并面临着湖泊萎缩与调蓄能力减少、水质下降与富营养化加重、生物多样性减少与生态退化、河湖水力和生态联系阻隔以及湖岸线和环湖地带过度开发等问题,引发一系列生态与环境后果,严重影响流域居民日常生活和经济的可持续发展.本文通过大量湖泊野外考察和调查,查清了我国面积大于1km2湖泊的数量、面积和分布状况,结合历史湖泊调查和相关研究资料,系统分析了近几十年我国湖泊面临的重大生态环境问题及区域特征,提出了我国湖泊保护的策略.  相似文献   
070703天长超级单体龙卷的多普勒雷达典型特征   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
刘娟  朱君鉴  魏德斌  宋子忠  卢海  周红根 《气象》2009,35(10):32-39
主要使用南京多普勒天气雷达资料,分析了2007年7月3日发生在安徽天长和江苏高邮的龙卷风天气,着重分析了中气旋和龙卷涡旋特征(TVS)等产品的典型特征.龙卷发生在飑线回波带的北端强烈发展的超级风暴单体中,回波带前沿存在强烈的水平风切变,使得回波带上不断有中气旋生成.对产生龙卷的超级风暴单体,龙卷发生30min前,雷达给出了中气旋(M)产品,该中气旋持续了7个体扫的时间(42min),在中气旋出现后第5个体扫,雷达给出龙卷涡旋特征(TVS)产品,龙卷涡旋特征持续了3个体扫,综合切变产品也给出了显著的提醒.实地调查结果,龙卷风和第2个TVS同时发生,龙卷风位置与TVS位置对应,但位于TVS的南侧,位于中气旋最大风速圈的南缘.虽然CINRAD/SA雷达的TVS产品有虚警的情况,但结合反射率因子、平均径向速度、中气旋、综合切变等产品的分析,对于龙卷监测和预警会很有帮助的.  相似文献   
黄骅坳陷在勘探石油过程中发现了丰富的地下热水。根据实际资料对黄烨坳陷大港探区的地热资源进行了初步评价,提出了黄骅场陷储热系统和热异常区的分布规律,通过水化学分析,指出坳陷补给条件差,可实行人工回灌,增加地下热水资源。  相似文献   
为检验辐射传输方程改进算法推广用于反演LandSAT8 海表温度(SST)的可行性及适用条件,本研究在修订算法部分参数的基础上,分别反演出算法改进前后的LandSAT8 SST并进行比较。MODIS SST验证表明改进算法对大气透过率偏差和SST偏差均有明显改善,除2019-08-21图像外,其他3景图像SST偏差在0.5℃左右;浮标SST验证表明改进算法在近岸海域对SST偏差改善效果同样显著,其平均偏差bias和均方根误差rmse分别减少到0.14、0.18℃,基本可以忽略不计;进一步研究发现,改进算法SST反演精度与研究海域大气透过率分布均匀程度呈显著的正相关关系,R2[bias(SST)]=0.920 7,R2[rmse(SST)]=0.934 0。使用改进算法遥感监测电厂温排水:嵩屿电厂表层海水温升羽流不明显;而后石电厂表层温升现象最显著,温升幅度和扩散影响范围最大,在其排水口附近存在稳定的高温水体(温升>3℃);晋江电厂表层温升羽流呈扇形分布,流轴短,主要集中在排水口附近。  相似文献   
自体荧光是生物体内部组织成分在吸收光时自然发出的荧光,会影响人工标记荧光的有效识别,严重干扰对抗体标记的目的蛋白荧光的观察及数据分析,在珊瑚冰冻切片免疫荧光标记研究中尤为突显。为更有效地去除珊瑚组织切片中的自体荧光,本研究以共生模式种花伞软珊瑚(Xenia sp.)为研究对象,首次尝试在花伞软珊瑚冰冻切片免疫荧光染色中,使用一种在小鼠和人体组织切片中常用的TrueBlack Lipofuscin自体荧光淬灭剂,并与已有研究中的酒精梯度脱水法进行比较。结果表明,使用荧光淬灭剂TrueBlack Lipofuscin后,花伞软珊瑚组织切片中的自体荧光强度是传统的酒精梯度脱水法的52.4%,且在Cy5通道下效果最佳。同时,通过珊瑚免疫荧光标记实验表明使用TrueBlack Lipofuscin的实验组特异性荧光信号强度为对照组的205.3%,背景荧光和自体荧光基本去除。  相似文献   
Runoff peak and volume in flood studies are estimated relying on temporal rainfall distribution from various storm patterns. Usually, SCS distributions types (I, II, III, IA) are commonly used. Using these distributions in runoff calculations assume that the in situ temporal rainfall pattern typically behaves as the one described by the SCS-type distribution, which is due to cyclonic frontal storms and actually developed in temperate environment. To what extent such assumption is valid in the arid environment? How much the impacts of rainfall temporal patterns are reflected in runoff volumes and peaks? The aim objectives of the current study are to answer the above two questions and clarify the validity of aforementioned assumption and exemplify such effect. Real rainfall data collected from rain gauges of Makkah Al-Mukkramah region over a period of more than 20 years are utilized. Temporal rainfall patterns and their parameters are deduced. Many hydrological simulations are performed and comparisons, in terms of runoff volume and peak flows, are made to show the effects of the common rainfall storm patterns and the developed rainfall storm patterns in the region based on the current study. Results indicate that major bursts of the design rainfall storm pattern are located in the first time of the storm period in the two quartiles which is mainly due to convective rainfall type in thunderstorms unlike the commonly used by SCS types relying on frontal cyclonic storms. Makkah Al-Mukkramah temporal rainfall pattern does not behave as the “typical pattern” assumed by SCS distributions that are deduced from different environments. The impacts of the temporal pattern reflected as an overestimate in the runoff peak reached to 68 %. The developed hyetographs and tables presented in the current study are recommended to enhance economical and rational design practice in watersheds of Makkah Al-Mukkramah region.  相似文献   
