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The Ib-River Coalfield in Orissa State is a part of Mahanadi Master Basin. Recent extensive investigations were conducted in this Coalfield to locate fossiliferous beds in the Lower Gondwana deposits and as a result a large cache of plant fossils were recovered from Lower Permian sediments (Barakar Formation) exposed in Jurabaga and Lajkura Collieries. The complete flora includes 23 genera representing nine orders viz., Lycopodiales, Equisetales, Sphenophyllales, Filicales, Cordaitales, Coniferales, Ginkgoales, Cycadales and Glossopteridales. Only the Cordaitales, represented by four genera i.e., Noeggerathiopsis, Cordaites, Euryphyllum and Kawizophyllum are discussed in this paper. Cordaitalean leaves are described for the first time from this coalfield; the remaining plant groups will be considered in a subsequent publication. Cordaitalean leaves attributable to Noeggerathiopsis hislopii, Noeggerathiopsis minor, Euryphyllum whittianum, Euryphyllum maithyi, Kawizophyllum dunpathriensis and Cordaites sp. constitute about 13.90% (111 specimens) of the total plant assemblage collected from this Coalfield. Of the cordaitaleans, N. hislopii is most abundant (47.75%; 53 specimens) followed by E. whittianum (40.54%; 45 specimens). A summary of the distribution of Cordaitales throughout the Indian Gondwana is also presented. Floristic composition varies stratigraphically at the two Barakar exposures (Lajkura and Jurabaga Collieries). Cordaitales are preserved only in the lowermost (4th) horizon (lower floral zone). Strata in these collieries have been assigned to the lower and upper Barakar Formation based on floristic content and an Early Permian (Artinskian) age is assigned.  相似文献   
The daily variations in the atmospheric pollutants like suspended particulate matter (SPM), respirable suspended particulate matter (RSPM), sulphur dioxide (SO2) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2) depend on both local meteorological processes and various natural as well as anthropogenic sources and sinks. It was shown in an earlier work (Goswami and Baruah in Mon Wea Rev 136(9):3597?C3607, 2008) that the daily variations in SPM over a location could be simulated quite well by considering daily meteorological fields from NCEP Reanalysis in combination with a model for natural and anthropogenic sources over Delhi. In the present work, we extend the scope of the model to include three other pollutants: RSPM, SO2 and NO2. While the basic conservation equations and the meteorological fields are common to all the three (and SPM) pollutants, the sources and sinks for each is modeled in a species-specific manner to obtain maximum skill. As we do not consider active chemistry, the present model provides the minimal dynamics of pollution over an urban location in terms of annual load; the model error is about 10% on the average, with no significant bias for any of the species.  相似文献   
In the westernmost Ionian Sea lies a steep, tectonically active marine basin influenced by turbidity currents generated by terrigenous river input from the adjacent mountains and strong tidal currents propagating through the Strait of Messina. Like many young marine rifts, the basin is lined by steep streams draining the uplifting coasts and supplying sediment across narrow shelves. However, unlike many rifts, this basin is semi-enclosed. The present study explores the seabed morphology and sediment structures in this complex environmental setting, based on multibeam sonar, chirp profiler and seismic reflection data collected in 2006. Offshore channels include many that can be directly linked to onshore streams, suggesting that hyperpycnal flows are important for their formation. Near the Strait of Messina in depths shallower than 400 m, the channels are subdued, plausibly explained as an effect of strong tidal currents. The Messina Channel is characterised by abundant mass-wasting features along its outer bends, particularly on the Calabrian side. Coincidence of the channel course with faults suggests that the channel is structurally controlled in places. The chirp profiles generally show only shallow penetration, the evidence for coarse texture being consistent with the steep gradient of the basin that inhibits deposition from turbidity currents. By contrast, some locally discontinuous mounds exhibiting layered sub-bottom reflectors in the chirp profiles are interpreted as modern levee deposits formed from channelised turbidity current overspill. Overall, this semi-enclosed basin shows little evidence of substantial accumulations associated with modern turbidity current activity, any contemporaneous sediment supply evidently bypassing the area to be deposited in the Ionian Trench; as a consequence, this trench should be an archive of local slope failure and flood events.  相似文献   
The lower stratigraphic part of the Cuddapah basin is marked by mafic and felsic volcanism. Tadpatri Formation consists of a greater variety of rock types due to bimodal volcanism in the upper part. Presence of bimodal volcanism is an indication of continental rift setting. Various genetic processes involved in the formation of such volcanic sequence result in original textures which are classified into volcaniclastic and coherent categories. Detailed and systematic field works in Tadpatri–Tonduru transect of SW Cuddapah basin have provided information on the physical processes producing this diversity of rock types. Felsic volcanism is manifested here with features as finger print of past rhyolite-dacite eruptions. Acid volcanics, tuffs and associated shale of Tadpatri Formation are studied and mapped in the field. With supporting subordinate studies on geochemistry, mineralogy and petrogenesis of the volcanics to validate field features accurately, it is understood that volcanism was associated with rifting and shallow marine environmental condition. Four facies (i.e., surge, flow, fall and resedimented volcaniclastic) are demarcated to describe stratigraphic units and volcanic history of the mapped area. The present contribution focuses on the fundamental characterization and categorization of field-based features diagnostic of silica-rich volcanic activities in the Tadpatri Formation.  相似文献   
