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Kilometer-scale lenses of quartz-rich metasedimentary rocks crop out in a discontinuous belt along the southern margin of the Menderes Massif, Turkey, and preserve evidence for high-pressure–low-temperature (HP–LT) metamorphism related to subduction of a continental margin during Alpine orogeny. Kyanite schist, quartzite, and quartz veins contain kyanite + phengite + Mg-chlorite, and the veins also contain magnesiocarpholite. A deformed carbonate metaconglomerate juxtaposed with the quartzite-dominated unit does not contain HP index minerals, and likely represents the tectonized boundary of the siliceous rocks with adjacent marble. The HP–LT rocks (10–12 kbar, 470–570 °C) record different pressure conditions than the adjacent, apparently lower pressure Menderes metasedimentary sequence. Despite this difference there is disagreement as to whether these HP–LT rocks are part of the Menderes sequence or are related to the tectonically overlying Cycladic blueschist unit. If the former, the entire southern Menderes Massif experienced HP–LT metamorphism but the evidence has been obliterated from most rocks; if the latter, rocks recording different metamorphic-kinematic conditions experienced different tectonic histories and were tectonically juxtaposed during thrusting. Based on observations and data in this study, the second model better accounts for the differences in PT-deformation histories of the southern Menderes Massif rocks, and suggests that the HP–LT rocks are not part of the Menderes cover sequence.  相似文献   
Eight interplanetary dust particles (IDPs) exhibiting a wide range of H and N isotopic anomalies have been studied by transmission electron microscopy, x-ray absorption near-edge structure spectroscopy, and Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy. These anomalies are believed to have originated during chemical reactions in a cold molecular cloud that was the precursor to the Solar System. The chemical and mineralogical studies reported here thus constitute direct studies of preserved molecular cloud materials. The H and N isotopic anomalies are hosted by different hydrocarbons that reside in the abundant carbonaceous matrix of the IDPs. Infrared measurements constrain the major deuterium (D) host in the D-enriched IDPs to thermally labile aliphatic hydrocarbon groups attached to macromolecular material. Much of the large variation observed in D/H in this suite of IDPs reflects the variable loss of this labile component during atmospheric entry heating. IDPs with elevated 15N/14N ratios contain N in the form of amine (-NH2) functional groups that are likely attached to other molecules such as aromatic hydrocarbons. The host of the N isotopic anomalies is not as readily lost during entry heating as the D-rich material. Infrared analysis shows that while the organic matter in primitive anhydrous IDPs is similar to that observed in acid residues of primitive chondritic meteorites, the measured aromatic:aliphatic ratio is markedly lower in the IDPs.  相似文献   
Olmoti Crater is part of the Plio-Pleistocene Ngorongoro Volcanic Highland (NVH) in northern Tanzania to the south of Gregory Rift. The Gregory Rift is part of the eastern branch of the East African Rift System (EARS) that stretches some 4000 km from the Read Sea and Gulf of Aden in the north to the Zambezi River in Mozambique. Here, we (1) characterize the chemistry and mineral compositions of lavas from Olmoti Crater, (2) determine the age and duration of Olmoti volcanic activity through 40Ar/39Ar dating of Olmoti Crater wall lavas and (3) determine the genesis of Olmoti lavas and the relationship to other NVH and EARS volcanics and (4) their correlation with volcanics in the Olduvai and Laetoli stratigraphic sequences.Olmoti lavas collected from the lower part of the exposed crater wall section (OLS) range from basalt to trachyandesite whereas the upper part of the section (OUS) is trachytic. Petrography and major and trace element data reflect a very low degree partial melt origin for the Olmoti lavas, presumably of peridotite, followed by extensive fractionation. The 87Sr/86Sr data overlap whereas Nd and Pb isotope data are distinct between OLS and OUS samples. Interpretation of the isotope data suggests mixing of enriched mantle (EM I) with high-μ-like reservoirs, consistent with the model of Bell and Blenkinsop [Bell, K., Blenkinsop, J., 1987. Nd and Sr isotopic compositions of East African carbonatites: implications for mantle heterogeneity. Geology 5, 99–102] for East African carbonatite lavas. The isotope ratios are within the range of values defined by Oceanic Island Basalt (OIB) globally and moderate normalized Tb/Yb ratios (2.3–1.6) in these lavas suggest melting in the lithospheric mantle consistent with other studies in the region.40Ar/39Ar incremental-heating analyses of matrix and anorthoclase separates from Olmoti OLS and OUS lavas indicate that volcanic activity was short in duration, lasting 200 kyr from 2.01 ± 0.03 Ma to 1.80 ± 0.01 Ma. The age of Olmoti activity overlaps with ages reported for Ngorongoro Caldera, implying contemporaneous activity of multiple NVH volcanic centers during part of the eruption interval.Olmoti is considered the source for the bulk of interbedded volcanics and volcaniclastic deposits that comprise much of the upper Bed I section of nearby Olduvai Gorge, and part of the Laetoli sequence, both known for their well preserved fossils and archaeological remains. Age and chemical data reported here are compatible with those derived from tephra and lava interbedded in Bed I at Olduvai Gorge and from the Olpiro Beds at Laetoli.  相似文献   