Blue crabsCallinectes sapidus in lower Chesapeake Bay are subject to high rates of predation during the late summer of their first year of growth as they migrate out of vegetated nursery habitats. Predators, potentially contributing to this pattern, were identified in video-recorded field observations of tethered juvenile crabs (20–25 mm carapace width). Predators were also tested in large laboratory tanks containing similarly-sized untethered crabs as prey. Seven different predators attacked tethered crabs in the field. Only two predators, larger blue crabs and northern puffers,Sphoeroides maculatus, consistently succeeded in preying on crabs in both field and laboratory settings. These results confirm the importance of cannibalism on juvenile blue crabs and identify puffers as a potentially overlooked source of predation pressure.  相似文献   
In this paper,the quantitative relationship between the wild fruit communities and direct environmental factors is discussed on the basis of detailed data on landscape scale habitats obtained through field vegetation investigation.The results from TWINSPAN and DCCA showed that:1) In the distribution sections of the wild fruit forest in the Keguqin Mountain region,the basic patterns characteristic of the different habitats are due to topographic factors,nutrients and moisture conditions;2) The elevation affected the most basic differentiation of plant communities in the study area,indicating that the elevation condition was the most important factor restricting the distribution of the wild fruit communities in the study area;3) The close relationship between the moisture content in the upper soil layer and the elevation reflected the influence of moisture conditions on both wild fruit and herb-layer communities;4) Nutrient differences not only indicated that the habitat conditions were different in themselves but also showed that the present nutrient conditions of the habitats were seriously affected by human activities.In summary,under complicated mountainous topographic conditions,the habitat conditions for the communities differed very significantly,and the combination of elevation,soil moisture content,total nitrogen,slope aspect,and pH value influenced and controlled the formation of community distribution patterns in the study area.  相似文献   
An experimental program was initiated to investigate the seismic performance of built-up laced steel brace members. Quasi-static testing of twelve typical steel built-up laced member (BLM) specimens was conducted. These were designed to span a range of parameters typically encountered for such members based on findings from a survey of commonly used shapes and details that have been historically used. The specimens were subdivided into groups of three different cross-sectional shapes, namely built-up I-shape section, and built-up box shapes buckling about the x or the y axis. Within each group, global and local buckling slenderness ratios had either kl/r values of 60 or 120, and b/t ratios of 8 or 16. The specific inelastic cyclic behavior germane to each specimen, and general observations on overall member hysteretic behavior as a function of the considered parameters, are reported. A companion paper (Lee and Bruneau 2008) investigates this observed response against predictions from analytical models, and behavior in the perspective of system performance.  相似文献   
某盐井施工时,在245.00—270.00m孔段有25m钻具被水泥固结,进行透孔作业时,扫至孔深250.60m时,扫孔用岩心管被扫落的钻杆接头碎块卡住拧断,透孔时发现孔内遗留3.2m断岩心管、钻头等物。根据钻孔结构与遗留钻具的特点.自行设计一种主要由活塞柱、割刀片和复位弹簧组成的小口径割管器,将水泥固结钻具割断,并将钻具和多种残留管材打捞出孔。从割断后打捞上来的钻杆分析,钻杆切割面光滑、平整,钻杆被完全切透,说明此种割管器设计合理,各部件动作有效。  相似文献   
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