The Anuradha cosmic ray experiment in Spacelab-3, flown in the orbit at 350 km with an inclination of 57° for about six days, was used to measure the low energy galactic cosmic ray (GCR) heavy ions using a specially designed CR-39 detector module incorporating the arrival time information of the particles. The abundances of sub-iron (Sc-Cr) and iron particles in the low energy interval of 30–300 MeV/N were determined from the measurements made in four different depths of the CR-39 detector module of 150 layers. From these studies we obtained sub-iron (Sc-Cr) to iron abundance ratios of 0.8 to 1.2 in 30–300 MeV/N energy range. It is found that these ratios are enhanced by a factor of two as compared to interplanetary ratios of about 0.5. It is shown that the enhancement of the ratio inside the earth’s magnetosphere is probably due to the degree of ionization of low energy Sc to Cr and Fe ions in the galactic cosmic rays and to the rigidity filtering effects of the geomagnetic field. Further studies are needed to understand fully the phenomena and their implications.  相似文献   
The depth variations of the fossil cosmic ray tracks and agglutinates have been examined in the (0.6–0.7)m deep Apollo 12 and 16 drive cores, in the 2.4 m Apollo 15 deep drill core and in a 0.6 m long section of the Apollo 17 deep drill core. These data indicate Moon-wide short duration episodes of impacts of meteorites of size 10 cm–1m on the lunar surface. Based on the longest continuous Apollo 15 deep drill core record, these impact episodes occurred about 150, 400 and 700 m.y. ago. The enhancements in the meteorite flux may be due to solar dynamical processes or they may be related to excursions of the solar system, once in each orbit, through a certain dusty region of the galaxy.Paper dedicated to Professor Hannes Alfvén on the occasion of his 70th birthday, 30 May 1978.  相似文献   
The suitability of the European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasting (ECMWF) operational wind analysis for the period 1980–1991 for studying interannual variability is examined. The changes in the model and the analysis procedure are shown to give rise to a systematic and significant trend in the large scale circulation features. A new method of removing the systematic errors at all levels is presented using multivariate EOF analysis. Objectively detrended analysis of the three-dimensional wind field agrees well with independent Florida State University (FSU) wind analysis at the surface. It is shown that the interannual variations in the detrended surface analysis agree well in amplitude as well as spatial patterns with those of the FSU analysis. Therefore, the detrended analyses at other levels as well are expected to be useful for studies of variability and predictability at interannual time scales. It is demonstrated that this trend in the wind field is due to the shift in the climatologies from the period 1980–1985 to the period 1986–1991.  相似文献   
Fossil track analyses of a ~ 3 cm section of boulder fragment 72255, collected at the base of the South Massif, yield a surface exposure age for this boulder in its present location of ~ 40 m.y. This age is in good agreement with the81Kr-Kr exposure age (Leichet al., 1975), suggesting that the boulder was either never exposed to cosmic radiation prior to its emplacement at the foot of the South Massif or that it was heavily shielded during any previous irradiation. High-voltage electron microscope observations reveal no evidence of solar flare irradiation prior to breccia compaction, indicating that the breccia components were never part of a pre-Serenitatis near-surface regolith. The fission track record of a whitlockite crystal from 72255 yields a fission track age of 3.96 ?0.07 +0.04 g.y. Comparison with the40Ar-39 Ar age of 4.00±0.03 g.y. suggests that this age represents the compaction age of the parent boulder.  相似文献   
The experiments reported here emphasize the importance of observations in the prediction of tropical cyclones. Towards this end a symmetric numerical model in which convection, parametrized by the Arakawa-Schubert (AS) scheme, was adopted. A mean thermodynamical state, which represents the monsoon conditions over the Bay of Bengal, with constant moist static energy for the mixed layer was adopted. Experiments were then done with different initial conditions. We found that tropical cyclone development measured by the central pressure was very sensitive to the initial convergence field. In the present state of satellite technology, it was impossible to predict even a gross parameter like the central pressure with an accuracy better than 6 mb for 12 hours. However, it was seen that under a variety of initial conditions the final state characterized by the magnitude of the central low pressure remained practically unaltered. We suggest that, given the necessary conditions for genesis, the final state of the cyclone acts as an attractor (regarding its central pressure) and the diverse initial conditions, under the influence of thermodynamic forcing, will lead to the same final state.  相似文献   
Isotopic records in meteorites provide evidence for the presence of several short-lived nuclides in the early solar system with half-lives varying from 105 to ∼8x107 years. Most of the nuclides with longer half-life (> 107 years) are considered to be products of stellar nucleosynthesis taking place over long time scales in our galaxy. However, for the relatively shorter-lived nuclides, two possibilities exist; they could be products of energetic particle interactions taking place in a presolar or early solar environment, or, they could have been produced in a stellar source and injected into the protosolar molecular cloud just prior to its collapse. The presently available data appear to support the latter case and put a stringent constraint of less than a million years for the time scale for the collapse of the protosolar molecular cloud to form the Sun and some of the first solar system solids. This short time scale also suggests the possibility of a triggered origin for the solar system with the very process of injection of the short-lived nuclides acting as the trigger for the collapse of the protosolar molecular cloud. Fossil records of the short-lived nuclides in meteorites also provide very useful chronological information on the early solar system processes like the time scale for nebular processing, the time scales for differentiation and for metal/silicate fractionation within planetesimals. The currently available data suggest a time scale of a few million years for nebular processing and a relatively short time scale of about ten million years within which differentiation, melting and recrystallization in some of the planetesimals took place.  相似文献   
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