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Using multiple surface wind speed (SWS) data sets and trend empirical orthogonal function analysis, we have explored the trend in SWS associated with the large-scale tropical Pacific atmospheric circulation for the period 1979–2001. The present research provides a robust evidence of strengthening of the tropical Pacific Ocean SWS during this period and the magnitude is generally in line with the finding of Wentz et al. The strengthening in SWS is closely associated with the so-called La Ni?a-like sea surface temperature (SST) trend pattern rather than the changes in the ENSO, ENSO Modoki, or PDO. The present results, together with those from some recent climate model simulations, suggest that global warming forcing may have caused an intensification of SWS in the tropical Pacific Ocean by inducing the La Ni?a-like SST trend pattern due to ocean dynamics. Meanwhile, the strengthening in the tropical Pacific Ocean surface trade winds may also feedback to enhance the La Ni?a-like SST trend pattern under the positive wind-upwelling dynamic feedback mechanism.  相似文献   
The Liwan (Lw) gas field located in the northern slope of the South China Sea (SCS) is extremely complex for its sea-floor topograghy, which is a huge challenge for the safety of subsea facilities. It is economically impractical to obtain parameters for risk assessment of slope stability through a large amount of sampling over the whole field. The linkage between soil shear strength and seabed peak amplitude derived from 2D/3D seismic data is helpful for understanding the regional slope-instability risk. In this paper, the relationships among seabed peak, acoustic impedance and shear strength of shallow soil in the study area were discussed based on statistical analysis results. We obtained a similar relationship to that obtained in other deep-water areas. There is a positive correlation between seabed peak amplitude and acoustic impedance and an exponential relationship between acoustic impedance and shear strength of sediment. The acoustic impedance is the key factor linking the seismic amplitude and shear strength. Infinite slope stability analysis results indicate the areas have a high potential of shallow landslide on slopes exceeding 15° when the thickness of loose sediments exceeds 8 m in the Lw gas field. Our prediction shows that they are mainly located in the heads and walls of submarine canyons.  相似文献   
松达煤田位于巴基斯坦伊斯兰共和国信德省塔塔区(Thatta district,Sindh province,Pakistan),地层自老至新由由侏罗系Chiltan组,古新统Bara组、Lakhra组,始新统Laki组和第四系组成。通过对松达煤田煤岩层测井物性参数的统计和曲线形态的分析,总结出该区煤岩层测井曲线独有的物性特征。根据密度、三侧向电阻率、自然伽马、声波等测井曲线在煤层、灰岩、砂岩、泥岩、细砂岩等岩性上的组合特征,进行了岩煤层的对比。全井田自上而下共解释分煤层组11个与灰岩层组3个,其中对6个较发育煤层进行了详细的说明。  相似文献   
Some traits of the bacterial community dynamics associated to the rhizosphere of the Mediterranean seagrass Posidonia oceanica, growing in carbonate sediments, were analyzed during a 2-year period in an enclosed bay of the Balearic Islands. The diversity of the bacterial community was studied by the construction of 16S rDNA clone library. For testing temporal and vertical differences in the abundance of total cells and active Bacteria, we used 4′,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI) staining and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). Moreover, some relevant groups of sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB) were occasionally assessed by FISH. Despite the observed decrease in the total DAPI-stained cells, bacterial counts, and sulfate reduction rates throughout the sampling time, we found an increase in both the pore-water sulfide concentration and the proportion of SRB. Overall, the results revealed a very high bacterial diversity and indicated shifts in bacterial dynamics that could not be related to temperature-dependent factors, suggesting a link between the documented regression of the seagrass meadow and the decline of the microbial community, likely due to large organic matter inputs to the bay.  相似文献   
