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四川省持续性暴雨定义及时空分布特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用1961—2014年四川省158个气象站的逐日降水量资料,定义了四川省单站和区域持续性暴雨的标准,分析了近54年四川省持续性暴雨的时空分布特征。结果表明,盆地单站持续性暴雨多发生在9月,主要出现在盆地西北部、西南部和东北部,一般持续3天,一次持续性暴雨事件降水量一般可达150~200mm。而攀西地区单站持续性暴雨发生的次数一般为1~3次,6月发生范围最大,最长持续时间为4天,主要发生在攀西地区东部。区域持续性暴雨多发生在7月,降水中心主要分布在盆地西部沿山一带及盆地东北部,这与单站持续性暴雨频次高值区的分布基本一致。区域持续性暴雨在2001年后发生频次较前期频繁,特别是持续3天的持续性暴雨事件发生频率较高,但是强度略有减弱。  相似文献   
何彬彬  盛煜  黄龙  黄旭斌  张玺彦 《冰川冻土》2019,41(5):1107-1114
利用我国北疆地区49个主要气象站1961-2017年的逐日平均气温观测值计算了年冻融指数,并分析其变化趋势及分布特征。结果表明:北疆地区冻结指数出现明显的下降趋势,下降速率为51.6℃·d·(10a)-1。冻结指数的范围在509~2 304.9℃·d之间,平均值为1 240℃·d。北疆地区融化指数出现明显上升趋势,上升速率为73.9℃·d·(10a)-1。融化指数的范围在526.4~4 531.1℃·d之间,平均值为3 516℃·d。冻结指数表现出在经纬度和海拔较低的准噶尔盆地和伊宁地区较小,在海拔高的高山地区如阿尔泰山和天山山脉较大;融化指数与之相反。北疆地区冻结指数受经纬度及海拔的综合影响,融化指数则主要受海拔影响;年平均气温和冻融指数有非常强的线性关系。  相似文献   
Oil and gas shows are rich in drilling wells in Kaiping sag,however,large oilfield was still not found in this area.For a long time,it is thought that source rocks were developed in the middle-deep lacustrine facies in the Eocene Wenchang Formation,while there is no source rocks that in middle-deep lacustrine facies have been found in well.Thickness of Wenchang Formation is big and reservoirs with good properties could be found in this formation.Distribution and scale of source rock are significant for further direction of petroleum exploration.Distribution characterization of middle-deep lacustrine facies is the base for source rock research.Based on the sedimentary background,fault activity rate,seismic response features,and seismic attributes were analyzed.No limited classification method and multi-attributes neural network deep learning method were used for predicting of source rock distribution in Wenchang Formation.It is found that during the deposition of lower Wenchang Formation,activity rate of main fault controlling the sub sag sedimentation was bigger than 100 m/Ma,which formed development background for middle-deep lacustrine facies.Compared with the seismic response of middle-deep lacustrine source rocks developed in Zhu I depression,those in Kaiping sag are characterized in low frequency and good continuity.Through RGB frequency decomposition,areas with low frequency are main distribution parts for middle-deep lacustrine facies.Dominant frequency,instantaneous frequency,and coherency attributes of seismic could be used in no limited classification method for further identification of middle-deep lacustrine facies.Based on the limitation of geology knowledge,multi-attributes of seismic were analyzed through neural network deep learning method.Distribution of middle-deep lacustrine facies in the fourth member of Wenchang Formation is oriented from west to east and is the largest.Square of the middle-deep lacustrine facies in that member is 154 km2and the volume is 50 km3.Achievements could be bases for hydrocarbon accumulation study and for exploration target optimization in Kaiping sag.  相似文献   
赛里木湖沉积物有机质变化特征及其环境信息   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在分析赛里木湖湖泊沉积物中氮含量(TN)、有机碳含量(TOC)及其碳同位素(δ~(13)C_(org))以及色素等指标的变化特征的基础上,结合沉积物中有机指标的环境意义的探讨,揭示了新疆赛里木湖湖泊沉积物中有机质所蕴含的环境信息.赛里木湖沉积物中总有机碳含量、总氮含量的变化反映了流域初级生产力的变化,沉积物色素变化是有机质保存条件的指标,间接指示了湖泊-流域水热配置环境.有机碳同位素(δ~(13)C_(org))反映了湖泊内外源的混合信息.结合有序样品聚类分析方法,可以将赛里木湖近代环境划分为四大发展阶段:1、各有机指标相对稳定;2、各有机指标明显波动;3、各有机指标显著增加;4、各有机指标快速增加.  相似文献   
