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论油气成藏与金属成矿的关系及综合勘探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从油气藏及金属矿藏的来源、运移、成藏/成矿等方面对油气成藏和金属成矿之间的关系进行了论述,指出油气藏和沉积金属矿藏均来自于相同的烃源岩/矿源层。一些金属(铀、黄铁矿等)的存在,有可能对有机质向烃类的转化起到了积极的催化作用,而烃类中的有机酸对金属元素具有溶解、螯合作用,有利于金属元素随烃类和成矿流体的析出。烃类和成矿流体在水-油-岩共存体系,在近乎相同的运移机制和路径中,能够一起溶解、萃取其路径上的金属元素,有利于金属元素的运移。油气与成矿流体可以在圈闭中聚集、成藏或者由于物理化学条件的变化,金属矿物独立沉淀成矿。油气与金属的成藏/成矿在时间和空间上也具有某些相似性。因此油气成藏和金属成矿具有非常密切的关系,有利于对二者进行综合勘探和利用,具有非常重要的现实意义。  相似文献   
Ordovician fracture-cavity carbonate reservoir beds are the major type of producing formations in the Tahe oilfield, Tarim Basin. The seismic responses of these beds clearly changes depending on the different distance of the fracture-cavity reservoir bed from the top of the section. The seismic reflection becomes weak or is absent when the fracture-cavity reservoir beds are less than 20 ms below the top Ordovician. The effect on top Ordovician reflection became weaker with deeper burial of fracture-cavity reservoir beds but the developed deep fracture-cavity reservoir beds caused stronger reflection in the interior of the Ordovician. This interior reflection can be divided into strong long-axis, irregular and bead string reflections, and was present 80 ms below the top Ordovician. Aimed at understanding reflection characteristics, the spectral decomposition technique, which uses frequency to "tune-in" bed thickness, was used to predict Ordovician fracture-cavity carbonate formations in the Tahe oilfield. Through finely adjusting the processing parameters of spectral decomposition, it was found that the slice at 30 Hz of the tuned data cube can best represent reservoir bed development. Two large N-S-trending strong reflection belts in the mid-western part of the study area along wells TK440- TK427-TK417B and in the eastern part along wells TK404-TK409 were observed distinctly on the 30 Hz slice and 4-D time-frequency data cube carving. A small N-S trending reflection belt in the southern part along wells T403-TK446B was also clearly identified. The predicted reservoir bed development area coincides with the fracture-cavities connection area confirmed by drilling pressure testing results. Deep karst cavities occur basically in three reservoir bed-development belts identified by the Ordovician interior strong reflection. Spectral decomposition proved to be a useful technique in identifying fracture-cavity reservoir beds.  相似文献   
Gneissic rocks in the Chinese Altai Mountains have been interpreted as either Paleozoic metasedimentary rocks or Precambrian basement. This study reports geochemical and geochronological data for banded paragneisses and associated gneissic granitoids collected along a NE–SW traverse in the northwestern Chinese Altai. Petrological and geochemical data suggest that the protoliths of the banded gneisses were possibly immature sediments with significant volcanic input and that the gneissic granitoids were derived from I-type granites formed in a subduction environment. Three types of morphological features can be recognized in zircons from the banded gneisses and are interpreted to correlate with different sources. Zircons from five samples of banded paragneiss cluster predominantly between 466 and 528 Ma, some give Neoproterozoic ages, and a few yield discordant Paleoproterozoic to Archean ages. Zircon Hf isotopic compositions indicate that both juvenile/mantle and crust materials were involved in the generation of the source rocks from which these zircons were derived. In contrast, zircons occur ubiquitously as elongated euhedral prismatic crystals in the four samples of the gneissic granitoids, and define single populations for each sample with mean ages between 380 and 453 Ma. The general absence of Precambrian inheritance and positive zircon ?Hf values for these granitoids suggest insignificant crustal contribution to the generation of the precursor magmas. Our data can be interpreted in terms of a progressive accretionary history in early to middle Palaeozoic times, and the Chinese Altai may possibly represent a magmatic arc built on a continental margin dominated by Neoproterozoic rocks.  相似文献   