Mineralogical, geochemical and microbial characterization of tailings solids from the Greens Creek Mine, Juneau, Alaska, was performed to evaluate mechanisms controlling aqueous geochemistry of near-neutral pH pore water and drainage. Core samples of the tailings were collected from five boreholes ranging from 7 to 26 m in depth. The majority of the 51 samples (77%) were collected from the vadose zone, which can extend >18 m below the tailings surface. Mineralogical investigation indicates that the occurrence of sulfide minerals follows the general order: pyrite [FeS2] >> sphalerite [(Zn,Fe)S] > galena [PbS], tetrahedrite [(Fe,Zn,Cu,Ag)12Sb4S13] > arsenopyrite [FeAsS] and chalcopyrite [CuFeS2]. Pyrite constitutes <20 to >35 wt.% of the tailings mineral assemblage, whereas dolomite [CaMg(CO3)2] and calcite [CaCO3] are present at ?30 and 3 wt.%, respectively. The solid-phase geochemistry generally reflects the mineral assemblage. The presence of additional trace elements, including Cd, Cr, Co, Mo, Ni, Se and Tl, is attributed to substitution into sulfide phases. Results of acid–base accounting (ABA) underestimated both acid-generating potential (AP) and neutralization potential (NP). Recalculation of AP and NP based on solid-phase geochemistry and quantitative mineralogy yielded more representative results. Neutrophilic S-oxidizing bacteria (nSOB) and SO4-reducing bacteria (SRB) are present with populations up to 107 and 105 cells g−1, respectively. Acidophilic S-oxidizing bacteria (aSOB) and iron-reducing bacteria (IRB) were generally less abundant. Primary influences on aqueous geochemistry are sulfide oxidation and carbonate dissolution at the tailings surface, gypsum precipitation–dissolution reactions, as well as Fe reduction below the zone of sulfide oxidation. Pore-water pH values generally ranged from 6.5 to 7.5 near the tailings surface, and from approximately 7–8 below the oxidation zone. Elevated concentrations of dissolved SO4, S2O3, Fe, Zn, As, Sb and Tl persisted under these conditions.  相似文献   
Digital elevation models (DEMs) that are used in hydrological applications must be processed to remove sinks, mainly topographic depressions. Flow enforcement techniques include filling methods, which raise elevations within depressions, breaching, which carves channels through blockages, and hybrid methods. Despite previous research demonstrating the large impact to DEMs and subsequent analyses of depression filling, it is common practice apply this technique to flow enforcement. This is partly because of the greater efficiency of depression filling tools compared to breaching counterparts, which often limits breaching to applications of small‐ to moderate‐sized DEMs. A new hybrid flow enforcement algorithm is presented in this study. The method can be run in complete breaching, selective breaching (either breached or filled), or constrained breaching (partial breaching) modes, allowing for greater flexibility in how practitioners enforce continuous flow paths. Algorithm performance was tested with DEMs of varying topography, spatial extents, and resolution. The sites included three moderate sized DEMs (52 000 000 to 190 000 000 cells) and three massive DEMs of the Iberian Peninsula, and the Amazon and Nile River basins, the largest containing nearly one billion cells. In complete breaching mode, the new algorithm required 87% of the time needed by a filling method to process the test DEMs, while the selective breaching and constrained breaching modes, operating with maximum breach depth constraints, increased run times by 8% and 27% respectively. Therefore, the new algorithm offers comparable performance to filling and the ability to process massive topographic data sets, while giving practitioners greater flexibility and lowering DEM impact. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
We have conducted a survey of zeolite occurrences in saline-alkaline paleolake deposits on Earth to identify the most prominent zeolite alteration patterns and to characterize the most common authigenic minerals and their paragenetic relationships. We collected the bulk mineral assemblages (from previous and our studies) as identified by X-ray diffraction from zeolitic tuff beds and associated sedimentary beds from thirteen paleolake deposits from the USA, Mexico, Greece, and Tanzania. We applied the Kohonen Self-Organizing Maps (SOM) to look for interesting patterns in the tuff bed mineral assemblages without prescribing any specific interpretation, and for information reduction and classification. Decision Tree (DT) method was applied to characterize these clusters. We were able to define clear class boundaries between fresh glass, non-analcime zeolites, analcime, and K feldspar. The non-analcime zeolites were further grouped into several classes based on mineral type. We also discuss the potential implications for Mars, showing that the mineral assemblages of diagenetic facies identified by SOM and DT can be used to test or validate the orbital, in situ, or modeling results, while the trained SOM provides a robust generalized ability to classify the new mineral assemblage data into the most common diagenetic facies identified in saline-alkaline paleoenvironments that contain zeolites. The study concludes that generalizing the complex geochemical behaviors using unsupervised statistical learning methods can help to identify the most prominent geochemical behaviors.  相似文献   
The recent spread of malaria in the Usambara Mountains in Tanzania has been blamed on climatic changes experienced during the 20th century. Here we suggest that recent changes in the pattern of malaria does not result so much from these changes as from changes in the use and efficacy of antimalarial drugs. The recent resurgence of malaria in this area corresponds with the rapid evolution of parasite strains resistant to chloroquine. The ineffectiveness of anti-malarial drugs may have left the people of the Usambaras at the same high risk of infection as they were before the introduction of modern medicine.  相似文献   
Previous simulations of potential ichthyoplankton entrainment by power generating stations on the Potomac estuary have not included the influence of lateral transport in distributing eggs and larvae over the nursery area. Therefore, two-dimensional, vertically-averaged hydrodynamic and kinematic models of passive organism transport were developed to represent advective and dispersive processes near the proposed Douglas Point Nuclear Generating Station. Although the more refined model did not substantially alter the estimate of ichthyoplankton entrainment, it did reveal that lateral inhomogeneities in hydrodynamics could engender severalfold differences in entrainment probabilities on opposite sides of the estuary. Models of higher resolution and greater biological detail did not project greater total entrainment by the Douglas Point plant, because the volume of nontidal flow past the site was large in comparison to the proposed rate of cooling water withdrawal.  相似文献   
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