为了评价在相对较短时间内针对长江上游地区地表水径流所建立模型的模拟效果,以及检验以GCM模型和其他卫星数据所估算的降水数据作为输入数据的可行性,选择分布式水文模型HSPF以及1987年和1988年的ISLSCP降水数据作为输入数据。模型模拟结果表明:从整个长江上游地区看,在校正期内,5天平均流量的Nash–Sutcliffe相关系数(R2) 为0.94;在验证期内,Nash-Sutcliffe相关系数(R2) 为0.95。此外,该模型对长江上游主要支流的5天平均流量的模拟效果也很好,R2的值在0.46到0.96之间。例外的情况主要发生在沱江和嘉陵江,模型对2年洪水期的峰值流速的估计值偏低,沱江只有实际值的71%,嘉陵江只有实际值的61%。ISLSCP估计的降水比实际测量的降水频繁且程度要弱,这可能是HSPF不能在所有时间和所有区域都具有较好模拟效果的一个主要原因。  相似文献   
长期以来,地质学家习惯于把不同类型和不同成因的褶皱的基本形态当作圆柱状几何性状处理,建立了褶曲构造的基本几何要素,并且以此作为划分构造均匀区段的几何准则。从最近十余年来关于区域变质造山带的大量观测研究证明,还有另一种褶皱,即圆锥状褶皱,广泛发育于褶皱复杂的变质岩系之中,在不同尺度上显示其控制作用和对区域构造格架的影响。  相似文献   
利用组织培养技术对工具种轮叶黑藻进行快繁研究,建立无菌体系后,在0.5和l倍MS培养液中添加0.5-2mg/L BA及O.1-0.2mg/L IAA进行芽诱导;在0.25、0.5和l倍MS培养液中添加0.1-0.2mg/L LAA进行根诱导.结果发现,1倍MS lmg/LBA 0.1mg/LIAA培养基获得最大芽数及芽生物量,最适合芽诱导;0.5倍Ms O.1mg,LIAA或l倍MS 0.2mg,LIAA培养基最能促进根的发展.芽增殖使轮叶黑藻繁殖效率达每季度1800倍以上;再经根诱导,快速形成完整植株,提高定居能力.在室外水体中以两种密度(100株/m2,320株/m2),三种底质(沙,泥,泥 沙(1:1V/V))上进行移栽,成活率100%.21d后,高密度群落覆盖度大于70%.表明该技术不仅可在短期内获得大量种苗,且种质优,为沉水植被恢复工程奠定关键的基础.  相似文献   
近10年来,构造地质学面临前所未有的机会和巨大的发展前景,建立超越板块构造理论的时代已经来临,地幔柱理论与板块构造理论的融合必将为太阳系乃至宇宙形成的构造过程提供全新认识。文中从宏观角度,综述了当前深部、深海、深空和深时4个发展方向取得的成就,展望了这4个方面的未来发展趋势。同时,综合概述了推动近10年来构造地质学发展的4个关键技术:针对表面构造形迹的高精度激光高度计(深空星球表面成像)、高分辨率多波束(深海海底地形成像);针对深部构造形态的层析成像(tomography);针对动力学演化(深时)的各种模拟软件(ANSYS、COMSOL、FLAC等);针对物质材料流变学的高温高压实验和成分原位测试技术。  相似文献   
Shale gas reservoirs are characterized by tight matrix, well-developed micro-fissures, and laminations. The study about the failure of shale under compression is of great significance to safe drilling operation and the subsequent reservoir stimulation. The variation of rock mechanical properties with the angle between the axial stress and bedding plane normal (coring angle) is analyzed based on laboratory tests. A failure criterion is applied and verified to describe the strength of shale. Moreover, ultrasonic technology is used to study the damage characteristics of shale during the uniaxial compression process. The experimental results show that shale strength decreases initially and then increases with the increase of the coring angle. The Young’s modulus and Poisson’s ratio increase with the increase of coring angle. In a compression process, damage is essentially the development of new micro-cracks induced by the compression. Shale failure is the microscopical reflection of the process of the generation and expansion of axial micro-cracks, so it is the result of damage accumulation. The variation of the lateral p wave velocity can function as a monitor of the development process of shale damage. The damage factor will increase in the linear elastic stage and then enlarge rapidly after entering the stage of unstable micro-crack expansion.  相似文献   
In this study we test the hypothesized negative relationship between seagrass status and porewater hydrogen sulfide (H2S) levels, through a comparative analysis within a range of seven Posidonia oceanica meadows growing over carbonate sediments in the NW Mediterranean Sea around Mallorca Island. The studied meadows range from meadows growing on sediments with very low sulfide porewater concentrations (4.6 μM) to those growing over higher sulfide conditions (33.5 μM). Organic matter content, sulfate reduction rates and sulfide porewater concentrations in the sediments were determined concurrently with the assessment of demographic plant dynamics (specific mortality and net population growth rates). Sulfide porewater concentration increased with increasing organic matter content in the sediment, while net population growth decreased significantly with low increases of sulfide concentrations. Our results confirm the previously suspected vulnerability of seagrass meadows growing on carbonate sediments to increased sulfide levels. An excess of 10 μmols H2S L−1 porewater is identified to already conduce P. oceanica meadows to decline, which this study identifies, particularly, as strongly sensitive to sulfides. The results reported here suggest that even moderate increases in organic carbon inputs may lead to enhancement of dissolved sulfides and may be an important factor for seagrass status in these iron-depleted carbonate sediments from the Mediterranean Sea.  相似文献   
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