用ETAS模型分析自贡矿井注水触发地震   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为研究自贡地区矿井注水与地震活动性之间的关系,按地震活动规律将注水区ML1.2以上历史地震活动划分为3个阶段,采用POWELL法反演了各阶段ETAS模型参数。结果表明,不存在注水的第1、2阶段背景地震比例约40%~50%,单个地震序列中余震较少。而在注水的第3阶段,由地震自激产生的余震比例较高(93.1%),而背景地震仅占6.9%,比第1、2阶段都要少,这一结果与已有的认识相矛盾。为此,提出单位时间背景地震的发生率,即ETAS模型参数中的μ值,作为判断注水触发地震的依据。计算结果表明,与前两个阶段相比,第3阶段的确拥有最大的μ值,说明注水对该区地震触发有明显影响。  相似文献   
南海温跃层基本特征及一维预报模式   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
根据现有1907—1990年南海大面调查资料,按1°×1°网格进行逐月的标准水层的温度统计。在此基础上采用3次样条函数的插值方法计算出整个南海温跃层的深度、厚度和强度并予以相应分析。分析表明,南海温跃层主要分为两种类型:第一类为辐射型,主要分布在南海北部的陆架区内,季节变化显著;第二类为不同水体叠置型,主要分布在广大深水区,它长年存在,季节变化较小。一种温跃层的一维积分预报模式,该模式是基于忽略热平流作用和水平热扩散的前提下,从局部热平衡方程出发,建立了受海面热收支及风混合作用下求解温度垂直分布及温跃层的时空变化。在南海北部水深约300m处进行了单站温跃层后报,结果表明,温跃层的深度、厚度和强度的相对误差均在30%以下。  相似文献   
The Hudson-Raritan Estuary is one of several United States coastal areas where chemical data have suggested a potential for contaminant-related biological effects, and multiyear intensive bioeffects surveys have been conducted by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. The severity and spatial patterns in sediment toxicity were determined in an estuary-wide survey during spring 1991 using amphipods, bivalve larvae, and luminescent bacteria as test organisms. Spatial patterns in toxicity corresponded to the distributions of a number of toxic chemicals in the sediments. Areas that exhibited the greatest sediment toxicity included the upper East River, Arthur Kill, Newark Bay, and Sandy Hook Bay. The lower Hudson River adjacent to Manhattan Island, upper New York Harbor, lower New York Harbor off Staten Island, and parts of western Raritan Bay generally showed lower toxicity. Supporting chemical analyses of the sediments, including acid-volatile sulfide and simultaneously-extracted metals, suggested that metals were generally not the cause of the observed toxicity, with the possible exception of mercury. Among all contaminants analyzed, toxicity was most strongly associated with polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons, which were substantially more concentrated in toxic samples than in nontoxic samples, and which frequently exceeded sediment quality criteria.  相似文献   
马龙  冯超臣 《地下水》2014,(4):30-32
曹县城区地处鲁西南黄泛平原地区,该区地表被巨厚的第四系和新近系松散层覆盖,区域断裂构造十分发育,地热成矿地质条件有利。可被利用的热储层主要有2个,分别为新近纪明华镇组热储和奥陶纪热储,二个热储层地热资源各具特点。对该区可利用热储层地热资源地质条件进行了分析研究,为下一步曹县城区地热资源的开发利用提供参考性地质依据。  相似文献   
冷毅飞  张喜发  杨凤学  姜龙  赵意民 《岩土力学》2010,31(12):3758-3764
冻土未冻水含量不但是评价冻土中水分迁移特性的重要指标,而且也是冻土热工计算中常用的参数。采用未冻水测量方法中的经典量热法对采自中俄石油管道工程大庆-漠河段沿线大兴安岭多年冻土带的6类典型土样(共76个)进行了-0.5、-2、-5、-10℃左右负温下的未冻水含量测试。分析了负温温度t、土质类型和初始含水率wo对未冻水含量wu的影响及其变化规律。通过统计分析,给出了6类土在上述4个给定温度下的未冻水含量代表值及其幂函数wu=at-b方程中的参数值。将黏土、粉质黏土、粉土和泥炭质土各给定温度下的未冻水含量对塑限wp归一化,得到各土类各温度下未冻水量系数值。对其进行幂函数拟合得到wu-wp-t经验计算公式。将温度、土质条件和初始含水率3影响因素进行综合分析,得到各类土在给定温度下的wu-wo-wp关系的二元一次线性回归经验方程式,为实际工程应用提供参考。  相似文献   
Wu  Youyin  Zhang  Ming  Yang  Long  Liu  Tao  Zhang  Taili  Sun  Qiang  Wang  Bo  Xie  Xinpeng 《Landslides》2021,18(7):2565-2574
Landslides - At about 04:00 on 10 August 2019, the heavy rainfall carried by Typhoon Lekima induced a catastrophic rockslide in Shanzao Village, Yongjia County, China. The heavy rainfall triggered...  相似文献   
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