Coastal roads are lifelines for bringing emergency personnel and equipment into affected areas after tsunamis, thus careful thought should be given to how to make roadways safer from tsunamis. Scouring at roadways is the primary damage caused by tsunamis; however, tsunami-induced scouring and beach erosion are less understood compared to tsunami runup and tsunami inundation. A set of laboratory experiments are reported in this study on tsunami-induced scour at a road model situated on a sandy beach. Our experiments showed that the distance between the shoreline and a roadway, which varies with tides, was a key factor affecting the scour depth at the road. Having the coastal road at about half of the inundation distance is not the most ideal location. The depth of road embedment did not affect the scour depth in our experiments. It was also found that for typical tsunamis, the scour depth is unlikely to reach its equilibrium stage. The information reported in this study is useful for local authorities to assess potential tsunami damage of roads and to have a better plan for tsunami disaster relief.  相似文献   
提要:成都平原晚更新世成都粘土地球化学分析表明,不同剖面样品的化学组成具有较好的一致性,以SiO2(平均75.24%)、Al2O3(平均14.12%)、Fe2O3(平均5.81%)为主,地球化学特征与UCC基本相似。与北方黄土相比,成都粘土具有较高的TiO2/Al2O3、Zr/Al、Zr/Ti和Y/Al以及较低的Eu/Eu?鄢、LaN/SmN和LaN/YbN比值,这些特征与成都平原第四系深层土壤样品组成一致,表明成都粘土来源于当地,与北方黄土物源不同。成都粘土CIA平均值为78.59,高于北方黄土平均值(69.34),经历了中期的K迁移阶段,在风化过程中Ca、Na、Mg和K是主要的活动性元素。与北方黄土相比,成都粘土Na、Mg、K和Ca亏损较大,表明经历了更强的化学风化。  相似文献   
The Yangla copper deposit (Cu reserves: 1.2 Mt) in the Jinshajiang–Lancangjiang–Nujiang region in China is spatially associated with the Linong granitoid. Zircon U–Pb dating shows the granitoid formed at 234.1 ± 1.2 to 235.6 ± 1.2 Ma, and the KT2 ore body of the deposit yields a molybdenite Re–Os model age of 230.9 ± 3.2 Ma. The ages of mineralization and crystallization of the granitoid are identical within the measurement uncertainties, suggesting the Yangla deposit is genitically related to the Indosinian Linong granitoid.  相似文献   
印度-亚洲大陆的碰撞成就了青藏高原的冈底斯成矿带,位于该成矿带的斯弄多银铅锌矿床赋存于林子宗群火山岩中,经过勘查确认该矿床属于低硫化浅成低温热液型矿床。通过对5个钻孔进行短波红外测量,发现钻孔中的蚀变矿物主要有绢(白)云母、钠云母(富Na云母)、伊利石和蒙脱石,并在垂向形成绢(白)云母→绢(白)云母+钠云母+蒙脱石+伊利石→绢(白)云母+伊利石→绢(白)云母的组合特征。通过总结归纳蚀变矿物分布、分带特征并与地质编录相结合,构建了基于短波红外技术的斯弄多找矿勘查模型。笔者在数据分析与模型构建中发现:(1)伊利石-蒙脱石混合矿物组成是寻找深部及外围矿体的重要线索;(2)绢(白)云母属于成矿前期的蚀变,与矿体之间的关系不明显;(3)矿床深部表现为两种不同的化学反应:SW方向深部反映了绢云母被交代形成伊利石的过程;NE方向深部表现为绢(白)云母二八面体结构的变化;(4)未被剥蚀的青磐岩化带是寻找浅成低温热液型金矿的主要依据。  相似文献   
黄勇  郝家栩  邓贵标  白龙  黄喆 《地质通报》2012,31(203):314-320
施甸地区的卧牛寺组玄武岩分布广泛。通过近年的野外工作,发现施甸地区的卧牛寺组玄武岩中缺乏沉积夹层,其岩石学特征和地球化学特征均与峨眉山玄武岩相似,具有大陆溢流相喷发的特点。  相似文献   

滇东弥勒-师宗断裂带地热资源丰富,但是由于研究程度较低,成因机制不明,制约了区内地热资源的可持续开发利用。本文以弥勒-师宗断裂带北段老厂地区天然温泉水和地热钻孔水为研究对象,综合应用野外调查、水文地球化学和环境同位素方法,对区内地热水的地球化学特征和成因机制进行了研究。结果显示,区内地热水pH值介于7.30~8.12之间,TDS在224~382 mg/L之间,属于弱碱性淡水。地热水水化学类型为HCO3·SO4-Ca型和HCO3·SO4-Ca·Na型,且含有较高含量的Fe、As、Sb等微量组分,不宜饮用。地热水中HCO3δ13C值为−3.31‰~−7.79‰,计算得出参与水岩作用的CO2δ13C值为−9.50‰~−15.68‰,具有明显的沉积有机质来源特征。离子比值分析及硫同位素特征表明碳酸盐岩矿物和石膏的溶解是区内地热水主要离子来源的控制因素,此外赋存于浅部断裂带内的硫化物矿体氧化以及阳离子交换作用对地热水水化学组分产生了一定的影响。氢氧同位素特征及14C测年结果表明区内地热水的补给来源为晚更新世时期温度较低的大气降水,补给高程为1984.9~2283.9 m,补给区位于研究区周边的山区。硅焓方程计算的冷水混合比例为71.9%~82.4%,综合硅焓方程计算的热储温度和校正后的石英地热温标计算的热储温度,认为区内地热水的热储温度为87.5~135.7℃,地热水循环深度为1538.0~2502.0 m。研究结果有助于提升滇东弥勒-师宗低温热水带地热水成因研究水平,为区内地热资源的合理开发及保护提供理论支撑。

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