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The vertical transport of contaminants from source areas is employed in many risk assessment models and screening tools in order to estimate the contaminant mass discharge (CMD) into underlying aquifers. The key parameters for estimating CMD are the contaminant source area and concentration, and the vertical water flux, the latter of which depends on the vertical hydraulic conductivity and the vertical hydraulic gradient in the subsurface. This study focuses on advancing the use of the combined membrane interface probe hydraulic profiling tool (MiHPT) to investigate the vertical hydraulic gradient across a clay till overlying a sandy aquifer at a contaminated site in Denmark. Only the HPT is necessary for the estimate of vertical hydraulic gradient. The hydraulic head, clay till thickness, and resulting vertical hydraulic gradients found using the MiHPT compared well with observations from nearby nested wells. The parameter with the largest discrepancy was the thickness of the clay till. The advantage of the MiHPT is its relatively quick depth discrete access to information regarding subsurface permeability, vertical hydraulic gradients and contaminant distribution across a site. In this case study, performance of additional dissipationtests during the HPT log to acquire determination of the vertical hydraulic gradient increased the cost by 3% compared to standard HPT logs.  相似文献   
Measurements of total peroxy radicals (HO2?+?RO2) and nitrate radical (NO3) were made on the NOAA research vessel R/V?Brown along the U.S. Gulf Coast during the TexAQS 2006 field campaign. The measurements were modelled using a constrained box-model based upon the Master Chemical Mechanism (MCM). The agreement between modelled and measured HO2?+?RO2 was typically within ??40% and, in the unpolluted regions, within 30%. The analysis of the model results suggests that the MCM might underestimate the concentrations of some acyl peroxy radicals and other small peroxy radicals. The model underestimated the measurements of NO3 by 60?C70%, possibly because of rapid heterogeneous uptake of N2O5. The MCM model results were used to estimate the composition of the peroxy radical pool and to quantify the role of DMS, isoprene and alkenes in the formation of RO2 in the different regions. The measurements of HO2?+?RO2 and NO3 were also used to calculate the gas-phase budget of NO3 and quantify the importance of organic peroxy radicals as NO3 sinks. RO2 accounted, on average, for 12?C28% of the total gas-phase NO3 losses in the unpolluted regions and for 1?C2% of the total gas-phase NO3 losses in the polluted regions.  相似文献   
A modified design of seston trap is described which has been used in Brotherswater, U.K. (Ordnance Survey NY 40 12). The trap was designed to collect larger quantities of seston than were found to collect in conventional types of seston trap. A simple concealed trap-location device is also described.  相似文献   
Human activities can be powerful drivers of ecosystem change within catchments. While most long-term catchment studies have been conducted at pristine sites, such studies are less common from sites more impacted by human activity. The Oak Ridge National Laboratory's Biological Monitoring and Abatement Program (BMAP) was developed in the mid-1980s to (1) assess compliance with environmental regulations, (2) identify causes of adverse ecological impacts, (3) provide data for human and ecological risk assessments, and (4) evaluate the effectiveness of remedial actions taken to mitigate the impacts of contaminants in soils, groundwater, and surface water by documenting ecological recovery on the Oak Ridge Reservation (ORR), a federally owned 33 476-acre site in eastern Tennessee, managed by the US Department of Energy. The ORR is composed of multiple watersheds containing many small to mid-size streams. BMAP uses an integrated approach for determining stream health; its databases include long-term seasonal records of contaminant concentrations in water and biota, data from aquatic toxicity testing, and surveys of macroinvertebrate and fish assemblages from impacted and reference streams. These long-term data provide valuable records of degradation and recovery in catchment ecosystems. Our objective here is to describe our study system and data series in order to increase awareness of the availability of these long-term data to the catchment science community.  相似文献   

The relatively large resistivity in the solar photosphere and chromosphere softens the ideal tangential discontinuities of magnetostatic equilibrium into continuous transitions in field direction over scales of 0.1–10 km. This softening is communicated upward at the Alfvén speed into the active solar corona. The degree of softening is a vital part of the theory of magnetic heat input to the active X-ray corona, because the very low resistivity of the coronal gas provides effective dissipation only if the current sheets are reduced to a thickness of 10?2km.

A close examination of the problem shows that the Alfvén transit time up into the corona is large compared to the characteristic time of 1 sec in which the coronal tangential discontinutities are formed. It also shows that the principal effect of the resistivity is to create a thin surface layer of fluid on adjacent flux bundles, which causes a general drift of the flux but does not directly broaden the current sheets higher up in the field. In fact the motions of the surface layers do not extend upwards beyond the first winding pattern at each end of a coronal loop.

It appears that the photospheric and chromospheric resistivity is without striking consequences for magnetic heating in the corona.  相似文献   
This paper contains the results of a laboratory study that was designed to compare sorption of low (mg/L) concentrations of 11 organic solutes by six polymeric materials (acrylonitrile butadiene styrene [ABS], fluorinated ethylene propylene [FEP], fiberglass-reinforced epoxy [FRE] and fiberglass-reinforced plastic [FRP], polyvinyl chloride [PVC], and poly-tetrafluoroethylene [PTFE]).
During this six-week study, ABS sorbed analytes much more rapidly and to a greater extent than did the other materials, and PVC and FRE sorbed analytes more slowly and to a lesser extent than the other materials tested.
As the study progressed, an increasing number of spurious peaks were found in the high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) chromatograms of some of our samples, indicating that leaching of some consituents had occurred. By the end of the study, there were 11 additional peaks in the ABS samples, five in the FRP samples, and one in the FRE samples. Analysis by purge and trap gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) of those samples and of well water samples that were exposed to the casings for 500 hours revealed the identity of some of the leached constituents; acrylonitrile and styrene (components of ABS), chloroform and ethylbenzene (an intermediate in the production of styrene) from the ABS pipe, and toluene, 1,1,1-trichloroethane, and ethylbenzene from the FRP casing.  相似文献   
Two species of burrowing shrimp occur in high densities in US West Coast estuaries, the ghost shrimp, Neotrypaea californiensis, and the blue mud shrimp, Upogebia pugettensis. Both species of shrimp are considered ecosystem engineers as they bioturbate and irrigate extensive galleries within the sediment. While their burrows comprise a dominant habitat type in west coast estuaries, little is known about these shrimps’ diet and their role in estuarine food webs. The primary goals of this study were to identify major components of burrowing shrimp diets and detect variation in these diets along an estuarine gradient using combined fatty acid (FA) and stable isotope (SI) analyses. Shrimp and potential food sources including eelgrass blades, epiphytes, Ulva, sedimentary particulate organic matter (SPOM), burrow walls, and particulate organic material (POM) were sampled at different locations within Yaquina Bay, Oregon in August 2012. Both SI and FA analyses indicated differences in food resources assimilated by shrimp along the estuarine gradient. SI values showed that diets for U. pugettensis consisted of carbon sources derived primarily from POM and SPOM, while POM and epiphytes were primary carbon sources for N. californiensis. Shrimp from lower estuarine sites had high levels of 16:1ω7 and 20:5ω3 FAs suggesting their diet is enriched with marine diatoms. Shrimp from upriver showed greater proportion of FA associated with dinoflagellates and terrestrial sources as indicated by a high percentage of C18 polyunsaturated FAs (PUFAs). This is the first study to evaluate diets of these two shrimp species using complimentary FA and SI approaches.  相似文献   
Increased levels of dissolved hydrocarbons were observed in the western Gulf of Mexico during the late summer of 1979. This period was associated with heightened levels of surface tar and oil/water emulsion (mousse) directly resulting from the blowout of the Ixtoc I oil well in the Bay of Campeche on 3 June 1979. The observed concentrations of total dissolved hydrocarbons (up to 656.9 ng l?1, n-alkanes) were one to two orders of magnitude above levels observed at control stations (5.2 ng l?1, n-alkanes) and stations in the same area during the earlier Bureau of Land Management (BLM) baseline study. The highest concentrations observed were approximately of the same level as those obtained in an artificial spill/weathering experiment.  相似文献   
Urban heat islands are a result of the physical properties of buildings and other structures, and the emission of heat by human activities. They are most pronounced on clear, calm nights; their strength depends also on the background geography and climate, and there are often cool islands in parks and less‐developed areas. Some old city centers no longer show warming trends relative to rural neighbourhoods, because urban development has stabilised. This article reviews the effects that urban heat islands may have on estimates of global near‐surface temperature trends. These effects have been reduced by avoiding or adjusting urban temperature measurements. Comparisons of windy weather with calm‐weather air temperature trends for a worldwide set of observing sites suggest that global near‐surface temperature trends have not been greatly affected by urban warming trends; this is supported by comparisons with marine surface temperatures. The use of dynamical‐model‐based reanalyses to estimate urban influences has been hindered by the heterogeneity of the data input to the reanalyses and by biases in the models. However, improvements in reanalyses are increasing their utility for assessing the surface air temperature record. High‐resolution climate models and data on changing land use offer potential for future assessment of worldwide urban warming influences. The latest assessments of the likely magnitude of the residual urban trend in available global near‐surface temperature records are summarized, along with the uncertainties of these residual trends. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. This article is categorized under:
  • Paleoclimates and Current Trends > Detection and Attribution
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